America vs. Globalism – Chapter 7 – Truth, Love and Peace

John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


1 John 4:16 “God is love.


Ephesians 2:14 “For he himself is our peace.”


We hear today a lot about ‘fake news,’ but this is nothing new. Fake news has often been used to mislead people for financial, political or other purposes ever since the dawn of human history. Didn’t the serpent use fake news (lies about God) in the Garden of Eden?


We are seeing today on how governments, political parties and public relations people use fake news to enhance their particular view point. Code of Ethics for professional journalists is to never “deliberately distort facts or context.” It is like Denzel Washington said: “By not reading the newspapers today we are uninformed, but reading them we are misinformed.”


We are living in a day of great deception. Holy Spirit warned us about this day when He said: “Everyone lies to his neighbor; their flattering lips speak with deception.” Psalms 12:2


President Trump just appointed a Supreme Court nominee – Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy left by Judge Scalia. But here is the problem: In the US Judicial system the president nominates the Supreme Court justice and senate must approve them. However, it is like someone said: “It means that by definition, the US justice system is politically bent from the top down. If the Supreme Court is subject to the influence of political interests, can we even expect objectivity anywhere in the judicial system?”


When we consider this, we see that ‘ego is king’ and so our personal, sectarian, financial or political interests determine the way the country is run. This is true, not only of the USA, but in every country in the world. This is human nature; this is what we call ‘recognition of evil.’ “Those who seek my life set their traps, those who would harm me talk of my ruin; all day long they plot deception.” Psalms 38:12


Sociologists have been writing about our narcissism since the 1970s. Christopher Lasch in his book: THE CULTURE OF NARCISSISM: AMERICAN LIFE IN AND AGE OF DIMINISHING EXPECTRATIONS proposes that since World War 2 “America has produced a personality-type consistent with clinical definitions of “pathological narcissism.”


We are seeing that selfishness is becoming an epidemic resulting in depression, out of control divorce rates, violence that is on the increase, substance abuse and a growing alienation from one another. We could go on and mention the political disputes, etc., but we get the point. To me one of the great verses in the Bible is 2 Corinthians 5:15 “And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” The answer to self is Christ and Christ alone.


To correct the society that we live in we must do something about human nature. Didn’t Jesus tell Peter and His disciples to deny self and follow Him? Christ showed us the way when He said:  “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6


We are alienated from one another – our neighbors, our families, etc. It is not the outer space that needs to be conquered, but the hostile space that exists between one another. This can only come about through Christ. Paul told us: “He (Christ) himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility.”


Knowing this – what should we as followers of Christ be doing? The word that Christ gave us 2000 years ago was to go. He (Jesus) made the way and now it is up to us who follow Christ to take this message of reconciliation into the sphere that God has called us to. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:  that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17-20


Lord, I am sick of the shameful immorality I see; for it torments my soul. I know that you know how to rescue Your children from this sickness, even while keeping the wicked under punishment. I know that You will be especially hard on those who follow in twisted sexual desires, and who despise the truth with such pride and arrogance.


Their so-called teachers are like unthinking animals, and have become creatures of instinct who growl and yap at anything they do not understand. They say it is good to indulge in evil, and they condemn anyone who stands against them. They delight in deception, and their desire for sin is never satisfied. They lure ignorant and unstable people into their way of thinking. For they are well trained in evil ways and they brag about themselves consistently. They say that they have great knowledge, and openly talk about the freedom of their depraved minds; not knowing that they have become a slave to sin and their corrupt thinking.


Lord, Your children must remember that to compromise with these people will cause them to get tangled up and enslaved again, and when they compromise Your children will be worse off than if they had never known the truth.


Lord, give your children who do not compromise with this type of thinking a great blessing, and help Your children remember that when You grant a blessing it is an eternal blessing.



America vs. Globalism – Chapter 6 – Parables of Jesus

“That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. Then he told them many things in parables, saying: ‘A farmer went out to sow his seed.’” Matthew 13:1


It would seem that there is a change at this point in the ministry of Christ. Jesus and His Kingdom has been rejected and He now begins to speak to the crowd in parables.


