Terror to Triumph – Part 16

800 AD TO 1400 AD


Romans 1:18-19 “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.”


It is important to say something about the Crusades that took place during this time. They started in 1077 AD and continued for the next two centuries. Many mistakes were made on both sides, but I think it is important to understand that by the time of 3rd and 4th century Christianity had taken over much of the Holy Land as well as the Middle East.


By the 9th and 10th century, Islam, by force, had taken over these lands and much persecution had followed, and finally Christians in the West responded. It was a defense against Muslim imperialism.


Dr. Paul Johnson, an English historian said: “The Crusades, far from being an outrageous prototype of Western imperialism, as taught in most schools, were a mere episode in a struggle that lasted for 1400 years and were one of the few occasions when Christians took the offensive to regain occupied territories of the holy land.”


We must keep in mind that the lasting answer to the Muslim situation is not military war, but like John Calvin said: “Until the church finds the will and the heart to care for those lost souls bound in Islam with the hope of the gospel, we shall always be at peril.” We must have the heart and the sacrifice to send missionaries into that part of the world.


One of the reasons why Christianity is undefeatable is not because we have the more powerful weapons, but it is because we have the truth. The church is the depository of the truth that must be guarded at all cost. The truth spreads through acts of mercy and kindness, not by the Sword but by the Spirit and the Word of God – appealing to men and women to come back to the knowledge of God. Paul writing to the Romans told us that one of the main problems we have in the world today and why the world is like it is – is because men knowing the truth suppress the truth.


During this time we have several people – a new type of warrior was coming on the scene that seemed to have grasped something of what the cultural mandate is talking about in Genesis 1:28: “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’” One of these new warriors who came on the scene was Alfred the Great (whom I’ve already mentioned) who did the following in building the Western Civilization. He brought in the ‘Just War Theory’ that consisted of the following:


1. War as a last resort. 2. Waged against legitimate civil or individual authority. 3. Re-dressing a wrong suffered. 4. Reasonable chance of success. 5. Goal is peace. 6. Genocide of a population is prohibited. 7. Limited violence to noncombatants.


Also, Alfred the Great brought in the monogamous relationship in marriage. This elevated women, helped to teach children and began to bring in education, etc. We see the rise of the universities and other educational institutions.


Margaret, grand-daughter of Edmund King of England and daughter of Edgar the Aetheling who had been deposed by William I the Conqueror, was a devout Christian woman who reformed the Celtic church through her familiarity with Roman Christian practices and was sanctified as St. Margaret in 1250.


Margaret could have become the Queen of England, but had to flee when things turned against her and she fled by ship for Hungary. However, a severe storm came up and she landed in Scotland instead. Margaret met her future husband, Malcolm Canmore, when she was fleeing with her brother from William the Conqueror’s invading army in 1066. Their ship was wrecked on the Scottish coast.


She married Malcolm III King of Scotland in 1070. Malcolm was the son of King Duncan. Duncan had been killed by Macbeth, and Malcolm in turn defeated and killed Macbeth after living for some years in England. Malcolm had been married previously to Ingibjorg, the daughter of the Earl of Orkney.


Margaret, being a godly person became a leading voice for changes that affected the social as well as spiritual life of Scotland.


One other person that I would like to mention is John Wycliffe who translated the Bible into the English language. Not only did he translate the Bible into the English language, but he trained a group of men who were called “Lollards.” These men went throughout England preaching and teaching the Word of God. It is said that in 30 to 40 years 40% of England were followers of the Lollards.


Yes, this was a period of many turbulent attacks against the Kingdom of God, but it also shows what a few dedicated people can achieve who want to follow the truth.

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