Daily Devotional

What does it take to change slaves into free people?


Do you remember the day you left your place of slavery? What reminder do you have that will remind you of the power of the Lord’s mighty hand when He freed you? You need to celebrate every day what the Lord did for you.


What will you do in the days ahead when you are faced with a choice that might make you want to change your mind and return to slavery.  Will you say, “Who does the Lord think we are, when He speaks to us like this? Why are You doing this to me? What have I done to deserve this? Why did You make me go this way? Didn’t I tell You this would happen if I stood up for You. Coudn’t You just let us live out our lives in quietness! I would rather be a slave to the world than go through this.” 


The time is here when The Lord will begin to purge away the wickedness of the earth, and It is a foolish and stupid person to turn away from God. These foolish people think the coming destruction can never touch them, for they have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception. Therefore, the One who created them will show them no pity or mercy. 


But to those who refuse to turn back The Lord will go ahead of you. So don’t be afraid, just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you. The Lord Himself will fight for you; so just stay calm. Remember that when His glory is displayed through you, all the world will see His glory and know that He is Lord! When we see the mighty power of the Lord unleashed we will be filled with awe. 


 So why are you crying out, “Why Me?” We just need to get moving and keep moving! 


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