Satan, the “god of this world,” has blinded the eyes of people so that while seeing, they never perceive; otherwise, they might SEE with their eyes and understand with their heart, turn to Jesus Christ and be healed. (Paraphrased from Luke 8:9-10 and Isaiah 6:9-10) 2 Corinthians 4:4 “Satan, who is the god of this… Read more »
Posts By: Carol Dietz
What is Happening to America?
Is this what happened to America? “The godly have given in to the wicked, and it has polluted our land like muddying a spring.” Proverbs 25:26 “The rich have become wealthy through extortion and violence. The people are so used to lying that they can no longer discern the truth from a lie.” Micah 6:12… Read more »
Religion is Man-Made
I’ve been thinking and praying about the difference between “religion” and a “relationship” with God. Such a big difference it makes in one’s life. Not only in this life, but in the life to come. For those who are simply religious, not knowing Christ Jesus ‘intimately’ by His indwelling Spirit and His living words, is… Read more »
Knowledge with Wisdom
1 Kings 4:29 tells us that God gave Solomon very great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge. Today we have leaders who only have some knowledge, but the knowledge they do have they haveno understanding and wisdom along with it. What will be the outcome with this type of leadership? Without wisdom you are a fool,… Read more »
Gospel or No Gospel
The only TRUE gospel is Jesus Christ’s, the Son of God, and what is said of Him: HE who was, and is, and is TO COME. His purpose was to save those who repent because they believe in His sacrifice on the Cross – receiving His forgivenness and being filled with His Holy Spirit to… Read more »
A Blessing or a Curse
How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! For true happiness comes from God. Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don’t have. Commit yourselves wholeheartedly to God’s words, and teach them to your children. Talk about the words of God when you are at home and when you are on the… Read more »
The Path of Life
“I will praise the LORD, who instructs me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With Him at my right hand, I will NOT be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will NOT abandon me… Read more »
Great Heartache – Big Miracle
During my time in the Word of God, I read a little note I had written in my Bible years ago that is so applicable for today. Jesus just heard that John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod Antipas (Roman Emperor). In our Lord’s grief, but not wanting to be alone, he feeds 5,000 men… Read more »
I Will Not Apologize
10 things I will not apologize for: 1. Being a white male, for this is how God made me. 2. Living in America, for this is where God placed me. 3. That the standard for my life is the word of God (the Bible) 4. Knowing the truth about good and evil (sin), for this… Read more »
A Lament for our Nation
Reading Psalm 5 this morning, looking to the Lord for some encouragement about our nation, I WAS encouraged by King David’s lament to the Lord about his enemies. God calls David, “a man after His own heart.” David was not a perfect man, a sinner for sure, but David always repented and faced the consequences… Read more »