Daily Devotional

Son, My children have forgotten how to fish for people, they think people will come to them. I told them not to fish for people who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners, and that they must go where these are.


It grieves My heart that some of My children do not know My Word. I made it very clear that they are not to hide My Word from their children; that it must be taught in their homes so that the next generation will know it, and they in turn will teach it to their children.


Son, tell My children who will listen, “Get ready, the day is near when I, the LORD, will come.” My children must be ready and prepared.


Lord, some of Your children are afraid of this day, for it will bring hard times. They are worried that You will not help them. They have forgotten what You have done for them in the past, and cannot believe that You will care for them. Despite all of Your wonders they refuse to trust You.


Son, their lives will end in failure because their hearts are not loyal to Me. They do not know My power; the power of My Word and Spirit. They have been deceived by their own pride and ignorance that man has the solution. These men that they seek after make promises that they have no way of keeping.  So I will give them what they want, and see if man can care for them like I can. 


Lord, You have led me and my family on a pathway that has taken us through mighty waters – a pathway we did not know was there. Thank You!


Daily Devotional

Son, the night I was taken in the garden My followers made a choice to run away and hide; to deny and betray Me. So it is again, as that day approaches when I come back.


In the coming days My church will have to make the choice to stand up for the truth, or to run away and hide; betraying Me and others who do stand up for the truth. Those cowards will think that they are just a few in number and so they will be crushed if they stand up.  They believe they will be ruined, and their entire work for God wiped out! What fools; how can My work on earth be wiped out?! They blindly think, “Let’s be smart and keep our mouths shut, for this is an evil time!” They have no wisdom at all when they are angry and resentful towards those who do stand up for the truth. In their madness they accuse the faithful by saying, “You are the reason they have ruined our work and made us afraid of what they will take from us.”


Lord, those who keep their heart’s pure; will it be for nothing? Was my life of living for the truth – for no good reason? When I tried to understand why the wicked prosper, I get all torn up inside. But, then You remind me of the fate of the wicked! So, I will keep going, no matter what!


Son, My church must do what I called them to do, and that is to stand up for the truth of My Word; My Word is Truth! They must stop twisting My words so that they can fit into their societies and cultures. They must stop treating righteous living like dirt because they want to live unthreatened and painless lives. They do not want the troubles and suffering of those who do stand up for My Word. They wear the pride of their wicked tolerance like a jeweled necklace. They scoff at those who denounce evil and boast that I, the Lord, stand with them and their way of thinking.  What fools!


Lord, how long will you allow them to dishonor Your Holy Name? Because Your church has not stood up for truth and obeyed Your Word, our nation is full of darkness and violence! Arise, O God, and defend Your righteous cause. Remember how these fools insult you all day long.


Son, I hate dishonest judges, and I despise people who refuse to stand for truth! I know the vast number of everyone’s sins and the depth of their rebellion. When people learn to hate evil and love what is good, it will turn their courts into true halls of justice, and then perhaps I will have mercy on the people. But know this, “The day of the LORD will be dark and hopeless, without a ray of joy or happiness.” So My children, keep alert and watching in prayer as you wait for My return, and you will not give in to the evil temptation of being accepted by this world. Remember your spirit is willing, but your body is weak; therefore, be filled with My Spirit so that you will overcome all that comes against you.


Lord, when I finally understand what is about to take place, I will have peace that I belong to You, me and my family. For, You hold my right hand. You guide me with Your good counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I to look to and to depend on, but in heaven with You my Savior and Lord? It is when I desire You more than anything on earth – I will tell everyone about the wonderful things You do!



Daily Devotional

Son, all My children are precious to Me. That is why I send them prophets, wise men and teachers to tell them what is about to happen, so that they are prepared.


Any nation that accepts My blessings, and then refuses Me, will have the following things happen. I tell you in advance not to frighten you, but so that you know how to prepare. Weather patterns will change. Much rain in some parts of the nation and no rain in others. Disease will come, that there are no cures for. Young men will be sent to fight and die in wars all over the world. Some cities will have major catastrophes they won’t recover from. Yet after all of these warnings this nation will not return to Me. So when you see these things taking place, be prepared and ready for My service.


