Daily Devotional

Son, My children have the power to bring about change in this world; to complete the task I have left for them and to correct what the evil people of this world have done. I have given My children everything they need to do so. So can you or any of My children tell Me why they are not using the power they have been given to complete the task? While in the garden, I prayed that My children be one as the Father and I are one. When My children are united in Me, then the world will be drawn to Me, to know Me.


The reason My children do not use the power they have, and why they have not completed the task I left for them – is because they are divided and not united in My purpose. Satan has deceived them into thinking they should be meek by not speaking out with the truth about Me. Satan has gotten them to think about themselves: their comforts and their problems. He puts fear in them; that if they stand up for My truth they will suffer. He has twisted My word and used false shepherds to teach them that not all of My word is applicable for today. These false shepherds tell My people that they cannot take My word literally and so they do not take My Word seriously. My Word is a double-edged Sword! My word refutes and cuts down all the lies and deceptions of your day and in any day – just as it has always done since the beginning. Not one of My words will fall to the ground powerless! 


Son, I have given My children the privilege of telling everyone who will listen about the endless treasures available when they accept Me as their Savior. Because of their faith in Me, My children can come boldly and confidently into My presence with any personal request and with any united petition. In the garden I asked that the unlimited resources of the Holy Spirit empower My children with wisdom and strength; that the Holy Spirit make His home in their hearts when they trust in Me; that His roots grow deep in them so that they will understand how wide, how long, how high, and how deep My love is for them. When My children are united and understand My love, they will know My mighty power is at work within them to accomplish infinitely more than they can ask or think.


Son, I beg My children to live a life worthy of their calling! My children must be humble, gentle, and patient with each other; making allowances for each other’s faults – because of their love for Me. Do everything to stay united, bound together with My peace. Since My children know the truth, they must throw off their old sinful nature and former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. They must allow My Spirit and My word to renew their thoughts and attitudes. They must put on the new nature: holy and righteous; created to be like God as His true sons and daughters.


When My true shepherds equip My people to do the task I left them, they will build up My children, My body, so that they mature and measure up to the full and complete standard I have set for them. Then My children will no longer be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. They will not be influenced when people try to deceived them with lies. My truth exposes lies and corrects wrongs. But, so many of My children have been convinced of lies and have wandered far from Me – deceived.


Lord, thank You for these truths of who we are in You. Forgive me for dwelling so much on worldly things that separate me from Your fellowship and bring a dividing attitude instead of a uniting one. Help me to proclaim the truth to all who will listen, and help me to not give the devil any footholds in my life. 


Are We Losing the West? Part 18



Genesis 1:26-27 “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”


In the Christian worldview God is the ultimate Judge of the earth as well as the standard of all morality. His judgment is based on morals and not, like Kevin Swanson brings out, on “some cold, necessity in a naturalistic-materialistic world.”


Charles Darwin entered Cambridge University in 1828 with the intent of preparing for the ministry. Darwin wrote that he “did not then in the least doubt the strict and literal truth of every word of the Bible.” But, a radical change came into his mind, because later on he labored as hard as he could to eliminate every element of the Christian faith from his thinking. He then said that the Bible is “no more to be trusted than the beliefs of a barbarian.”


After 28 years of research, on November 24th, 1859 Darwin published his now famous book called The Origin of Species in which the first print sold out in one day. It was as if the world at that time was waiting for an intellectual aspect of our ‘being’ other than what the Bible gives us in Genesis 1. It would seem that Darwin met a market need that the modern world was looking for to take us away from the Christian faith and the biblical God. Though he could not disprove the existence of God he could provide another reason for our being.


Jesus gave us a maxim in Matthew 7:15-18 that we can use in testing all things said and done.  “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”


What was Charles Darwin like, who is still considered the most influential person in the world? From his own writings to friends he was a “twisted” individual and by his own testimony a sadist that took great pleasure in killing animals. It is said that he especially loved to kill birds by pounding on their heads with a hammer.


God says: “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.” Proverbs 12:10


Darwin’s shares his testimony that his problems began at age 16 and by the time he was 28 he was almost incapacitated by his mental illnesses. Kevin Swanson in his book called APOSTATE said about Darwin that: “He suffered from depression, agoraphobia, insomnia, vision alterations, hallucinations, malaise, vertigo, shaking, tachycardia, fainting spells, shortness of breath, trembling, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Muscle twitches, spasms, tremors, cramps and colics, bloating and nocturnal flatulence, headaches, nervous exhaustion, dyspnea, skin blisters, tinnitus, and sensations of loss of consciousness, and impending death.”


