Just Some Thoughts

When the Jews came to Israel in 1948 most did not speak the same language, but they had one goal; that to get away from what was happening to them, the Jews, in other countries and to have their own country back. They were willing to fight, sacrifice, and even die for this goal. What united them was truth and freedom.



This was the original goal of America, but what is the goal of America today? “What about me?”



President Kennedy said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.” Today it is not about what will we leave for the next generation, but what we can get for ourselves now. When people only think about themselves it creates division and America has many divisions. I am not sure if we as Americans will ever be united again as our forefathers were.



So what happened in America? We removed the truth – for political correctness. We have replaced sacrificing for the freedom of others with what makes us happy right now. What is the goal of America today?


I have a saying that I use on all of my jobs, and I think it applies here as well. “The goal can never change, the means will always change.”


The media, and PC group are all upset about what Donald Trump said about blocking all Muslims from entering our country. So what did he say that is not the truth? What does he think should be done that hasn’t been said and done before – for America’s preservation?


On January 3, 1919 Theodore Roosevelt said about immigrants and being an American:


“In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house; and we have room for but one soul[sic] loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”


Law of our Land (8 u.s. Code 1182):


“Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”


Donald Trump told us his plan of action to stop those who want to kill us from entering our country. Those who are upset by these words don’t have a plan! Since political correctness will not allow free conversation or disagreeing with political correctness, how do we solve any problem that we face as Americans? When there is no right goal that unites us – each man does what he thinks is right for himself.


America has big problems today that will not be solved by political correctness which opposes the truth and is against anyone who presents the truth. Therefore, America is being defeated by its enemies from the inside. We need to have discussions that do not fit in with the agenda of political correctness and their media crowd. Then we need to be willing to sacrifice for the goal of truth and freedom.


Just some thoughts

Daily Devotional

Son, Satan continually outsmarts My children. They are not aware of his evil schemes. They believe the lies being said today and don’t see that they are his destructive path. All are running down the path of sin as swiftly as a horse galloping into battle. They can refuse the lies and the path of destruction, but instead they say to Me, “We are wise because we have the Word of God.” Their teachers have twisted My Word; for they really don’t know My Word as they should. They are also teaching lies, and I will hold them accountable as shepherds of My people. Do they think they can preach for personal profit and I don’t know it? They need to turn back to preaching the truth with sincerity. When they preach without My authority these teachers are frauds, offering superficial treatments for My people and giving assurances of peace when there is no peace.


Son, My heart is broken. So don’t be fooled by those who promise My people safety simply because they are My children. I will do what I said I would do. Trials are from Me, so that My children will stop relying on these false teachers and learn to rely only on Me!


I will work until all My children’s lives are a fragrance rising up to Me. To those who are perishing, it is a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, this fragrance is a life-giving aroma of HOPE!


Son, I will be merciful to your nation if its leaders stop their evil thoughts and deeds and start acting with true justice and righteousness; if they stop exploiting foreigners, orphans, and widows; if they stop murdering little babies. My children must stop worshiping the things of this world. If they will obey Me, I will be their God, and you will be My people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well with you.


The people today will not listen to Me. They keep doing whatever they want, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. Since they will not listen to Me, shout out My warnings to them, but do not expect them to respond. Say to them, “This is the nation whose people will not obey the Lord; a nation that refuses to be taught. Truth has vanished from among them; it is no longer heard on their lips. The people have abandoned Me, the God of their ancestors, so judgment will be carried out because this generation has provoked My fury.”


What I want are for My pastors, teachers, prophets, and all My children is to say, “We have had enough lies! We have decided to unite and act!”

Just Some Thoughts

If I were to speak against the Koran or Muhammad in an Islamic country I would be arrested, have everything I own taken from me and have my head cut off. Today our leader of the Department of Justice Loretta E. Lynch said that if anyone speaks against the Muslim religion they will be prosecuted. What happened to our right to speak freely, and who is it that decides what is hateful or truthful? Who has allowed this to now happen in our country?


Why can’t the progressives see that they are only being used to make America into an Islamic nation?


Do the progressives really think that if they took all our guns away that this will stop radical Muslims from killing innocent people?


Do the progressives think that the way to change human behavior is to make more laws?


