Happy Passover!

As I approach the season of our Lord’s last supper with His disciples and when Christ was crucified on the cross for our sins, and resurrected from death to life opening the way for us - I’m reminded once again to keep my relationship with my Savior and Lord free from anything that would taint or ruin it.  
The Apostle Paul states: “If we or any angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse.” (Galatians 1:1:8) How can Paul say that his gospel is the true Gospel? Like the other “apostles” who physically talked and walked with Jesus Christ, Paul also was qualified to preach the true Gospel, having been spoken to 'by the Lord Himself' about the Jewish religion Paul was steeped in, and how then Paul was touched by the Lord to take that old sight away (causing temporary blindness) and then giving him a new sight, having the truth, the way and the life of Christ from then on which qualified him to preach to others . Paul WAS a ‘faithful religious’ man, like most people steeped in religion today, unaware.
Satan is the god of religion. Religion is worldly, but religion takes pride in doing good works, like looking after the needy and not being polluted by the world.  (James 1:27) But, good works and religion can never set us free from our sinful nature, and free us from the coming wrath of God.
The Lord God tells us in His letters (Revelation 2 and 3) to the “angels” of the churches that the GREAT majority of organized churches are steeped in religions. Jesus rebukes with a curse, five out of seven kinds of churches (religions). Because He begins each of His letters with, “To the angel of….” Each church has an angel over it, but not all angels are holy. One-third of the angels followed Satan out of heaven in rebellion to God their Creator. Those demonic angels preach and teach to bring people into religions instead of a relationship with Jesus Christ. These types of churches add and/or subtract from God’s Word to meet their own secret desires.
Religion will usually start with the simple Gospel of what Jesus did for us, but veers off over time as the devil is able to get his foothold in our lives, event he best of us. Religion does not hold the POWER for anyone to be faithful to Christ alone.  Jesus gives us that power by His Spirit and His Word as we stand on His Word.
Jesus did not come to give us RELIGION. He promised HIMSELF! He is everything, because He created everything, and holds everything in place, sustaining it all, and He will return to renew all things created that God once called “GOOD.”  (Genesis 1)
Jesus did not tell His disciples to follow their leaders, but to follow HIM alone. He is the only One at our finish line of faith in Him, waiting to welcome us and reward us.
Celebrating “EASTER” is from religion with its pagan tradition of colored eggs, bunnies, candies, etc. God said about PASSOVER: “Commemorate this Day (leaving slavery to live in the freedom of the Lord) because THE LORD BROUGHT you out of it - with His Mighty Hand… Today, in the month of AVIV (end of March/beginning of April), celebrate and tell your children, ‘I do this because of what the LORD did for me…You must keep this CELEBRATION year after year.” (Exodus 13)
Of course, the Lord gives the Jews other instructions according to the Law that WE DO NOT keep since Jesus Christ came to fulfill the sacrifices of the Old Covenant and to remove the “old veil” of the Old Covenant that keeps people steeped in RELIGION. (2 Corinthians 3:14)
Apostle Paul states to the Galatians: “The gospel I preached is not of HUMAN ORIGIN. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation FROM JESUS CHRIST.” (Galatians 1:11-12)
I wrote a book called “Just Walk With Me” that tells my testimony (October of 2001) of how Jesus actually visited me, to set me free from RELIGION! He came to me in a vision of Himself (His back) walking a narrow path but with His right hand reaching back to me for me to take it, as He audibly said, “Carol, I love you. Just walk with Me.”
This was at a time (25 years after asking Him to forgive my sins and come into my heart) when religion had its grip on me, and I was unaware of it. My Savior rescued me! My book goes into detail about it.  The LORD, my Savior, came to me at a time in my life when I was desperate for Him to show me what HE ALONE thought of me, and wanted with me. And He did, and still does, as I meet with Him each morning.
To be honest, it’s hard to sit in any organized church today, even those who preach the truth about Jesus Christ. The Lord’s personal visit ruined me for any more religion. Glory to my KING! Now I walk with Him, hearing what He wants me to hear, seeing what He wants me to see. I’m not telling anyone to get out of any church, but rather to make sure that ‘an organized church’ does not REPLACE the Lord in your life. Satan is clever and very successful, sadly.
God’s faithful servant Paul said, “I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may be led astray from your SIMPLE AND PURE devotion to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 11:3) Every “religion” has their own set of rules and regulations for worship and work, whether you are aware of it or not. That’s how Satan is able to deceive and lure people away from a pure and simple relationship with Jesus Christ, doing what He has for you and I to do. It might or might not include anyone else.
Religion comes from the devil with a “form of godliness.” Some religions even deny the truth about Jesus Christ. Sitting under a man’s pulpit every Sunday morning to hear the Word of God, is NOT to replace you sitting with the Lord each morning to fellowship with Him. Religion wants you to feel you’ve done your religious duties by obeying your leaders alone.  Religion has things for you to do to keep you busy and fooled. Religion wants you bearing your soul to their so-called qualified people. Religion wants you to feel forgiven by confessing your sins to a man or woman priest. Religion wants you praying the way THEY pray, telling you how you should pray or not pray. (I’m speaking from experience.)
When I go to God first with anything, God works through people that HE chooses. And sometimes He does miracles so that no one is able to take any credit. So go to God and wait for God. This is true faith. Stay in fellowship with the Lord each morning and throughout the day, acknowledging Him in all your ways, living before Him day and night; for GOD IS OUR FATHER AND LOVES US WITH HIS EVERLASTING LOVE! Do not get caught unaware of the devil’s schemes against a “pure and simple relationship and devotion to Jesus Christ.” Remember all HE has done for you!

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