Daily Devotional

Son, I am grieved that some of My children are turning away from Me so quickly. They are quickly following that evil movement called “Political Correctness.” This so called “correctness” is causing so many people to be lead away from the truth. This incorrectness pretends to be good for people, but is not good at all; it is evil in every way. It deliberately twists the truth and lets sin run rampant in the land.  People are being fooled and led into hell by believing they have to be “politically correct.” No one will end up standing before any of their leaders on the Day of Judgment; each person will stand before Me to be judged for how they responded to Me when I CORRECTED THEM!


Son, My children should not be concerned about being approved by these leaders and those who follow them into the pit. My children must know that there are many false people who call themselves My children, but are not My children. They have been placed there to spy on them and take away their freedom and possessions, even take their children into learning the wisdom of this world and their ways of idolatry and false worship of Me. Their purpose is to enslave My children; to keep My children from obeying Me and leading others to My salvation and into My kingdom. 


Even if Moses and Samuel stood before Me pleading for these people, I wouldn’t help them. Away with them! Get them out of My sight! They have abandoned Me and turned their backs on Me, on My salvation and My truth. Therefore, I raise My fist to destroy them; for I am tired of always giving them another chance.


Son, tell My children that they are not to mourn or show sympathy for these worthless people. I have removed My protection, My peace, and My unfailing love. In your own lifetime, before your very eyes, I will put an end to their happiness, singing and laughter. When you tell the people all these things, they will ask, “What have we done that such terrible things should be said against us? What have we done to deserve such treatment? What is our sin?” Then you will give them My message, “It is because you have abandoned The Lord God and not obeyed His word. You have refused to listen to His warnings, and continue to think that you have the means and wisdom to correct what is wrong in this world.” I will show them My power – to back up the message I have given you to tell them. I will show them My might; what it is to have Me against them. Then at last they will know and understand that I am The Lord, and there is NO OTHER!


Son, you must tell those children of Mine, and warn them to turn from following these evil ways of what they call “correctness;” whether it is political correctness, religious correctness or world-order correctness. Obey My entire word which is for My children and their future with Me. I know that some of My children will not listen, for they are stubborn, and have refused to believe that in My word are the answers and solutions they are looking for. They want to fit in with the wicked culture. They are afraid of having any  part of society against them. Therefore, they will believe and conform to every lie that comes up before them. How very pitiful! They are the most pitiful people on the earth. 


If My children return to Me, I will restore them so that they can serve Me in the remaining time. If they speak My words, rather than worthless ‘incorrect’ words, they will become My spokesmen. My children must influence the world; not have the world influence them any longer! For then – I will make them as secure as a fortified wall of bronze. They will not be conquered. But, if they keep going in the ways of the world, they will be conquered and left destitute and fearfully searching for the basic things they need to live on. I will be with them, protect and rescue them but they must return to Me and devour My words; digesting every truth so that it has its outward work in their life. Then they will have My joy and My heart’s delight. They will have the honor of being My representative!


Lord, it is no longer I who lives, but You who lives in me. While I live in this earthly body I will trust in You; for You loved me and gave Yourself for me. So when people ask me, “What are you trusting in that makes you so confident?” I can say, “God is my strength, my fortress and my salvation. He is the One that has helped me in the time of trouble! He has shown me His faithfulness in everything. He has been with me in everything I do. Therefore, I will continue to follow Him all the days of my life.”

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