Daily Devotional

Son, I am about to do a shocking thing; My glory is departing from America. Why? Because the leaders have twisted My instructions, violated My laws, and have broken My covenant with them. These leaders suppress My truth, and then claim to be wise. They say they know Me but they refuse to worship Me as God. Therefore, I have allowed their minds to become full of darkness and confusion, and they must pay the price for their sin.


When My glory begins to depart, people will think it is foolish to acknowledge Me. People become full of greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They will be backstabbers, haters of Me, insolent, proud, and boastful. They will invent new ways of sinning. They disobey their parents and have little regard for human life. They have no understanding, they break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. They know My justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them too.


When My glory is gone people will be allowed  to do whatever shameful things their hearts desire. The result of this life style is that they will suffer within themselves the penalty they deserve. Soon I will judge everyone according to what they have done, and I will pour out My anger and wrath on those who live for themselves. 


The Good News is that I am the Son of God. I was raised from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, and I am Lord. My power is still at work, and can save anyone who believes in Me. This Good News tells people they can become right with Me, and this is accomplished by faith. Then they will be given glory, honor and My peace which the world knows nothing about. They will have a changed heart produced by My Spirit. A person with a changed heart seeks praise from Me, not from people.


Lord, help me to see every opportunity that You give me to tell everyone about Your Good News.

Kingdom Thinking – Part 15

2 Kings 5:1 “Now Naaman was commander of the army of the king of Aram. He was a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded, because through him the Lord had given victory to Aram. He was a valiant soldier, but he had leprosy.”


Kingdom thinking makes us realize that the same Jesus who died on the cross (John 3:16) is the same Jesus who created the world (John 1:3-4). In other words, Kingdom thinking honors Jesus as Redeemer as well as Creator. There is no separation between the two. But, there is a tendency to separate the two. When we preach the cross for individual sinners and do not apply it to the created order we are separating the Redeemer from the Creator.


A good analysis of the two coming together is from Hugh Welchel when he says: “Redemption gives us a picture of the way things could be:

  • The objective of God’s work in redemption is to free people to be what they were created to be.
  • Redemption is deliverance of the physical world.
  • Redemption restores the life-giving potential of all aspects of the created order, making a degree of flourishing possible in this age.

We must understand the full meaning of redemption. Christ died on the cross not only to save us but also to restore all things. Grasping the full implication of the gospel should make Christians interested in evangelism as well as serving their neighbor and working for peace and justice in the world.”


For most of God’s people this will be played out in the work place. This is why our work matters to God and should matter to us as well. Albert Wolters in his book CREATION REGAINED states: “What was formed in creation has been historically deformed by sin and must be reformed in Christ.”


Redemption in Christ is as big as His creative work. Redemption’s final goal is to push sin out of every corner of this creative world. Perhaps this is what the prophet Habakkuk meant when he said: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” (Habakkuk 2:14) We have been redeemed for a purpose and that purpose is to see the ‘reclamation of all things.’


God is concerned about His works. We read in Genesis 1, in the creation story, that He created all things and called it all “good” and being the Creator – He not only lays claims to all things, but also to destroy the works of the devil. We read this in 1 John 3:8: “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.”


We all will play a part in this process. That is why our work matters to God. We look at the situation today and see what is going on in our government, economy, education, the media, entertainment and business and we can easily be overwhelmed with the challenge.


What we must keep in mind is that God has called us to be faithful and obedient in our ‘work’ or ‘sphere.’ Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is like a yeast that is put into the dough and spreads throughout. Look at the history of the Kingdom of God from the time Jesus started His ministry with the words: “The kingdom of God is at hand. The kingdom of God is near.” From that time on the Kingdom of God, like yeast, has spread throughout the world and is still spreading. Kingdoms of this world have come and gone, but the Kingdom of God is still here and spreading.


How did it spread? It spread by normal folks seeking the kingdom of God in their own lives and working it into their various fields or spheres. An Old Testament example of this is with Naaman in 2 Kings chapter 5. Naaman was: “a great man in the sight of his master and highly regarded. Naaman had leprosy, but there was a Jewish slave girl in Naaman’s household who told the wife about Elisha the prophet in Israel who could heal Naaman.”


Naaman was healed, and the bottom line in all of this is when Naaman makes this statement: “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.”  What an impact this made in the king of Aram’s household and officials! What did God use but a little Jewish slave girl, in her workplace (as handmaiden to Naaman’s wife), who mentioned the prophet Elisha that could heal him – and he was healed by obeying the word of the Lord’s prophet.  Word of this spread.


