Daily Devotional

Son, do you want to know who My true heroes are? Those who lead a blameless life and do what is right; those who speak the truth from sincere hearts, and refuse to gossip or harm others. These heroes are tormented by the evil they see, and they should be. They faithfully follow Me and keep their promises even when it hurts.


These heroes understand who I am; that I am Holy and Just, Faithful and True.  They seek wise counsel from men of great insight. They are careful to obey all that I ask of them. They have a desire to learn and know Me intimately. Their worship of Me is with their whole heart and mind. They take seriously the task that I have given them. They are strong and courageous, and will complete the work, no matter what. They are not afraid or discouraged, for they know that I am with them to the end.


These heroes will stand out in the days ahead, and die because they stand out. They know that I have robes washed in My blood for them. These heroes know what is coming because they read what I have written and believe every word; they have prepared for it.


Son, tell those who want to be like everyone else in the world, “How dare you to ask Me for My help. As surely as I live, I will not help you until you get rid of the vile things you are so obsessed with.”


Lord, I want to be called one of your heroes. I know that You will not fail or forsake me because you rule everything. You see my heart and know my every plan and thought. Every good thing I have comes from you, and I know that You are always with me.

Kingdom Thinking – Part 21

Acts 1:1 “In my former book, Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach.”


We find that kingdom thinkers are also kingdom doers. Not only will they think of what needs to be done, but will be actively involved in seeing it done. Kingdom thinkers will be men and women of character, men and women of commitment.


When we think of character we must think about COMMITMENT.


When I look at the evangelical scene today I see a great lack of commitment. When I look at the lack of laborers out on the field especially in the difficult areas of the world like the Muslim, Hindu and Chinese world – I believe it comes back to a lack of commitment.


Where are God’s people who will go to these hard areas of the world and stick it out? We find very few who even respond to the call or the challenge. Out of those who do respond we see a great number dropping out after a short time. Often, those who make it to the field do not go back again after the first term. Why? I believe there are a number of reasons, but one big reason is a lack of commitment.


Commitment is so important. Webster’s dictionary defines commitment this way: to bring together; to join; to entrust; to give in trust or charge; to consign for safe keeping; to bind by pledge or assurance.


I commit my life to Christ Jesus. In other words: I join my life to His, I give my life to Him and entrust all things to Him for safe keeping.  


The same is true of marriage. Why are marriages falling apart? I know that we often hear of incompatibility, mental cruelty, etc. All of these things are often a camouflage for the real culprit that tears the marriage apart; which is usually a lack of commitment.


When we commit our lives to the Lord we are committed to His will. Jesus said, “If you continue in my word then you are my disciples.” The word “continues” brings out the idea of commitment. John 8:31 “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.’”


However, we also need to think through some of the ‘reasons’ why we break our commitment.


1. It wasn’t quite what I felt it would be.


This is one excuse that I hear quite often with people who break a commitment. Perhaps we didn’t count the cost.


Luke 9:57-58 “As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.'”


When Jesus laid down the terms of discipleship he did not hear from these would-be-followers again.


2. We don’t have a mind to suffer.


1 Peter 4:1 “Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.”


This is part of our armor and is as essential to us as the armor we read about in Ephesians 6.


Because we do not have that mind-set or mentality we see that the enemy gets in and hits us just where we do not want to suffer. Consequently, we go about seeing what we can do in order to break our commitment.


A young lady joined Doulos, one of our OM ships, for two years when I was the director. She had been very active in her church and had a responsible job. When she was on the ship she had to wash dishes. Every night when she was in her room she was complaining about her dish-pan hands and that she did not join the ship to be a dish washer, etc. One night while she was complaining to the Lord about her hands, how red they looked, etc. and thinking how she might be able to get out of her commitment, the Lord spoke to her and said: “Look at my hands.”


That was a turning point in her life. She realized how the Lord had suffered for her. She armed herself with the right mentality and stuck it out. She became one of the members of our line-up team who have the big responsibility of going ahead of the ship and lining up the ship’s program, a job that carries much responsibility. It is a job for people with commitment.


3. Wrong ideas of what it means to follow Christ.

We seem to think that in following Christ there will be no problems. We do not understand how the Lord builds character in us. It is not that we do not have problems, because we do and always will. As a matter of fact, we probably have more problems in following Christ (because Satan is against us in doing this), but we also have solid solutions to our problems. And this is what makes the difference.


There is a tendency to think that when following Christ, if things are rough and don’t seem to be working out then it must not be of God. It is this type of thinking that leads into many erroneous ideas about discipleship.


How do we interpret Hebrews 11:35-38? “Women received back their dead, raised to life again. Others were tortured and refused to be released, so that they might gain a better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, while still others were chained and put in prison. They were stoned; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated – the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.”