We have taken prayer in Jesus’ Name out of our public schools, removed anything from the Bible about God’s Law from our public buildings. Coaches and teachers that pray out loud are fired. And now we will be prosecuted for saying anything against the Muslim religion of Islam.


Why have the progressives been so desperate to call Christianity a hateful religion?


So what is next for America? Just study the Islamic countries and you will see.


Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 9 – Is American at War with God’s Law?

Eighth Commandment


Exodus 20:15 “You shall not steal.”


John 7:24 “Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.”


So often our judgment is done through colored glasses. We bring our own prejudices, dislikes, likes, favoritism, etc. into our judgment. We often have our own agenda in what we believe. This is why it is so important to make sure that we have the mind of Christ that we see things from God’s perspective. What is God’s perspective?  It is the Holy Scriptures, and specifically the Lord’s Ten Commandments that we are to live by. This should be the basis of our judgment.


With our judges, when they pass judgment on any and all cases that come before them, their united judgment should be based upon our biblical Constitution which rules our land, but so often the judges bring into their judgment their own human perspective and agenda which is not true justice.


The right understanding of this commandment: “Do not steal” has behind it that it is a God given right for man to own and keep property. In one sense this commandment speaks to us about the restoration of our fallen world. In other words, we are to take back what Satan has stolen from us and to take our proper responsibility to what God gave us in Genesis 1:26–28 as in the Cultural Mandate. God has given to man and his family the right to own property, and not to the state the right to own property.


Many today believe that the state has sovereign rights on property. This is what we find in the French revolution. Thomas Paine in his article, “Rights of Man” in writing for the national assembly said: “The nation is essentially the source of all sovereignty; nor can any individual, or any body of man, be entitled of all sovereignty; nor can any individual, or any body of man, be entitled to any authority which is not expressively derived from it.” So we find today that man will take dominion, either under God’s law which will produce life, or the law of man which will produce tyranny and death. This to me is the lesson of the French revolution.


Civil lawyers defined theft as: “The laying hands unjustly on that which belongs to another.” What are some of the causes of theft?


Unbelief: The unbeliever will ask, “Can God prepare a table in the wilderness?” Because he believes that God cannot they then try to prepare their own table and often that results in man coveting more than what he owns or actually needs.


We know that an external source of theft is Satan’s activity. Satan is a thief and he will produce thieves of all kinds. We read in John 12:6 that Judas was a thief and it would seem that the reason he became a thief was that Satan entered into him. (John 13:27)


There are also different kinds of theft mentioned in Scripture. For example, we can steal from God by not giving Him our best. King David said that he would not offer to God anything that did not cost him. Another example, we can steal from others by holding back the truth that they deserve to have. We can steal like the robber, who goes into the house to take away another man’s possessions. We can steal from our employer the time to do something other than the work we were hired to do. We also find that the state has passed laws that take from one group of people that have, to benefit another group of people that do not have.


Other examples with the state are their inflationary economic policies.


History is filled with examples of tyranny reigning.


In Scriptures we see that the right for personal ownership of property comes from God. He owns everything and gives it to man as a gift. He gave it to Adam and Eve and later we find that He gave it to Israel.


America’s Founding Fathers did not want to go the way of the feudal system which was predominant in Europe but instead accepted God’s definition of property belonging to man and not the government. In the beginning of the founding of our country the government owned no large tracts of land on a permanent basis. If any lands were acquired they were made available to the public. Stephen McDowell brings out that the government owns little land east of the Mississippi which is in great contrast to the Western United States where large portions of many states are owned by the government.


Also under biblical law there was no “property tax.” The reason for this is because the earth belongs to the Lord and He has given it to men and their families, not to the state. This means that man cannot be dispossessed from his own land. Every man has a basic security in his property.


There are many other points that we could bring out regarding this commandment, but we do see that America is at war with God’s Law and we can understand why the Ten Commandments are being removed from public offices.


When I speak about America being at war with God’s laws we need to keep in mind what David Kupelian says in his book, Snapping of the American Mind: “In politics and culture we speak casually of ‘the left’ and ‘the right,’ as though these were two morally equivalent camps or worldviews. In reality the socialist/Marxist ideology that has captivated today’s Democrat Party is at war with reason, human nature, common sense, history and truth – indeed, at war with God and His laws.”



