Daily Devotional

Son, some people say they are My children but do not honor Me with their lips, and their hearts are far from Me. They do not even read My word, because they say it is not applicable, and do they have the time. Therefore, My word has no power to effect their lives, they have no understanding because their hearts have become hard.


Son, ask them what will they give in exchange for their souls? These people have eyes, but they do not see what is about to happen.  They have ears, but they do not understand the lies they hear. They have forgotten all that I have done for them. When the time of judgment begins they will deny Me. They have given up on what I can give them, for the lie that they will never have.


Son, tell the leaders of American, “I kept the rain from falling on your crops when they needed it the most. I struck your farms and vineyards so that they will not produce like they used to. Your young men have died and are still dying in wars, and still these leaders will not return to Me. Therefore, I will bring upon America all the disasters I have announced.” Tell these leaders to prepare to meet Me in judgment!


Son, remember that I never do anything until I reveal My plans to My prophets, so what are My prophets saying?


Everything I do reveals My glory and majesty. Every one of My judgments are just and good. My righteousness never fails. All My words are trustworthy. The fear of Me is the foundation of true wisdom, and all who read and obey My word will grow in wisdom. Those who delight in obeying My word will have great joy in seeing all the benefits of faithfulness.. They will not be overcome by evil. My faithful ones will be long remembered. They will not fear bad news because they confidently trust Me to care for them. They are fearless and can face their problems triumphantly. They share freely and give generously to those in need because they know I am their supply. They have influence and honor, and the wicked see this and are infuriated. The wicked grind their teeth in anger because their plans against those who obey Me – fail.


Lord, thank You for Your covenant with me. You have given me Your Name, and I want to honor You in all I do and say. I look to You to lead me Your way.


Daily Devotional

Son, I can not let sin and rebellion go unpunished! They have rejected My instruction by refusing to obey My word. They have been led astray by the same lies that have been told for centuries that “they have the answers for the problems they face today.” When I speak through My prophets they yell at them to, “Shut up!” So don’t be surprised when these people slander you and tell lies about you; when they surround you with hateful words and fight against you for no reason; when they accuse you of wicked things and request that someone else take your position.


Son, you must go and tell everyone who will listen – everything I have done for you.  Those who refuse to listen are people who do not understand the significance of My life. They do not want to know My word because their hearts are too hard to take it in. Remember, I stand beside the needy, and I will save My children from anyone who condemns them. I stand at your right hand. When you speak for Me and people refuse to listen to you, leave them to fate of all who reject Me and My word. So take courage – for I know all your troubles, and I am here with you!  Don’t be afraid; just believe in My promises to you. 


Lord, help me not to be concerned for my reputation, but for Yours. You are faithful and good to those who listen to You. Let them curse me if they like, but I know You will bless me! I will give repeated thanks to You, and praise You to everyone.

Daily Devotional

Son, what will people do with this fact that I am the Messiah, the Savior of the world?


In my wisdom I made everything and by My will it all continues to exist and thrive. I am the One that set a firm boundary for the seas so they would never again cover the earth. I cause grass to grow for animals to eat. I allow people to produce their food from the earth; I give the rain that waters the earth.


I know how weak people are. I am compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. I give My unfailing love to those who fear Me. My love for them is as vast as the height of the heavens above the earth. I came to the earth to give people the way home to the Father when they die. Because I have risen from the dead, I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth.


Therefore, My children must go and tell everyone who I am. They must teach people to obey what is written in My word, and they need to be sure of this: “I am with My children always, even to the end of the age.”


I know that some of My children will desert Me in the last days. They call Me their Lord, but they don’t honor Me. How can I give them up? How can I let them go? How can I destroy or demolish them like their lives deserves? My heart is torn within Me, and My compassion overflows towards these wayward children of Mine. No, I will not unleash My fierce anger. I will not completely destroy them as their sins deserve. I am the Holy One, and I did not die and rise again just to destroy them. It is My desire that My children come back to Me, and act with love and justice, and always depending on Me for everything.


Lord, may I never forget the good things You have done for me. You have filled my life with so much wealth. May I never forget Your promises and that You are coming again, just as You said.


