Now that I am old there is one thing I can say with confidence, that when I look back in my life I can see the hand of God. He has protected, provided, and given me the desires of my heart. THANK YOU LORD! Psalm 108:13 With God’s help we will do mighty things. Exodus… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Mikes Blog
The Blood of our SAVIOR!
I’ve asked God why ‘animal sacrifices’ for covering man’s sin back then, and then why His ‘Son’s sacrifice.’ Why blood? How does “blood” cover sin so that the Father’s wrath on man’s sin-nature is held off? This morning the thought came that it’s all about LOVE. God is love: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then… Read more »
Struggles Burdens Hope
This morning I was talking to my Father God, and I asked Him, what if Jesus had given up and asked You to save him from anymore sorrow and pain as He journeyed to His ‘physical’ end, would You have? What a question! Right? But I know that Jesus was also a human being like… Read more »
Eyes on JESUS!
Matthew 14:27-31 “Jesus spoke to them at once. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ he said. ‘Take courage. I am here!’ Then Peter called to him, L’ord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.’ ‘Yes, come,’ Jesus said. So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the… Read more »
When Life Does Not Make Sense
This last week in Facebook I read a story of a mother who is a believer and yet she felt that God had forsaken her. I was also reminded of a conversation with a man I play golf with when he made a statement, “If there is a God how could he allow my daughter… Read more »
Churches are Falling
During my study of the book of Nehemiah I noticed how Nehemiah was attacked for answering the call that God had for his life. As I studied these attacks, I noticed that these are the same attacks we see taking place today. Satan has the way of ‘reusing’ what has worked for centuries. I thought… Read more »
Signs of Our Time
This morning while I was on my walk, I came upon a small creek that dries up during the summer except for some pools. As I investigated the stream, I saw some small fish and thought how they need to move from where they are before it’s too late. If they do not, then they… Read more »
Government vs. We The People
Short term solutions always have long time consequences. What do I mean? Think of any solution the government has come up that we are not paying the consequences for today in all sorts of ways. Almost 2/3 of our taxes are to pay for short term solutions (unconstitutional entitlements) of the past, throwing money it… Read more »
Noah Webster, author of the first American Speller and the first Dictionary stated: “The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. . . All the miseries and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression, slavery and war, proceed from… Read more »
What Really Changes People
As I have been listening to the talk today, about why some people have entitlements and other do not, I was reminded of something I learned a long time ago. When I got out of high school, I worked for a cabinet shop in Sacramento. One of my first jobs was to go to the… Read more »