Daily Devotional

Son, I alone am God, and there is none like Me. I speak only what is true and declare only what is right. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. I make bold promises, and everything I plan will come to pass. I do whatever I wish.


I would not have told people to seek Me if I could not be found. You sought after Me and found Me. I have cared for you since you were born knowing you would seek Me. Yes, I carried you before you were born. I have been your God throughout your lifetime. Even now that your hair is white with age I am still with you. Because I made you, I will care for you and save you.


So remember the things I have done in the past, and tell everyone that will listen that I am ready to set things right, not in the distant future, but right now! I am ready to save anyone who calls on Me. I will even show my glory to America.


It will sound foolish to most and they will not receive this truth because they won’t understand it. The world will never know Me through their own logic and human wisdom. Therefore, only sorrow awaits them. Soon every knee will bend to Me and every tongue will confess allegiance to Me. All who were angry with Me will come to Me and be ashamed. They will fall to their knees in front of Me and say, “You are God, and there is no other.” I have spoken the truth, and I never go back on My Word; what I have said will happen – will happen!


Lord, how can I expect anyone to listen to me? I’m such a clumsy speaker and I need help with my writing. Why would anyone want to listen to me? People have become hard and their hearts have become perverted. They refuse to listen to the truth; they think they know what is right, but it is wrong. They would never admit that they are wrong. Even Your children have become too discouraged by their bondage to this world to listen.


Son, I have equipped you because I have called you, so why do you question Me?  I choose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. I choose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. Therefore, since I made you and freed you from sin, rely only on the power of My Holy Spirit. Remember, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what I have prepared for those who love Me! My Holy Spirit searches out everything and will show you My deep secrets and that you can know the wonderful things I have freely given you and that I have in store for you. 




Kingdom Thinking – Part 28 – Building God’s House

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”


Kingdom thinking understands the tremendous responsibility that is upon the church when it comes to the welfare of a society, community, state and country. This verse makes it very clear that it is God’s people who are called by His Name that hold in their hands the responsibility in seeing the Lord forgive their sin and heal the land. We do our part and God will do His.


I have been thinking about this and asking the question: What is our part? I know it’s about humbling ourselves, praying and seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways, but what does this mean practically? This is the question that I have been asking myself and searching Scripture to find the answer for.


This is where the prophet Haggai comes in. I believe that his message is for God’s people today and in the next few weekly letters we will deal with this in bringing to a close this series on “Kingdom Thinking.”


King Cyrus of Persia let the Jewish people come back to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. Upon returning they undertook the task, but soon opposition and obstacles came and the work slowed down and eventually stopped as complacency and apathy began to set in. With this God was not honored. The people then went to build their own homes, worked their crops and basically forgot about the House of God.


For eighteen years this was the case until Haggai the prophet came on the scene with a word from the Lord. It is this word from the Lord that I think is very apt for us today. 


In Ephesians chapter 2 we are told: “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.” (Ephesians 2:19-22)


We see that we too are building a holy temple, according to Paul. We learn from Peter: “You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 2:5)


When we look at the scene in heaven we see that there are people from every tribe, tongue and nation worshipping the Lord. “And they sang a new song: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.”’ (Revelation 5:9)


So when I put these verses together what does it tell me? The church, God’s people, like the Jewish people of old in Haggai’s time, are building a temple – a holy habitation for the living God. The stones that we use are not made out of granite, but are living stones made out of flesh and blood and these stones must come from every tribe, nation and people group in the world.


The question in my mind is this: How are we doing in building this temple? To finish the temple there must be stones from all of these different groups I mentioned. It is estimated that in the world there are still between 2,000 – 3,000 people groups where the church needs to be established, where living stones need to be gathered, polished and fitted into the temple.


When we think of the obstacles, the opposition from governments and evil people, this task is very daunting and the work of world evangelism is slowing down and in some places it has even stopped.