Daily Devotional

Yesterday I was very upset about the project I have been working on, and angry with the owner’s manager. He told us that he was not going to pay for approved and signed change orders. While driving home I was asking the Lord to bring judgment down on him, as this has been their practice. Then the Lord began to speak to me about things. He said, “How should I have felt when people whipped Me, laughed at Me, striped Me, and then killed Me? I took it because My eyes were not on them. I kept my vision on what was ahead for Me in glory. I know that you are upset and would love Me to bring judgment down upon him. His time is coming, but let me tell you how I see him. His legacy is: He destroyed people for money. He rules by fear and intimidation.”


Then the Lord said to me, “Look at the pine trees and how tall they are. Man’s pride is like these trees; some men only go up a little ways before they fall painfully, but this man is at the top of his tree of pride, and when he falls it will be devastating. I tell you a truth, if you listen to what I say and don’t doubt, you can do great things. With this type of faith you can say to this mountain that is in your way to move and it will move even with faith as small as a mustard seed. You can pray for anything, and if you believe what I said, it will happen because I said it would for you.


People of this world make the mistake of not knowing Me or My Scriptures, or My power. My teaching is truthful. My judgments are impartial and I don’t show favoritism. No one can hide themselves from Me. I will certainly settle with everyone for what they have done; I know the truth about everyone because I know what they think and what is in their hearts.


People say they are religious and think that their religion honors Me, but they have a false religion, and it will devour them along with all they have that they believe is so valuable. They will be crushed and broken by My judgment. When I return they will admit their guilt and vow to worship Me, but it will be to late! When people finally realize this they will lose heart and be paralyzed with fear, because they have refused to believe Me and repent of their sins in the time they had to do so.


Know this My son, I protect the lives of My children. I will rescue them from the power of the wicked. My Light shines on My children, and My joy will be in those whose hearts are right with Me. For I came to show My children the right way to live, and I want My children to know Me more than anything.


Lord, help me to be Your humble servant, and to do all that You have asked of me?


Daily Devotional

Son, I am bringing charges against the so-called church of today: There is no faithfulness with the truth, no pure kindness, no true knowledge of Me. They make vows and break them. They steal and commit adultery. They have become people whose hearts easily turn away from Me. They refuse to do what I tell them.


That is why your land can’t be healed. I hear all the weeping warriors with their mourning over the wasting away of the land. Even the wild animals, the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea are being destroyed. My church should not point its finger at the country’s leaders and pass the blame! My complaint is with the churches of the land who claim to know Me and love Me! The people of your country are being destroyed because they don’t know Me; they don’t love and obey Me. Therefore, since these churches refuse to open their doors to Me – I will refuse to recognize them as Mine. Since they have ignored My word, I will ignore them and their children; I will not bless them or their children. They can keep asking their idols for advice and help, and think they have the wisdom and power to work all the good they hope to see and have in their lifetime! Their longing after these idols has made them look shameful in My sight. They have become fools; blind and naked, unable to see with their eyes, unable to cover themselves from My judgment.


Son, tell My true sons and daughters that since they have never traveled this way before, that I will guide them as their true Shepherd. Tell them to purify themselves, for I am about to do great wonders among them. My children will rejoice that I am with them, and the world will see their joy and know that I am the living God; the faithful and true! My hand is powerful, and I will be their Lord and Savior forever. In these last days, My children will tremble in awe of Me and of My goodness towards them.


So tell My children to worship and kneel before Me because I am the maker of heaven and earth; the LIFE that gives life. I watch over My children who search for Me with all their hearts. They give Me the glory I deserve. They listen for My voice. They will not harden their hearts to Me, like the others. They are not afraid to tell everyone about the amazing things I do.


I will judge the so-called church of today with justice and truth because righteousness and justice are not their practice.


My children have given up brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, children, homes, businesses, properties and even the clothes on their backs – all for My kingdom’s sake. They will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life.


Those who seem great now will be least important in My kingdom, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest. Whoever wants to be a leader, must be a servant, and whoever wants to be first, must fall to the back of the line. I will lift up the humble and true that are before Me night and day.


My son, what do you want Me to do for you? Remember that everything is possible with Me!

