Daily Devotional

I have discovered this principle in life, that when I make decisions based upon emotion (intuitive feelings as distinguished from reasoning and knowledge) instead of the common sense that comes from God’s Spirit, that the outcome will always be greater emotion. The key to overcoming emotion is to know God intimately with your heart and mind, and to worship and serve His perfect will. Then you will find His peace and not be controlled and led by emotion.


There is this war going on in my mind that urges me to do something NOW, so that I do not wait for what my Lord tells me to do. But, I must pray about, and then the Lord will awaken me to hear Him in His Word; for there He will give me the understanding to know His true will. I must trust His wisdom and learn to leave matters in His hands, and let His Spirit lead me in how to comfort weary and worried people of this world. If I act on my emotions it is always the wrong thing to do; therefore, I must wait on the Lord and trust Him.


In the coming days it is very important that I understand that nothing can separate me from Christ’s love! Through troubles, calamities, persecution, hunger, loss and danger – there is nothing that can ever separate me from my Lord! If the Lord has said that there is nothing that can separate me from His love and presence, not even death or demons, then why should I fear what happens today or worry about what might happen tomorrow? Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate me from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus.


Therefore, I must take this all very seriously and not make decisions based on emotions or I will become afraid and discouraged; for the Lord has chosen me to know Him in truth and Spirit and to have all confidence in what He says in His Word. I must watch out that I do not get caught up with the emotions of this world; for my Lord leads me and He will not fail me or forsake me.


Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 7 – Is America at War with God’s Law?

The Sixth Commandment


Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder.”


It was mentioned in the third Commandment regarding the negative aspect of the commandments that each one of the negative laws have a positive aspect to it. For example, this sixth Commandment not only prohibits murder, but it also affirms the sanctity of human life.


The Old Testament reveals to us that life is so valuable to God that He declares that if a life is taken then a life is required. Numbers 35:30 “Anyone who kills a person is to be put to death as a murderer only on the testimony of witnesses. But no one is to be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.”


In Deuteronomy 32:39 God declares: “I kill, and I make alive.”


From this it would seem that the divine institutions that God has given us – family, church and state – should strive to “make alive” in our particular areas. For the church, this would be to bring the Word of Life to our neighbors, widows, orphans, the poor, the sojourners as well as aliens in our midst. For the state or civil governments this command should not only put to death evil men with no regard to human life, but to also work to help restore a fallen world by providing an environment for the kingdom of God to advance.


Some people, even Christians, oppose the death penalty. However, in one sense this opposition is contrary to the nature of Christ’s message. Stephen McDowell brings out: “The death penalty was set forth by Christ’s atoning death, which makes clear that the penalty for man’s treason to God and departure from God’s law is death without remission.” Paul tells us in Romans that the “wages of sin is death.”


This indicates that if we believe in the atoning death of Christ, we also accept capital punishment as a means of executing God’s justice here on earth. In other words, if the law of God does not require death, then Christ died needlessly.


When we think of this commandment, “You shall not murder,” we also need to see that God forbids all the many sins that lead to murder. For example:


  1. Anger: Genesis 49:6 says, “for they had killed men in their anger.”
  2. Envy: We see how Satan envied our first parents and could not rest until he brought about their death. We see that Joseph’s brothers envied him and they also took counsel on how they might slay him. The first murder that took place was because Cain envied Abel.
  3. Hatred: We see how the Pharisees hated Christ because He had more favor and honor among the people than they had and they were not satisfied until He was dead by crucifixion. “Crucify Him, crucify Him,” was their cry.
  4. We see how Haman hated Mordecai because Mordecai would not bow to Haman, and how Haman was not satisfied until he got a warrant to bring about Mordecai’s death (murder).