“He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” John 1:11


However, those who have ears to hear, eyes to see Jesus are illuminated to understand the parables that He gives.


“But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”  Matthew 13:16-17


There are seven parables of the Kingdom in Matthew 13. Seven brings out the idea of perfection or completeness. So, these seven parables exactly describe what the Kingdom of Heaven is like.


Is it possible that these seven parables concerning the Kingdom cover some of the mayor obstacles confronting the Kingdom of heaven over the past 2000 years?


  1. Roman Empire 33-500 AD
  2. Dark Ages 400-800 AD
  3. Barbarians and bio-terrorism 600 – 1400
  4. Brave hearts 800 – 1400
  5. Rights of kings 1400 -1650
  6. Truth triumphs over tyrants 1400 – 1650
  7. Riots, Revolution and ruin, French Revolution 1650 – 1850
  8. Peace, Prosperity, and Providence, American Revolution 1650-1850
  9. 20th century-terror, a century of genocide 1850-2000
  10. Christianity spreads world-wide 1850-2000
  11. Stage is set for victory in the twenty-first Century


We see that there is a progression with these parables that define the Kingdom of Heaven.


For example, the first is the sowing of the seed. Secondly when that is done we see the enemy bringing in heresies, etc. Paul and Peter both bring that out after, and actually even during their time the bad seed was being sown. Then we have the parables about how the Kingdom will grow and we see this down through the ages, and also how it will saturate everything it touches. Then we have parables that bring our how precious the Kingdom of Heaven is and then lastly we have the net-harvest. At the rapture, there will be a separation.


It would seem that Jesus in these parables covers the history of the Kingdom of Heaven; what will happen and the final result. Where are we today? We are between 10 and 11. We are seeing great advances of the Gospel going out. Even at this writing we are experiencing many Muslims coming to Christ in the Middle East.


Despite the daily news of the persecution of Christians around the world by Islamist groups, there is another, lesser-known story of growing numbers of Muslims around the world turning to Christ as Lord.


David Garrison spent 2 1/2 years interviewing Muslim converts about their faith. It is written in a book called “A WIND IN THE HOUSE OF ISLAM” which is the result of two and half years of research involved traveling more than 250,000 miles to conduct interviews with more than 1000 people around the Muslim world. In his study a “movement” of believers is defined as a group of more than 1000 baptized believers are 100 new churches within a Muslim community. In total he found 69 movements that started in the first 12 years of the 21st century, and comparison with virtually no voluntary movements of converts to Christianity in the first 12 centuries of Islam.


Countries like India that I worked in 50 years ago, have seen tremendous results in people coming to Christ. In the last 60 or so years China has experienced a great harvest.


Yes, we are seeing many coming to Christ, but still the job is not done. The command to “GO” is still paramount and we must go and be the witness that the Lord wants in the sphere that He has called us to.













Compromise or Courage?

Suffering from persecution for the Gospel’s sake has more believability for God’s eternal life – than only enjoying the benefits of the Gospel in our earthly life.


What is the advantage of being more focused on the things above, than on the things of our earthly life? If we don’t have a stronger longing for the life that is truly life, than we have for this physical earthly life – we will cower down, shrink back, give in, compromise – instead of faithfully enduring the suffering that is sure to come for the sake of Christ’s Cross and His eternal Kingdom.


What happens when a professing Christian cowers down to threat and persecution? Evil spreads with all its destruction and death. People continue to be without hope and the peace of God.  But, the worst of all is how Jesus Christ is humiliated again and again, in the same way He was humiliated by the mocking of unbelievers as He hung on the cross.  We really need to understand this – down deep.


Here are some questions that we as the Lord’s people should not only ‘intellectually know’ the RIGHT answers to, but that we better be resting in, standing on, secured by, ready to sacrifice for the reality of who Jesus Christ is and of His glorious Kingdom of which we long for, invest in, labor for and talk about it with full confidence.  Christ’s is the only Kingdom that we better never never never compromise or forfeit for anything of our flesh, the world or of the lies and deceptions of the devil.