Daily Devotional

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil!


“God isn’t fixing this!” Quoting the Daily News after the killing of 14 by a Muslim couple. The progressives of today attack the church, not the terrorist Muslim couple.


The same people that say, we need to screen anyone who wants to buy or who owns a gun, but they are not in favor of screening any Syria refugees that would come into our country.


They are the same ones who refuse to accept that we are under assault by Muslims, but reject anything to do with Jesus.


They are the same ones who know how everyone should live their lives, but cannot be told how to live theirs.


They are the same ones who will condemn the Christian for praying, and not condemn the guilty; this act of Muslims.


They are the same ones who say that having a baby or killing the baby is our choice, but they refuse to say that owning a gun is a choice.


Until we are willing to understand that all of the problems man faces is the result of sin, then nothing will change and only get worse.


“We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken, society is guilty, rather than the precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” Ronald Reagan


Just some thoughts.



Daily Devotional

There seems a way right unto man, but… Proverbs 14:12


Lord, I am compelled to tell people what You tell me to say to them, and woe to me if I do not! If I do it voluntarily, I have a reward; if not voluntarily, then I am simply discharging the trust committed to me; You will not entrust me with anything else. Therefore, help me to be confident as I carry out Your will. I will continue to seek You each morning. Help me to be strong and not give up; for when I’m weak – You show Yourself strong. Let me find Your favor in everything I do for You, according to Your Word each morning and Your Spirit throughout the day, that it all ends as my hope has been in You; the hope that won’t be disappointed.


Son, have I not made you, and saved you, and rescued you out of this world? You are never out of My sight or reach. With great favor I look upon those who are humble and contrite in spirit; those who tremble at My Word – to obey Me. Son, My eyes go throughout the whole earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Me.


I’ve called you to warn your nation; for any nation that refuses to call on Me and follow My instructions will be overwhelmed with dread and disaster. I continually hold out My hand to the obstinate people of America as they continue to walk in ways that are in conflict with My Word, pursuing their own wicked imaginations, but they continue to provoke Me with their stubborn ways of rebellion. When I finally turn My face away from them they will only hate me all the more, and they will hate you too. But you must stand strong and not give up. Keep trusting in Me and helping My children.

Needed: An Awakening – Chapter 8 – Is America at War with God’s Law?

Seventh Commandment


Exodus 20:14 “You shall not commit adultery.”


Psalms 119:137-138 “You are righteous, Lord, and your laws are right. The statutes you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy.”


God’s laws fit human nature. Laws that our legislative branch makes should fit human nature and since human nature is fallen this should be kept in mind regarding the laws legislature makes. If the laws do not fit human nature then I would say that those laws are unjust.


A question that then comes up is: What laws are unjust? To answer this we need to have a basis for judging that which is unjust. Right now we have two systems for doing this. The first system is God’s standard which is laid down in the Holy Scripture: The Ten Commandments.


Our Founding Fathers followed God’s standard and for a number of years our society was based on the Ten Commandments, but we are now turning away from it. What are we turning to?


The past number of years we have begun to accept another method of obtaining knowledge and that is through human reasoning based on human experience instead of the revelation from God. So what we have today is fallen man making laws for fallen man. Talk about the fox in the hen house! So what has this resulted in today? We have laws that protect abortion on demand (taking of innocent life), redefine marriage, tax laws that are unreasonable, etc. The result of this is the making of laws based on human reasoning instead of divine revelation.


It was Noah Webster who said: “All carnal intercourse between the sexes, except in lawful marriage is forbidden.” He goes on to say that the consequence of breaking this law is unspeakably great. “The injuries to health, the dissipation of property, the ruin of female character, the destruction of family happiness, and the abandonment of all moral and religious principle, with the final loss of the soul, are among the woeful consequences of this wickedness.” In our society today we see the result of this: fatherless homes, divorce, latchkey children, etc. In other words, the result is the disintegration of the basic building block for a stable society: the family.


The stable family will produce a stable nation. Ephesians 5:21–23 lays out the principles that will produce stable relationships to produce a stable family. A question often debated today is whether a woman can compete with men in public life and the answer is that of course they can. But it is also true what Stephen McDowell brings out: “No one can compete with the mother in the home – no one can fill her place.”


