Daily Devotional

Lord, Your children are divided and our country has great chasms. The land is about to receive more of Your judgments because Your children are not all united with You. Our foundation has spreading cracks that need repair! With Your help we can unitedly take back this nation to make it great again. Lord, unite us with Your wisdom and give us the confidence to stand on Your mighty promises. Save us by Your great power!  With Your favor upon us we can defeat those who reject Your truth; so that the disobedient are turned to the wisdom of the righteous.


Son, I have given My children everything they need to bring this country back to all that is right and just. They must unite in the truth by electing leaders who stand on My Word and believe in My precious promises. These promises, if they will firmly stand on them, will enable them to share in My divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by evil human desires. When My children obey My Word they will not fall and be disgraced, nor fail in their positions. In the end, they will make a grand entrance into My eternal Kingdom.


Lord, listen to the filth and arrogance that comes from the mouths of our leaders. They boast of their great tolerances, and regard themselves as wise – making our nation a laughingstock. Look at all the immoral and wicked people that our leaders let influence their thinking, taking advantage of their positions as leaders to promote further wickedness in our land. These proud and arrogant people despise Your laws and authority over them, daring even to scoff at You without so much as trembling. They have become like unthinking animals, creatures of instinct; worse than animals because they do what is not natural to do, and give honor to anyone brave enough to make a public stand of their immorality. These fools brag about the plans they have to bring everyone in line with them, and work to shame those who oppose them. They promise a freedom that is not freedom at all, but bondage and further defilement of the land. They are quick to indulge in evil because their desire for sin is never satisfied.


Son, I know that My children are tormented by what they see and hear every day. They must understand that these people live under My curse, and are doomed to blackest darkness. My children have escaped the judgment of the world by knowing and obeying their Savior Jesus Christ. I have set them free from the bondage of sin – so that sin is no longer their master. But, if My children get tangled up and enslaved by sin again, they will be worse off than before! My children must remember this and guard their hearts and minds with My truth and Spirit.

Daily Devotional

Son, I am your Shepherd and the Guardian of your soul. It is by My great mercy that you have been born again. So live your life with great expectation; for there is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure some trials on this earth. Remember that your new life will last forever because it comes from your faith in My living Word which remains forever. I paid the ransom required to save you from an empty life that will quickly end; for you have been born again to live with Me eternally.


Though you do not see Me yet, you need to trust Me. So prepare your mind for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in Me, and don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You must be holy because I AM holy.


Some of My children stumble because they do not know or obey My Word. I taught them that as My children they are only temporary residents in this world, and they are to be out of this worldly system that is now in place. To please Me they must guard themselves from worldly desires that wage war against their very souls. When they forget Me and choose to turn their back on Me they will bear the consequences of this great folly. I won’t hold back, nor will I change my mind; for they will be judged on the basis of their wicked choices.


Lord, when I am tempted and afraid, I will put my trust in You and remember Your words. I praise You for all that You have promised, for You are My God and coming King. It is my desire to stay close to You and do all you ask of me. Why should I be afraid of what man can do to me? You have told me that You keep track of all my sorrows, and collect all my tears in a bottle. You have recorded it all in Your book. Because of what Jesus did for me I can walk in Your presence each day, living before You day and night. I will walk in Your life-giving light so that even in the night – Your light is all around me.

Relationships – Chapter 31

Biblical Self-Esteem – Part 6


I believe it is very easy for us to misunderstand what is meant by biblical self-esteem. The biggest problem that we face is one’s self. In one sense ‘self’ is public enemy number one. When it comes to my relationships with others and my relationship with God – it is myself that is often the problem.


One of the things that we need to think about is this: What is the difference between biblical self-esteem (the way that we have been looking at it) and self-centeredness? I would like to give some thought to this difference.


Comparison is probably the first thing that comes to our mind. What do I mean by this?  Self-centeredness says: “I am more important,” but biblical self-esteem says: “I am important.” Do we see the difference? Whenever we begin to compare ourselves with others, it is wrong.


Self-centeredness will try to not only compare him/herself with others, but try and compete or even feel superior to someone else. This is wrong and will destroy relationships.


