Government vs. We The People

Short term solutions always have long time consequences. What do I mean? Think of any solution the government has come up that we are not paying the consequences for today in all sorts of ways.
Almost 2/3 of our taxes are to pay for short term solutions (unconstitutional entitlements) of the past, throwing money it with our tax dollars, and without our permission or vote.  When we think government has the solutions to our nation's problems; then government becomes the greatest problem. 
Government does NOT solve problems; the people solve problems; those who have common sense and all kinds of skills and determination to do what is good for themselves and the society! The government ignorantly (and corruptly) announces solution (short term fixes) that have a black hole at the end that sucks the life and energy from everyone. The government is simply to protect our right to do so.
So, listen to the people running for office and you will see that the only thing they know how to do is come up with short term solutions that will inevitably have long term hurtful and destructive consequences on 'we the people.' What is needed is to bring back the dignity of individual know-how and determination to "get it done." (Something the government lacks!)  
Part of individual dignity is respect. Respect is never earned but always given. You should respect your parents, teachers, our elected officials, our neighbors, the police, those who fight for us in wars, etc.! But trust is different. Trust depends on results and character. 
So, be proud of who you are, and how God made you, and what you do that is good for yourself, your family and your society. Be honest and trustworthy. Do what you say you will do, or don't commit yourself by your words. A man's word should be good. "Let your Yes, be Yes, and your No, be No."  
Some of the happiest people I know work very hard with their hands. Some of the saddest people are highly educated people who have degrees in a field they chose because of the money. 
Bring back the respect and honor of marriage by God's design (a man and a woman), and the blessing of the family in society. We see today that the government thinks they know better how to raise our children than we do. Their goal is to condition our children so that our children cannot think for themselves but rather think and behave how a certain group of people want them to. A good example of this is in our colleges. When someone thinks and speaks differently than the Leftists - they want to shut them down. They have gotten their foot-hold in our government. They have even started to work on our Supreme Court Justices! These out-of-their-right-minds people are working day and night to take down anything that is of God and godliness. 

When the family unit returns to God, and is strong and prosperous, then our country will be strong and prosperous. When we allow government to take control of our lives, we progressively lose in all sorts of ways that we will suffer for. 

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