Son, My return is very near, so let Me tell you the signs that you need to look for. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. My children will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. They will be hated all over the world because they are My followers. Some of My children will be fearful and turn away from Me, then they will betray their brothers. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. BUT THE GOOD NEWS will be preached throughout the whole world, and every nation and people group will hear it.


Some of My children won’t realize what is going to happen, and they will not be prepared. They do not want to hear these things because it brings fear to them. They wonder how a loving God would allow His children go through this. It will be hard for them because they are not prepared spiritually, they have forgotten words of promise that, “I will take care of you.” My children must be ready all the time for My return, and not think that I won’t come back in their life time. My return will be repeatedly announced, but for most it will be unexpected.


Lord, I am old and gray, and not skilled with words, but I must tell this new generation about You. You are their only hope. You have cared for me my whole life, and I am not worthy of Your unfailing love; all Your faithfulness that You have shown to me. No wonder I want to tell this next generation about You! 

Daily Devotional

Son, those who are wise will understand, and those with discernment will listen carefully. My path is true and right, and My children must walk on it. I AM the only hope of everyone on earth, for there is no other savior.


California is overwhelmed by its sins; thus in deep trouble and sealing its destruction. All their flowing rivers, springs and lakes will run dry, and all their wells will disappear. Every precious thing they own will fly away. All of California’s guilt has been collected, and their sin has been stored up for this day. California has become proud because they have forgotten Me.


California’s leaders cause little ones to die before they’re born, and those that are brought into the world, they cause to fall into sin. Look at what they teach, and what they refuse to allow back into their schools. These leaders and teachers who direct what is taught, need to listen! “It would have been better for you to have drowned in the depths of the sea, or never have been born than what is in store for you. Beware, I tell you that in heaven these little ones have angels who are always in My presence.”


What do I want from the leaders of California? They must acknowledge that I am God and confess that they have sinned against Me, ask for My forgiveness over their rebellion, and then return to Me and My Word. For, I AM the One who reigns from Heaven and that will answer their prayers, just as I will watch over them.


Son, I have given My children the power to stop this drought. I told them in My word that, “If two of you on earth agree concerning anything you ask, My Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as My followers, I am there among them.” But what stops them from agreeing with one another? They refuse to forgive their brothers and sisters from their heart. They do not listen to Me. They have so little faith, if any at all. I told them in My word that, “If you have faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move.” Nothing would be impossible!


Thank You Lord, that You do not ignore the prayers of Your children or withdraw Your unfailing love from us. I confess the sin in my heart, and I know You will listen and pay attention to my prayer. Lord, we need Your help! Give us the strength to stand up for truth and tell the world how wonderful, gracious and awesome You are!

Relationships – Chapter 15

Fellowship in Depth – Part 3 – Meet Basic Needs


Romans 5:5 “And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”


One of the things that I have discovered in traveling is that no matterwhere we come from, what culture we might have or language we speak, we all have the same basic human needs. What are they? A sense of acceptance, to love and being loved and a sense of self-worth.


One psychologist brought out that there is no such thing as mental illnessunless the brain has been impaired in some way. What he was saying was that when people’s basic needs are not being met they begin to do some strange things that when observed by others we begin to think that they are mentally off. We may look at our children and think they are acting strange and perhaps are “not all there” because they are engaged in things like drugs, sex, alcohol, etc., but this could be that their basic human needs are not being met. We see Joe Blow (fictitious name) standing on the street corner shouting out that he is Abraham Lincoln. We tend to think that he is mentally off when in reality nobody recognizes him as Joe Blow and his basic need of acceptance is not being met, but as Abraham Lincoln it is a different case to him.


We all have a need to be accepted and to belong; this is a strong human need.In our evangelism one of the issues we miss is that it is hard to get a person to leave one kingdom (kingdom of darkness) for another (kingdom of light). What locks us into our kingdom is acceptance. To move into the kingdom of light there must also be the acceptance. This is why little fellowship groups, where acceptance is being manifested, are a powerful magnet to the kingdom of light.


Paul Tournier said: “Men’s loneliness is linked with fear. Men fear one another, fear to be crushed in life, fear to be misunderstood.” Anotherneed is a feeling or sense of self-worth. When we realize that we are worth something to somebody it makes a big difference in our life as well as in our outlook.