What do people see about Jesus Christ when I am afraid to share my own testimony of Him?


What do people see about the God I say I believe in when there is little to nothing in my day to day life that reflects His way of life and His character?


Who praises and rewards a cowardly Christian?


Does God approve of us on the basis of fear or faith?


Does God expect us to keep our faith in Jesus Christ a secret, knowing full well that we will be hated and attacked?


Does God recognize us as His children because we join and go to church, give to the church and serve leaders of the church?


Does God protect and provide for those who seek friendship with the world?


Does God give crowns to cowards?


Does God give rewards to bystanders?


Will God promote me for mishandling mu position and prosperity from Him?


What is ‘lost to God’ when I obstruct the fulfilling of God’s promises; that is, when I stand in the way of God doing for me what He says He will do for me – when I obey Him?


What do I lose when don’t trust God at His Word?


If I cower-down in the face of threat and persecution – what is missing in me that I assumed I had?


What is the result and outcome – when God is not pleased with me?


GOD DESIRES THAT WE KNOW THE ‘RIGHT’ ANSWER TO ALL THESE QUESTIONS! God has not hidden the truth from anyone who desires to live by the truth and walk with Jesus Christ: the Truth, the Way and the Life – all the way to the end.




Satan knows your weakness and will use it to gain influence or entry into your life. He will tell you fearful things so that he can control you. The key is, pay close attention to what you hear, the closer you listen to the Lord the more understanding you will be given. Remember your future is not in the hands of Satan but in the hands of God.


Our Father is looking for followers who listen, obey and worship Him in spirit and in the truth. His love for them is never failing, and His faithfulness endures forever. So if the Lord is for you then you should have no fear, for what can mere people do to you? Instead of listening to the lies of the evil one, rejoice in each day the Lord has given you, for each day has tremendous opportunities. People who listen and obey His instruction are joyful people. They are people of integrity, and they will not compromise with evil, for they only walk on the Lord’s path. When they are obedient all of their actions will consistently reflect His words. For they hide His words in their heart, and they see the wonderful truths in His word.


“The day is near when I will judge all nations,” says the Lord.


So get ready.



One day while reading the Word of God the thought came to me, “What about all those people who get saved during the… great tribulation?” The Lord said, “I love them as well, should not the church be preparing for them?”


I have shared this to church pastors and they told me not to bring this teaching into their church. I have said to those who would listen, “If this message is for you then these words will not leave you.”


Men With Faith is about preparing God’s people for what is coming, and we will have many ‘personal’ issues to deal with, but we must not forget those coming in behind us, and how hard it will be for them to have their basic needs without the mark of the beast; which God has instructed them NOT to take, but to simply trust Him instead to get them through.  And that means that they will get through this time on what WE leave behind for them.


Some have said that God will take care of them, meaning that they don’t have to think about it. They are correct in saying that God will take care of them, but God always works through His people. God is the God who prepares His people for what is coming. Always has – always will!


When it comes to spiritual matters, I will never know my potential under God until I step out and take risks. If we are courageous enough to take risks, there is no limit to what God can accomplish through us with His open doors of opportunity – now while the Church can still prosper and speak freely. We need to watch for the opportunities that God will give us – and not so that we think of ourselves, but so that we can prepare provision for God’s saints in the Great Tribulation.


This calls for wisdom today!


Running Wild

Moses had been on top the mountain with God 40 days receiving God’s Law for the people to live by; the Ten Commandments.


While Moses was gone the people waiting at the base of the mountain began to “run wild” thinking their leader wasn’t going to return and then what; how would we be fed; who would protect us from danger? They forgot what God had ‘already’ done for them! God had not forgotten them; they forgot God. You can really see this same fool thinking in America today and the outcome of behavior with protests, riots, destruction and death.


Their constant complaining (protests) resulted in what was not good for them, and if Moses had not prayed for them God would’ve “disregarded” them and left them on their own.


