Daily Devotional

Son, when My children follow Me with integrity and godliness, obeying all that I ask of them; I will send them times of refreshment when they need it most. When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing. I will clothe them with a white robe of My blessings, and I will withhold no good thing from them. What joy there is for those whose strength comes from Me, and who have set their minds on obeying all that I ask.


When My children live in My blessings they will become bold, and people will be amazed at what they do. For, they will see that My children are ordinary people with no special training, but they will recognize My children as having been with Me. They will not be able to stop telling others about all they have heard and seen from Me. They will speak with great boldness about My word because they have proved My word true in their lives. When My children are united in heart and mind they can pray, and great things happen because they are filled with My Holy Spirit. 


How foolish people are when they listen to counsel that does not come from Me; counsel that is wrong. They listen to teachers who boast about their knowledge and their degrees, but have no true wisdom. These teachers are arrogant, and even try to change history about Me and those who have obeyed Me.  Soon I will disgrace them, and they will be ashamed, terrified, and die in their wickedness. They will learn that I alone am the LORD GOD; that I alone am the One to be feared; the Most High that reigns over all creation.


Son, anyone who abandons Me and refuses to obey what I ask of them will serve and worship other gods. They will become an object of mockery and ridicule, and not fit for My kingdom. Though they have seemed impressive, everyone will be appalled and gasp in horror of how their life will end. People will ask, “Why I would allow such terrible things to happen to them.” My answer will be, “Because they abandoned Me!” When they rejected Me they rejected all good things that come from Me.


Lord, I don’t have any silver or gold, but I’ll give to You all that I have. Help me to see every opportunity that You place in front of me, so that I can tell everyone, “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven but Jesus Christ by which we must be saved.”


Relationships – Chapter 1

What They Are Not


One of the things for this New Year that the Lord has laid upon my heart is the subject THE IMPORTANCE OF RELATIONSHIPS.  I told my daughters that they will succeed in life if they learn how to build and maintain relationships.  Relationships are something that we all face in our families, churches, jobs, professions, etc.  Learning to build and maintain relationships will spell success or disaster in everything we do, and especially when it comes to the work of God.


When we talk about relationships we need to define what we are talking about.  Often there has been a lot of confusion and misunderstanding when it comes to relationships. Often people think that to have a right relationship we must all think alike.  Isn’t this what the Scripture teaches that if we are in Christ we will have the same mind? But, this is not the same as everyone thinking alike. I do not believe that this is what that Scripture teaches. 


God has made each of us unique.  There are no two humans alike.  We are all different. And because we are different we all have different ways through our senses of sorting through information that comes to us throughout the day. I look at my wife and two daughters.  They receive the same information that I receive, but they respond differently.  When my two daughters were teen-agers they really thought differently.  But, we all had a right relationship with one another.


Although we do not think alike we are to think together.  In fact, to have a good relationship with someone means we are thinking together, or sharing our thoughts.  We see the importance of this coming out with the different nationalities; that to have right relationships with people of other cultures we need to think together even though we think differently.  


Having right relationships does not mean that there will be no differences of opinions on issues.  It is only natural that if we think differently that there will be differences of opinions.


What I have discovered over the years is that we actually need our different thinking on issues.  This is the beauty of the Body of Christ and why we need one another with our different aspects of thinking.  There is no one person who has all the truth, who has all the wisdom, etc. When we come to together to think together we can begin to see a bigger picture of who Christ really is through His Body.


Some people think that to have right relationships means that there will be no more conflicts.  How untrue this is. It is true that in a maturing marriage over the years conflicts will become less and less.  We will see later on that conflicts are not always bad, but often even necessary for spiritual growth. Having conflicts is not necessarily a bad sign as far as relationships are concerned.  In any relationship maturity comes by not avoiding conflicts, but rather by working them out and through. 


One last thing that we need to understand about relationships is the mistake in thinking that everything should be perfect in the relationship.  I find people who think that if something does not feel right to them then there must be something wrong with the relationship. There are two things I would like to mention about this.  First, when it comes to developing relationships as well as maintaining them it will take discipline, working at it every day. The time spent working on good relationships is time well spent.  Secondly, we need to understand that we are all sinners in need of God’s grace.


I remember one brother mentioning that when things came up between him and his wife he remembered that he married a sinner and so did his wife.  We want to push towards perfection, but at the same time we need to keep in mind that we will not achieve perfection on this side of eternity.

Daily Devotional

Obama said on, June 28, 2006:

“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation.” 


Lord, is this true about our nation? What makes a Christian nation?  