When there is a real fellowship taking place we begin to see that not only are others in the same boat as we are, but that we also have the ability to respond. In helping meet the needs of others we find our own needs beingmet as well. This is the way God has made us. We are made for fellowship. To build His church we must discover fellowship in depth.


One of the most misunderstood words today is the word LOVE. We use thisword for so many things. I love my dog, my car, ice cream, my neighbor and we might also say: “I love God.” Yet, so often what we mistake for love is nothing more than wishy-washy sentimentality or personal preferences.


Love must always be accompanied by the truth. These two are inseparable. They will always go together like a hand and glove.


Our text is Romans 5:5: “His love has been poured forth into our heartsby the Holy Spirit.” This love from God is poured forth by the Holy Spirit, but it is through His Body that we mostly experience it. This is where true fellowship is found, as it should be. We are infinitely precious in the sight of God, therefore we all have ‘self-worth.’


We see how these three very important needs are met in the Lord Jesus Christ. We have been accepted in the Him, the Beloved of God. We know that He loves us because greater love has no man than to lay down His life for others, and this is what the Lord Jesus did for us.


Daily Devotional

Son, I am God, not a mere mortal. I AM the Holy One, and My heart is torn within Me. I lead My children with ropes of kindness and love. I have removed the yoke of bondage from their neck. I Myself feed them, and yet My children are determined to desert Me. They call Me the Most High, but they don’t honor Me as they should.


Listen to the words that come out of their mouths. The words they speak come from the condition of their hearts. They know how to interpret the weather, but they are clueless to the time they live and how to interpret these signs! It is very dangerous to see things merely from a human point of view, instead of Mine. They have so little faith, and that is why they argue with each other and compete with each other. They don’t understand that “I AM!” They don’t remember what I’ve done!  And they act like they don’t care!


Look at their lives, they chase after the wind; they go after the acceptance of man all day long. They refuse to stand up against the lies that are said about Me. They make alliance with people and governments because they are afraid. They do not understand that these alliances will compromise their faith in Me, and will cause them not stand up for the truth of My Word.


So My children, stop rejecting My prophets who I have sent to warn you, and come back to Me your God. Act with love and justice, and always depend on Me. Stop boasting, “I am rich!” Stop thinking, “I’ve made a fortune all by myself!” Stop deceiving yourself that because no one has caught you cheating – that your record is spotless with Me!


Lord, yes, the human heart and mind is cunning; our tongues reveal what is really inside of us. The ungodly shake their heads and ask what the difference is between them and us. They say that our worship is a farce, nothing more than man-made ideas treated as commands from You.


Lord, forgive us! Forgive me! Your unfailing love is better than life itself. I will worship You. Help me to see what You see in my heart. Change me! I belong to You!

Daily Devotional

Son, put this in your storeroom where the gems of truth are kept. I keep My Word and will do exactly what I have said. It will happen at just the time. Understand that in the days ahead I am the God who will provide for you. Yahweh-Yireh: “THE LORD WILL PROVIDE!”  When you do not withhold a thing from Me, I know you truly fear Me. 


Don’t be afraid. Take courage. I am here with you! When you see the strong winds of turmoil and the waves of opposition, don’t be terrified and began to shrink back. They are not as powerful as they appear to be. If you weigh them on the scales, they are lighter than a breath of air.


I called you to be a watchman, and you will face hostility even from My own children. They will say that you are crazy, and a fool! They will reject what I tell you to say and refuse to listen or obey. These children of Mine who refuse to listen have made covenants with Me that they do not keep, or even intended to. They spout empty words instead of faithful words. Therefore, injustice springs up in their land.


Now is the time to obey Me by planting the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. I know that some of My children will listen, but since they don’t have deep roots in My Word, they won’t last long. Some will fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing My Word. Some will forget My words because it is crowded out by the worries of this life and the lure of wealth. Then there are those children of Mine who understand My Word and obey it; they will produce a harvest of good fruit.


Lord, it will be a terrible day when the day of payment comes. Our sin is great, and we are harvesting a thriving crop of sins. Today people’s hearts are hard, they refuse to listen, and they have closed their eyes to what is going on. Now we will have to eat the fruit of our lies. 


