Everyone dies, and everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life when He comes back. Our earthly bodies will be planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. These bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness,… Read more »
Posts By: Carol Dietz
Needed: Reformation – Chapter 5
Reformation in the Past If we look at church history it would seem that there were two other times when there was reformation. From the 1st century to about 300 AD the church spread throughout the Roman world. There were many things against the early church: the Roman Empire, pagan gods, superstitions, etc. Yet… Read more »
Ready To Face Death?
Ready to Face Death? I was talking with a man about a 9/11 video I just watched. In one scene it showed people in the tower looking out the windows above the flames knowing that death was coming. I asked him how would you meet death. Will you try and run from it or… Read more »
Needed: Reformation – Chapter 4
What We Need Reformation – Part 2 The third thing that we need to ask ourselves is in regards to our culture: Is the church making an impact in our culture today? Who is in control in our culture? Is it God or is it Satan? When we turn on TV what do… Read more »
Daily Devotional – This is the last one for 10 days
Who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to give Him advice? How impossible it is for us to understand the wisdom behind His decisions and His ways! So don’t think highly of yourself, but fear what could happen if you stop trusting Him. Have we become tired of trusting Him, is that… Read more »
Daily Devotional – I will not post another devotional for 10 days
Son, I am your God; I will strengthen and help you. With My unfailing love, I will stand with you. I will be your refuge, a place of safety when you are in distress. With My help you will do mighty things. So don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for… Read more »
Daily Devotional
People today say, “Let there be peace in my lifetime!” But what about the next generation? People, haven’t you heard? Don’t you understand? Are you so deaf to the words of God-that you don’t know that the Sovereign Lord is coming in power, and that He will have His righteous rule, just like He… Read more »
Needed: Reformation – Chapter 3
Why We Need Reformation In Chapter 2 we saw something about reformation – that of bringing us back to our foundation in our Christian faith. But the question might be asked: Why do we need reformation? In this chapter I would like to answer this question by asking other questions. The first set… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Today is the day of choosing, whether to serve the living God, or the god of this world. Tell me what does the god of this world offer that so many have chosen? What promises has he made to those who follow his teaching? What future is ahead for those who keep their heads… Read more »
Daily Devotional
Lord, everything is falling apart: wars throughout the world, threats of terrorism, lying leaders, and no one is safe on our streets. No one evens knows the truth, or even cares to know it. They have been told lies upon lies in our schools. We are governed by the sinful minority, who tell us that… Read more »