God had not forgotten them; they forgot God. When God’s people forget Him – God disregards His people. When God “disregards His own people” what happens? Their fears come upon them!


God hates grumbling and complaining because it rejects “personal responsibility and sacrifice.” When God’s people pull away from Him – He pulls His protection and provision away from them. This is painful in so many ways, but works to draw His true sons and daughters back to Him.


What happens when God finds fault with our complaining about the way things are? Complaining to God means that we are not taking personal responsibility for the way things are. Taking responsibility is not about mouthing off and stirring up strife and division. Taking personal responsibility starts with personal repentance of trusting in man instead of God, and then doing what God says is right to do. If a nation’s leadership takes personal responsibility – the same thing will be done.


If you depend on man/government and man/government does not do what you think they should do, you will complain and accuse – instead of taking personal responsibility which at times requires personal sacrifice.


Why do children have a hard time seeing their own sin/faults? Why do children cry and throw tantrums when they don’t get what they want? Why do children blame others for their discomfort? Why do children use name-calling? Why do children rebel against rules placed on them? Why do children NOT see the shame and pain coming with their continual complaining and crying which is rooted in “it’s all about me!”? When children think they have been ignored, left out or denied – what do they do? Well, we’re seeing it in America today like never before. We’re seeing it from adults; and these adults (parents and teachers) are raising up their little ones to think and act the same. This is evil at work.


We’re also seeing who is getting all the attention (with the media) and they like it that way because they think acting this way is how they can get what they want. When citizens see the government as their daddy or god, this is what that self-deception results in: disorder, destruction and deaths.


Children simply need to trust and obey their parent? And for all the ‘irresponsible’ people living in America legally or illegally – feeling as if they have been ignored, left out or denied personal things – they simply need to grow up, shut up and simply obey the laws and “take personal responsibility.” What we see today is not about “free speech,” it’s about irresponsible people wanting the government to meet all their needs; it’s about hatred of our Constitution and new administration.


The problem in America is that people have forgotten God. When we forget what God has said about right and wrong and start doing what WE EACH think is right in our own eyes – we will get what we deserve to get with thinking like that. God will disregard us and let all our fears come upon us – until we repent, humble ourselves before Him, straighten up and do those things that He has called us to do as a nation, and instructs each of us to do ‘personally.’


God gave the Hebrews in Egypt their freedom by following God’s servant, but with freedom comes personal responsibility and even personal sacrifice along the way. They learned this – against their will. The longer they fought against God’s will – the longer they suffered in the desert.


What is better than complaining, protesting and rioting for what you need or want, or for what you think all people need and want? Why are we seeing so much quarreling and fighting over the new administration? “Where you have envy (wanting what others have) and selfish ambition (personal agendas), there you find disorder and every evil practice.” “You have lived to indulge yourself. You do not have because you do not ask God, and when you do ask, you do NOT receive from Him because you ask with WRONG motives (self-centeredness).”


What is the solution to all this disorder and destruction we see happening in America? “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and God will lift you up.” A “humble” person takes responsibility to do what is right in God’s eyes. If we did more praying and waiting on God to show us what to do personally (being personally responsible), than what we do in childish mouthing off, posting and protesting against the new administration – what might happen?


The book of James in the Holy Bible is very timely and applicable for America today: Trials and Temptation, Listening and Doing, Favoritism Forbidden, Faith and Deeds, TAMING THE TONGUE, Two Kinds of Wisdom, Submit Yourselves to God, Boasting about Tomorrow, Warning to Rich Oppressors, Patience in Suffering, THE PRAYER of Genuine FAITH. (Chapters 1-5)


God’s Word is our manual for life that is truly life. Opening our mouths to God (in humble prayer) is far more productive than publicly mouthing off about the things we don’t like. Children are mouthy about things they know so little about, or nothing at all, showing themselves ignorant and undisciplined. And, when they are reprimanded for it – they don’t like that either. They argue back.


