David and Donald

Reading Psalm 78 this morning, the reader is reminded of all the great wonders and works of the LORD. Yet, Israel continued to sin against the LORD after all He had done TO them and FOR them. As I consider what we Americans are dealing with under the Biden administration, it’s pretty evident that the LORD is angry and has allowed the wicked to have a time of getting their way – to show us that which is blessed by God and cursed by God.

What puzzles me, is why the LORD put Donald Trump as president four years between Obama’s reign and now Biden’s with ‘leftist anti-Americans’ dictating how Biden is to govern. Was it to show us the BIG difference in how policies affect every part of our lives?
I believe we just saw the very worst of Pres. Joe Biden, with his recent apology to a murderer who was in America ILLEGALLY, having other crimes on his record and free to go on with his crimes. Pres. Biden was shamed by his media into taking back having called this murderer an “illegal alien.” Then to top it off, Joe Biden said that his ‘technical mistake of words’ was wrong because it didn’t show any respect to this murderer! I think most of us understand why this is totally INSANE!
We have all seen who and what is controlling Joe Biden. We are also seeing how this has affected livelihoods and caused the numbers to quickly rise of those who have HAD ENOUGH.  

As I read in Psalm 78, God turns away from the nation Israel to let her national enemies (domestic as well) triumph over her, until His people have HAD ENOUGH and repent of having turned their backs on doing what God expects of them for the peace and good-will of the nation. America is not any different than Israel, when you consider ‘the truth’ in how America got her start, how our Constitution was formed and established, and why God continued to bless our nation.
What we have now in powerful seats of our government are people who have no relationship at all with the LORD GOD. They may ‘claim’ to be Christians, but clearly are not. They have no idea of what God calls ‘righteous’ and what He calls ‘wicked.’ In fact, they have it all reversed: right is wrong, and truth and is lie. They are so very self-deceived that they can’t see how wrong and wicked they are.
But, I know that God has allowed this ‘time’ to show us each our own ignorant and compromising ways. I have a wall hanging my daughter made me that says: Our lives end the day we remain silent about the things that matter most. SO TRUE! The life that God planned for Americans could NEVER be we are experiencing now! We were to be and remain, ‘God’s light’ in this dark world of ever-increasing evil, with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But over the decades God’s people have compromised the truth and let ‘religions’ take the place of a ‘personal relationship’ with the LORD JESUS CHRIST, walking with HIM in how to live and govern a nation.

“But they put God to the test and rebelled against the Most High; they did not keep His laws and principles…They angered Him with their high places (of man-made religions); they aroused His jealousy with their idols (worship of men, possessions, self-appointed positions of power over the people)…. In HIS anger, He gave His people over to His enemies.” Then the psalmist shows God’s sovereignty, “God beat back His enemies; He put them to everlasting shame…. He chose David His servant [taking him out of his sheep-herding job] to be the shepherd of the nation Israel, God’s inheritance. And David shepherded them with INTEGRITY OF HEART; with SKILLFUL HANDS he led them.” (Psalm 78:56-72 in part)
King David was not in any way a perfect man; what man is? David did things he was very ashamed of, and then suffered the consequences for, just as we are seeing happen with Donald Trump. And like David, we are also seeing false accusations that Donald Trump is NOT guilty of, as far as GOD considers ‘guilty.’
What we are seeing today are ungodly men/women making up their own reasons and policies for deeming a man/woman guilty, as well as deeming ‘lawlessness’ as being lawful - by those in power (i.e. as in their “open borders” with illegals flooding in causing destruction of communities, and as in working to end our God-given rights to legal law-abiding Americans). We have a two-tiered justice system that has been so very destructive.

What I love about our CREATOR GOD, is how HE sees the motives and secrets of the heart and knows exactly how to bring about ‘a change’ of a man’s heart. David had a heart-change by all he went through before and after taking office as Israel’s leader. Man can’t see what God sees. Man doesn’t know what God knows. Man’s understanding of right and wrong is not always the same as God’s definition. God is the one who raises up and takes down kings and presidents. Man may think he has this power, but he does not. God has a good and lasting purpose in all that He does. God has put into effect for us all, the natural and spiritual consequences of breaking HIS LAWS.

Over the years we have seen men and women voted into powerful offices who have absolutely no understanding of who God is let alone how to govern a nation so that the nation is able to remain blessed/prospered and protected by God. Is it any wonder we have seen America fall into the pit she’s in now!

King David also had enemies who tried to remove him from remaining in power, as we also have seen, still seeing, with President Trump’s enemies; politicians afraid he will undo all they’ve done within Biden’s time in the White House – as God has allowed.
So, I ask God, “How long will You be angry with us?” I’m sure we will see the answer this November election!

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