Daily Devotional

While I was growing up the conversation around the rapture of the church always intrigued me. I was told there are many passages in the Bible that talk about the second coming of Christ and the rapture of the church. There are unique characteristics that distinguishes the rapture from the return. The rapture, Jesus will come by himself, with a loud shout of an Archangel, and we will meet Jesus in the air. I was also told that there are three views of the rapture, Pre-tribulation, Mid-tribulation, and Post-tribulation.


The two passages in the Bible that are commonly used to show the rapture of the church are 1 Corinthians 15:50-52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.


1 Thessalonians points:

The Lord Himself

Shout of the Archangel

Trumpet Call

We meet Him in the clouds


1 Corinthians points:

A wonderful secret or mystery

At the last trumpet sounding


Now I would like you to read Revelation chapter 10, because everything mentioned in Thessalonians and Corinthians is found here. It is my position that this is when the rapture of the church takes place, in Revelation chapter 10:7. 


Most people would say that I must be a Mid-tribber. No, I believe in Pre-tribulation because in Revelation there are “3 Woes.” The end of the first woe is mentioned in Revelation 9:12, the end of the second woe is mentioned in Revelation 11:14. The last woe is from Revelation 11:15 on.


It seems that each woe has a set time of duration. The last two woes seem to be mentioned in Daniel as the last week of years (7). So, what is the first woe? Read what takes place in Revelation chapters 6-9. It seems to be a time of great testing for His children.


I am not so bold as to say this is the way it will happen, but if it does, then His church better be ready. When I read other passages about the end times it says there will be a great falling away. Why? Could it be because of the great persecution most people will deny Him because, they think that to do so will stop their suffering?


Isn’t it interesting that after Revelation chapter 10 God sends His two witnesses to the earth? God will never leave this earth without a witness for Him. I believe the two witnesses come to replace the “raptured” church. 


The next question I get from Christians, is why would God allow His church to go through this time when 1/2 of the worlds population is killed. If you read in Exodus, the children of Israel went through the first three plagues that God gave to Egypt, and then it says in Exodus 8:22 that He made a distinction.


Why does God allow any of His children to suffer? I believe it is to show us that He is much much greater than any suffering or hardship we can face. The first century Christians understood this perfectly.


Has the church bought into the lie that God will not allow His church to suffer intense persecution and hardship? It is my belief the church will go through the things mentioned in Revelation 6-9. All will suffer and many will be martyred. Therefore, watch and pray; know the times that we are living in and be prepared for what is coming.

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