So, what is needed with children is painful discipline; for this is what God says will result in a harvest of righteousness. Painful discipline teaches children (of any age) to become personally responsible in so many ways, even to the point of personal sacrifice at times, which reveals “maturity.” What kind of nation can we expect to be living in with childish-leaders running wild in all directions? God help us!


America vs. Globalism – Chapter 5 – What Values Do We Have?

Luke 16:15 “He said to them, ‘You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.’”


When we buy something that needs to be put together it comes with instructions on how to do it. This is what we have from our Heavenly Father with His Word of instructions (God’s laws, statues, decrees, etc.) on how to live to get the most good out of life. It is not to curtail our fun, enjoyment, but to show us what is best and how to get the most good out of life.


However, because of the natural bent of man which is downward instead of going God’s way, we see the consequences. God has given us the chance to choose rightly. We can go God’s way to deny self, pick up our cross and follow in the way of Jesus, or we can choose to go the way of self-pity. It’s a choice!


The natural bent of man is to go with the current instead of against it because that is the path of least resistance. We read in Hebrews 2:1 “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” When it comes to the things of God (His values) or the things of man we discover that when we choose the latter we find ourselves adrift from godly values and wisdom. Consequently, we find that the final result is our faith in God being ship wrecked.


What are the values in our society today that we highly esteem? We find that they often are in direct opposition to God’s values that give fulfillment, contentment and joy to life. What is it that we highly value today?


The Pursuit of Pleasure. We, especially those of us in the West, value personal pleasure in all of its physical forms available today. However, in reality what is happening is that we are actually drifting and eventually our faith in God ends up ship wrecked.


What are the Biblical values that give everlasting pleasure?


  1. Pursuit of Christ. Hebrews 12:2; Philippians 3:10
  2. Pursuit of peace. Psalm 34:14; 1 Peter 3:11
  3. Pursuit of righteousness. Proverbs 15:9; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy2:22


Personal Autonomy. Responsible to no absolute – except one’s own self.


Consequently, we have the ‘clamor for rights.’ Aleksander Solzhenitsyn said: “We hear a constant clamor for rights, rights, always rights, but so very little about responsibility. And we have forgotten God. The need now is for selflessness, for a spirit of sacrifice, for a willingness to put aside personal gains for the salvation of the whole Western world.”


Biblical values:


  1. Submission to the rule of God. Romans 14:9; 2 Corinthians 5:15
  2. Interdependence. We need one another. Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 12:12


We see that our security lies with our relationship with:


  1. God. Matthew 6:25-34
  2. Family. We see how families are being torn apart today resulting in insecurity. Families need to be protected at all cost.
  3. Brothers and sisters in Christ. Acts 2:44-47; 4:34-35


When Henley wrote the prophetic lines, “I am the Master of my Fate, I am the Captain of my Soul,” he should have informed us that we too are the Masters of our Fate, the Captains of our Souls, because we have the power to control our thoughts.Personal security.


Where does our security lie? In our jobs? Money? We often find that these things can change in an instant. Elizabeth Elliot said: “Where does your security lie? Is God your refuge, your hiding place, your stronghold, your shepherd, your counselor, your friend, your redeemer, your savior, your guide? If He is, you don’t need to search any further for security.”


There are other values that could be mentioned, but I find these three to be the most prominent ones, especially here in the West, but at the same time this is true of any society or culture in the world. We have the same needs, wants, desires, but because of the culture these might take different forms.





America vs. Globalism – Chapter 4 – Who is Christ?

Matthew 16:13 “When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, ‘Who do people say the Son of Man is?’” Peter responded to this by saying: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”


Jesus replied, “I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (vs. 18)


What rock is Jesus talking about here that the church will be built on? On the ‘man’ Peter, or on the ‘statement of faith’ Peter made about Jesus? I believe that it is the latter. We know from Scripture that the 12 apostles are the foundation, but Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone that everything hinges on.


