Daily Devotional

Son, how wonderful and pleasant it is when My children live together in harmony!


Lord, when I look over the situation that America is in – Your children are not united. We must remember that we are Your children and become united. We must rally together, stand up and fight for our brothers, our sons, our daughters, our wives, and our homes! We need to lift up holy hands in prayer and praise You. We must not fear the enemy who is against everything we stand for!


Son, when My children unite the enemy will become very angry that they have begun to rebuild the family unit. They will fly into a rage saying,  “What does this feeble bunch of people think they’re doing? Do they think they can rebuild the family unit by obeying the word of God.? Do they actually think they can make something out of that rubbish heap?”


When My children work with enthusiasm, and My men begin to stand in the broken down places for their families – these people that are doomed to hell – will be furious. They will fight against My children and try to throw them into confusion. They will tell everyone, “While they are unprepared, we will swoop down on them and end this worthless work.”  But, I know their plans and I will frustrate them.


So My children stand guard over your homes with the sword of My Word. My children must unite and begin the work of telling everyone who I am; that I protect My family. My children must sound the alarm when they are under attack, and when the rest of My children hear the alarm they must rush to wherever it is sounding and stand up for each other. I will fight for My children but they must realize that this fight is more than a battle; it is a war, and they need to be ready from sunrise to sunset!


Lord, hear our prayer for unity, for we are being mocked everyday. The enemy is coming from all directions. May their scoffing fall back on their own heads. Do not ignore their guilt, and do not blot out their sins, for they have provoked Your children to anger by trying to destroy Your family unit. We need You Lord to help us unite and build back up the walls. I know that Your children will began to complain when they are getting tired and there is so much left to do. But, O Lord when Your children are united in prayer and purpose – You will stand guard over our homes day and night as we rebuild.


Son, I am coming soon, and this should encourage My children to fight! My home will be among My children! I will live with them, and they will be My people. I will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.  I am making everything new, and what I tell you is trustworthy and true. Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, but only those whose names are written in My Book of Life. No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For, My throne will be there! Everything I have told you is trustworthy and true. For I am the One who inspires My prophets, to tell everyone, “Blessed are those who obey My word and believe all of the prophecy written in My Book.”


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