When He Shuts the Door

What is it about the Bible that scares people? Is it what is said that will happen to those who refuse to believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord? Is it that Jesus is coming again? Is it the fear of persecution if you follow Jesus and obey His instructions, and stand up for the truth?


People need to understand that Jesus will never grow weak of protecting His children, nor weary of providing for His children. Those who stand with Jesus in truth and righteousness will be given power and strength so they can walk in this wicked world and not get tired or fearful of living for the Lord Jesus Christ.


But for those who do know Jesus Christ as their Savior and yet compromise His truth so that they can feel safe and secure in their time on earth will lose what they thought they had with Him. They will lose their children to the god of this world, to the enemies of Christ and evil workers of inequity. The children of those who shrink back from walking with Christ will reject the Word of God, and have no hope or joy for the future.


Jesus is calling to all those who want to be accepted by this world, to return to Him and obey His Word. Ask for His wisdom and power to live the life of faith, hope and love – before it’s too late; for the LORD says there is a time when the door will be shut.

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