Jesus shared with His disciples about what was going to happen to Him in Jerusalem: persecution, beatings, mockings and eventually death on the cross. What to me is interesting, is Peter’s rebuke to Jesus: “Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!” (vs.23) And Jesus’ response: “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”


We are at a cross-roads here with what Jesus said: “You do not have in mind the things of God.” I think that this is interesting, because Peter seemed to be running on his emotions and not with the goal or purpose of God. How many times do we do the same by mistaking emotion for the reality of what God’s will and purpose is? Yes Peter had a concern for Jesus and did not want Him to suffer, but that was Peter’s emotion and not the Father’s will. How many times do we see things taking place in the world (suffering, wars, etc.) and do not fully understand all that God is doing. We are moved by emotions to act and find that we are moving in the flesh instead of in the Spirit. It is not that emotion is bad, but it cannot lead or direct us. It is the will of God that should motivate and lead us.


Paul said: “Christ’s love compels us.”(2 Corinthians 5:14) What does this mean in the context of being compelled by emotion? Love here is more than an emotion, it is an act of my will. Jesus said: “If you love me you will obey and carry out my plans and purpose.” There are many bad things happening in the world where our emotions can begin to compel us, but we need to make sure that we are moving and acting within God’s plan and purpose.


This emotion that Peter was exhibiting here, could be put in another way when he said to Jesus, “Jesus, pity yourself!” Peter meant, “Why should you have to suffer, be persecuted and be hung on the cross like a criminal?” Jesus responded to Peter, and to us who have bought into the self-pity thinking and activity, by showing us the true way to think and to go, as He did. “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)


This is the cross-road that we are faced with: pity ourselves or deny ourselves. Which do we choose? We are told that one of the main reasons for depression is an attitude of self-pity: “poor me, pity me,” etc. Test this to see if it’s true or not; start feeling sorry for yourself and see what happens.


Do not choose the road of emotions, to pity yourself, rather choose the better road that I believe is God’s road – His purpose and will to deny yourself. This is where we learn to die to ourselves – our will and purpose – and learn to follow Him who laid aside His own glory, riches, etc. to die in our place so that we might live with Him forever. Yes, it might sound hard when we speak about dying to our own desires and ambitions, which is what it means to take up our cross to follow Christ, but we will find that this is the only way of great satisfaction and enjoyment.


In verse 25 Jesus said: “For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” One thing that Jesus promised us is true abundant life. This abundant life is found in denying ourselves and following Christ. We will find that Christ will lead us to do the work that He has ordained for us, and in doing brings joy and a sense of completeness in our lives.


Jesus also brought out something that I think is very important, that we have only so much time here on earth before we enter eternity. In verse 26 He says, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?” How are we going to use our time that we have here on earth? Following our own emotional path or following the path of Jesus Christ? How true is the saying: “Only what is done for Christ will last.”


Jesus said I go and prepare a place for you and I WILL RETURN. In verse 27 Jesus said, “For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.” When He appears, there is only one place that I want to be, in His Kingdom because I obeyed and followed Him. Amen?









Daily Devotional

This last year I have had many discussions with millennials about our country and the direction it is to take. Many of these young people have read all, or parts of the Bible, and they are extremely sympathetic for people in need. They say the Bible is too old fashion, has too many rules, and is not applicable for them today. This is why I disagree with them.


The Bible says in the last days people will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. People who follow these teachings will become hypocrites and liars. Their consciences no longer sensitive to God, but dead. They agree with the teaching that living together without being married is wise, and that homosexual marriage is right. Their arrogance sets out to control what people have, say or do.


When this happens you can expect trouble from them if you stand up against them, or speak out against their ideology. The Bible warns us that this is bound to come. People will love only themselves and not understand the truth. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander anyone who opposes them. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray anyone, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. They work their teachings into people’s homes (by forms of media) and shame the people who disagree with them. They follow this false-teaching and never come to understand the truth; they have lost all good sense from God. Their thoughts and ways are depraved. What fools they are! One day they will see what fools they have been.


What should we do; those of us who hold to the truth in God’s Word? HOW SHOULD WE PREPARE for what the Lord said is certainly coming into this world?


Just Some Thoughts