Lord, help me to wait quietly before You, for all my hope is in You.

Daily Devotional

Son, your nation is a divided nation, and any nation divided is doomed. People look to the leaders of your country for help; but how can evil leaders know what is good and right. Their very words condemn them.


Son, I must tell you what I am about to do. The sins of San Francisco and Bay area are too great. It is filled with liars and the filth of immoralities. The people don’t realize that I am watching them. I see all they are doing that is detestable in My sight. They kill one after another, and no one cries to Me for help there. Their arrogance testifies against them, and they look everywhere except to Me. The people have rejected what is good, and have brought about their own destruction. Evil is on their lips, and if anyone tells them that their life style is sinful, they shout, “Who are you to judge us! We’ll destroy you for speaking against us, and take everything you own from you! Get out of this place of ours.”


I will shake the land and split it open, and destroy this area completely. For the outcry against this place is so great, that it requires Me to destroy it. When people read My warning they will think I am only joking.


So, My children run for your lives! Don’t look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away! Then watch as columns of smoke rise from the cities like smoke from a furnace,


Lord, human help is useless when people are divided and sin is this great. Your are the only hope of the world.

Daily Devotional

Son, your responsibility is to do all that I ask of you, so write what I tell you this morning.


Hear this, you false pastors, and you wicked leaders of California, judgment has been handed down against you. I have heard a great outcry from Sodom and Gomorrah, that I was unjust if I do not judge you; for your sins are so flagrant that you do not even try to hide yourself from Me. Therefore, you are utterly defiled, and I will settle with you for what you have done. You will not find Me when judgment starts. I have withdrawn from You because you have ignored Me. You will not find Me until you admit your guilt and turn to Me and My Word. 


You wicked pastors and leaders, I see all of your motives and actions. Do you know the meaning of the word JUSTICE? Why do you not judge the people fairly? You plot injustice in your hearts. You spread violence throughout the land. I sent My prophets with My words time and time again to warn you of the coming judgments that are as unescapable as light. I wanted to show you My love, and I wanted you to know Me, but you refused.


Past generations of My children will rejoice when they see injustice avenged. They will shout that there is truly a reward for those who live for God; surely there is a God who judges justly here on earth. 


Lord, will You sweep away both the righteous and the wicked; the righteous who look to You for protection and provision?


Son, I will hide My children beneath the shadow of My wings until the danger has passed. When My children are persecuted in one town, flee to the next. But know that all nations will hate you because you are My followers. You will be handed over to the courts and will stand trial, but rejoice, because this will be your opportunity to tell everyone about Me. Don’t worry about how to respond or what to say, for I will give you the right words at the right time. It will not be you speaking but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. So don’t be afraid of those who threaten you, just know that the wicked will not escape Judgment Day that is coming.


So My children, just be faithful as I send you out as sheep among wolves. Be shrewd but gentle.

Daily Devotional

Son, My complaint is with the false pastors who twist My words, and they do it so that they can look important to people who refuse to acknowledge My Word as truth. The results of this type of teaching is unfaithfulness, little knowledge of My Word and the lack of My grace and kindness in your land. People enjoy killing and think of how to steal all the time. They commit adultery without any shame about it. Violence is spreading, one murder after another. This is why your land is in mourning – because people love shame more than honor.


People who refuse to live by My standard will become wild and unruly, against the truth and against each other. Yes, they will live in open hostility against anyone who says that the lifestyle they have chosen is destructive.


Son, don’t waste your time with these unholy people. For they will trample My Word, and then turn and attack you. Remember the highway to hell is broad, and its gate is very wide because most people will choose that way. But the gateway to Me is very narrow and even though difficult at times, it leads to eternal life, and only a few ever find it. So expose these false pastors who come disguised as men of the truth. You can identify them by the way they act, and what they say.


Lord, since America has listened to these false pastors, people threaten Your children with death threats, and the storms of hatred is everywhere. But, I will call to You and give my burdens to You. You will take care of Me and my family. You promised that You would not allow the godly to slip and fall. I will put my trust in You, so why should I be afraid? I will praise You for what You have promised. What a joy it is to walk in Your presence without any fear! You are the God who sees me and favors me! Your Word says it, and so I believe it!