We are now beginning to see complacency and apathy settling in on the people of God especially here in the Western world. We find ourselves very busy building our own homes and thinking of ourselves so that God’s house is not being built and God is not being honored. What should we do?


In the next few weekly letters we will deal with this.








Daily Devotional

Son, what makes my children become slaves? They become slaves when their dependence is upon others for everything, rather than depending upon Me. Therefore, My children have been robbed, plundered, enslaved, imprisoned, and trapped. They have become fair game for anyone and have no one to protect them. They want to live their own way. Their slave drivers will rule over them hoping to wear them down, and force them into accepting their evil life styles.


Everyone must submit to governing authorities, and pay everyone what they owe. They must pay their taxes and give respect and honor to those who are in authority. It is very important for My children to follow the steps of the godly men of the past, and stay on My righteous path. I have called to My children so often, but they wouldn’t come. I reached out to them, but they paid no attention. They have forgotten that those who listen to Me will live in My peace, untroubled by the threats and slavery of these evil leaders.


Son, listen to what I say, and treasure what I have said. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Then you will understand what it means to fear Me, and you will gain knowledge of who I am. So clothe yourself with the knowledge that My presence is with you always. Don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires. Aim for harmony, and try to build each other up for good. Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand. I will help you. I am the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One.


I will guide you along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before you and smooth out the road ahead of you. I will hold your hand and guard you. Then you will be a light, and a guide to others. Remember, I am the Lord! Everything I prophesied will come true. 


Lord, with all my heart I desire to see all that You promise me. Help me meet every condition You have set forth. You know what kind of man I am; that I can do nothing of worth to You unless You are with me, guiding me and giving me strength to do Your will.  I’m trusting in Your powerful Word to me each day. Keep me on Your path.


Daily Devotional

Lord, in my mind I really want to obey Your word, but because of my sinful nature I sometimes fail. This sinful nature has a power within me, and there is a war within my mind. When this power wins it makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! When will I be free from this life that is dominated by sin and death?


Son, I have given My Spirit to free you from the power of sin. I came in a body like yours, and in that body I declared an end to sin’s control over you by giving My life as a sacrifice for your sins. So let My Spirit control your mind, and you will have My peace. My Spirit will join with your spirit to affirm that you are Mine. Since you are Mine, you are an heir of God’s glory.


If you are to share God’s glory, you must also share in My suffering. Keep this in mind, what you suffer now is nothing compared to the glory I will reveal to you later. Your spirit longs for the new body that is released from sin and suffering. When you look forward to something that you don’t yet have, you must wait patiently and confidently for it. Remember, I cause everything to work for the good of those who love Me. If I am for you who could ever be against you, and what could ever separate you from My love?


Does this mean that I no longer love you if you have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? No, you must be convinced that nothing can ever separate you from My love. I always keep My promises. I am close to all who call on Me.


So don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. You will have My joy when you have Me as your helper. When you remember that I keep every promise I’ve made, you will find strength. So be strong and do not fear, for I am coming and soon you will be walking My Highway of Holiness. Then when people ask, “What makes you think that God can rescue you,” you will be able to confidently answer them!


Daily Devotional

Son, I am telling you in advance what I am about to do. That way you and your family will have enough when the years of famine come. People from all around will come to buy from you when you are prepared. Remember, that you must keep believing even when there is no reason to do so. In this time of testing you must not waver in believing My promises. When you keep believing – your faith will grow stronger, and this brings Me great glory. But, you must be fully convinced that I am able to do what I have promised.


When My children hear and see the truth, they will be prepared. They must understand that My righteousness will bring them peace, quietness, and confidence. I will greatly bless My children when they know this truth.


People of the world need to understand that no one can ever be made right with Me by doing what they think are good acts. People can only be made right with Me by placing their faith in Me. This truth is for everyone, no matter who they are.


Lord, help me not to think as if everything is going against me! Take control of what I say, and don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. I pour out my complaints and tell You all my troubles because You alone know the way I should turn. Hear my cry, and rescue me.