Dr. Jerry Bergman believes there was a strong connection between Darwin’s religious apostasy and his psychosis. Bergman writes, “His nagging, gnawing fear about murdering God caused a cold shudder to run through him because of his fear that he had devoted his life to a fantasy… an illusion, and a dangerous one at that.”


Yet, when we think of the considerable influence of this person in the modern world with all of his psychosis it does not say much about the modern world.


A good tree produces good fruit and bad tree bad fruit.


What is the fruit that this tortured man produced?


Regrettably, this man’s fruit has touched every person and nation as well as educational, cultural, religious, and political institutions that affect our lives.


The Descent of Man, a book that he wrote in 1871, opened the door to eugenics and the selective breeding to eliminate supposedly genetic weaknesses. This gave a reason for Hitler in the 20th century to try to produce “the super race.”


For Darwin, man is an animal with mental faculties that do not differ in kind although immensely in degree.


The biblical view of man in Psalm 8 would greatly disagree. “What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet:  all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.” Psalms 8:4-8


Another aspect of the fruit that this man produced (and there were many) was the open door to ‘genocide,’ where we would eventually have the extermination of races, the handicapped and the inferior so to have the strongest living, so to speak.


We have entered a brave new world that fails to respect human life created in the image of God. We, as God’s people, should be concerned about the change in the worldview of the Western world. It is estimated that out of the 110 Christian universities, about half still teach creation by God and oppose evolutionary by Darwin. Why not all of them?


In all of the public and private universities only about 1% maintains a God-centered belief system. In Europe it is about the same, if not worse.


At one time Western Europe and America had the majority of Christians, but not today. Although we see an ebbing with Christianity in Europe, America, Australia and Canada, God is moving in a great way in Latin America, Africa and Asia. I believe that we have a temporary setback in the West, but God is on the move.


Charles Darwin, just like some other philosophers that have gone before, picked a fight with God and lost.

Daily Devotional

Son, I have set all of My children free, so they need to make sure that they stay free! For I have jcalled them to live in My freedom, but they must not use their freedom to satisfy their sinful nature. Instead, they must use their freedom to serve one another in love. When My Holy Spirit guides My children they will not do what the sinful nature craves.


My children must understand that there are two forces in them constantly fighting each other. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what My Spirit desires. When they follow the desires of their sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. But, when My Holy Spirit in control of their life it will produce this kind of fruit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Son, there are also two forces fighting each other in your country. There are those who have forsaken Me and turned this great country into a place of wickedness. These so called “progressive thinkers” have filled this place with the blood of innocent children. They trust their wealth instead of Me and grow more and more bold in their wickedness. Their tongues cut like sharp razors, and they have become experts at telling lies. They love to destroy others with their words. They are only fooling themselves; they are not important or wise. They have been misled; for they cannot mock Me. They will harvest what they have planted!


When My children have had enough, humbled themselves, and pray to Me – I will hear them. When My children become torn up and in despair over the wickedness, and weep before Me in repentance – I will indeed hear them. Then and only then will I not send the promised disaster that is coming on your country. My children must not get tired of doing what is good; for at just the right time they will reap a harvest of blessing if they don’t give up. What stops My children from praying to Me is they don’t want to be persecuted for teaching that I am the answer and solution, and there is no other. 


Lord, if I say I’ll never mention You or speak about You, I cannot follow through with such foolish words; for Your word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can’t do it! Because of You, my interest in this world is dying, and so is the world’s interest in me.


Lord, I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night. Against You, and You alone, have I sinned. I have done what is evil in your sight. You are right in what You say, and Your judgment against me is just. For I was born a sinner- yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. When You purified me from my sins, I became clean in Your sight. When You wash me, I will be whiter than snow. Give me back my joy; for You have broken me; now let me rejoice! Restore in me the joy of Your salvation, and make me willing to obey You. The sacrifice You desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

Daily Devotional

Son, I am grieved that some of My children are turning away from Me so quickly. They are quickly following that evil movement called “Political Correctness.” This so called “correctness” is causing so many people to be lead away from the truth. This incorrectness pretends to be good for people, but is not good at all; it is evil in every way. It deliberately twists the truth and lets sin run rampant in the land.  People are being fooled and led into hell by believing they have to be “politically correct.” No one will end up standing before any of their leaders on the Day of Judgment; each person will stand before Me to be judged for how they responded to Me when I CORRECTED THEM!