Hebrews 2:1 says: “We must pay the most careful attention therefore, to what we’ve heard, so that we do not drift away.” In 1 Corinthians 7:2 God told us: “Let every man have his own wife, and that every woman have her own husband.” In Hebrews 13:4 God reminds us that, “Marriage is honorable and the bed undefiled.”


In Genesis 2:22 God instituted marriage in paradise; He brought the woman to the man and He gave them to each other in marriage. In John 2:2 we see that Jesus Christ honored a marriage ceremony with His presence. From teaching in Scripture we learn that the special duties belonging to marriage are love and purity.


However, we find today that because we have not “paid close attention to what has been said” we have not only drifted away, but today we find many families, marriages, and homes shipwrecked resulting in heavy cost upon our Western social fabric.


It would seem from this seventh Commandment that the most important thing for the church today is to help establish godly families according to biblical principles.


We know that lust is the very foundation of the sin of adultery. Since the fall of man holy love has degenerated into lust. Scripture brings out that adultery is twofold: It begins in the mind: mentally. Matthew 5:28 states: “Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”  Then the physical act that is forbidden by God’s law: “You shall not commit adultery.”


Job, whom God called a righteous man,  calls adultery a heinous crime. Every failing is not a crime, but adultery is a heinous crime. Jeremiah, speaking for God says that adultery is outrageous: “They have done outrageous things in Israel; they have committed adultery with their neighbors’ wives.” Adultery is outrageous because it is a breach of the marriage oath that man and woman made in the presence of God to be faithful to each other. And it is a great dishonor to God because the adulterer sets his will above God’s law.




Daily Devotional

This next election is very important for the church. If we elect a godly man then he will be the dam that temporarily holds off the judgments of God that are prophesied in the Bible. This will give the unprepared church the time to prepare for when the dam bursts. For, there will be a great building up of hatred toward the church and all that it stands for. The godly president will only last 4 years in office and then this hatred of godliness will overwhelm America.


The one that takes his place will bring in a great persecution of the church, as mentioned in Matthew 24:9-14, Mark 13:5-13, Luke 21:7-19, John 15:18-20, Revelation 6. So pastors and teachers, remember what God said in Ezekiel 33:1-6 that you are the watchmen of this day! You must tell your flocks to be prepared for what is coming. No longer tell them things that will make them feel good about themselves and that this is not coming in their life time. Be ready and be faithful.


This is not to make the church fearful, but to give us the joy of our hope and peace in Christ our Lord! SOON we will no longer be enslaved by these bodies of sin, or forced to live under the leadership of men who are filled with sin and hatred, but we will be where there is no more fear or pain, no more sin and disease, no more worry about the evil threats against life and godliness. For where our Lord is – we will be also, just as He promised the faithful.


If we elect the ungodly person in the next election then those who are not prepared will not have time to prepare and be ready for what the Lord told us would come:


Fearful events intensifying all over the earth, continual wars and uprisings, nations against nations, greater earthquakes, famines and pestilence, and great signs from heaven.


You who hold on to your faith in Jesus Christ will be hated and persecuted, many will be handed over to be put to death because of the increase of their hatred and wickedness. You will be hated because you love Jesus Christ and won’t deny His Name and Word, but many will turn away from the faith and will betray those who stand firm in their faith. The love of most will grow cold; children betraying their parents and parents betraying their children; relatives betraying relatives and friends betraying their friends; even deadly betrayals. The Lord warned us so that His people would be prepared and ready to face persecution and fearful events upon the earth.


This great day of wrath is coming to the people of this world, and with all their pride and resources – they will not withstand it no matter how hard they try; no matter how united they become.


Until the Day of the Lord there will be no peace on the earth. People will continue to kill each other with no fear of consequence. Famines will be all over and so great that a loaf of bread will cost you a day’s wages. Death will come to one fourth of the earth’s population by war, famine, and plagues of various kinds. Great earthquakes will make the sun turn black, and the moon blood red. The sky will seem like it’s falling, like figs that drop from the tree when shaken by a strong wind. Every mountain and island will be shaken. No one will be able to escape what is coming; not kings, presidents, leaders, not the rich and mighty, not slaves or free men anywhere.


