Daily Devotional

Lord, why did you give life to those who have no future with You? The life they have chosen has no peace, no quietness, no rest; only trouble.


Son, they brought all this on themselves when they turned their back to Me. They must bear the consequence of their own choices, and I will have no pity on them. They will be judged on the basis of their choice and sins. They will groan when they stand before Me, and realize all of the evil they have done. Their error was to reject My Word, and so they will meet the fate planned for them.


My pronounced judgment should be a warning not to turn their backs to Me. Because what they fear will happen; what they dread will come true. The time is coming when they will not be able to change their destiny, and I won’t hold back My wrath on all rebellion, nor will I change My mind.


Lord, You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from You. You show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasures of living with You forever. It is by Your great mercy that I have been born again by Your Spirit. There is wonderful joy ahead for Your children, even though I must endure for a little while longer, many trials and trouble in this life.


Son, godly people are the true heroes. So prepare your mind with the truth, so that when you act it will be right and bold actions. Exercise self-control daily and keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very soul. Patiently endure unjust treatment for doing the good work of My kingdom. I AM your Shepherd, the true and faithful Guardian of your eternal soul.


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