Daily Devotional

Lord, I give my life to You. I trust You and I know that no one who trusts in You will ever be disgraced. Show me the right way to go, by pointing out Your road to me. Let Your truth teach me, for You are the One who saved me. My eyes are always looking for You, and I know You will free me from the traps set by those who oppose me. Man’s integrity and honesty will not provide any protection, so I put my hope in You. I am always aware of Your unfailing love. So, help me to live according to Your truth, then I will stand on solid ground.


Son, when anyone comes to their senses, and returns to Me, there is great joy in heaven! When they come to Me I am filled with love and compassion, I will run to them, embrace them, and kiss them. I will joyfully carry them on My shoulders. For salvation comes from Me alone.


To those who like to appear righteous, I know their hearts. They will not listen to My prophets, or even someone who has risen from the dead. They love their money, and scoff at those who follow Me. They run in an opposite direction to get away from Me, so that I will not see how wicked they are, but they cannot run away from Me. My word tells them their fate, and My judgments against them.


Son, I called to you from the land of the dead, and you heard Me. So use all your worldly resources to help others come to their senses and find Me. If you are faithful in small things, I will give you greater things. If you can can be trusted with worldly wealth, I will trust you with the true riches in heaven? If you are faithful with people’s things, then I can trust you with things of your own.


Son, you can cry out to Me any time, I will hear and answer you.


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