Daily Devotional

Son, My name is El-Shaddai, God Almighty. I am the one who answers your prayers when you are in distress. I have been with you wherever you have gone. My faithful love for you will endure forever.


I am preparing a wonderful feast for you, and all My children. It will be a delicious banquet with clear, well-aged wine and choice meat. I will remove the cloud of gloom, and the shadow of death. I will wipe away all tears. On this day My people will proclaim, “I am their God! We trusted in Him, and He saved us!”


Son, now get to your feet, for I have appointed you as My servant and witness. Tell the world what you have seen and what I have shown you about the future. Tell them that they will receive forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among My children when they accept Me as their Savior. Prove that you have changed by the good things you do. Remember, people do not care how much you know, until they know how much you care; then you can speak boldly.


Lord, thank You for You are good and have done mighty miracles in my life. Thank You for leading me and my family. Your faithful love endures forever. You saved us, and give us food every day. I will honor and praise Your name, for You are my God. You do wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and You accomplish them all. Your hand of blessing has rested on me. You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You; when their thoughts are fixed on You! You are a God who does what is right, and You smooth out the path ahead of me.


Lord, I show my trust in You when I obey Your word. My heart’s desire is to glorify Your name. Thank You for giving me Your peace. Everything I have accomplished is really from You. Thank You for the promise that those who die in You will live with You. Their bodies will rise again, and sing for joy!


Kingdom Thinking – Part 27



Psalms 92:12-15 “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God.  They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, ‘The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him.’”


Simple definition for the word ’flourish’ is: to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, to develop rapidly and successfully. God wants us (His people) to flourish in the midst of a world that is filled with sin and decay. To flourish in this way will be a testimony to the world that what we have and what we believe in is real and that it works. Paul said: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” (2 Corinthians 4:13) He knew that what he believed in was real and so he spoke with confidence and authority.


In a blog by INSTITUTE FOR FAITH, WORK AND ECONOMICS a Christian think tank out of Washington DC – said the following about flourishing: “In the Old Testament, the concept of flourishing is best described by the Jewish word shalom. Biblical scholars note that shalom signifies a number of things, including salvation, wholeness, integrity, soundness, community, righteousness, justice, and well-being. Shalom denotes a right relationship with God, with others, and with God’s good creation. It is the way God intended things to be when He created the universe.


Most English Bibles translate shalom as “peace,” but it means much more than just an absence of conflict. The idea of flourishing (shalom) in the widest sense of the word is a significant theme in the Old Testament. When the Lord brings “shalom:”



Shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness, and delight. It is the way things ought to be.


We might not know the fullness of this “shalom” until Christ comes, but to me kingdom thinking means that this is what we are to work towards where ever we might be that God places us: our work place, school, arts, government, media, business, etc. We work towards life’s shalom.


In order to flourish our lives must have meaning and purpose. When Christ gave us one of His last commands to go into all the world and teach all nations before His ascension, He gave us the means to flourish. I would dare say that our lives individually, or corporately with our church, will have no real flourishing unless we are working towards this goal. This does not mean that everyone must go, but all can be involved in giving and praying, but also involved in reaching those around us.


Part of this flourishing is being good stewards in fulfilling the cultural mandate God gave us. How are we doing? Are we maintaining God’s creation? Are we making the best of the talents, gifts, resources that God has given us? The blog that I mentioned above brings out some important truths that flourishing in a society will be seen in areas like life expectancy, infant mortality, at levels of poverty and corruption, with civil liberties and the environment.


Kingdom thinking will ponder or consider these things and will look around in the world to see what can and should be done. I am working with brothers now who want to see how we can create jobs; work is important. This is one of the best ways to alleviate poverty. There are some who are unable to work, but God ordained work and not living off the generosity of others or hand-outs from the government (tax-payers).


When Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, was teaching the churches through his letters, he shared how we need to take care of those in our families first. He used the example of widows. Paul said: “Give proper recognition to those widows who are really in need. But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.” (1 Timothy 5:3-5)


I am not saying that governments are not important in helping with relief, but only after other means (like family) have been exhausted. The problem that we have in Western Europe, and that we are closely following in the States, is in thinking that our government needs to take care of us from the cradle to the grave. But, that can last only so long because like Margaret Thatcher said: “We soon run out of other people’s money.”


Kingdom thinking will also see the importance of ‘giving.’ James and John bring this out in their admonition to us all. “Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.  If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:15-17


“If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?” 1 John 3:17


God wants us to “flourish” in every way so that we can help others, both physically and spiritually, as well as enjoy our lives with our families.  Are you flourishing?


Daily Devotional

Lord, now I understand why Jacob wrestled with You all night. He wrestled with You until You took away his fear. It was not that Jacob had power over You, or that You could leave. Jacob would not let go of You until he had Your peace because of what was ahead. Jacob knew all that You had done for his father and grandfather and he knew Your promises for his own life. But, Jacob needed confidence, and You gave him a physical reminder of Your promise that he will overcome what he fears might happen.


Son, I will be with you. I have seen your abuse and your hard work, now get ready. I know you have fears, but you must remember all of My promises to you. I have told you everything that you need to know. In the past you never asked for My help or considered what I planned long ago. I have cut you free from the ropes of the ungodly. I have forgiven you so that you might learn to fear only Me.


Lord, I am counting on You. I have put my hope in Your word, for with You there is unfailing love.

Proverbs 31 Woman – Like a Merchant Ship

Since the Proverbs 31 Woman has an “enterprise perspective” she sets goals for herself. She also sets goals for her children to reach and helps them reach those goals. She teaches her children the benefits of a goal reached. She sees an earthly and a heavenly gain in this. She has trained up her children to help her and to take on worthy projects themselves that she watches over for their profit.


She has put a lot thought and course-plotting to the future of her children. It is pitiful to see young men and women wasting away because they have no clue what life is all about or what they should be doing with their time, their talents, and their money. They just live each day for what they can get out of it, without a care for their future.  


There are more parents making idols of their children; giving their children everything they scream and ask for, than there are parents who are making godly role models out of their little darlings. If we allow our children to be lazy and unproductive – we assist them in ruining their lives. As wise and productive mothers (and fathers) we should be the ones our children are taught by. We are wise to employ our own children under us in any way we can think of. It allows the parent to instill the right value system in them.


Children will fall away from godliness if sent off too soon to learn and be accountable to someone else but you, and especially someone without the fear of God in them. Putting your child in a place where God and His principles are not honored is the perfect way to destroy your child’s future. If that child has been offered to God and dedicated to Him then you are responsible for your child’s understanding of the Lord and for your child’s upbringing in the truth. If you do not follow through then it puts God in a position He shouldn’t have to be in; that of doing what you should be doing for the children you dedicated to Him and that He has entrusted you with. The blessing will go to another, not you.


As Christian parents most of us have dedicated our children to the Lord, but do we understand what that really means? Like most Christian parents, we had the pastor pray over each one of our children and over us as their parents. We should understand the responsibility we have to God on behalf of these children to care for them properly and to raise them up for His glory and Kingdom. The thing that so grieves God’s heart is that He sees so many parents (who have dedicated their children in this way) not following through. When times get tough, they fall away from the Lord, from their marriage, from being the parents their children need. God expects us to live up to our vows we’ve made to each other and to Him; to be faithful. He will help us to be faithful if we will not give up and go our own selfish way. Our children need us to be faithful more than we realize.


I believe that God assigns children to parents so that they are evenly yoked together; to the perishing God assigns the perishing; but to the godly He assigns the godly. God knows the outcome of our choices in life; the future our choices made. The parents you end up with might not be the parents/parent you started with. God gave me new parents after He saved me so that I would grow up for Him. My husband’s older brother and wife have been spiritual parents to us.