Son, unity is the strongest statement of a Christian nation; unity of people who devote themselves to reading and teaching and obeying My Word; being united in a common goal of doing all that I command. United people freely share with those in need; they even sell what they have to provide for others. You can not force unity on people; for this will divide them not unite them. For unity to have the right affect, the people will know that when they pray to Me, I listen; I hear them and I will heal them. Unity in worship of Me will be seen in their churches, in their homes, and on the streets. WHEN MY CHILDREN ARE UNITED – PEOPLE WILL GET SAVED and SET FREE from BONDAGE!


I have let America follow its own stubborn desires, and live according to their own ideas. How is the unity in your country now?  Oh, that America would follow Me by calling on Me and walking in My ways; that America would turn to Me in repentance and humbly pray, “We have sinned, done evil, and acted wickedly. May You give us the desire to do Your will and to uphold Your laws.” 


Son, I made a promise to My children that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit lives in them. My Holy Spirit will unite them, and they will be My witnesses, telling people everywhere about Me; even to the ends of the earth. When united people cry out to Me – I will save them from trouble. I will defend them so that their enemies fear them. Then people all over the earth will know that I am the God of this nation, and there is no other to trust in.  


Lord, there is no God like you in all of heaven above or on the earth below. You keep Your promises and show unfailing love to all who walk before You in wholehearted devotion. You have shown me that the unity of Your children is the right way to live, and that when Your children are united they will have the joy of Your favor and presence.

Daily Devotional

Son, to understand what the year 2015 will be like you need to look at the past. Draw a time line and mark out the major events that took place. Then take the time line out towards the future and you will see what major events that will soon take place. To understand the future you need to know the past.


Lord, when I do this I need to ask why You have allowed the wicked to prosper? They seem to be so healthy and strong. They don’t have troubles like other people; they’re not plagued with problems like everyone else. They seem to have all their hearts wish for!


Son, they wear pride like a jeweled necklace and clothe themselves with cruelty. They scoff and speak only evil; in their pride they seek to crush others with insults and slander. They are filled with pride and arrogance. When I judged them, they foolishly said, “We will replace the broken bricks of our ruins with finished stone, and replant the felled sycamore-fig trees with cedars.” Even after all that has happened people will still not repent, and they will not seek Me.   


Son, people don’t understand what I am doing, but someday they will. When people understand history, it will reveal that I AM; the true Messiah. The time of darkness and despair will not go on forever, because a Child was born, and the government will rest on His shoulders. He will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government of peace will never end. He will rule with justice and righteousness.


So, keep living out the new commandment I gave; to love your God and to love each other just as I showed you. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are Mine.


Lord, when I finally understand the destiny of the wicked, my heart loses its bitterness. What do I have to be bitter about? I belong to You and You hold my right hand. You guide me with Your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny. Therefore, I will tell everyone about the wonderful things You do.

Daily Devotional

Son, if you seek glory for yourself on earth it will not count in My kingdom. For, human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. So never seek glory from humans; for their earthly glory is short lived.


Look beneath the surface, and you will see correctly. I see people who want to be great on this earth. Their worship of Me is nothing more than a ceremony. When they lift up their hands in prayer, I don’t listen. Their hearts are full of pride in what they have done, as they glory in all their hands have made. They have made alliances with demons of religions, and the blood of innocent children is on their hands. Their standard of judgment is low and perverted. 


People who seek glory on earth can’t hear Me, and they will not recognize how I care for them. Their desire to be great on earth will not allow them to know the truth, and they will never know who I am until it’s too late.


Son, if you seek glory for yourself you will become a slave to this type of worldly thinking. You must remember that I have set you free from this type of thinking and lifestyle. Anyone who belongs to Me will seek after My kingdom; they will seek Me with their whole heart. So, fight for My kingdom and realize that each day I carry you in My arms.


Son, I am the light of the world, and when you follow Me you won’t walk in darkness like the world does. My light and love will lead your life on earth, and you will have My favor to rest on you as you live for My glory.

Needed: Reformation – Chapter 21 – The End

The Word of God – Part 6


2 Timothy 2:15 “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”


Our attitude toward Scripture depends upon whether we really believe that Scripture is inspired. If not, then any system of truth it contains cannot be relied upon.  It is imperative to understand their claims to divine inspiration, infallibility and integrity. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


One of the great truths about the Word of God is its symmetry. The Bible contains 66 books, written by 39 human authors (although we know that the main author is the Holy Spirit moving upon these men as He so chose) and over a period of 1500 years. Separate any one of the 66 books and it makes no sense, but together they proclaim a unity of the whole will and plan of God.


