Daily Devotional

Anyone who does what pleases Me will have a grand entrance into My kingdom!


Son, I want to give all My children a grand entrance into My eternal Kingdom. Just like David when he came back from battle, celebration songs were sung and there was joyful dancing in the streets. Why? Because of the mighty battles he had won. These children of Mine when they walk through the gates will enter My celebration over life’s battles they have won by remaining faithful to Me.


Lord, I am tormented by the wickedness that is thrown in my face day after day. Every place I look – it is there with greater and greater pressure. If I say anything I am called hateful and intolerant. These people are proud and arrogant of their lifestyles, mocking the truth and following their own evil desires.


Son, remember what I told you that in the last days people will mock anyone who stands up for the truth. When you stand up for truth it will remind them of the terrible day ahead they face; the day of the LORD! It is a day of gloom and utter despair for these people. I will especially be hard on those who follow their own twisted sexual desires – forcing it upon others; those that so arrogantly despised My authority and messengers. This day of judgment is coming; so do not give up, or give in.


My children must keep looking forward to the new heavens and new earth that I promised; a new world filled with My righteousness and peace Therefore, do not love this world or the things it offers you; for when you love the world, you will have no room for My love. The only thing this world offers is for physical pleasures, a lusting after what you see in this temporal physical life. These are not from Me! Remember, anyone who does what pleases Me will have a grand entrance into My kingdom!


Lord, how frail humanity is! How short our life is, and so full of trouble! Every day I call to You, every night I lift my voice to You. I was placed into Your arms at birth. You have been my God from the moment I was born. Help me to experience that grand entrance into Your kingdom!

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