Knowledge with Wisdom

1 Kings 4:29 tells us that God gave Solomon very great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge. Today we have leaders who only have some knowledge, but the knowledge they do have they haveno understanding and wisdom along with it. 
What will be the outcome with this type of leadership? Without wisdom you are a fool, says the LORD GOD. You're a fool because true wisdom knows that there is a God, and that someday we will stand before Him and give an account for all we've done. 
I told my kids while they were growing up that there are three types of people in this world. The wise: those who learn by watching others make mistakes. The fool: those who learn from their own mistakes. The idiot: those who never learn and keep doing the same things over and over hoping for a different outcome. 
History has shown us that for any nation to succeed it must start with God and have a strong family unit. The media and most of our leadership is trying to omit that there is a God, or that they are not accountable to God in the least, and they have redefined the family unit to include all kinds of combinations of whoever and whatever. 
The final result will be a collapsed nation. We need in our government, school boards, and our churches, people who seek God with all their hearts, lean not on their own understanding, and ask God for wisdom so that they can know what to do with all their knowledge. 

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