The Scripture seems to indicate that there are different ways to murder. We could murder with our “mind.” 1 John 3:15 says, “Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer.” We can murder with our tongue. We see this with the Pharisees as they falsely accused Jesus before Pilate. We can murder with the pen (or our computer with writing) as we see with David when he wrote to Joab to put Uriah in the fiercest part of the battle so that Uriah would hopefully die, and getting his secret desire fulfilled so that David wasn’t the one actually killing Uriah. David was the true murderer here. 2 Samuel 12:9 states, “You killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.” We can murder by plotting the death of someone although never laying a hand upon the person as we see with Jezebel plotting the death of Naboth in order to get his vineyard.


Although it is sinful for a private person to shed someone’s blood, unless it is for self-defense, at the same time is also a sin for the state to NOT shed blood when it is required under God’s law. It is not murder for the state to put to death a person who murders another person; it is true justice and protection of civilization.


Daily Devotional

Lord, You have cared for me since I was born. You even cared for me before I was born. You still care for me even now that my hair is white with age. You made me and You saved me. I am always looking for opportunities to tell people that they can also have what I have with You, my Savior and Lord.


They can have a changed heart and bright future! They can be right with You and have Your peace and joy in the love You have for them – just by believing in Jesus Christ, Your Son, that He sacrificed His own life on the cross, shedding His blood for their sins and rebellion. I know how hard it is to confess sin and turn from wicked ways. I’m still working on it – even at my age! I thank You Father for Your patience with me, and that You don’t hold my sins against me. Oh how I long to see You my Savior!


Son, I love you with an everlasting love. Remember the things I have done for you in the past, and that I will never change how I think about you. Know that I am your God, and there is none like Me. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens, and everything I plan will come to pass, for I do what I said I would do. My desire and plan is to give you all that your heart desires because I gave you a new heart; one that seeks after Me in love and truth.


What sorrow awaits those who refuse My love and salvation, and who argue with My messengers that I send to them. They do know the truth about Me because they choose not to know. I have made it obvious to them and to everyone since the beginning that I exist and reward those who earnestly seek Me. They have no excuse for not knowing Me. Yes, they do know Me, but they won’t worship Me as their God or even give Me thanks for all I’ve done for them; things they enjoy each day.


I would not have told people to seek Me if I could not be found, but people would rather think up foolish ideas of what they think I AM like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused; they have no peace or joy; they don’t know true fulfillment; their lives are empty of what life is really all about. Even though I keep coming to them, one day I will abandon them forever because they traded the truth about Me for a lie. They worshiped the things I created instead of worshiping Me. They went after every kind of wickedness instead of going after the truth and life of My Spirit. They encouraged others in the same way of evil thinking and wicked actions. They have been completely overcome with no way of their own to get free.


I created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. I made the earth to be lived on, and the world was never to be in chaos, hostility and war. I will judge everyone according to what they have done, and even their secret life. I have not whispered this truth in some dark corner; I make My Word known in both quiet and loud ways, and by My judgments I declare My righteousness and justice. I will never change. My Word remains the same for all. Every knee will bend to Me! The tongue of all will soon declare the truth about Me! All who were angry with Me will stand before Me and be ashamed that they worshiped created things. None of that will save them on the Day I call everyone to account; only eternal anguish and regret awaits those that turned their backs on Me.


I AM ready to set things right with anyone who will call on My Name. I am ready to save people and show them My glory now, and not in the distant future. Today is the time to receive forgiveness, the grace of My salvation! On Judgment Day it will be too late!

Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 6 – Is American at War with God’s Law?

Fifth Commandment


Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”


It is interesting to note with the Ten Commandments that in the first tablet the first four commandments deal with our relationship to God our Creator. The first Commandment brings out how we need to honor God.


In the second tablet the first Commandment is dealing with man’s relationship to man – in the command to honor our father and mother.


From this it would seem that in God’s eyes, as in a small child’s eyes as well, a parent stands in the place of God. When you think about it – a parent is the child’s creator, provider, lawgiver, teacher and protector. The child’s response to this relationship will greatly determine the child’s response to society and even his relationship with God Himself. How often we have heard how it has been hard for a child who had a cruel father to relate to the goodness of our Heavenly Father.


