My Quiet Time with Daddy

Thank You for the faith to believe in You Father. But, where does this faith come from to believe what is written in the book called the Bible? Where did I get this faith to believe in that which I can not see? Why is my faith in You unwilling to be compromised by threats or temptations of any kind?


I read about You and the way You created all that we see, and how Your Son came into this world the way in which He came and for the amazing purpose that I will stand on to the end, and nobody has ever believed it except those “with the faith” to believe.


Some have heard Your audible voice so that they would believe, such as Paul your humbled servant. Others have seen Your Son again after His death on the cross, and never doubted You again, such as those who wrote about it. But, for most of those that believe in You it has been Your written Word they have believed in by faith. For those who have never seen and yet believed – where did they get such GREAT faith?


And, that’s another thing, another “amazing” thing; this book about You Father, and Your Son, and Your Spirit, has remained the most read book for 2000 years; the only book in the world so viciously hated by the majority of our world’s population and in every generation since it was written; a best seller that outlives us all. It just can’t be destroyed no matter what its accusers say and do.


The only answer I can come up with for my faith in You is that I had to be made in Your image, just like it says. You have put in me something that, from conception on, I just know You are my heavenly Father, and that “knowing” compels me to seek after You – to know You better, to get close to You.


At one time I was afraid of You, and I didn’t know why. Then I learned of why Your Son came and died, and why I need Your Spirit to live in me. When I applied “faith” to this knowledge I was no longer afraid of You! I became ambitious for You; desiring You and seeking to please You Father! I’ve never seen You and yet I love You and know without a doubt that I will be joined to You!


What makes a person that has been adopted eventually have a deep desire to know their biological father and mother? Even without knowing they are adopted, something gnaws at them inside about their beginning. Although they are driven to find the truth – they have a fear of coming to the truth. They are not sure of what they will find out, yet they keep after it until they come to the truth of their own beginning and why they are the way they are. Some regret ever finding out who their biological parent is, or parents are. Some start up a lasting relationship with the very one/ones that abandoned them, or gave them up to adoption for whatever reason. But the point is that there is something in us all that makes us seek after how and why we are here, and where we end up.


Heavenly Father, You are not like us, a parent that would abandon His own child, any one born into this world. You are mankind’s one true Father, faithful and long-suffering our rejection of You as You continue to fervently work in and all around us that we come to know You as You truly are: Everlasting Father of grace and mercy, of compassion and personal sacrifice – as seen in Your Son – called “Savior of the world.” How could anyone not want to find this out about You? And after finding this truth about You, how could they reject and then live denying it? How could they take the chance of what You say about rejecting Your Son and continue on to never cry out in their spirit to You, the spirit that connects each of us to “knowing” that You are our Father God, to cry out for You in need of You?! Father, isn’t that why You put so much weakness in us?


Thank You Father for our weaknesses that compel us to cry out to You Holy Father and find You ready to forgive and willing to meet every need we have of You. Thank You Father for all the trouble we have and even for the persecution we face from those that are perishing in their own sins completely deceived and doing all they can to feel good about themselves and the evils they do. Help me Father to show Your love to these. Thank You Father for Your peace and joy in me; for Your love poured into me by Your Holy Spirit. Thank You Father that the only thing I fear now is not finishing what You gave me to do in the remaining days I have in this dying body.


Father, my faith comes from You and it’s to be applied to Your purpose in me. I am Your child and You are my eternal Father. Nothing and no one, can separate me from Your thoughts and plans; the future that You have for Your eternal family. Help me to represent You in the way You deserve to be represented and worshiped.

Daily Devotional

This morning I read about two great men who lived on this earth. One is called the wisest person who ever lived, and the other was born into poverty. Both had a great impact on others and both are still remembered today. They gave us a perspective about life and it is our choice in which one we choose to follow.


The wisest person said:

“What do people get for all their hard work? No matter how much they see, people are never satisfied. No matter how much they hear, they are not content. People don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what they are doing now. Everything that people do is meaningless-like chasing the wind.


Some people say life is about having the good things in life. They seek pleasures, and cheer themselves with wine. Some say I will seek great knowledge and become wise in this world. Others will seek to find the meaning of their life by building huge homes, and planting beautiful vineyards. Some will collect great sums of silver and gold, and having everything a man could desire!”


But listen to what he says, for the wisest man had everything listed above. “Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure. I even found great pleasure in hard work, But as I looked at everything that I had worked so hard to accomplish, l realized that everyone will die. The wise will not be remembered any longer than the fool. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from the One who gives it to us, and allows us to enjoy it? God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to those who please him.”


The poor man says:

“Be truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, think of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.”


Who was this poor man? Jesus! He gave up His divine privilege, and took the humble position of a slave, by being born as a human being. He appeared in human form, He humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross – so that we could have His Holy Spirit dwell in us and produce good fruit with our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Those who belong to Him have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there.


Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Then you will find the meaning of your life on earth!



Daily Devotional

Son, how can My children sleep at a time like this? They need to get up and pray! Oh, My children why are you so sleepy? Stop looking at this world from a human point of view? Instead, look from My point of view. If you are My true followers, then you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me. If you think you can hang on to your life as you now live it, you will lose everything. But if you give up everything for My sake and for the sake of My words to you, then you will know what true life is all about. What do you gain if you have the things of this world but lose your rewards in heaven? Remember My children, if you are ashamed to stand up for Me and My Word then I will be ashamed of you.


In the coming days My children will be the joyful ones, those that have followed My instructions as they walk with Me. For they will not compromise with evil, but only walk on My path. Their actions will consistently reflect My Word! For they have hidden My Word in their hearts, so that they will not sin against Me and resist My Spirit. They are the ones who study My Word, meditate day and night on the truth therein, and consider how it applies to them today; for My Word applies in all generations and at all times. Their eyes will be opened to see My wonders of the truth. When they meditate on My Word they will have the understanding they need, and always be encouraged.


Today there are a lot of people who seem religious, and with their lips they seem to honor Me, but I see that their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is fake, because it is based on man-made ideas on how they think they are to worship Me. They cancel My Word by substituting it for things that go with their worldly lifestyles. These people will become hard towards Me and have no understanding in the time of tribulation. They have eyes to see everything I have done and yet they refuse to accept that I AM the only way; their only hope! They have ears, but refuse to listen to anyone who tells them the lifestyle they have chosen will not allow them into My kingdom.


Lord, thank You for the privilege of knowing You, and for Your living word. Give me an eagerness to live in Your word, more desire than for money! Turn my eyes from worthless things, and let me see my life through Your eyes and love. I know that You are merciful, compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. It is not Your desire to destroy people, so help me to pray for the people around Me that they accept Your free gift before it is too late.


Daily Devotional

Son, I am deeply saddened by the hard hearts of your leaders today. They see all that I have done for this great nation, and yet they learn nothing about who I AM. They hear what I say in My Word about rebellion towards Me, and yet they still reject My words. If they would turn to Me – they would be forgiven, and then I would heal your nation. But since they don’t listen I cannot bless this nation any longer. This nation is going to fall, and they will blame everything upon My children. They will think that if they can get rid of My Word and all those that stands up for My Word – their problems will go away.



Remember that when leaders lead without any thought of Me, the people become worried about their life under them. These leaders steal the hearts of the people by making promises they cannot keep. Know this: I am watching this sinful nation, and I will do all of these things I have said about a country that accepts My blessings and then rejects Me. I am giving them one more chance, if they call out to Me I will restore, but if they reject Me, I am determined to bring disaster upon them and not help them.



Son, I have called My children to stand up and tell everyone about My salvation. I have given them the power and authority to do all that I ask of them. So My children, pay close attention to what you hear from Me. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given-and you will receive even more. I will bless those who hear and obey Me.



Lord, I love knowing that You hear my voice and my prayers. When You speak, help me to listen. You care deeply when one of Your loved ones are in trouble and discouraged. Help me not to only see troubles and sorrows, but all of Your wonders You perform every day. Help me to live my life on earth in Your presence.


Relationships – Chapter 38

Love – Part 3


Ephesians 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”


Looking at the quality of love that only God manufactures and that is essential to building relationships we need to understand what it means to be “gentle in love.”


The word for ‘gentle’ here is not something that consists only in a person’s outward behavior nor in our relationship to other people. It is something referring more to an inner work of grace in our soul. It is the type of spirit that accepts God’s dealings with us. It recognizes that what the Lord is doing is for our good.


It is what Paul said in Romans 5:3-5: “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”


It is through hardship, trouble and persecution that our good character is developed that is then conducive to building good and lasting relationships. It is the love of God and His working through our suffering that molds a character that can build relationships.


We all have seen and been around people whose personality grates upon us and we want to depart from such a person, but it is those that have a gentle meekness about them (self under control) that we can enjoy being around.


Colossians 3:12 says that we should “clothe ourselves with gentleness.” Although this is a meekness or gentleness towards God first and foremost – it is also an attitude towards other people and our relationship to them.


This word for gentle in the NIV and meekness in the KJV is hard to translate into English. The words have a sense of weakness to them, but in reality it is just the opposite. Vines says: “The common assumption is that when a man is meek it is because he cannot help himself; but the Lord was ‘meek’ in that he knew he had the infinite resources of God at His command.” We do too!


Moses was the meekest man on earth, but when he came down the mountain with God’s Ten Commandments and saw the debauchery taking place among God’s people – he was anything but weak in confronting it and condemning their evil behavior.