Daily Devotional

Son, I am going to hide My face from America; it has become a senseless nation. The people are foolish, and have no understanding. Soon I will take revenge; I will pay them back. Their feet will slip out from under them when the day of disaster arrives, because they have not stood on My word; they have walked away from truth and justice. The destiny of the wicked will overtake them because of all the evil they have committed.


They have become a twisted generation, children without integrity. They worship other gods. They offer sacrifices to demons; to gods not known before, to new gods only recently arrived in American. They now despise Me and have broken the covenant their forefathers made with Me. They act so perversely!  These are not My children! Because they have abandoned Me, the One who made them, I have abandoned them. Now let’s see what becomes of them when I heap disasters upon them and let their enemies attack them. For there is no other god but Me! I am the One who gives and destroys life that I should be feared and obeyed. I am the One who wounds and heals; no one can be rescued from My powerful hand and no one can snatch anyone from My hand!


Great disasters are coming!


Son, you and My children must be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic; for I will go ahead of you and My path will be bright before you. I will neither fail you nor abandon you. So take heart with all My words of this warning that I have given you today. My instructions are not useless words without power; they are for you to live by and fight with. Learn how to live and fight from reading My word. Plead with Me in prayer and fasting.


Lord, we have sinned and done so much wrong. We have rebelled against You and not listened to Your commands. Lord, You are  right in pronouncing judgment upon us, and our faces are covered with shame. You will keep Your word and do exactly as You warned us.


America has refused to seek mercy from You by turning from sinful rebellion, revering Your truth. This generation is looking, but they don’t really see. They hear, but they don’t really listen or understand. Their hearts are hardened, and grow colder every day. They will not turn to You for the forgiveness they need – that only You can provide.


Son, this generation should have remembered the days of long ago, and seriously followed generations past when My righteousness and justice were the foundation of America. My truth and unfailing love went before and behind them. 


Lord, My protection comes from You for I have no other that I turn to. Your faithfulness and unfailing love will be with me forever because I have learned that I can trust it. You will never fail to keep Your promises to me.


Son, I will not break My promises to you. I will not take back a single word I have said. I cannot lie! No one can live forever; all will die. So don’t be afraid, take courage because I am with you. Do not take your eyes off Me when you are threatened or terrified. Just shout out to Me, “Save me, Lord!” I will immediately reach out My hand and grab you. I will snatch you up at just the right time!

Daily Devotional

Son, this is the key to your life. Come to Me when you are weary and have heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Let Me teach you because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your soul. What I ask of you is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.  Remember that My name is the only hope of the world.


I am sending you as My messenger to prepare My children. Your words will either acquit you or condemn you. Those who hear the warnings should not congratulate themselves, thinking that they are safe to then follow the desires of their stubborn heart. This would lead to utter ruin! For My Kingdom is advancing, and there are violent people attacking it.


Blessed are My children who do not turn away from Me, and anyone who isn’t working with Me is actually working against Me. So listen to what people say and it will tell you what is their hearts. Some of My children will tell you that they are not accountable for all that I have revealed to them. What I ask of My children is not too difficult for them to understand, and it is not beyond their reach.


Some of My children will abandon Me. Therefore, today I give them a choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. They can choose to love and obey Me and firmly commit themselves to Me, or not. For they have minds that can understand, eyes that can see,and ears that can hear! Remember, wisdom is shown to be right by its results, just as certainly as foolishness is shown to be wrong by its results.


Can anyone in the land of forgetfulness talk about righteousness when they have all forgotten Me?


When My children begin to choose the world over Me this will open the way for the man of lawlessness to take control. He will succeed in everything because sinful rebellion will be at its height. He will be a master of intrigue, disguised to deceive the forgetful and those who regard My word as incompetent; useless and ineffective.  He will grow quickly in strength but not by his own power. In arrogance he cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does. He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate My children; destroying many without any warning. He will wage war against My children defeating them, until I break him by My power.



Are We Losing The West – Part 6 – CAN WE TRUST OUR OWN JUDGMENT?

Psalm 12:4 “those who say, “By our tongues we will prevail; our own lips will defend us—who is lord over us?”