We talk about the revealed Word of God. What does that mean? The dictionary definition of the word revelation is: “A revelation is that which is revealed by God to man.” The word itself means “flinging or drawing back the veil,” which would indicate the removing of a veil or obstacle that hinders complete vision.


The Bible is not primarily a record of man’s thoughts about God, but a record of what God has done and revealed of Himself to man. Its basis is not, “Thus and thus man thinks,” but rather, “Thus and thus saith Jehovah,” or “Thus and thus hath Jehovah done.” 


We also talk about the inspired Word of God. It is important to grasp what we mean by this often used word. There is a difference between revelation and inspiration. 


Revelation is the subject matter of the message, what God imparts to man, but inspiration is the power or method by which man communicates his God-given message to man. We may therefore regard inspiration as a special gift of the Holy Spirit, by which prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles and their companions in the New Testament transmitted the revelation of God as they received it. These two facts are combined by Peter: “For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:21


Here the word signifies “breath,” thus showing that God is the Author of man’s intelligence.  In 2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.” The particular word used by Paul means “God-breathed,” that is, God Himself, or, through His Holy Spirit – told the writers of the Bible just the very things to record. 


The Bible not only contains God’s words, but is, from beginning to end, the Word of God. If anyone has reason to doubt the inspiration of the Bible, the certain yet simple test to apply is to yield oneself to its power; strive faithfully to follow its commands, acting as it suggests, and as a result, the conviction will irresistibly grow upon the mind seeking proof in this way – that its claim to be inspired of God is not to be questioned, but reverently received as just and undeniable.  After all, it is personal experience that counts, and our Lord said: “If any man will do…..he shall know.” (John 7:17)


Another word that we often use is ‘illumination.’  Clarence Larkin observes that: “Spiritual illumination is different either from Bible inspiration or revelation. It is the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer, by which he has his ‘spiritual understanding’ opened to understand the Scriptures. (John 16:12,15)


“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you.” I Corinthians 2:11


“The natural man cannot receive the teachings of the Spirit of God; neither can he know them, for they are spiritually discerned.” I Corinthians 2:14


He goes on to say, “The work, then, of the Holy Spirit in these days is not to impart some new revelation to men, or to inspire them to write or speak as the prophets and apostles of old, but so to illuminate men’s minds and open up their understanding of the Scriptures that their heart will burn within them as they compare Scripture with Scripture, in having revealed to them God’s plan and purpose in the ages, as disclosed in His Holy Word.” 


Reformation brings us back to the realization that God’s Word is just that: GOD’S WORD, and it is reliable “for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17


Needed: Reformation – Chapter 20

The Word of God – Part 5


Psalms 119:98-100 “Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.”


We read that when the resurrected Jesus was in the midst of the 12 disciples that “he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” Luke 24:45


We will not understand Scripture by intellect alone. It will take the illuminating power of the Holy Spirit to open Scripture. One man of God rightly said: “The Bible is burglar proof against all unsanctified learning. The Holy Spirit alone holds the key to it.” In other words, if we are going to understand the Word of God then it is going to be the Holy Spirit teaching us. It was Augustine who said: “I would affirm that the sufficiency of our learning is to discover that our learning is insufficient.”


Just as we need the Holy Spirit for the work, so we need Him to fit us for the work.  Jesus told His disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they received the Holy Spirit. It could have been easy for the 12 disciples to think that because they had been with Jesus for three years (three years of Bible School) that they were prepared to go out.


This, I believe, is a mistake that we are making today; that somehow a biblical education fits us for the work of the ministry. I am not saying that this is not important, but if we do not have the Holy Spirit leading in this then we are doomed to failure.


Often what we call “sacred” learning is nothing more than ‘secular’ because so often there is the absence of the Spirit’s anointing and illuminating power as well as dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

What we have found out throughout the history of the church is that studies about God when there is not a humble dependence upon the Holy Spirit to illuminate – do not help but are actually harmful. We have too many preachers preaching about God; preachers who do not know the Lord in an intimate way. They know about Him, but they do not know Him in truth and Spirit.


In Psalms 103:7 “He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel.” This is what I am referring to. There is a difference between knowing the ways of God and actually seeing His them, in His deeds. Moses knew the ways of God and through Moses God could act and show His ways/deeds to the children of Israel. I believe that this brings out the difference between a person who has been fitted by the Holy Spirit for the work, and those who have not.


It was professor Beck who said: “Gentlemen remember that without the illumination of the Spirit theology is not only a cold stone, it is deadly poison.” The Psalmist said: “If the foundation is being destroyed what can the righteous do?” What is our foundation? The Scriptures! Who have been the ones tearing down the Scriptures? It has been our so-called theological professors.