What about these people mentioned here? Didn’t they have a commitment of faith? Did they believe God for deliverance? Yes, they had faith. As a matter of fact, they probably had more faith than most Christians. Here we see what real Biblical faith is. Biblical faith takes us through the problems for the good results of God’s purpose. This is what commitment is all about.



Daily Devotional

Son, there are false religions that say I was created, that I am an angel. They are liars when they say that I am not the Christ. I am the Word of life, and I existed from the beginning! I am the sacrifice that atones for your sins, and not only your sins, but the sins of all the world. I am your advocate that pleads your case before the Father. I have given you My Spirit, and My Spirit lives within you so that you know what I say is the truth. For My Spirit will teach you everything you need to know, and what He teaches is the truth!


So do not love this world or the things it offers you. It only offers cravings for physical pleasure, pride in achievements and possessions. Remember that this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave.


Son, the last hour is here, and the antichrist is coming. So weep and sigh because of the detestable sins being committed. The sins of the people are very, very great. The entire world is full of murder and injustice.


Lord, I cried out to You, and You answered me. Therefore, I am sure of this: You set me apart, and all who have Your Spirit living in them, apart for Yourself. The whole world will see what You do for Your children. Forgive me when I have failed to ask You about how to live this life You gave me.


Thank You for Your greatness. I will tell everyone about Your wonderful deeds. I will exalt Your Holy Name. I will search for You and for Your strength always. I will remember Your wonders and the miracles You have performed. Help me to give You all the glory You deserve. Your faithful love endures forever; therefore You are my Lord and God.



Daily Devotional

Son, I have given you everything you need for living a godly life. I have given you a great promise that you can escape the world’s corruption. You will have great joy when you do not follow the advice of the wicked. When you meditate on My word day and night you will be like a tree planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season; whose leaves never wither. You will prosper in all you do. When I watch over your path you can ask Me for anything, and I will give it to you. I will bless you, your family, everything you own, and I will move ahead of you.


I am coming soon, so pay close attention to what My prophets wrote; for their words will be a lamp for you. My prophets were moved by the Holy Spirit, and then they spoke and wrote the words of God. But, be aware that there are false prophets, and they will teach destructive heresies and even deny Me. Many will follow their evil teaching and cause the way of truth to be slandered. These people are proud and arrogant. They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. Remember, and tell My children, that they will be a slave to whatever controls them.


Son, I said that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. They will say, “What happened to the promise that I am coming again?”  But My day will come unexpectedly. When My day comes the heavens and earth will pass away with a terrible noise. I will set the heavens on fire, and the elements will melt away in the flames of judgment. So, do not fear this day but pray for it!


Until My day comes I cannot bring in the new heavens and new earth. Just think about it, a world filled with My righteousness. I am telling you ahead of time, so that you can be on guard, and not be carried away by the errors of these false prophets and lose your own secure footing. I will call these false prophets to account for all their detestable sins. Their silver and gold won’t save them on My day of anger.


Daily Devotional

Son, talk is cheap, and speaking too many words makes you a fool. For the more words you speak, the less they mean.  If you claim to be a religious person but can’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself. So let your words be few, and keep your ears open.


Those who love money never have enough, and how meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! Everyone will die, and be in the same condition as when they were born; naked and empty-handed. Remember, that when you die you can’t take anything with you.


Son, it is good for you to eat, drink, enjoy your work, and to accept your lot in life. When you enjoy your work and accept your lot in life, you will know this is a gift from Me. Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don’t have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless.


When the troubles of life come your way, consider it an opportunity. Be sure that your faith is in Me alone, for a person with divided loyalty is unpredictable. These people should not expect to receive anything from Me, for their loyalty is divided between Me and the world. These people are unstable in everything they do.


Son, I will bless you when you patiently endure testing, and temptation, and I will give you the crown of life. Remember, I will never tempt you to do wrong; your temptation comes from your own desires. These desires give birth to sinful actions, and when these actions are allowed to grow, it gives birth to a dead relationship between you and I. So don’t be misled, be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Don’t just listen to My word, do what it says, and I will keep you so busy enjoying life that you will have no time to brood over the past.


Lord, help me to know Your word, and not forget what it says. Help me to do what Your word says I am to do. Then I will find satisfaction in this life and know You have blessed me!


Daily Devotional

Son, what do you get for all your hard work? What good is it to seek pleasure. You may build a big home for yourself, collect great sums of silver and gold, and have everything you could ever desire, but the reality is you will die someday.


People who do not know Me are never satisfied, and never content. They do not remember or try and learn from the people who lived before them. They think of only pleasure, and the good things in life.


