God’s Existence


God ALWAYS existed, never had a beginning or birth. God will never die or disappear. God simply IS. The Bible says so, therefore I believe it! I believe in the Word of the Living God.



We can understand that God “never” will die or end, but not that God “always” existed without a birth or beginning in some way. Why? Why can’t we understand? Well, I believe that it’s blocked from our understanding for a good purpose.


What would God be protecting us from since it’s for our very good? So, I began to meditate on who God is:


God is love, and we are His favored workmanship, made in His image. God is family, creating male and female for re-creation, as well as for relational enjoyment. God enjoys fellowship with us. God is orderly and active. God is beautiful. God is giving. God is welcoming. God is forgiving and merciful. God is understanding and gracious. God enjoys conversation, thought, ideas, imagination, expressions of desires, pursuits, etc.; putting to good use all that He gave us. God is gentle and compassionate. God designed growth and fullness of life. God protects what He loves and favors. God is perfection. God is Holy/Righteous/Just. God is all-powerful. God is all-knowing. God controls the outcome and future of all He created. God is destructive for a good outcome.


Just as God has put in each of us a mustard-seed of faith to believe in Him, God has put a fear in us that is a legitimate fear.


We fear only because we don’t know our Father God as we could so easily know; for He has shown His existence in so many physical ways. We lack things that we need or want because we don’t go to Him by whom all things exist and are sustained by. We must go to Him with earnest faith – believing that He rewards faith that seeks Him whole-heartedly.


Even the angels were created for our good; for getting things done for God that affect us. “Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.”  The Word says that we’ve been created a little lower than the angels. What does that mean? We physically die and are raised to life. The angels are not; they are eternal beings. God created them for His good purposes.


Some angels are doomed to God’s eternal lake of fire for having rebelled against God, and the other angels that did not rebel – will continue to do the will of God for the glory of God – which is their desire by choice. Even the angels have free-will; for if they didn’t, then Satan would not have chosen to rebel against his great purpose from God; rather, Lucifer sought the place of God’s Son instead. One-third of the angels even CHOSE to follow Lucifer out of Heaven.


Angels don’t have physical bodies like we have yet they can appear to us in the form we have, whether the angel is holy or evil. Many people have been deceived in thinking they have been visited by their loved ones which was simply an evil angel trying to deceive them and keep them from the truth of what God says about those who have died.


Angels do not inherit from God like we do. They are our helpers, doing what God tells them to do. Angels can not mate and have children. There is no marriage in Heaven with angels because angels are neither male nor female.


We are forgiven for what we say or do that is against God’s laws. Angels either obey God, or they are condemned forever, as was Lucifer and his cohorts of angels. Jesus did not die for Satan and his fallen angels’ rebellion against their Creator. Jesus died and was raised to life for human beings, so we could live forever with God (by faith in Jesus), so we would not end up in the place that God prepared for the devil and his demonic angels.


We have been made aware of life after death, and of God’s Kingdom that Jesus will be bring to the earth, just as it is in Heaven. We can understand what Hell is, that is total separation from God and all His goodness. BUT, we can not wrap our minds around is how God existed without a beginning (as we’ve had).


Neither can we fathom how GREAT the love of God is, except by what Jesus did on the cross for us BECAUSE OF THE LOVE OF GOD. We can NOT imagine what God has planned for eternal life – for those who love Him. The Bible is incomplete in that it ends by telling us how Jesus will complete His full purpose on earth, with His second coming, with God’s judgment, with God’s rewarding of His servants, and with God’s restoration of all things HE ONCE CALLED “GOOD.” (Genesis 1) But, we have not been given further information on what ETERNITY will be about. Some like to imagine things that come out of their own limited understanding, or from having been taught things by the demons, or from mocking God’s good nature. WE WILL JUST HAVE TO WAIT TO EXPERIENCE ETERNAL LIFE WITH GOD!


The understanding that we CAN have is only found “in a relationship with Jesus Christ,” by excepting His love and sacrifice for us on the cross when we acknowledge our sinful nature and ask to be forgiven of all the sins we committed and commit against each other, and to be forgiven of our ‘temporal’ rebellion against God.  Jesus said that if we forgive each other (by the power of His forgiveness for us) then the Father will also forgive us of anything.



Maybe we will never be able to understand how God ALWAYS existed, but that is what makes Him the Creator and we the objects of His great and awesome love everlasting! To fully understand God’s existence would therefore make us equal to God, and that will never happen! GLORY TO GOD!


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