Daily Devotional

Just a thought: Since I am a builder, what would it look like if I started to build a hotel with no plans, not even an idea what it will look like when it is finished? Wouldn’t it take longer with all the corrections from the mistakes along the way, even having to tear down what has been done to rebuild correctly. It will have a HUGE cost. In the end, what will it look like?


Today we have leaders who are leading America in the same way. They want to ignore the original plan. They have left the way of godliness. They have no idea where this will take them because they have no plans, no structural engineers to make it strong and safe, no mechanical, no electrical or plumbing engineers who will make what they are building function right. They have no landscape architect to bring in God’s beauty; so the building will be a monument to what man can do.


The Bible says that without a vision the people perish. I see this great country on the road of destruction because we have lost the vision – having left God’s way. The new generation is willing to be deceived with new teachings of new ideas that reject the wisdom of the elderly with godly plans. Let me tell you what Moses said to the children of Israel when they were getting ready to take the land. Hear the warning and see if this is not happening today.


Deuteronomy 32 paraphrased:


They offered sacrifices to demons; to gods they had not known before; to new gods recently arrived; to religions their ancestors had never followed. They neglected the Rock who had fathered their ancestors; they forgot the God who had given them birth.


Therefore, I will abandon those who have rejected My ways and then they will see what becomes of them. For they are a twisted generation, children without integrity. They have become a senseless people who are foolish in their thinking and ways. Their understanding comes from the vine of Sodom, from the vineyards of Gomorrah. Their grapes are poison, and their clusters are bitter.


I am God your Lord and Savior! There are no other gods, but Me! I am the Architect of life.  I. No one or no created thing can rescue from My powerful hand! My words are not empty words; they are your life; obey them!

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