What now with Joe Biden as our President?

Reading about a godly priest, Jehoiada, who cared for and wisely counseled a very young king Joash in the Law and ways of God – up to the day Jehoiada died, I thought of how Billy Graham – until the day he died faithfully prayed over and counseled all America’s presidents. Then Franklin, his son, took up the same position after Billy died, but unlike with Billy, not all the churches in America were united behind Franklin Graham. Why? Because Franklin supported the agenda of the man God put in the White House: Donald J. Trump.


King Joash fell away from the Lord, after Jehoiada died, and listened to his ungodly officials, abandoning the Lord God and worshipping idols of other gods. Although the Lord sent prophets to bring them back, they would not listen. Then Jehoiada’s son, Zechariah, was sent to the people of Judah and King Joash, saying: “Why do you disobey the Lord’s commands? You will not prosper. Because you have forsaken the Lord, He has forsaken you.” (2 Chronicles 24:20) But they plotted against Zechariah (as we see with Franklin Graham) and by order of the king they killed Zechariah, God’s messenger. They have not killed Franklin Graham, just his God-given message to America and the churches – have they rejected and used against him to shame him and discredit his ministry and message from God.


King Joash had forgotten all that Jehoiada, God’s priest, had done for him; the kindness he had shown to Joash in his growing up as the king of Judah – until Jehoiada died. So God sent an army against King Joash to invade Judah and Jerusalem; an army that killed all the leaders of the people, so that judgment was executed on King Joash for forsaking the Lord and the Lord’s messenger priest. God allowed Joash’s own officials to kill him. Amaziah, Joash’s son, succeeded him as king. And ‘for a while’ he did right in the eyes of the Lord. You can read what happened to him in 2 Chronicles.


Just like God’s servant Jehoiada and his godly son Zechariah, whom God sent to guide and help the king of Judah to rule over God’s people – God has done the same for America’s presidents with Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham. But just like what was done to Zechariah – we see being done to Franklin Graham, and it being done by a great amount of God’s own people – mind you. The church was divided, and still is divided, not only over Donald Trump as president these last four years, but over Joe Biden now succeeding Trump as POTUS. (We’re learning how this was done – which again is God’s way of allowing evil to succeed to chastise a nation for turning their back on God.)


We have made God very angry not seeing His purpose for Donald Trump in the White House to uphold and protect what was being lost and taken from us little by little. Great deception prophesied now being fulfilled in America! The Lord told us in His Word that if a house is divided – it will not stand. And, if the house of the true and faithful church of America does not stand – the nation is handed over to the wicked, and the wicked will severely persecute God’s cowardly blinded people. But as we know, persecution has a way of chastising and shaping up the Lord’s people; forcing their eyes open and motivating them to desperately worship the One True God – as they should’ve been doing – obeying His will in our lives.


Not all our presidents whom Billy Graham prayed over and gave counsel to – followed the laws and principles of God, and we’ve seen a slow deterioration of our nation because of it. But now with what has happened with Franklin Graham supporting Donald Trump’s godly agenda in the White House, we will get the full result of disunity in God’s American Church. Unless…..unless God’s people unite, humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and pray with the mind of Christ for our nation.


God showed Franklin Graham the battle we have been in with a divided church and nation. Franklin Graham and God’s prophets along with Graham – have been fully aware of what/who America’s enemy is in battle: Socialism/slavery of Satan and his puppets vs. America’s godly heritage of faith and freedom supported by God’s faithful people in America.


As I thought about why the “disunity,” it came to me that without the “mind of Christ” that all Christians are to have since the same Holy Spirit and Word of God indwells them, there WILL be great disunity, even with angry hostility, fighting against each other. Jesus warned us this would happen when He talked about what must come before He returns to reign. The faithful believers in Jesus Christ will be hated by the church of apostacy, even turning the faithful over to the authorities to be arrested – thinking they are doing a good service for their country. Those of us who hold to our faith and obedience to Jesus Christ, and who will never deny God’s Word to us and over us – will be seen as a threat to society.


Over the century we’ve had ‘peaceful disunity’ with all the various denominations of religious churches that may preach the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ but have remained disunited because of their man-made rules and regulations for worship.


The “mind and body of Christ” will carry on with the ‘faithful few’ who have left the churches of apostacy. They will continue to gather together discreetly. We see what Jesus meant by this “apostacy” reading His 7 letters to His churches. (Revelation 2 and 3) Five out of seven, the great majority, are rebuked by the Lord for things HE WILL NOT PUT UP WITH IN HIS CHURCH, AND WILL PUNISH BY TAKING FROM THEM WHAT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD WITH HIM. This is serious.


I’m pretty certain, that what we will see now is the result of widespread Christian apostacy. Franklin Graham and God’s prophets to America were God’s last warning to America’s Christians. Jonathan Cahn, being one very loud voice of truth and warning, has spoken to Congress even, but have they listened to him. (Cahn wrote “Harbinger” after 9/11, and now “Harbinger II” about America’s future as well as Israel’s.) Many other of God’s prophets are giving us warnings too, but sadly, most churches of Jesus Christ refuse to believe that God is still using His office of prophecy with His prophets today.


When kings and presidents do not care anymore what God thinks or says, even though they think they do, and want us all to believe they do, pretending to represent God as they lead and rule over us (hypocrites and self-serving), God gives our enemies the freedom to take our nation down and remake it any way our enemies want. God blessed America because of the faith and obedience to Him by our Founders and presidents after who had their same faith and desire to obey the Lord our God as they govern a nation God started for His purpose with imperfect but faithful men.


As we’re told in the Bible, ALL the nations will and must align under the ‘last’ anti-Christ with his evil one-world-order.  Then the end will come, meaning “the end of evil and rebellion on the earth” with the second coming of Jesus Christ as KING of kings and LORD of lords.  “He will strike the nations down the double-edged sword coming out of His mouth. He will rule them with an iron scepter, and He will tread the winepress (bloody battle) of the FURY of the WRATH of GOD ALMIGHTY.” (Revelation 19:11-15)  Jesus told us to pray to our Father in heaven: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth – as it is in heaven.” This is the result of the second coming of God’s Son.


The whole world will be totally deceived by the devil ‘personified.’ But, his reign is shortened to his surprise by the return of Christ.  And, as we live and breathe, the whole world is being conditioned and programmed for this one-world-order with an extreme hatred of everyone and everything representing the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; extreme hatred for those who will not deny Christ Jesus and God’s written Word to mankind.


Jesus taught His disciples that we should not fear this day, but simply be prepared for it in both practical ways and spiritually – making ready a people prepared FOR HIM. (Luke 1:17)


I hope and pray that God will surprise us all with keeping Donald Trump in the White House another four years to uphold and preserve our Constitution/God-given rights/Independence under God, but if not, then it will only confirm to me that Jesus is coming sooner than we thought. Hallelujah!


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