Daily Devotional

Son, I AM your LORD and GOD, and there is no other Savior. Therefore, if you believe what I tell you and do not doubt it, then you can pray for anything and you will receive it. I will heal you and you will understand that My love for you knows no bounds.


I gave the world My Word so that people might now the right way to live. Since they have refused it, they will not know My Salvation, and will never know My power. Those who are wise will understand these things because they listen carefully to Me. My path is true and right, and when My children walk on My path I will tell them in advance what I am about to do.


My children need to find intelligent and wise men and put them in charge. These wise men will help them be prepared for the coming days, if they will listen to them. These men will help them store up what will be needed, and show them how to guard it so that their needs will be met. The question is, can you find many men like this today who are obviously filled with My Spirit?


When these hard times come those who have refused to listen to My voice will be surprised when everything is going against them. But My children have not listened to My wise men as they should’ve. They will quickly understand that they must bear the consequences of their foolish choices. Their sin of unbelief will bring them down.


O LORD, You endure forever! Your fame is known to every generation! Thank You for Your faithful love to me!

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