Son, My children should not be concerned about being approved by these leaders and those who follow them into the pit. My children must know that there are many false people who call themselves My children, but are not My children. They have been placed there to spy on them and take away their freedom and possessions, even take their children into learning the wisdom of this world and their ways of idolatry and false worship of Me. Their purpose is to enslave My children; to keep My children from obeying Me and leading others to My salvation and into My kingdom. 


Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me pleading for these people, I wouldn’t help them. Away with them! Get them out of My sight! They have abandoned Me and turned their backs on Me, on My salvation and My truth. Therefore, I raise My fist to destroy them; for I am tired of always giving them another chance.


Son, tell My children that they are not to mourn or show sympathy for these worthless people. I have removed My protection, My peace, and My unfailing love. In your own lifetime, before your very eyes, I will put an end to their happiness, singing and laughter. When you tell the people all these things, they will ask, “What have we done that such terrible things should be said against us? What have we done to deserve such treatment? What is our sin?” Then you will give them My message, “It is because you have abandoned The Lord God and not obeyed His word. You have refused to listen to His warnings, and continue to think that you have the means and wisdom to correct what is wrong in this world.” I will show them My power – to back up the message I have given you to tell them. I will show them My might; what it is to have Me against them. Then at last they will know and understand that I am The Lord, and there is NO OTHER!


Son, you must tell those children of Mine, and warn them to turn from following these evil ways of what they call “correctness;” whether it is political correctness, religious correctness or world-order correctness. Obey My entire word which is for My children and their future with Me. I know that some of My children will not listen, for they are stubborn, and have refused to believe that in My word are the answers and solutions they are looking for. They want to fit in with the wicked culture. They are afraid of having any  part of society against them. Therefore, they will believe and conform to every lie that comes up before them. How very pitiful! They are the most pitiful people on the earth. 


If My children return to Me, I will restore them so that they can serve Me in the remaining time. If they speak My words, rather than worthless ‘incorrect’ words, they will become My spokesmen. My children must influence the world; not have the world influence them any longer! For then – I will make them as secure as a fortified wall of bronze. They will not be conquered. But, if they keep going in the ways of the world, they will be conquered and left destitute and fearfully searching for the basic things they need to live on. I will be with them, protect and rescue them but they must return to Me and devour My words; digesting every truth so that it has its outward work in their life. Then they will have My joy and My heart’s delight. They will have the honor of being My representative!


Lord, it is no longer I who lives, but You who lives in me. While I live in this earthly body I will trust in You; for You loved me and gave Yourself for me. So when people ask me, “What are you trusting in that makes you so confident?” I can say, “God is my strength, my fortress and my salvation. He is the One that has helped me in the time of trouble! He has shown me His faithfulness in everything. He has been with me in everything I do. Therefore, I will continue to follow Him all the days of my life.”

Daily Devotional

Lord, while reading about the kings of Israel and Judah a thought came to me. What would You write about Your children today who live in this land of America?


Son, I would say that most of My children compare themselves with each other using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!  When people commend themselves, it doesn’t count for much. The important thing is for them to ask is, “What does God think of me. Does God commend us?” I told your forefathers that if they obey Me and do whatever I command, then I will be with your nation; I will be your God. So tell My children to remember the covenant I made with their forefathers, and do everything I require, and I will record – that they followed Me with their whole heart.


As it stands right now, this is what I have to say, “What right do these people have, who say they are My children, to come to Me for anything – when they do so many immoral things? The only thing I will hear from them is a sincere and humble confession unto repentance! They actually rejoice in doing evil. These people listen to their leaders who tell them how important they are! Therefore, I am going to bring calamity upon this land, and these people will not escape. Though they beg for mercy, I will not listen to their cries.


Lord, then why do You let these wicked people prosper; why are they allowed to keep doing what they do? They have produced greater wickedness in this land and it grieves and oppresses Your children. Your Name is only on their lips as a curse, and they have no idea what the truth is. How long must this land mourn? For these people boldly say that You have no part in our future and that You cannot see or control what’s ahead for us!


Son, My children must use My mighty word of truth to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy these false arguments. Do not trust these arrogant leaders no matter how pleasant they speak about themselves. They never confess wrong doing, and are great at blaming others. Remember, My children must shout this to anyone who will listen, “Any nation who refuses to obey The Lord God will be uprooted and destroyed!”