One of the reasons for this is that they think that they can understand the Scriptures by microscopic exegesis and by philosophical analysis. However, we read in 1 Corinthians 2:11 “For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” This seems to be a truth that today has been forgotten by many of our Bible Schools and Seminaries. We read about the two disciples on the Emmaus road that when they were walking with Jesus and Jesus opened the Scripture to them, their hearts burned within them.


Reformation will bring us back to a simple reliance upon the Holy Spirit to understand Scripture and to see Scripture become flesh in us.

Daily Devotional

Son, no one needs to tell Me about human nature, for I know what is in each person’s heart. The so-called powerful people living today are not what they appear to be. Therefore, wait quietly and put your hope in Me. Your honor will come from Me, and I will be your refuge.


Son, if I increase your wealth – don’t make it the center of your life. Pour out your heart to Me. I will show you Mine. I will be Your comfort in the days ahead.


While you keep watching for the day of My coming, remember that in the beginning I already existed. I was with God, and I am God. I created everything, and nothing was created except through Me. I became flesh and came into the very world I created, but the world didn’t recognize Me. I am the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and I am the only stairway between heaven and earth.


To those who believed and accepted what I saying, I give the right to become My children. I will bring them through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on My Name, and I will answer them. I will say, “These are My children,” and they will say that I am the LORD their GOD.

Daily Devotional

Son, the time when darkness reigns has started! This will usher in the time of great persecution to all of My children. Watch out; don’t let your hearts be dulled by the worries of this life, because it will make you unaware and unprepared for the time you live in. Keep alert at all times, and pray that your faith is strong enough to finish. You will be hated because your life of truth and obedience to Me will condemn them. Even those who you think are close to you like your parents, brothers, relatives and friends will turn you in to the authorities that hate My children. Yes, some of My children will even be martyred. Don’t worry because when you stand firm in your faith, you will win souls to My Kingdom. Remember that life as you’ve known it will disappear; the former things will not be remembered. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My Word will remain forever; every word of Mine will be fulfilled.


I have granted My children the right to eat and drink at my table in My Kingdom. But, Satan has asked to sift My children like wheat.  I pleaded for all My children while I was in the garden of prayer. I asked that in this time for My children’s faith in Me to not fail them. I prayed that in this time they would turn to Me and that they would strengthen their brothers who are in need. Everything written about this time will come true, and I have told My children in advance, so that they are prepared.


Son, there are false pastors who are giving My children worthless advice by saying, “This time is not yet.” So some of My children will be unprepared. But, I will send them My prophets who will show them how to fight the good fight of faith. I am their LORD and I hear their cries. But, because of what they have falsely believed – they will go through this time of distress unprepared. I will hold these false pastors accountable for all that My children will go through because they were not prepared!


Son, keep warning them and do whatever you have in mind, for I am with you. I have been with you wherever you have gone, and My favor will not be taken from you. I will protect you from those who will come to destroy you. I will repay two blessings for each of the troubles you face on earth. So keep proclaiming My kingdom!


Lord, who am I, and what is my family that You make such a promise like this to us. You know what I am really like. You are great and there is no one like You! I am Your servant; do as You have said concerning me and my family. Your words are truth, and when You grant a blessing, O Sovereign LORD, it is an eternal blessing! Your unfailing love will stand with me because I have learned painful well that all human help is useless. I will seek You and with Your help I will do mighty things. For all of Your promises are secured by Your holiness!

Daily Devotional

Lord, America is falling apart! Our leaders who are elelcted to protect us are the ones that are allowing the injustice to take place and go on. They actually welcome rebellion and lawlessness. Because of them there is fear and trembling all over this land, and the worst is within our large cities with rampant looting and killing in the streets, and with threats of even more to come.


Son, there have been and will always be wicked incompetent leaders like you have today. But the people who kill children and allow little babies in the womb to be killed is what upsets Me most about America. These people will descend into the deepest part of the lake of fire. These people refuse to listen to Me and cannot understand My truth. They will not grasp what I am saying. My Word is hidden from them because of their evil desires.


So My children watch yourselves by listening to Me and watching for My return. For I am coming back very soon. You will see that it is business as usual right up to the day when I am revealed. You need to endure this time and stay on My path.


Son, do not cling to this life, but be willing to let go. Then you will understand what true life is all about as you put your trust in My promises. I will fullfill every promise that I have made. Trust Me, and you will not be afraid. Ask yourself, what can these mere mortals do to you? I command your destiny! Remember, that I keep track of all your sorrows, and have collected all of your tears and recorded it all in a book.


Lord, this I know: You are on my side! Therefore, I will praise You for what You have promised. Soon I will walk in Your presence and understand what true life in You is all about.