Daily Devotional

Lord, while reading about the kings of Israel and Judah a thought came to me. What would You write about Your children today who live in this land of America?


Son, I would say that most of My children compare themselves with each other using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!  When people commend themselves, it doesn’t count for much. The important thing is for them to ask is, “What does God think of me. Does God commend us?” I told your forefathers that if they obey Me and do whatever I command, then I will be with your nation; I will be your God. So tell My children to remember the covenant I made with their forefathers, and do everything I require, and I will record – that they followed Me with their whole heart.


As it stands right now, this is what I have to say, “What right do these people have, who say they are My children, to come to Me for anything – when they do so many immoral things? The only thing I will hear from them is a sincere and humble confession unto repentance! They actually rejoice in doing evil. These people listen to their leaders who tell them how important they are! Therefore, I am going to bring calamity upon this land, and these people will not escape. Though they beg for mercy, I will not listen to their cries.


Lord, then why do You let these wicked people prosper; why are they allowed to keep doing what they do? They have produced greater wickedness in this land and it grieves and oppresses Your children. Your Name is only on their lips as a curse, and they have no idea what the truth is. How long must this land mourn? For these people boldly say that You have no part in our future and that You cannot see or control what’s ahead for us!


Son, My children must use My mighty word of truth to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy these false arguments. Do not trust these arrogant leaders no matter how pleasant they speak about themselves. They never confess wrong doing, and are great at blaming others. Remember, My children must shout this to anyone who will listen, “Any nation who refuses to obey The Lord God will be uprooted and destroyed!”


Son, if My children are tired now in defending the truth against men – how will they fare when they have to stand against what is coming? If they stumble and fall on open ground, what will they do in the thickets of deciet?


Lord, our only hope is to go to Your altar and pray for Your help. We need You to raise up leaders who will lead us back to You. Leaders who make You their only source of joy. Leaders who will praise You. Only by Your power can we push back this enemy who is bent on destroying this nation and removing Your truth from the land. Only in Your Name can we trample these false leaders. Only with Your help can we know who You have provided to rescue us.


Lord, my hope is in You, and I will praise You – my Savior and my God!


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