Psalm 12:6 “And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.”


Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”


Can we trust our own judgment? An unknown author said in regard to if we can trust our own judgment: “Only if our judgment has been shaped by a relationship with God.” He went on to say: “The way in this verse suggests a road apart from the wisdom of God. Our own sense of what is right and wrong, apart from God is not always reliable. That is why we have been given a guide that is perfectly reliable: God’s Word. From it we acquire wisdom to walk down the right path.”


When I look back over the 20th century I think of all of the “isms” that we had in the 20th century that has resulted in millions of deaths. For example and just to name a few:








God has given us His Word in the Bible and how true it is what the Bible says about ‘words;’ that they have the power to carry death or life. This is so true today with those who want to change the definition of marriage. They have used words to do just that. They have come together to frame their arguments in such a way that people have believed them and are for changing this institution from God that has been here from the beginning of man. Endorsed by every major religion, we see “marriage” now includes man with man and woman with woman which the Bible calls depraved.



I have said many times that people who use words to make a living are the ones who are framing public opinion. In order to get their way they have had to get rid of the Word of God and which over the course of many years this we see that this is happened; a famine of God’s Word.  The Word of God is banned in our schools, in every public domain and in our government structure.


All we are left with are the words and thoughts of man which to them seem right but lead to death and destruction.  The question that comes to me is: What are we (the church) going to do about this? We read in Psalms 12:6: “The words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times.”


One of the reasons why the supporters of “same sex marriage” have succeeded is that they are united in their cause and they have put all of their energy, time and resources to breaking through the barrier of the past that kept them outside society without any honor.


We, the Body of Christ, have been divided and consequently have not upheld the truth and done everything to win the lost. This brings me back to John 17 with the Lord’s Prayer; that we might be one as they (the God-Head) are one.


How do we bring this unity about?


First, we need to see and understand what Satan must do to bring people to doubt God’s Word. This is being achieved today when one looks at what is happening with the Word being kicked out of anything that has to do with the public. Even with our oath taking in court. It used to be with our hands placed on the Bible we stated: “…so help me God.” But, not anymore because God and His Word has become irrelevant. This is where the real battle is being fought today. It is not dealing with homosexuality, abortion or anything else. It is a battle over the Word of God and its relevance in our personal lives and society as a whole.


We are finding, like AW Tozer said: “We should note this curious mark of our own age: the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute.” In the weeklies to follow we will be looking at some of the ideas, philosophies, ideologies and the stronghold that they have built.


Secondly, we must see the danger of ‘accommodation.’ “Tozer went on to say: “Here is the great evangelical disaster – the failure of the evangelical world to stand for truth as truth. There is only one word for this – namely ACCOMMODATION. The evangelical church has accommodated to the world, spirit of the age. First, there has been accommodation on Scripture, so that many who call themselves evangelicals hold a weakened view of the Bible and no longer affirm the truth of all the Bible teaches….This accommodation has been costly, first in destroying the power of the Scriptures to confront the spirit of our age; secondly, in allowing the further slide of our culture.”


We must keep in mind that God’s Word will never pass away. When we look back in history, in the Old Testament days and since the time of Christ, we as God’s people have not looked upon God’s Word the way we should with fortitude and faithfulness in complete obedience to it.


A.W.Tozer said: “God’s Word has many times been allowed to be bent, to conform to the surrounding, passing, changing culture of that moment rather than to stand as the inerrant Word of God judging the form of the world spirit and the surrounding culture of that moment. Obedience to God’s Word is the watershed. And the failure of the evangelical world to take a biblical stand on the crucial issues of the day can only be seen as a failure to live life under the full authority of God’s Word.”


In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may our children and grandchildren not say about us that we did not take a biblical stand on crucial issues; failing to live our lives under the authority of God’s Word.


Daily Devotional

Son, since you have declared that I am your Lord and God, and have said that you would do all that I commanded of you – be careful to do it wholeheartedly. When you made this promised to Me; that to walk in My ways and to obey all I command, I said, “I declare that you are Mine, My special treasure.”