Son, if My children are tired now in defending the truth against men – how will they fare when they have to stand against what is coming? If they stumble and fall on open ground, what will they do in the thickets of deciet?


Lord, our only hope is to go to Your altar and pray for Your help. We need You to raise up leaders who will lead us back to You. Leaders who make You their only source of joy. Leaders who will praise You. Only by Your power can we push back this enemy who is bent on destroying this nation and removing Your truth from the land. Only in Your Name can we trample these false leaders. Only with Your help can we know who You have provided to rescue us.


Lord, my hope is in You, and I will praise You – my Savior and my God!


Daily Devotional

Lord, I have to confess that it is easy to become discouraged. Look at what is taking place; people refuse to stand up for the truth. They go from bad to worse, and refuse to acknowledge You.


Son, this has happened because some of My shepherds have lost their senses and left the way in which to shepherd My sheep. They no longer seek My wisdom. Therefore, their flocks are scattered. Because of these shepherds some of My children have abandoned My word, and have refused to obey what it says. What will I do – but test them with the fire. Therefore, a time is coming when I will punish all those who refuse to acknowledge Me and My word.


My children should cleanse themselves from everything that can defile their body or spirit. They should work toward complete holiness, and fear Me. When My children begin to live their lives this way it will lead them away from sin, and they will never regret it. But when My children live worldly – they will not see the importance of repentance, and this will result in their spiritual death.  In the coming days My children will be tested by many troubles, then what will they do?


Son, why are you discouraged? Why is your heart so sad? You need to put your hope in Me! Here is my advice for you: finish what you started! Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by how you finish your life. Give in proportion to what you have, and I will accept it if you give it eagerly. Do not promise to give what you do not have. Remember, I told you how to overcome discouragement! It starts with the words, “I will.”


Lord, I will praise You. I will remember You each day. You have poured Your unfailing love upon me. I will put my hope in You! I will praise You again and again because there is no one like You! You are great, and Your Name is full of power. You are the only true God. You are the living God; the everlasting King!

Daily Devotional

Lord, I am tired of telling everyone who will listen that judgment is coming. I want to be quiet like so many, and the rest who seem to have their lives in order. But as I stood there in silence – not saying anything – Your words became hot within me.


You have made for me an eternal body; a body for my spirit. This was not made by human will or human hands. While I live in this earthly body, my spirit groans and sighs. It is not that I want to die and get rid of this body. Rather, I want to put on my new body. But only those who receive Your Sprit can have this hope. Anyone who belongs to You has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!


Lord, You gave Your life, a sinless life, as the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through You. Therefore, we have been given spiritual riches, even though poor in every way. We own nothing, and yet we have everything.


Son, You must tell everyone everything I say. Tell My children not to be fooled by those who promise safety simply because they are a spiritual leader. If they say that no judgment is coming while My church is still here, do not be fooled into thinking that My children will never suffer. It’s a lie! Do My children really think they can steal, murder, commit adultery and lie without a consequence? I spoke to them about this repeatedly, but they will not listen. I called out to them, but they refused to answer. This is what I told them: “Obey Me, and I will be your God, and you will be My people. Do everything as I say, and all will be well!” Say to them, “This is a nation whose people will not obey Me and who refuse to be taught. Truth has vanished from among them; it is no longer heard on their lips. Therefore, I have rejected and forsaken this generation that has provoked My fury.”


Why do all these people stay on their self-destructive path? Why do they refuse to turn back to Me? They cling tightly to their lies and will not turn around. I listen to their conversations and I cannot hear a word of truth. Is anyone sorry for doing wrong? Does anyone say, “What a terrible thing we have done!”?  No! All are running down the path of sin as swiftly as a horse galloping into battle! How can they say, “We are wise because we have the word of the Lord,” when your teachers have twisted what I say? These lying teachers will fall into the trap of their own foolishness, for they have rejected the word of the Lord. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace. People hope for peace, but no peace will come – until I come!


People have hoped for a time of healing, but found only terror.


Son, My grief is beyond healing and My heart is broken. I will be merciful only if they stop their evil thoughts and deeds, and start teaching and obeying the truth.


Stop murdering your unborn children! Stop harming yourselves by worshiping the things of this world!


Lord, I will wait for You to help me, for You have heard my cry. You will lift me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire of this world. You will set my feet on solid ground and steady me as I walk. You have given me a new song of praise to You. Many will see what You have done and be amazed.  Now that you have made me listen, I finally understand that You don’t require my offerings. You require my obedience. I take joy in doing Your good will, for Your words are written on my heart.