Do not deceive yourselves thinking that this day will not happen in your life time. Remember what our Savior said,


“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. But you do not belong to the world; I have chosen you out of the world, and this is why the world hates you. A servant is not greater than his master, and if they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also. Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say. Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit. He will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.”


So you must be prepared for what is coming. To be prepared you must be in the Word of God every day, listening to what is being said by the Holy Spirit and then doing what He says to do; for He knows what time it is and how to lead you through all these things coming; even showing you the way of escape. It is not a time to be fearful, but a time to rejoice for SOON we will see our Lord and Savior, just like He told us. Hold on to your steadfast faith in Him, and be ready for Him to use you; watchful and longing for Him; ready for His appearing.


Daily Devotional

This morning I read about the true meaning of Thanksgiving.


Isaiah wrote about our Lord’s death 700 plus years before He died, and that He has the power to save us from our sins and rebellion towards God. Did Isaiah make this up, or did he receive it from God? Did it happen just like described? And, did He save me from my rebellion? Have I been forgiven of my sins? This is what I am most thankful for! What a Savior He is!


What Isaiah wrote about my Savior’s death, and what it means to me is this:


On the day that You died many were amazed when they saw You. Your face was so disfigured that You seemed hardly human, and from Your appearance, one would scarcely know You were a man. You were despised and rejected – a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. Yet it was my weaknesses You carried; it was my sorrows that weighed You down. You were pierced for my rebellion, and crushed for my sins. You were beaten so I could be whole. You were whipped so I could be healed. You had my sins laid upon You. You were oppressed and treated harshly, yet You never said a word. You were led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep is silent before the shearers, you did not open Your mouth. You were unjustly condemned, and no one cared that You died without descendants, or that Your life was cut short in midstream. You were struck down for my rebellion. You had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. You were buried like a criminal, but put in a rich man’s grave. Your life was made as the acceptable offering for my sin, and for the sin of the world. When You see all that is accomplished by what You suffered, You will be satisfied. Because of Your experience, I can be counted righteous. I believe that You died in my place. You took all my sins upon You at the cross, and I am forgiven and healed by You.


Lord, Your grace is free and undeserved; even though I am forgiven, I am simply a faulty man thankful for Your amazing grace. Because of Your unfailing love, I can enter Your presence with deepest awe, and without fear of death. You have filled me with Your Spirit so that I know that You will lead me on the right path all through my life. You surround me with Your shield of love.




Daily Devotional

This morning I read about the true meaning of Thanksgiving.


Isaiah wrote about our Lord’s death 700 plus years before He died, and that He has the power to save us from our sins and rebellion towards God. Did Isaiah make this up, or did he receive it from God? Did it happen just like described? And, did He save me from my rebellion? Have I been forgiven of my sins? This is what I am most thankful for! What a Savior He is!


What Isaiah wrote about my Savior’s death, and what it means to me is this:


On the day that You died many were amazed when they saw You. Your face was so disfigured that You seemed hardly human, and from Your appearance, one would scarcely know You were a man. You were despised and rejected – a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. Yet it was my weaknesses You carried; it was my sorrows that weighed You down. You were pierced for my rebellion, and crushed for my sins. You were beaten so I could be whole. You were whipped so I could be healed. You had my sins laid upon You. You were oppressed and treated harshly, yet You never said a word. You were led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep is silent before the shearers, you did not open Your mouth. You were unjustly condemned, and no one cared that You died without descendants, or that Your life was cut short in midstream. You were struck down for my rebellion. You had done no wrong and had never deceived anyone. You were buried like a criminal, but put in a rich man’s grave. Your life was made as the acceptable offering for my sin, and for the sin of the world. When You see all that is accomplished by what You suffered, You will be satisfied. Because of Your experience, I can be counted righteous. I believe that You died in my place. You took all my sins upon You at the cross, and I am forgiven and healed by You.


Lord, Your grace is free and undeserved; even though I am forgiven, I am simply a faulty man thankful for Your amazing grace. Because of Your unfailing love, I can enter Your presence with deepest awe, and without fear of death. You have filled me with Your Spirit so that I know that You will lead me on the right path all through my life. You surround me with Your shield of love.