The word used for gentle here is the opposite of being self-assertive or self-interested. The problems we have in relationships is that of being self-assertive and self-absorbed.


We see then in developing relationships how important this quality of love’s gentleness is. What steps are we to take? Perhaps I can suggest several.


  1. When God brings things our way that we do not like let us not argue and complain, but embrace and ask God for wisdom to show us what He is doing and wanting to accomplish in us through it.


  1. Recognizing that gentleness or meekness is not at all weakness, but really strength under control.


  1. Always keeping in mind the importance of good strong relationships.


May God continue to mold us in His image!

Daily Devotional

Son, put this in your storeroom where the gems of truth are kept. I keep My Word and will do exactly what I have said. Understand that in the days ahead I am the One who will provide for you, and My Name is Yahweh-Yireh: “THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!”


There is not a famine of bread or water in America, but a famine of hearing My Word. I cannot provide for those who think they are righteous, but only for those who obey My Word. Remember, I do not just sweep life away; instead, I devise ways to bring people back when they become separated from Me. So people choose life!


Daily Devotional

Son, I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Everything I do reveals My glory and majesty. My righteousness will never fail. Everything I do is just and good, and My Word is altogether trustworthy. People of the world need to know that I paid a full ransom for them.


When My children live their lives by My Word and obey it – their homes and families will be protected and successful. My faithful children will be generous and compassionate able to help those in need. They will be righteous and just and their wisdom will be seen in their children. They will not fear bad news because they confidently trust Me to care for them. They will be fearless when facing their foes and hardships. They will have influence with honor for My favor rests upon them, and the wicked will see this and be infuriated because they can’t do anything about it.


Son, tell your elected leaders that refuse to listen to Me, “Come back to the Lord and you will live! Your dark hearts twist justice when you treat righteousness like a crime. You hate honest judges and despise people who tell the truth! You love evil and hate all that is right and good. You deprive the poor of justice in the courts and you will face a day in My High Court, and you will not have a ray of defense, hope or everlasting joy; for I will condemn you as you have condemned My children.”


In these evil days My children need to be clever and shrewd, knowing when to be quiet with confidence in Me and when to shout out about injustice; when to expose evil and when to remain still with Me. My children need to be known for doing what is good and when to turn from evil. They need to hate what evil people do, but at the same time to show My love for them so that they can be saved. Don’t make a show of what you do for people, or make pretense of being holy. Remember that I love obedience better than your pious religious assemblies with all your noisy singing and empty praises! Without obedience I will not listen to your music, or listen to your prayers. I want to see from My children a mighty flood of right thinking and behavior, and justice based on the Word of My truth.


Suddenly, all the victory parties of the wicked will end, and then they will know how foolish they have been. For, they have pushed away every one of My prophets that told them to repent and of the coming disasters. They think they can drink away their problems as they sink deeper and deeper into darkness. They care nothing about the ruin of their nation, and to their own shame they refuse to listen to anyone that mentions My Name and how they can be saved from My wrath!


Lord, what a holy awe-inspiring Name You have! To know You and to obey Your Word is the foundation of true wisdom. I will praise You forever! You are with me always, even to the end of the age.


Daily Devotional

Son, My children must love the Lord their God with all their heart. They must not be deceived and turn away from Me by worshiping and serving other so-called gods. They must commit wholeheartedly to these words of Mine that are written down. They must teach them to their children and talk about My Word when they are at home and when they are on the road and when they go to bed and when they get up. They must show their love to Me by walking in all My ways and holding tightly to Me. They must remember that I made everything and that I keep every promise I make.


Troubling times are coming their way and they must not be fearful but consider it an opportunity. I will bless those who patiently endure through these troubled times. They must be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. They must get rid of all the filth and evil in their lives, and humbly accept My Word. My words have the power to save and encourage them. But the key to this power is that they must not just listen, or only read My Word; they must do what it says.


I give My children the choice between a blessing and a curse! They will be blessed if they are obedient. They will be cursed if they reject My Word and turn away from Me and worship the god of their land. My children must not fall into the trap of following foreign religions and believing that My Word is not applicable for them today and forever.


Son, the end is almost here! The days of no more hope are almost upon those who reject Me. For, I am about to unleash My anger and call to account all of the detestable sins being committed today. Disaster after disaster is coming because the people’s wickedness and pride have blossomed to full flower. None of these proud and wicked people will survive. All their wealth and prestige will be swept away. Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover. They will toss their money out like worthless trash. Their silver and gold won’t save them either; it will neither satisfy nor feed them. All this because they think it is nothing to thumb their noses at Me.


Lord, I will meditate on Your Word; for I love Your promises and Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. I know in the days ahead that You will help me and my family. I know that You are close to us when we call on You in truth. I know that You hear our cries for help. Therefore, I will not fear. I will keep to Your bright path and walk with You all the way to the end.