So keep on asking, seeking and knocking, and doors will be opened for you. Do to others what you would like them to do to you. If you do these things then I will lift you up, and you will receive praise, and honor. You will be known as a man that is holy to Me, just as I promised.


Son, because you have made Me Lord of your life, don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. You can identify them by their actions. Never forget that they will attack you when you are exhausted and weary. But, soon they will know that heaven rules, and that people of the earth are nothing compared to Me. I do as I want and no one can stop Me. All My actions are just and true, and I am able to humble the proud. They will learn that I alone am The Lord; that I alone am The Most High; supreme Ruler over all the earth.


Lord, You sent Your angel to rescue me, and there is no other god who can rescue like You! What joy there is when my strength comes from You. When I walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. It is my desire to continue to grow stronger in my knowledge of You. For, You have given me Your grace and said You would not withhold any good thing Me.

Are We Losing the West – Redemption – Part 5

Genesis 3:14-15 “So the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.’”


Romans 3:21 “But now a righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify.”


Every philosophy and worldview must have a solution to the problems that we face, or the mess that we are in. There must be an understanding of not only what the problem is, but also what the solution is.


In the biblical worldview we see that not only is God the Creator of our universe, but that He is also giving us the answer to why we are in such a mess. This is laid out by Paul in Ephesians 2 where he describes what the Ephesians were like before they came to Christ.


First, they were dead in the sense that they were incomplete, with something missing in their lives. This is why you find people who seem to have everything, yet they commit suicide. No amount of fame, wealth or success can compensate for a dead spirit.


Second, they were slaves led away by their own lusts and unable to break the chains that held them. Paul later on said that he was:  “….sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do — this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.” Romans 7:14-20


What is the biblical worldview solution? Two words: BUT GOD. Paul was showing us in Ephesians that there is nothing that can deliver us – no education, money, fame, success, etc. Paul was showing that from man there is absolutely no hope. However, we read:


“But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us. Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ (for by grace ye are saved).” Ephesians 2:4-5 KJV


“Not of works, lest any man should boast.  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:9-10 KJV


What are some of the other worldview solutions?


Karl Marx, a German philospher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist and revolutionary socialist. For him the ‘original sin’ was ‘private property,’ therefore it stands to reason that the solution is ‘destroying the private ownership of property.’ And, ‘redeemer,’ as he believed, is the proletariat, the urban factory workers, who should rise up in revolution against their capitalist oppressors.


Nancy Pearcy: Total Truth – Rousseau: Rousseau’s work of The Social Contract, states “Man is born free, and ever is in chains.”  In my later weekly letters we will know that for Rousseau oppressive relationships like marriage, family, church, and workplace was the problem. Redemption for Rousseau was the STATE. This is one of the reasons why the 20th century was one of the bloodiest ever because people adopted a worldview based on faulty ideas of creation, fall and redemption. Rousseau’s writings were centered around the individual.


Hannah Arendt points out in “The Origins of Totalitarianism,” that “disconnected, isolated individuals are actually the most vulnerable to totalitarian control because they have no competing identity or loyalties. That’s why one of the best ways to protect the rights of individuals is to protect the rights of groups such as: families, churches, schools, businesses, and voluntary associations. Contrary to Rousseau’s belief, that to protect moral, social, and kinship bonds actually protects individual freedom.”


Isn’t it interesting to see the spiritual battles being fought today over the family, the church, rule of law, etc.


Just to give one other example that is affecting us today in the West – is Margaret Sanger’s ‘Religion of Sex.’ She is the founder of Planned Parenthood, and like Nancy Pearcy describes Margaret Sanger: “She is a committed Darwinist, a champion of Social Darwinism and eugenics, which was very much in vogue in the early part of the twentieth century. Her goal was to construct a ‘scientific’ approach to sexuality based squarely on Darwinism.” 


For Margaret Sanger, the problem for the mess that we are in is “the rise of Christian morality” and the solution is to free our bodies through sexual liberation. We saw this coming to its fruition in the sixties when sexual revolution became a moral crusade and Christian morality was the enemy. This is what is leading us into pornography, abortion, birth and death control, homosexuality, etc.


So when we look at these different solutions we need to ask ourselves: what is real and what is false?