Biblical self-esteem simply confirms what God says about us. Again, we need to go back and see what the Lord says about us. God reaffirms His love for us. We are lumps of clay that He is shaping. Often we do not like what we see, but we must keep in mind that God is not through with us yet. We will become a true son or daughter of God; for in Christ Jesus we have become a new creation, with a new hope and a bright future.


Why is it important for us to know what the Lord thinks about us? We tend to behave according to what we think people think about us. If we think that people think of us as screw-ups then we have a tendency to behave that way.


It is important for me to know what the Lord really thinks about me, because it will affect my behavior for good or bad. It will affect my relationship with the Lord. In other words, my fellowship with God is determined by what I think He thinks about me.


Relating to the Lord in the right way helps me to relate to others in the right way. I will no longer be comparing myself to others, and I will accept others more freely as God does. This in turn liberates me to fulfill my individual function in the Body of Christ, so that the Lord’s Church is fulfilling the will of God.

Daily Devotional

Son, where there is justice you will have peace! So do you have peace in America? If you want to know what is in the heart of America just look at where American’s spend their time, and what they spend their money on doing.


It’s not America’s great strength and wealth that brought this nation about and with blessings from Me that made America famous among the nations. It is not because of America’s select knowledge that keeps the people safe. You consider yourselves fortunate, and you applaud yourselves for all your successes, and then you boast of your wealth. But you don’t understand that I am bringing charges against you, for you treat My words like trash, and approve of those who call evil good and good evil.


Imagine it! You sacrifice little children by slaughtering them, and call it your right to do so, and then make money by dismembering their little bodies and selling them. Evil! Pure unbelievable evil! How could such a thing ever happen in this nation that started out in righteousness? Therefore, I will give America what it deserves, and soon you will cover your mouth in silent shame having no legal excuse before Me; for I know what is in your heart and the plans you have.


America repent, while there is still time!


While you did all this, I remained silent, and you thought I didn’t care. I waited for you to come back to the truth, but you just went further with your wicked rebellion, even after I sent My messengers to you over and over. But now, I can not wait any longer and I have turned against America to destroy her. I will not be silent any longer, and you will know it!  So choose today; will you serve Me or will you choose this madness?


Lord, as for me and my family, we choose You; to obey Your laws and will for our lives. We will not fear when trouble comes, for You have promised that when we are in trouble, we can call on You and You will rescue us. I know this to be true, as You have always rescued me and my children. Thank You Lord!



Daily Devotional

Son, My children learn obedience from the things they suffer. This is difficult to explain, especially since some of My children are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen. Their lives are built only on milk, still infants that keep going over the basic teachings, but refuse to be matured in righteousness. The result of this behavior is that they have become spiritually dull, indifferent and do not stand up for truth.


Everything I have said will come true. So My children need to be confident because they are meant for better things, things that come along with My great salvation. I will not forget how hard they have worked for Me and how they have shown their love for Me by caring for other believers.


Now, they must follow the example of those who believed My promises as they went through troubled times, and live lives full of faithful endurance. Wait patiently for all that I have promised as you go through times of tribulation and run to Me for refuge when things get too difficult. My children you too can have great confidence in Me for what lies ahead, just as they did. This confidence is a strong and trustworthy anchor for your soul; it will lead you through the curtain into My inner sanctuary.


Son, today there are pastors who are inventing their own platforms. They say they search My Word, but they do nothing to repair the breakdown in the family within your nation. They have not helped My children to be prepared for what is coming so they are able to stand up for the truth with full confidence in Me. They tell My children lies and make false predictions, that things will get better. They say, “This message is from the Lord,” even though I never gave them a message. They expect Me to fulfill their promises of better times ahead, but they have forgotten what I said in My Word that would most certainly come upon this wicked world.


These evil pastors have deceived My children, and have brought shame on Me. By lying to My children your country now kills those who should not die, and they promise life to those who should not live. These lies have discouraged the righteous and encouraged the wicked. My children now embrace things that will make them stumble and fall hard into sin. So why should I listen to any requests of these false pastors?


