As I see it, from reading the Word of God, and by my own personal journey of faith, “faith comes by hearing the Word of God.” Faith that is applied to anything else than what God tells me, will not have the outcome that rewards me at the end of my life. People say all… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Mikes Blog
Let Our Words Be Few
We do not understand all of the evil that is in our hearts until we hear the words that come from it, whether inwardly with thought, or outwardly with words. King David of the Bible asked: “How can I know all the sin lurking in my heart?” Then he said to the LORD: “Don’t let… Read more »
What Will 2023 Bring?
The wisest man to ever live tells us in Proverbs of the Bible what man’s government should be and not be, and what the results will be in either case! When the wicked are in charge: People will not accept divine guidance; sin and immorality flourishes, and the country will become unstable. Good people will… Read more »
Blessing or Consequence
Last Sunday I had my 6 granddaughters over and we had a conversation about how to know if something is right or wrong. Today we have the idea that if most people agree, then it must be right. Doing what is right, by God’s definition of right, brings a blessing. Doing what is wrong results… Read more »
Distractions from the Truths of Faith
I had a dream last night…I was invited to a small church. I was not planning to speak, I was simply attending. I had to be properly dressed with a white shirt buttoned up to my neck like all the others. I remember feeling uncomfortable. The pastor and his son came in. The son was… Read more »
True Hope
Fear is healthy, panic is deadly and removes hope. Today there are so many people who have no hope. They think that the world, as they know it, is falling apart. They are fearful that we will go back to a time when there was a different type of hope. The hope of the past… Read more »
God’s Silence
2 Chronicles 32:31 “God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart.” Pride was in Hezekiah’s heart according to 32:25. Sometimes when you feel that God is silent it just might be a time for you to see what is really in your heart: pride, unbelief,… Read more »
The American Standard
Today, when I look at the next generation of America’s future, the kind of people that will be leading America, I see one great fundamental flaw. These people that are of the “woke” society want to remove our foundational standard that made America great, that made America the most desired nation of people all over… Read more »
Freedom for the Next Generation
A while back I had lunch with my grandson and enjoyed it immensely. I asked him to do some research about the time of the 60s when I was his age, and to compare what is different from the 60’s to what is taking place today. The first item we talked about was Woodstock. He… Read more »
John 12:42-43 “Many people did believe in him, including some of the Jewish leaders. But they wouldn’t admit it for fear; for they loved human praise more than the praise of God.” Some things never change, I wonder how many pastors and church leaders feel the same fear today. They refuse to speak the truth… Read more »