Lord, may those who try to destroy and humiliate me be put to shame. May those who take delight in my trouble be turned back in disgrace. As for me, since I am poor and needy, You are my helper, my Savior, and my God. Do not delay in rescuing me from those that trouble me.


Son, My children are like fragile clay jars, which hold My Spirit, and this makes it clear for all to see that their great power is from Me, not from themselves. When they become pressed on every side by troubles, they will not be crushed. When they are perplexed, they will never be in despair. When they are hunted down, I will never abandon them. When they get knocked down, they will not be destroyed. My children have My light shining in their hearts.


Lord, I looked at my life; my entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, I am just a breath. I am merely a moving shadow, and all of my busyness ends in nothing. I want to busy myself for Your Kingdom.



Daily Devotional

Son, My children must stop relying on themselves and others, but learn to rely only on Me. I placed My Holy Spirit in their hearts as the first installment that will guarantee everything I have promised them. I have given them an open door of opportunity, so that they can spread the knowledge of Me everywhere. I know that some of My children feel crushed and overwhelmed beyond their ability to endure, and they think that they will not be able to live through it. At these times My children must know that I am the source of all comfort and strength. I will comfort them in all of their troubles so that they can comfort others. Remember that the more you suffer for Me, the more I will shower My comfort on you, and your life will be like a sweet perfume to Me.


Son, I would love to treat all of the people of your country as My children! I wanted nothing more than to bless them in this beautiful land- the finest possession in the world. I looked forward to them calling Me, “Father.” So now the land has become polluted because they have refused to sincerely return to Me, they only pretended to be sorry. They must acknowledge their guilt. They must admit that they have rebelled against Me. They must confess that they have refused to listen to My voice. If they wanted to return to Me, they could.


Lord, the people of my country have chosen crooked paths and have forgotten You. Everything our forefathers have worked for has been squandered on a delusion. We have become stupid children with no understanding. Our leaders are clever enough at doing wrong, and they have no idea how to do right! Sin whispers deep into our leaders. The people have no fear of You at all. In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really have become. They expect You to wave Your hand over this land to bless it and change it.


Son, the people of your land must change their hearts by plowing up the hard ground of their hearts! They must surrender their pride and power, before it is too late. If they do not change, then My anger will burn like an unquenchable fire. Waves of destruction will roll over your land. The people are foolish because they refuse to know Me.


Lord, oppose those who oppose me. Fight those who fight against me. Let me hear You say, “I will give you victory!” They accuse me of things I know nothing about. Don’t let them say, “Look, we got what we wanted!” For You are the fountain of life, the light by which I see. Pour out Your unfailing love on those who love You; give justice to those who have honest hearts. Don’t let these proud leaders trample Your children. Don’t allow the wicked to continue pushing Your children around.


Son, those who do evil will fall! They will be thrown down, never to rise again. Soon they will hear My steps.

Are We Losing the West? Part 17

KARL MARX continued….


Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.”


Carrying on from our last chapter we have the final five planks of Marx’s Manifesto that has made an impact throughout the world and especially in the West.


Plank #6: Centralization of the means of communication and transportation in the hands of the state.


Here in the States we still have some freedom of transportation as well as private ownership of the means of transportation.


However, the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) regulates more and more of our public communication systems. We find ourselves going through body searches, etc. at the hands of the FCC (for example at the airport).


Also we have learned more about the abuses of the NSA (National Security Agency). We have for the sake of safety or security subjected ourselves to this. I am reminded of the words of Benjamin Franklin who said: “People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.” What we are finding is that freedom is slowly, but surely being taken from us.


When Israel was asking for king to lead them like other nations (in 1 Samuel 8) Samuel describes what the king (or government) would do unless there are checks and balances. There is no doubt that we are moving into a different America than what our founding fathers fought to give us. It has not happened overnight, but slowly, as little by little our freedoms are being chipped away.


Plank #7: Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of ‘waste lands’ (some even privately owned), and the improvement of the soil is generally in accordance with a common plan (government plan).