Lord, You are awesome! Soon the whole earth will rejoice to see Your kingdom come. Help me to meditate on Your unfailing love, and on You’re the truth of Your Word each morning. You remain the same forever and ever, and You will guide me until I die.

Daily Devotional

Son, think carefully about who I AM, and when you hear My voice pay close attention. Nothing in all creation is hidden from Me. Everything is naked and exposed before My eyes, and I AM the One to whom you are accountable. So don’t allow your heart to become hard by not doing what I ask of you.

Remember that rebellion to My Word will make your heart grow hard towards Me, and then you will never have My rest. Therefore, hold firmly to what I have told you in My Word. For My Word is alive and powerful; it exposes your innermost thoughts and desires.


The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled! I AM the LORD! If I say it will happen, it will happen, and there will be no more delays! I will do everything I have said in My Word. You must warn My children every day, while it is still today; for My children must be prepared. Then they will not be fearful when the disasters and earthquakes come, and all the nations are in chaos. I understand that you live among those who refuse to accept what is about to happen; those who say they are My children yet refuse the reality of what is about to happen. These rebellious children will not be prepared; they will not be in position to be useful to Me; for they will have believed a lie instead of the truth. But you must keep warning them, even if they refuse to listen.


Lord, Your judgments bring revival among Your children of rebellion. Therefore, help me to be prepared so that You can use me anyway You want. 

Daily Devotional

Lord, I am discouraged, and my heart is sad, when I think of all of those babies being killed by those so called doctors, and for body parts! Our entire country is full of murder, and every city is filled with injustice. Our sins are very, very great. So what makes our country think it can escape Your judgment?


Son, listen very carefully every day to the truth you have heard from Me, or you may drift away. “I have given My children authority over all things.”


Since I have gone through all testing and severe suffering, I am able to help and uphold My children when they stand up for truth and justice, and are courageous enough to proclaim, “This is enough, and we will not allow this anymore!” My light and truth will guide them, and I will be their source of joy.  For, it is not angels that will control the coming future world. Therefore, My children must learn how to lead now, by loving righteousness and justice as I do, and by doing good while hating evil. If My children continue to ignore this, then they will allow those who hate truth and righteousness to plunder their land.


Lord, I will put my hope in You, for You are my Savior and my God forever! All this is happening because Your children have forgotten who You really are. Forgive us Lord!

Relationships – Chapter 30

Biblical Self-Esteem – Part 5


Ephesians 2:10  “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”


Another thing that we need to think about is: What does God say about me? We all have developed a self-image, a mental picture of who we are based on what others have said about us. Throughout our lives comments have been made about us.  Subconsciously we listened to these comments and through them have formed a mental picture of ourselves. The problem is that we most usually do not move out of the parameters of that self-image that we have formed. If we have been told throughout our lives that we are a failure then it is hard for us to succeed.


To get a real understanding of who we are we need to go to God and let God show us what He thinks about us and let that be the mental picture that we form. He is the One who knows us through and through and we have already seen that what He says is not a lie since He cannot lie. What He says will be truthful.


So what does God have to say about me and you? Romans 9:20-21 “But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’ Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?”


This is perhaps one of the first things that we need to consider: we are “lumps of clay” that God molds, some for honor or dishonor, for important or less important jobs. There are times when the lady of the house might take out the Chinaware for important guests or for a special occasion, but most usually she uses the mugs and regular dishes.


What it all boils down to is that we are just what the Lord wanted. We should not try to be something that we aren’t, but to be what the Lord made us to be. What a liberation this is when we can be ourselves and not try to be like someone else.


Carrying on there are several things about us that need to be mentioned. First of all, we are forgiven sinners. Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” This is very important in coming to an understanding of whom and what I am. Satan will try and bring up the past, but we need to refuse to listen to


1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Because of what Christ has done I can walk in newness of life every day. I can keep a short account with God and be as if I have never sinned.


2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” What does God say about me? You? If we are in Christ we are a new creation. We have a new hope. We are unique. We are the only one of our kind. Each one of us then will bring out something different about the uniqueness of Christ.


This is the reason why irresponsible behavior keeps us from having a healthy self-esteem. James 4:17 “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” If I know what responsible behavior is and I act irresponsibly, then it is sin. When we act responsibly we become more aware of our self-worth.