Relationships – Chapter 37

Love – Part 2


Ephesians 4:1-3 “As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”


A definition of love that we can adopt is: Unselfish concern that freely accepts another and seeks his/her good. The quality of love being expressed in interpersonal relationships is what impresses people. In the next few chapters we want to look at this quality and see what it is and what it means.


The first thing that comes out in Ephesians 4 is the word “humble.” What does it mean to be humble? They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Perhaps the best illustration of all of this is Christ Himself who lived out humility as described in Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  The idea is lowliness of mind in the sense that we consider others better than ourselves.


We read in Matthew 11:28-29 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  In this passage of Scripture we see a rest that comes when we initially come to Christ, a rest from sin and guilt. We all have experienced this rest.  However, it seems that there is another rest that comes, and inner rest, when we take His yoke and learn from Him.


When we apply and exercise this quality of lowliness to personal relationships we immediately eliminate competition and tension. We don’t have the stress of comparison or of demanding our rights. By putting other people’s interests before ours we find a quietness that comes into our soul.


I have found that sometimes men are threatened by their wives because of some qualities that the wife has that the man doesn’t. Rather than accepting what the Lord has given us we find a restlessness coming in that in turn breaks down communication and relationships. Of course this is true not just in a husband and wife relationship, but it can happen in all our relationships as well.


I should say that the exercise of this quality not only gives rest to our souls, but I also believe it gives health to our bodies. How many of our physical ailments can be attributed to the upset of broken relationships? According to some doctors, quite a few. Like Jay Adams said, “In looking out for the sad and bad we need to be aware of the mad.”


Let us take His yoke upon us and learn from Him. This again takes us back to the example of Philippians 2:5-8; for our Lord chose to humble Himself before people. This is the way we need to be.

Daily Devotional

This morning I was woken up by these words at 2 AM. I tried everything to not get up and write this, but could not get back to sleep. These words were shouting in my mind, and it is impossible to sleep when the Lord is shouting in your ear.


 These are the times that try men’s souls!


It looks like we are going to lose America to the revolution of progressive thinkers, and some Christians are shrinking away because standing up for the truth means hardship and trouble. When the Christian stands up and says, “These are the times that test my soul,” they are saying “This is now the time to see what my faith is really made of.” Do I fall away from the Lord when my faith is under attack, or do I have the courage to stand up for what I believe in? In the coming days the summer Christian will shrink from the commands of our Lord.


 In the garden what did Jesus do to be prepared for His dark cold season, in what He would have to face and endure? He remained in prayer before His Father all the way to the end of His purpose!



The hour of testing has come for the American church. Therefore, as God’s children we repent and humbly remain in prayer. Pray for protection and provision by the power of His Name. We need to be united just as Jesus and His father are because we have been given the truth from the Lord, which is “The Word of Almighty God.” We are to know and not be surprised that this world will hate us, and neither should we be offended when they attack us because we stand up for truth. Understand that It was never in God’s will to remove His children from hardship, but to keep them safe from the evil one. For we will be purified by knowing and living out the truth in the hardest times, and being faithful to teach the truth to others.


How will the world know that we are men and women of the truth? When we are united, just like Jesus and His father showed us their unity. Jesus said, “I have given them the glory you gave Me, so they may be one as We are one. I am in them and they are in Me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love Me.”


Pastors, why can’t you unite with other pastors and pray for your towns, county, state and our country? Is it because you are divided over what to stand up for? Could it be that you have tried this before and you think that it did not work? Are you afraid of the cost to stand up for the truth? During our revolution for our country it was the black robe pastors who gave us direction, hope, and encouragement; we need these men now.


Today Christians are so worried about temporal things and are afraid of the cost to stand up for the truth. It will require them to get up early, to be in God’s powerful Word, and to go to war in prayer. If we are afraid of what we hear today – then what will you do when things get worse tomorrow? To stand up for truth will have a cost, and if this world is your kingdom then by all means hide and try to protect what little you have. But if this is not your kingdom, then by all means unite and stand up courageously – for our King is coming!


A true disciple of Christ is willing to sacrifice his or her own fortunes and physical life for the truth of Jesus Christ. A true disciple of Christ is not concerned about enjoying his life here and develops patience with people who have not yet caught the vision that God’s truth is vanishing from society. A true disciple is prayerfully and actively concerned that the truth is in serious jeopardy for the next generation.


At times God may shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or He may let diseases quickly spread, and allow war in our streets, but if we, His children that are called by His Name, will humble ourselves before Him and pray, seek His face continually and stand up for truth, then He will hear from heaven and restore our land. This is His Word. His eyes will be open and His ears attentive to every prayer we make to Him. For He has chosen us, and has set us apart to be holy as He is holy. We are to have homes where His Name is honored and called on each day. He will always watch over us, for we are dear to His heart; His treasured possessions.