We made mistakes as all parents do, but God trained us by those mistakes. It made us better counselors to our adult children when they began raising our grandchildren.


God has given us His standard of living that has never changed. We should deny and remove whatever is in the way of our own godliness and that is in the way of our marriage and children growing in godliness. From generation to generation the godly will thrive, multiply and dominate the earth for eternity. (Exodus 20:3-6, Psalm 22:30-31, Psalm 33:11, Psalm 45:16-17, Psalm 78:4-8) This is the will of God. What God expected His people (Israel) to teach their children is what God expects us to teach our children. There are not two standards. There are not two roots. (Romans 10:11-13 and chapter 11)


Many parents send their children off to Sunday school, to public school, on mission’s trips or into the military to learn what they should already know and have established in their character. These parents either didn’t know, or in knowing they neglected to follow through with God’s commands to them as parents. (Deuteronomy 11:13-26)


When you send your son (or daughter) off to do something good for other people they should be able and willing to give of themselves; to be of good (godly) use simply from the way you raised them at home. A troublemaker (rebellion) should be conquered at home according to God’s way and wisdom. A child’s meanness is to be removed at home or they will become a threat to society. The ignorance in children is the responsibility of the parent foremost and not the schools, not the church and not the government. When you take your stand on this, ‘trusting the Lord to uphold you and protect you,’ He will. Before you send your young adult off anywhere in the world ‘with your blessing’ you better be sure your child will be a blessing there. They represent your parenting skills; they represent the values you instilled in them.


As one wise man said, “Parenting isn’t for cowards!” Parents are afraid to spank their children because of all the false teaching of men of women who do not fear God. They fear the laws that have been made that will imprison the parent that disciplines their children the way God says to. It simply comes down to whether or not you believe that God has the power to protect your good parenting, and the overruling authority to prevent anyone from removing your children from you. 


Courageous parents expect God to uphold them as they train up their children the way God tells them to. They stand on the promises of God. Gutless parents buckle under their child’s demands afraid of what their child will think of them. Cowardly parents want to be liked by their children no matter what. They do not think ahead and consider the outcome of such childish parenting. What we see today is the ungodly teaching and training children, who in turn are training their parents, instead of parents training children in what it means to be a genuine child of God.   


My husband and I have helped send young men in our church (fresh out of high-school) to far-away places only to hear that they caused trouble partying or slacking off – wasting their team leader’s time. When you send your child or anyone off they are representing you – the sender. It is your responsibility to make sure they are ready and prepared for the work of the Lord there. If you are financially supporting someone for their ministry or work in an area you better know if that person is responsible or not before you back him up and send him off hoping he/she will be useful and commended.


Whatever the Proverbs 31 Woman has that is of value she is not selfish with it. She finds a way to share her wealth with others if the Lord has put some person, family, community or nation on her heart. Whether it be Bibles, food, clothing, words of hope and encouragement or even her children – she will get it all where it needs to go, and with a sense of urgency about it.

Daily Devotional

Son, trust Me, and do not be afraid. I will not let you stumble, for I stand beside you as your protective shade. I will keep you from all harm and I will watch over your life. I will watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever. Remember that soon the earth will be filled with people who know Me just as the waters fill the sea.


Tell everyone all that I have done for you. Let them know how mighty I am. Tell them that their only hope comes from Me. Tell them I always keep My word and everything I promise is always done exactly as I promised, and at the time I said it would happen.


Son, trust Me and do not withhold anything from Me. Then I will provide all that you need. I am “Yahweh-Yireh,” the Lord will provide.  Everyone will be blessed when they obey Me, and the evidence of My blessing will be seen by everyone. Therefore, encourage My children to stay true to Me.


Lord, You are my strength and it is by Your strength that I stand. It should be obvious to all that it is You who helps me in everything I do.