Posts Categorized: Carols Blog

Power of Prayer

Satan, the “god of this world,” has blinded the eyes of people so that while seeing, they never perceive; otherwise, they might SEE with their eyes and understand with their heart, turn to Jesus Christ and be healed. (Paraphrased from Luke 8:9-10 and Isaiah 6:9-10) 2 Corinthians 4:4 “Satan, who is the god of this… Read more »

Religion is Man-Made

I’ve been thinking and praying about the difference between “religion” and a “relationship” with God. Such a big difference it makes in one’s life. Not only in this life, but in the life to come. For those who are simply religious, not knowing Christ Jesus ‘intimately’ by His indwelling Spirit and His living words, is… Read more »

Gospel or No Gospel

The only TRUE gospel is Jesus Christ’s, the Son of God, and what is said of Him: HE who was, and is, and is TO COME. His purpose was to save those who repent because they believe in His sacrifice on the Cross – receiving His forgivenness and being filled with His Holy Spirit to… Read more »

The Path of Life

“I will praise the LORD, who instructs me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With Him at my right hand, I will NOT be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will NOT abandon me… Read more »

A Lament for our Nation

Reading Psalm 5 this morning, looking to the Lord for some encouragement about our nation, I WAS encouraged by King David’s lament to the Lord about his enemies.  God calls David, “a man after His own heart.” David was not a perfect man, a sinner for sure, but David always repented and faced the consequences… Read more »


It’s interesting how the Lord has been speaking to Mike and I about “warnings,” but in different books of the Bible. We were sharing this morning what the Holy Spirit had revealed to each other, where in Jeremiah (where Mike was) the warning was to the prophets and priests (and church pastors). But for me… Read more »

I was thinking about how I (all people) should never make a promise because no human being can ever FULLY keep their promise. God is the only One who can make a promise and keep it FULLY. We say our vows on our wedding day, or make promises to our children or to whoever, but… Read more »

Ezekiel Speaks to America

I really don’t like reading the books of the prophets in the Holy Bible (God’s Word) because of how those warnings and condemnation speaks so loudly today to America! God’s prophets were sent to Israel (Judah and Jerusalem) but I see so much similarity with America today. Both nations began by God calling a man/men… Read more »

Jesus Lives in Me

I was thinking about how Jesus was with His boys whom He called to Himself, those whom He loved and taught and used to start His Church worldwide. Being with the Lord of Life, they matured from boys, to men of great faith and worth to the Savior of the world. We have the Holy… Read more »

Jude – Call to Perservere

I love the book of Jude. It warned us and still warns us, of the days leading up to our Lord’s return to end all evil and rebellion on the earth; that deceivers and scoffers who do not have God’s Spirit but rather follow their own ungodly desires, work to divide us. Jude also encourages… Read more »