Ezekiel to America

Reading Ezekiel chapters 1- 6, I saw a distinct similarity in what God said to Ezekiel about the nation Israel and its people, and in what God has been doing to America because of the same thing, that turning to idol worship: idolatry.
God tells Ezekiel, the priest/prophet, what He is going to do the nation and people. What came to me was what we have been seeing happening in America because of how our leaders have turned away from God and His Word, to serve worthless IDOLS. For example:
“Yet in her wickedness she has rebelled against My Laws and Decrees MORE THAN the nations and countries around her.”  I thought, is there any other nation that has promoted abortion and homosexuality like we have?  AND because we have, there is now this ideology that you can change the gender you were born with simply because of how you ‘feel,’ having it TAUGHT AS TRUTH to confuse, and it’s in our schools and universities.  Is there any other nation like what ours has become by its LEADERS?
“I MYSELF AM AGAINST YOU, says the LORD. I will inflict punishment on you in the sight of the nations. Because of all your detestable idols, I will do to you what I have never done before and will never do again. Therefore, in your midst parents will eat their children, and children will eat their parents.” HOW IS THIS SEEN TODAY IN AMERICA?!
We have been seeing it with the killing of children in the wombs (abortion), and now up to birth, and in some states after birth if the parent/parents don’t like the sex or whatever.  Children murder their parents and grandparents for whatever sick reason they have. Children are taking advantage of their parents’ kindness and generosity, eating up (using and even demanding) their finances, refusing to take responsibility for themselves. BUT, isn’t that mostly the fault of how parents have raised their children? And what about our public schools and universities? What are they teaching our children that has caused children to turn on and against their parents?  It’s all comparable and fitting to what God told Ezekiel!  
Then there’s plagues, famine, and the sword – that God brought against the nation of Israel. As I look back over the last few years especially – it’s all here!  Our enemies attacking us with a man-made disease and using fentanyl as weapons against us. The “open border” policy of this current administration has brought in other diseases, as well as terrorists/sex-traffickers/cartel drug dealers/rapists/thieves/lawbreakers. What insanity to do this as a president! But “they do not even understand what they do” because God has turned us over to allow Satan to have his way with this nation THROUGH its self-deceived arrogant leaders, but for how long, I ask?
“I am about to cut off the food supply,” says the LORD, “so that people eat rationed food in anxiety and drink rationed water in despair, for food and water will be scarce.”  Have we not seen what this administration is trying to do with all their foolish “green ideology” activism and policies? INSANE! Telling us what to eat and making it (legally) hard to disobey them?! And we know what they have planned with their IRS!  And look at how serious they are to remove our 1st and 2nd amendments, by “it’s what’s best for everyone!” What arrogant ignorance of what our CREATOR says! And what about them wanting to “pack the courts” with left leaning justices? And, trying to remove the rights of parents to educate their own children the way they believe? And, stopping natural resource industries in our nation, making us dependent on our known enemies? And working to force us all to buy electric cars, and stop using anything that requires oil/gas? And, allowing illegal aliens to be financially taken care of by tax-payers, and allowing them to vote (democrat of course)? And, weakening our military with teaching their fool ideology about gender and punishing those who won’t go along with it – that not being at all what they signed up to do in the military! And, doing their BEST to lie and deceive the American people with their BIG GOVERNMENT takeover livelihoods and freedoms!  Should I go on? Cause there is so much more!   
We have been hearing of a “third awakening” in our nation of people desperately returning to the LORD and others humbly seeking Him for the first time – because of what IS so blatantly happening, and that God has ‘allowed’ to happen. AND THERE IT IS! 
We keep fighting between ‘political parties’ as to blame our political opposition when it’s GOD who is to blame. And that’s exactly what HE IS after; that people start looking to HIM instead of looking at and to each other. No president, government, church, nation – has the solution for all this evil and rebellion on earth, man’s inhumanity to man. So, God simply allows things to get worse and worse so people will cry out to Him and find Him true and faithful to all HE SAYS, especially about HIS SON, the only SAVIOR of the world against the coming judgments and holy wrath on man’s evil and rebellion to God.
God started this country with Bible-believing men and their families and led them to establish this nation on a constitution of the perfect biblical principles and the promises of God. God-fearing men and women, though not perfect, formed this good foundation with prayer and favor of God, and over time slavery was ended with a fight against ‘part’ of the ‘governing body’ who wanted to keep their slaves. The KKK started because democrats lost that righteous fight to end black slavery. And, don't get me started on their "reparations" foolishness! WE OWE GOD!
Righteousness prevailed because of what America stood for then: liberty and justice for all; all men are created equal in the eyes of God and should never enslave one another nor should we work to destroy the personal faith of anyone, nor anything else that is good from God to bless our lives with. But that is what we are seeing today with the woke/left/democrat party ready and armed to come against and ruin anyone that speaks the truth and won’t bow to their idolatrous ways.
“You, LORD, reign forever; Your Throne endures from generation to generation….Restore us to Yourself, LORD, that we may return; renew our days as of old – unless You have utterly rejected us and are angry with us beyond measure.”  Lamentations 5:19-22

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