Daily Devotional

To my precious grandsons, Caleb, Jacob, Joshua, and Noah. Let an old man tell you how to have a great life. 


Don’t think you are better than you really are, but be honest in your evaluation of yourselves as you compare yourselves to Jesus. Give your bodies to God while you are young. Do not compromise with evil by copying the behavior and customs around you. Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Only then will you know what God’s pleasing and perfect will for you is. Be patient in times of trouble, by praying and listening to your Lord – with your ears wide open.


Remember that God’s gifts and call for your life can never be withdrawn, but you can make your calling very difficult by the choices you make. Hide the word of God in your heart, so that you will not sin. Be encouraged by the word of God; for it will be your only source of hope. Walk as free men who have devoted themselves to the will of God. When you understand the promise of God, it will revive and comfort you in all your troubles. Always compare your life by the word of God, and you will have good judgment and knowledge. When you realize that God’s word is eternal, you will have understanding and hope for the future. The word of God will be your lamp to guide your feet on His path for your life. The very essence of the word of God is TRUTH!


Rise early, before the sun is up, and get with your Lord God before you start your day. When you awaken through the night, don’t be frustrated or fearful, but think about all of His promises and kindness to you.


So if God asks you to speak for Him, only say what God has told you to say. Understand that God’s ways are higher than your ways, and His thoughts are higher than your thoughts. Remember, when God sends out His word through you, it always produces good fruit. It will accomplish all He planned, and it will prosper His Kingdom everywhere He sends it.


So be great men of faith by being “heads not tails.”

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