Daily Devotional

Son, every word of Mine will come true, so do not add to My words, but say everything I tell you.


America is at a crossroad! They can choose My way, and find rest for their souls. Elect new leaders who will guide them in truth and honesty; leaders that will speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensure justice, and help the poor, defend the helpless. Remember, when leaders seek My counsel – the people rejoice!


The leaders in America today will not pay attention to My warnings, because they have rejected My Word. These leaders spout out evil like a fountain. Their ears are closed, and they cannot hear Me. They have only scorn for those who speak out My Word! They refuse to listen to My prophets, and they offer superficial treatments for the people’s wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace for them.


I posted watchmen over America who said, “Look at our streets, they echo with the sounds of violence. Our leaders are pure in their own eyes, but they are filthy liars. They refused to be corrected, and are determined to go their own way. Because these leaders have rejected God the next generation has turned from Me.”


When the wicked are in power, sin flourishes, and people will not accept divine guidance. My children will be despised. Should I not punish America for this? Should I not avenge Myself against such a nation? They have lied about Me when they said, “I won’t bother them! No disasters will come upon us. There will be no wars, droughts, disease or famine because of our choices!”  Have you no respect for Me? Why don’t you tremble before Me as you should with what you see happening in your land? Your wickedness has deprived you of My wonderful blessings, and robbed you of all these good things I had for you. Worse yet, some of My children like it that way! But what will you do when the end comes?


Son, I paid a high price for you, so don’t be enslaved by the world again. The time that remains is very short, so use the things of the world, but do not become attached to them. Understand this, knowledge makes you feel important, but it is My love and truth that strengthens My church.


I have given you a capable wife that is worth more than rubies. You can trust her, and she will greatly enrich your life. She gets up before dawn and prays for you. She is energetic and strong, a hard worker. She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear at the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she will give you instructions with kindness. I will reward her for all she has done.


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