Because of this relationship that parents have to a child the obligation of the parents to live worthy of that honor is extremely important.


From Scripture and the last six commandments we come to understand that the family is established by God as the fundamental authority on earth. We see in Genesis 1:26–28 that the original commission or cultural mandate of God was for man to take authority or dominion over the earth and this was to be done primarily through the family.


However, we find that the state has taken away much of the authority of the family as well as taking dominion or ruling over the earth. We see many things taking place by the state that undermines the family – homosexual marriage, tax laws, and welfare benefits that basically pay mothers not to live with the father of their children. We see how the state has taken over the education, health and welfare of the children and citizens.


There are other things done by the state to undermine the family that are not biblical; things like property tax, the graduated income taxes and government regulations regarding land-use, and etc.


We also see that this fifth Commandment has a promise. In Deuteronomy 5:16 we read: “Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land Lord your God is giving you.”


Paul also repeated this promise in Ephesians 6:2, 3: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor your father and mother – which is the first commandment with a promise.”


We see some very strong language being used about anyone who would curse or attack their father or mother. This cursing is not just about the use of words, but about bringing bodily harm to the parents. In the Old Testament this cursing, along with striking the parents, was tantamount to murder and was punished accordingly.


This relationship of parents to children does not stop with age. For example, in the Old Testament we see Joseph and the reverence that he had to his father Jacob. We see this reverence with Joseph when he brought his two sons to have Jacob bless them. Genesis 48:12 “Then Joseph removed them from Israel’s knees and bowed down with his face to the ground.”


In adulthood there might be a time when it is no longer necessary or right for a person to strictly obey his parents like in childhood, but God’s requirement to honor them never ceases. With parents, and especially godly parents, the duty to honor them pays dividends to the children by giving access to the wisdom of years.


Here in the West we appreciate youth more than the elderly, but in the Old Testament and other parts of the world, especially Asia, we see that old-age is highly respected.

Daily Devotional

Son, all who claim Me as their only God will go through hard times; but it is in these hard times that I will be with them and show Myself strong. When they go through rivers of difficulty, they will not drown. When they walk through the fire of oppression, they will not be harmed. For, they have been chosen to know Me and believe in Me, and they will understand that I alone am God and there is no other. No one can snatch My children out of My hand. No one can undo what I have set into action.


Today people trust in something that can’t help them at all! When they hear what I say, they do not understand. They do not comprehend what I do, even when they see it. For their hearts are hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. They have closed their eyes and ears – so that they cannot understand that they need to turn to Me so that I could free them and heal them. I want them to know that My salvation is still available, but people with hardened hearts will never accept it.


Look at all the horrible things going on in the world, and you will see that evil has twisted the minds of people. They have chosen their own mad course, one without hope of anything good and lasting. There is nothing ahead for them but great fear and regret; eternal death is all that awaits them! These people have grown tired of hearing about Me, and they have burdened Me with their progressive sin and rebellion. Only I can blot out their sins and give them peace with Me, but they resist the truth. If they would only come to Me asking to be forgiven then I would never think of their sins again, but protect them and provide for them. They would be the children I favor. I have paid the price to set men, women and children free, but they must humble themselves before Me and receive My great salvation. Now is the time to seek Me, heart and soul.


Son, I will carry out the warnings of My prophets, for it has already begun! So be strong and courageous; do not be afraid or lose heart. Keep My light shining in the world. I am Your peace and strength to the end.


Daily Devotional

When truth is outlawed and honesty is trampled on there will be no peace, and people with common sense will be attacked by people without the common sense God gave us. When people refuse to acknowledge God they will not listen to the truth and the fulfilled life will be hidden from them.