Daily Devotional

Son, tell everyone to listen very carefully to what I am saying. “I am about to pull out the support that this generation clings to and everything it supports will fall. Why, because this generation’s sin is very serious, they treat Me with contempt. They never consider Me, or even think to ask for My help. They think they can do everything by their strength alone. They will never be forgiven for this sin, and their future is total darkness.”


Lord, I believe what You say, and it will happen. It can be very discouraging and cause us to grow weary when I hear what You are planning to do. But, I know You will protect me and my family, for we are devoted to You. You are so good, ready to forgive, and full of unfailing love for anyone who asks it from You. Therefore, teach me Your ways, so that I may live according to Your truth!  Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor You. Your love for me is very great. Thank You that You are slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love, and that I can call to You whenever I’m in trouble.


Son, I will protect My faithful ones, and I have told you everything so that you and your family can prepare for what is coming. So go in My peace! I will grant you the request you have asked of Me.

Daily Devotional

Son, I want you to hear what the wicked are saying about My children. “Let’s wipe them out. We will destroy the very memory of them. We will seize for our use everything they own.”


My children must know that their joy and strength comes from Me. When they walk through the valley of weeping, I will turn it into a place of refreshing. I will withhold no good thing from My children when they do what is right. When My people cry to Me for help because of the oppression from others, I will rescue them.


Son, it is useless for you to fight against My will, for I have appointed you as My servant and witness. You are to tell everyone what you have seen and what I will show and tell you about the future. The purpose is to open the eyes of those who will listen, so that they can turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to My power. For everyone must repent of their sins and turn to Me. Then they will receive My forgiveness for their sins and be given a place among My people. They will show everyone that they have been changed by Me, because of the good things they do.


Lord, WHEN I AM SURE – I then can speak boldly. I will tell everyone that You alone are the Lord, and You alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth. I long to enter Your presence with my spirit, body and soul. I would rather be a gatekeeper in Your house than to dwell among the wicked. Therefore, I will not worry about a thing, FOR I AM SURE that You will do what is necessary for me and my family.

Daily Devotional

Lord, I want to follow Your ways. I believe everything written in Your word. Everyone will stand before You and give an account of their life. Because of this I try to maintain a clear conscience before You and people.


Son, so what are people saying about you? Do they say you are a hard worker? Do they know about what you have done for others? Do they talk about how you have sacrificed for your family and complete strangers. When you bring up My name do they tell you to go away, we will listen later when it is more convenient? So why do they act like this towards you? It’s because I am Lord of your life, and they will treat you the same as they treat Me. They have rejected Me the only One who can save them, therefore, I will reject them.


People do not listen to Me, they do not want Me around. So I will let them follow their own stubborn desires, and live according to their own ideas. Their lives will produce a harvest of grief and unrelieved pain.


Lord, help me to see who I am in Your eyes and not in the eyes of man. Help me to trust You when I am in trouble, and know that You can rescue me. Help me to realize that You have taken the load of sin from my shoulders and have freed my hands from their heavy tasks of trying to please people. You have allowed me to walk and talk with You as we go down Your path for my life. Thank You Lord.




Daily Devotional

Son, when sin is not confronted by My righteous people it will become bold and arrogant. Your leaders will unite with troublemakers and begin to mock My children. They will become an object of scorn and ridicule. They will be thought of and treated as a joke. Their walls of protection will be broken down, and they will have their freedom stolen from them.


Lord, look down from heaven and help us. Strengthen the people You love. Let Your compassion meet our needs, for we are on the brink of despair.


Son, what are My people waiting for; they need to confront sin and tell everyone about Me. They need to be strong and full of courage telling everyone, “I am the only one who can wash away sins, and I am coming back soon!”

Food for Thought

Young men are seen with a future, old men with a history. It is very important for old men to tell young men of their failures and victories. But, old men need challenges to stay young at heart. No man wants to be known as a man with no future, no matter how old he is.


An old man with a valued history and a valued future – is a very powerful man. Old men start to die when their history is not valued and they see no valued future. What is worse is a young man who just exists; who simply lives for the day.

Daily Devotional

Son, tell the next generation about My glorious deeds, about My power and My mighty wonders.  Every generation must set its hope on Me because if they don’t put their hope in Me then they will do whatever seems right in their own eyes. They will never know what I have done for them. They will become stubborn – testing Me, even speaking against Me. They will not believe or trust that I can care for them. Their lives will end in failure and terror. They will never know My power and how I can rescue them.