Here again we see the infringement of government. But what does the Bible say? First, we see that Jesus Himself insisted that the landowner could do what he thought was right with his own property. “Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?” (Matthew 20:15 – parable of the landowner)


The Torah also brings out that restitution needs to be made to the individual whose property was harmed.  “If a man borrows an animal from his neighbor and it is injured or dies while the owner is not present, he must make restitution.” Exodus 22:14


Kevin Swanson said: “There is nothing in God’s law that legitimizes the regulative state that the socialists brought to the world since the turn of the 20th century. The Bible plainly disapproves of governments owning more than 10% of the people’s property, persons, and income. (1 Samuel 8:15-17)”


Plank #8: Equal obligation of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.


In 1 Samuel 8:11-17 and Nehemiah 5:1-10 we see that the Bible is against the enslavement of sons and daughters by landowners, but how much more grievous it is for the government to practice this kind of enslavement.


This plank was intended for each individual to work as a part of the national economic machine. We find today in America that a vast number of women work outside of the home (family) for government or like Swanson says, in some government regulated corporate job. And so our families are slowly disintegrating.


Plank #9: The combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all distinction between town and country by a more equal distribution of the populace over the country.  


At the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) we see the judgment of God, the mercy of God and the plan of God. First, we see that God discourages the centralization of power within the cities and so secondly, we see God disbursing the people through confusing their language. Thirdly, we see that after God breaks the human race into families or people-groups that His plan is to win them (people groups) one by one. To do that He needs to choose one people group, bless them and then use them to reach the others. This is why in Genesis 12 we read God using Abraham to reach out to be a blessing to all of the families on the earth. “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:3


Plank #10: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc.


When we read passages like Exodus 10:2, Deuteronomy 5:14 and 6:7-9, the entire Book of Proverbs, 1 Thessalonians 2:11, Ephesians 6:4 – we see that education falls heavily upon the family and not the state. Marx knew that to further his agenda to realize his goal, taking over the education of children would be crucial. We see that here in the West this plank is well established. The USA spends $11,467 per student per year. 


Marxism was established in the Soviet Union through revolutions and up to 100 million deaths, but here in America it has come about slowly, but surely, through many elections, education, breakdown of the nuclear family and a steady increase of dependence upon the government. And now we see that our Western civilization is almost finished.


In later chapters I want to lay out some things that we can do in not only tearing down the stronghold that has been built, but seeing reformation taking place. Remember that 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still in the Bible: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Daily Devotional

Son, I have put my words in you and you must say everything I tell you. For I am watching this land you live in and I have pronounced judgment on it for all their evil, and for deserting Me. What did your leaders find wrong with Me that led them to stray so far from Me? The people are worshiping worthless things, only to become worthless themselves. No one asks, “Where is the Lord?” Some who have taught My word – now ignore Me. Therefore, the people have brought this upon themselves by rebelling against Me. The wickedness in your land will bring its own punishment. By turning from Me this will shame your land. Soon they will see what an evil, bitter thing it is not to fear Me and to be abandoned by Me. These people have turned their backs on Me, so when they cry out to Me in their times of trouble, “Come and save us! We have done nothing wrong. Surely God isn’t angry!”… I will punish them severely.


Son, tell My children that when they stand for My truth; the truth found only in My word, the false leaders and false pastors of your land will fight them, but they will fail. For I am with My children, and I will take care of them. My children must remember that My word holds true, and they can trust everything I say. I breathed the word, and the world began! It all appeared at My command. I watch over everyone who fears Me. Those who rely on My unfailing love – I will keep them in times of famine – believing and satisfied because of My word.


Those who fear Me will have all they need. Those who trust in Me will lack no good thing. My eyes watch over those who do right; My ears are open to their cries for help. I will rescue them from all their troubles. My children will face many troubles in the days ahead, but I will rescue them each time. My children must remember that those whom I have redeemed, and who serve Me – can take refuge in Me. They will never be condemned by Me or My Father.


Son, remember that love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance; it will last forever! So let love be your highest goal, and be innocent as babies when it comes to evil, but be mature in understanding matters of this kind. I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My prophet. Therefore you must say whatever I tell you because I have reached out to touch your mouth. Tell My children to get out of debt, and to be free from the worldly systems. My children must learn to give to those who are in need so they can eat, and when they give there will be plenty for all and some left over, just like I promised.


Lord, what joy there is ahead for all of Your children because You have chosen us to partake in Your inheritance. Please open the hearts of Your children so that they can understand everything that is coming. Let your unfailing love surround us. For our hope is in You alone. When Your children pray – You will answer us. You will free us from all of our fears, and save us from all of our troubles. You have placed Your angels as guards around us. You will defend us on the great Day when we stand before You.