To know the Truth one must know the only true God through His son Jesus Christ. Truth is: the followers of Jesus Christ are made holy by His truth. Truth is: when the followers of Jesus are one in love and purpose, and enjoy the results of such perfect unity, the world will know that Jesus loves them just as much as He loves His faithful followers. Truth is: that Jesus came into the world to testify to the truth, and all who love the truth will recognize that what Jesus said of Himself is the truth, the way and the life. Truth is: the world hates anyone who follows Jesus Christ and will attack those organizations and homes that are united to represent the life of Jesus Christ.


Daily Devotional

Lord, I pray that after I die it not be said of me, “He followed the Lord’s instructions, but not with all his heart.”


Son, then never turn away from My Word. Unless your faith in Me is firm, you will not be able to stand. People who refuse My Word will live their lives in the darkness. Wherever they look, they will only see trouble, anguish and despair, and not anything good that I am doing or that I could do if they came to Me. So walk in the light of My Word while you can, and darkness will not overtake you. Trust in My Word, and you will be known as a child of the light who is filled with My peace and hope. Allow My Holy Sprit to control your life. Stand up for My Word and teach it to your children and grandchildren, and they will put their faith in Me as well.


Son, tell your children and grandchildren the key to life is to trust Me with all their hearts; seeking My will in all they do, and I will show them My good path to take. When they hold on to My instructions, never letting go, My Word will penetrate deep into their hearts and they will always know the right course to take in life.


Show them how to honor Me with their wealth, and train them to have good common sense and discernment, and then their homes will be blessed. They must listen for Me to speak to them and then do all that I ask of them; so that they will be rewarded for faithfulness. Be the example of faithfulness before your children and grandchildren.


Son, I know the day you live in and that there are many people who want to teach and lead people, but remember to first listen to their life before you listen to what they say. People that want to control other people will say and do anything to gain control over people, communities and nations. So, be wise and aware of the schemes of those who do not listen to Me.



Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 5 – Is America at War with God’s Law?

Fourth Commandment


Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.”


Basically the Sabbath is a day of rest both physically as well as spiritually, but there has always been some confusion regarding the Sabbath Day. God worked six days and He rested on the Sabbath and we are to do the same. This was something unknown to ancient non-Christian nations and so when God instituted this day of rest for people and animals it was something unique to other nations. For example, during the French revolution the leaders not only did not keep the Sabbath but tried to institute a 10 day week.


We find that when we follow God’s order and have a day of rest it helps us to be very productive in the six days of work. I find for example a short nap after lunch helps keep me going for the rest of the day, to be more alert as well as more productive.


The Sabbath is vital to our relationship with God because it shapes the way we perceive and worship Him.  We should remember the Sabbath by formally worshipping God on that day.


The Sabbath is a special day to concentrate on developing our relationship with God. It takes time to build any relationship and to build a relationship with our Heavenly Father we need to take time to do it and the Sabbath is just such a day. No close relationship can succeed without taking the time it needs, whether its courtship, marriage, friendship or especially our relationship with God.


The Hebrew word for Sabbath, shabbath, means “to cease, to pause or take an intermission.” On the Sabbath we are to take the day off from our regular activities and devote our time and attention to our Creator.


The idea in back of spiritual rest is to help build our trust and confidence in God so that we might be able to enter into the redemptive rest to where we cease from our own works and have confidence in His work.


God goes on to say in Exodus 20:9–11 “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath and made it holy.”


Work has been ordained by God and He has given us all unique talents and skills that fit us for our unique purpose and calling that He has given us. Our work is a way to extend God’s kingdom here on earth. We see that Jesus followed His Father’s example by working hard and enjoying His work in John 5:17. “My father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”


Many people want to become rich so that they can work less, but true Christians love work. We are to work not just to supply our own needs (although that is necessary), but to work for God’s glory in all that we do.


Stephen McDowell brings out that there are three Sabbaths mentioned in the Word of God. “First, the creation Sabbath when God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Secondly, we have the Hebrew Sabbath that was to be remembered in how Israel was delivered out of Egypt by God in a miraculous way. Then we have the Christian Sabbath where we remember Christ’s triumph over sin and death and eventually the restitution and restoration of all things in Christ.”


