Daily Devotional

Today we tell everyone that to have a great life you must be educated, and have a degree showing your knowledge. But the bible says the greatest thing is to get wisdom. Wisdom understands what to do with knowledge. To have knowledge without wisdom is almost useless; for knowledge will fail you without wisdom; the pure wisdom that is from above.


I used to meet with a man who is very knowledgeable about many things, but not very wise. God gave me a vision of him with a huge head but a little body. The problem he had was getting his knowledge through his hour glass neck to the heart of wisdom.


So what does God say, about wisdom? Wisdom will lead you to trust in the Lord with all your heart. With wisdom you will not be impressed with your knowledge and degrees. You will understand that wisdom is more profitable than silver, gold, and with it you will never lose sight of common sense and discernment. So getting wisdom is the key to life; for it will help you develop with good judgment. God’s wisdom come from the Bible and the Holy Spirit. Wise people will not lose the discipline of being in the Bible everyday. They will let the words of the Bible penetrate deep into their heart, for they know that this will determine the course of their life.


What does knowledge do? First it puffs up those who have it. So why push people to get a so called higher education? Could it be that the world system knows that if they can educate people without having wisdom they can control them? Ask yourself do we have leadership today with common sense, discernment, and good judgment? Or do we have leaders who have no idea how to solve the problems we face?


The country that is led by knowledgeable leaders without wisdom will have the following: No faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God. People’s promises mean nothing, because they break them. There will be killing, stealing and lying, and sexual sins as common place. There will be violence everywhere- one murder after another.


That is why America is in mourning, and everyone is wasting away. People love shame more than honor. So don’t point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame! God’s complaint is with us, the people of America. We have forgotten that wisdom comes from God.


So what is the future of any country run by people with knowledge and no wisdom: What the people feared would happen – will happen. What they dreaded – will come true. There will be no peace, no quietness, and no rest; only trouble and chaos.


Oh God please show us leaders who have Your wisdom to know what needs to be done, and the courage to do it. Help Your people to put them in power.

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