So guard yourself and My people; never stop telling them what they need to hear about Me. Remember, that your life is worth nothing unless you finish the task assigned to you. My grace will build you up and will give you an inheritance along with all those that have set their hope in Me.


Lord, I will not hide these truths from my children and grandchildren. Sometimes You led me through some rough seas, and I cried out to You. All night long I prayed, overwhelmed with fear longing for Your help. I thought You had rejected me, and left me? Then I remembered all the wonderful things You had done for me. How You demonstrated Your awesome power throughout my life. You led me down Your pathway, a pathway I never knew was there!  Thank You Lord that You still lead me and watch over me.

Kingdom Thinking – Part 14



Romans 14:9 “For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.”


Kingdom thinking will lead us to help equip saints to serve in our cities as the salt and light that Jesus told us to be; to be like Daniel or Joseph who not only prospered, but held significant leadership roles in a very pagan society for the glory of the Lord.


We might not be in a place like Daniel or Joseph; that is in what we might think is a significant role, but the place where the Lord has put us is just as important. It all matters to God. As Hugh Whelchel explains in his book How Then Should We Work?:


“We understand that it is God, through his providence, who is establishing his Kingdom here on earth. Yet this does not imply that we lack responsibility for the part God has called us to play. Much of what God accomplishes, he does through secondary means, and frequently his people are those secondary means.” 


Except for those that are called to special office mentioned in Ephesians 4, most of God’s people will be in the secular work place. This is important for us to see and is important in kingdom thinking. It is in this work place, as we demonstrate kingdom principles that the kingdom of God will spread.


An editor of Christianity Today, Carl Henry, once called on Christians not to restrict the Christian life to evangelism alone, but also to engage the culture in the public square. What we are to do is pursue the ‘common good.’


Dr. Jay Richards, in talking about Jeremiah 29, uses the term “shalom” for pursing the common good.  “This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: ‘Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.'” Jeremiah 29:4-7


“Shalom” means more than just peace, as Richards brings out, but “…the webbing together of God, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and delight…..Shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness and delight—a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts are fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom he delights. Shalom, in other words, is the way things ought to be.”


One avenue that God has given us to spread “shalom” is through our vocations. When we come to Christ we are new creatures and when we begin to seek first the Kingdom of God we will see an impact being made around us as we seek to glorify the Lord.


One area where I see a need for Christians to be involved for the common good is in the area of economics. When I look at the economics that we have today, especially in the West, it is a mess. I was writing to a friend of mine about the creation of Federal Reserve Bank here in the USA in 1913. One hundred years later (2013) our dollar has lost value until it is now worth two cents on the dollar. We have seen one of the greatest transfers of wealth in the history of mankind. Has this been for the ‘common’ good? I do not think so.


We are to be concerned about the orphans, the poor, the handicapped, the widows, etc. This is not necessarily the government’s job, but for those who have been born again and have become new creatures who want to see shalom in their society. We might be in the government, or education, or the media, or digging ditches, but where ever we are we are to be pursuing the common good of people: shalom.


We are to be the hands and feet of Christ here on earth. Some will be called to the political part of the world, or to the economic part, or to education or medicine, but those that are called will need to see how to apply Biblical principles to all areas of life in the world today.

Daily Devotional

Lord, in my old age don’t set me aside. Though I am not skilled with words, I will proclaim Your saving power. I will tell this new generation of Your mighty miracles. I will tell them about Your righteousness, and how You alone are just; that they need to stay away from worthless things and turn to You.


Son, stop worrying about things in this life. Unless your faith in My words are firm, I cannot make you stand. Tell everyone that I want people to seek after My heart, and do everything I ask them to do. Encourage My people to continue in their faith, and remind them that there will be many hardships in this life. Let them know that I will rescue them when they cry to Me. I always help those who call to Me, for their lives are precious to Me.


Son, there are people who seek guidance from the dead! Shouldn’t they ask ME for guidance? These people are completely in the dark. Wherever they look they will see trouble, anguish and despair. They have rejected Me and they never stop perverting My ways; therefore, they are unworthy of eternal life with Me.


Son, I am getting ready to do something; something no one would believe even if someone told them about it. I have given My children power to do miraculous signs and wonders. They must not think like everyone else does. They must preserve the teaching of My word, and instruct those who follow Me to put all their hope in Me. 


Lord, You are my protection and strength, and I will praise You more and more, for You are with me!