Son, to find the meaning of your life you must understand and accept the fact that I entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured your redemption forever. My blood will purify your conscience so that you can worship Me. I am coming again, not to deal with your sins, but to bring the salvation I promised to you.


Because of what I have done for you – you can enter heaven’s Most Holy Place, and go right into the presence of God with a sincere heart fully trusting Him. So hold tightly without wavering to this hope; for I can be trusted to keep My promise. While you wait, think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Do not stop meeting together, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of My return is drawing near. Remain faithful even if it is in terrible suffering, and all you own is taken from you. Accept it with joy, because of the better things waiting for you that will last forever. So do not throw away this confident trust in Me. Remember the great reward it will bring you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do My will. Soon you will receive all that I have promised, and you must live by faith. But I take no pleasure in anyone who turns away.

Daily Devotional

Son, I am able to save and help you. I live forever to intercede with God on your behalf. I am holy and blameless, and unstained by sin. There is no one like Me. Who can challenge Me? What ruler can oppose My will? Every word of Mine proves true. Therefore, I will be your shield when you come to Me for protection.


Son, if the innocent must suffer in this life, how much more must the guilty suffer! They will not go unpunished. They will drink My cup of judgment! They trust in their wealth, and think no one could ever harm them. They have been deceived, and their day of reckoning has arrived. Remember, when the wicked are in authority sin flourishes, and these wicked people will despise anything or anyone who represents Me. So My children must be like the ants, and begin to store up provision for what is coming.


Lord, You alone have all power, therefore I put my confidence in You.

Daily Devotional

Son, some people think they are always right, but I examine the heart. So choose a good reputation over great riches; be honest and trustworthy. Being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. Remember, good planning and hard work always lead to success, but unplanned shortcuts always lead to failure.


Wisdom is to know when to keep your mouth shut, so that you do not cause unnecessary trouble. Be cautious about the people who are around you. If you associate with angry, hot-tempered people, you will learn to be like them. Instead, let your life be pleasing to Me. You will grow in knowledge of Me when you have people in your life that love My word and live by My word.


Son, people who are greedy for more of anything – are never satisfied with what they have. When they shut their ears to the cries of the poor, I will ignore them when they cry out to Me in their time of need. These people ask Me to show them what to do and where to go. But, if it is not what they want to hear they will refuse to obey whatever I tell them!


Lord, no human wisdom, or understanding, or plan can stand against You. Because You are with me, I can be sure that You will rescue me. Help me to understand and experience all the good things I have in You.

Daily Devotional

Son, people ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then they get angry at Me. To them nothing is pure, their minds and consciences have become corrupt. They claim to know Me, but they deny Me by the way they live. They are foolish, disobedient people who have been misled and have become slaves to their lusts and pleasures. Their lives are full of evil, envy, and hate.


Teach them to know My truth, and that My truth will show them how to live godly lives. This truth will give them confidence that they have eternal life with Me. Show them My truth in your life by being an example to them through your obedience. Let your life reflect the integrity and seriousness of knowing the truth. What is this truth? I gave My life to free people from every kind of sin, to cleanse them, and to make them My very own people, totally committed to being obedient.


Lord, help me to teach the truth. Help me to keep my heart pure so that I can encourage others with Your truth. Help me to keep my eyes open to all Your opportunities that you bring my way. Help me not to get even when people have wronged me. Help me to allow Your penetrating light to expose every hidden motive in my life. I don’t want You to say of me at the end of my life: “He did well in following My instructions, but did not obey Me with all his heart.”

Daily Devotional

Son, you are living in the last days. The conditions today are what I said they would be two thousand years ago. The last days will be very difficult, people will love themselves and their money. People will be boastful, proud, oppose the truth and mock Me. They will be disobedient to their parents and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good, and love pleasure rather than Me. They will act religious, but will reject the power that could make them Godly. They no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching, but follow their own desires and look for teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.


Son, people are morally corrupt and have established a counterfeit faith. They won’t get away with this for long; soon they will be recognized for the fools they are. These people continue to say, “That couldn’t happen. This is not right. This is the day of good news.” They think that wealth is a strong defense against the hard times that are coming. They spout off before listening to the facts, because they only want to air their own opinions. They have no interest in trying to understand why, and lash out at common sense.


Son, be prepared and don’t be afraid. Share with everyone I send to you. I will restore everything that you give. Remember that everyone who wants to live a Godly life will suffer persecution. I test your heart, and when My Love prospers – faults are forgiven.


Lord, Your word will teach me what is true and make me realize what is wrong in my life. It corrects me and teaches me to do what is right. It helps me to be prepared for what is coming. Your word tells me that if I eagerly look forward to Your return, I will be given a crown of righteousness. So, I must tell others about the power of Your word and that everything will happen just as You said it would!