What is responsible behavior? It is when I agree with God what sin is. What He calls sin, I call sin. One of the problems that we have in our society that is tearing us apart is the blame game. This started in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. We have a tendency to shift the blame. “It is not my fault,” but because of someone or something else.


We have seen that one form of anger is blaming one another. It is the most subtle, but the one that tends to separate friends and ruin relationships more than anything else.


Some years ago I was one of the speakers in an Operation World Conference in Bangalore, India. During a Q&A session one of the pastors asked the question: “Do you speakers ever feel jealous or envious when someone preaches, teaches, administrates, etc. better than you.” Good question. One of the speakers answered and said that when he was younger that was the case, but when he got older he began to recognize who he was in the Lord with the gifting that he was given by God and he came to accept who and what he was in Christ. And so when he saw someone speak, teach, etc. better than him he praised God for his brother. This is someone who knows who he is in Christ and accepts it.


Daily Devotional

Son, I placed America in the center of all the nations, but she has rebelled against Me. America has become more wicked than all nations of the world. She has refused to obey My laws and has rejected My Word which I gave her to follow. Therefore, this is what I say, “Since you have made the choice to reject Me and My words, I am now your enemy. I will punish you while the world watches. You will become an object of mockery, taunting, horror; a warning to all the nations. They will see what happens when I punish a nation, and America will know that I alone am the One who is doing it. Now they will know war and famine and disease, and they will know that I am the LORD.”


My children don’t recognize how hurt I am when they do not stand up for the truth. They cry out to Me about all the detestable sins the people are doing, and think, “Lord didn’t You promise us a life of comforts and pleasure?” I told them in My Word that if they follow Me wholeheartedly, then they will do all that I ask of them. But do you? So do not cry to Me for things of this world, but cry out to Me for things in My kingdom.


My children must learn the truth of how to have a productive life; how to live godly lives. This truth will give them confidence that they have eternal life. They will know how to silence people who engage in useless talk and that deceive others. These useless people are turning families away from the truth by their false promises. They do it for money. Remember, nothing is pure to those of corrupt minds, and seared consciences, and unbelieving hearts. These people claim they know Me, but they deny Me by the way they live. They have been misled and have become slaves to many lusts and pleasures. Lives full of evil, envy, and hate.


Have nothing to do with people who deny the truth; for they also deny Me. 


Lord, You are the only hope for man, therefore I put my hope in You! I will praise You each day, and thankful for Your unfailing love for me.

Daily Devotional

Son, My Word cannot be chained, and I know those who are Mine. So don’t ever be afraid or discouraged, but be strong and courageous, for I am the One who will do the fighting for you.


Trust Me! Commit everything to Me! Be still, and wait patiently for Me to act. I will direct your steps. Though you stumble, you will not fall, for I have hold of you. When you live your life by My Word you will never slip from My path. I honor all My children when they seek Me; for a wonderful future awaits them! So pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love and peace. Enjoy the companionship of all My children who call on Me with pure hearts.


Son, I want to speak with you each day, so listen very carefully. People today are stubborn and hard-hearted, and I am asking you to tell them what I tell you to say.  You must give them My messages whether they listen or not. Most will not listen, for they are completely rebellious! Yet, there remains the few who will listen and obey.


Do not be ashamed of My Word; for this is how you will know Me, the One you can trust. I am able to guard everything that you have entrusted to Me. Carefully guard the precious truth of My words that have been entrusted to you, My son, and correctly explain these words of truth to others. My words will be like a strong foundation in the storms of life. Those who laugh at My words, will see Me laugh right back as their day of judgment comes.


Son, all of My children have been sent out to tell others about the life I offer with all My promises. My children should never be ashamed to tell others about Me. They should be ready to suffer for the Good News, knowing what I have promised to the faithful. They must present My truth and keep teaching the truth to other trustworthy people, so that they will pass the truth, and the life I offer, on to others. Understand that you will suffer persecution when you do this because people do not want the truth, and so they do not want to hear what you say. You will only suffer a little while, but they will suffer forever; so keep warning them and telling the truth!