The American Standard

Today, when I look at the next generation of America's future, the kind of people that will be leading America, I see one great fundamental flaw. These people that are of the "woke" society want to remove our foundational standard that made America great, that made America the most desired nation of people all over the world longing to be free and prosperous with their families. 
The Bible and Constitution standard they hate, the standard that established our nation on biblical principles of wisdom, truth and love.  They think the standard by which Americans should live under should change, according to the times they live in, but what changes the times is how people have changed from being God-fearing and moral (by God's standard of morality) to being godless and immoral (by God's definition of immoral).  
Neither the Holy Bible nor the American Constitution were ever meant to be changed or tossed away lest the society become self-destructive, and their nation become powerless and weak and overcome by any one of its enemies. The strength and well-being of a nation derives from living and ruling according to the truth, love and wisdom of God, which is all under attack in America. Satan is behind this of course. 
Sadly, Satan is able to control 'godless' people to think the way he wants them to think, and then do what he wants them to do, while all along they think they are in control of their lives and are right in their thinking and decisions and behavior. Both the Holy Bible and the American Constitution keep truth and righteousness and justice working for a free, peaceful and prospering people.   
What are we increasingly seeing today in cities throughout America where governing leaders are disrespecting the Holy Bible and America's Constitution? We see hostile lawlessness causing the destruction and fear in peaceful people. We're seeing God's truth being silenced, so that lies are being promoted as truth (falsehoods). This is not "the standard" that the American people were intended to live by . Deception and fear is what allows the change from good to evil to govern a society.  
When the people of God's truth fearlessly stand up to the lies and call out the deception, it will be that bold speaking of the truth from wise and courageous people that keeps the nation's people free and flourishing for a good future. 
God's truths overcomes lies. God's love overcomes fear. God's righteousness and justice protects and blesses a nation so that its people are FREE to thrive with their families and with hope for the future. 
Why would this "woke generation" want to upset this wonderful way of life? Because they are not "woke" at all, like they think.  They are under the spell of God's number one enemy: Satan, who simply wants to turn all people away from acknowledging their Creator, and against His love and truth.  
"Any nation who refuses to obey Me will be uprooted and destroyed. I, the LORD, have spoken!"  Jeremiah 12:17

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