So we find that the Sabbath is a day of rest, but it is also a time to remember. God tells us to remember what Christ has done; to remember the great acts of God; to remember God’s faithfulness, mercy and love.


The one thing that I like to do on my Sabbath is to let that be a time when I just wait upon God, to remember and to write down the thoughts that He has given me about Himself, things to do in the days ahead or just to praise Him; but the main idea is to “remember.”


To me the Sabbath is a prelude to what we read in Hebrews 4 about the rest of faith. What a tremendous thing it is in the midst of tribulation, problems, obstacles, etc. we have the rest of faith knowing that God is in control and He is working out all things for His glory and purpose.


Psalm 91:4-8 “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.”


Let us all remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

Daily Devotional

Lord, I have asked myself this question, “What will it take to unite this country?” America has had divisions in the past and overcame them. The civil war, the 60’s, and the Vietnam war are just a few, but today it is different; for there is a great hatred in our land.


So what will it take to unite our country? Your word tells us the answer in Luke 1:17 that men need to turn their hearts back to their wives and children; to unite their family. And, to show that rebellion will not be tolerated – with consequences for bad choices. We need to see the wisdom of the righteous at work – so that people will see the good it brings and accept the wisdom of the godly. Finally, God’s people need to be prepared for the return of the Lord, and to make ready a people prepared for Him. We plan our lives as though You might not come in our life time; but we live each day as though this is the day of Your coming!


Son, I am about to do something you wouldn’t believe even if My prophets told you about it. Be encouraged and continue in the faith. Remind My children that in the coming days they will suffer many hardships, but if they will listen – they will hear a small voice behind them saying, “This is the way you should go.” Don’t be afraid to feed an enemy and give your enemies water to drink. Let them see Me through you. Remember that I’m testing your love for Me. I will deliver You at just the right time!


People today have rejected Me and judged themselves unworthy of My eternal life. These people are stubborn, and refuse to pay attention to My Voice and My Word through My messengers.. They tell My children, “Stop telling us what you say is right. We don’t want to hear anymore gloom and doom. Get off that narrow path of thinking! We don’t want to hear any more about this Holy One you speak of.” These fools believe their own lies! There is no hope for fools who think they are wise and capable of leading others, even a nation.


Listen very carefully to their smooth words today, which only hide their wicked hearts. People cover their hatred with pleasant words, and pretend to be kind, but you must not be fooled; don’t believe one word that comes from their mouths. For, I see that their hearts are full of evil, and I will expose their wrongdoing in public. Soon they will recognize My holiness. They will stand in awe of the Holy One they have despised. But, if they will turn to Me with faith in My Word they will be saved and be at rest in what I have done for them. My peace I will give them.


Son, take confidence in My Word and stay calm in all situations holding to the promise I have given you and your family. Hold on to it, for this will be your strength in the days ahead!

Daily Devotional

Lord, I ask that You would bless me and my family. I hope and pray that You are pleased with us in all that we do. Those who trust in You – You will keep them in perfect peace. Those whose thoughts are fixed on You – Your path for them is not steep or rough. I will show my trust in You by being obedient. You are the One all the prophets wrote about saying, “Anyone who believes in the Lord will have their sins forgiven.”


Son, today people have become deceived thinking they are right in their own eyes, but I examine their hearts and only find wickedness. These people today have strayed from common sense, and they need to understand that no human wisdom or plan of man can stand against Me. Those who have planted injustice, are going to harvest disaster, and their reign of terror will come to an end. These wicked people will keep doing wrong and will never acknowledge who I AM! My kindness to these wicked people does not make them good. My love and justice is in My children, and it terrifies evildoers that My children have such peace and confidence.


I AM coming from heaven to judge these rebellious people for their sins, and the earth will no longer hide those who have been killed. Everything hidden will be brought out for all to see, and I will condemn all evil and reward all faithfulness to Me accordingly.