Daily Devotional

Because your leaders have been persuaded to abandon Me, the LORD, the God of their ancestors – divine anger is beginning to fall on America. Since they have abandoned Me, I now abandon them; therefore judgment will be carried out.


When My children stand firm in their faith, unite and decide to act as children of the light; they will live their lives filled with My love and light. They will stand out in the darkness. They must not take part in the worthless deeds of evil any longer, but instead, expose them. They must make the most of every opportunity in these evil days by understanding what I want them to do. When they sing among themselves, making music to Me in their hearts, being thankful for everything, this will cause their enemies to become confused.


So My children, expose these leaders that have abandoned Me. Stand your ground against the progressive thinkers of today. Put on the belt of truth and the armor of My righteousness. Know who you are fighting and Who you belong to. Know what I have said about this day. Then PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY!

Daily Devotional

Son, I am the One who provides the sun to light the day, the moon and stars to light the night. My name is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, and this is what I have to say about America.


Without wise leadership, America will fall; the fall has begun. America’s elected officials that it has now – are leading your country to ruin. Wickedness never brings stability; for the wicked have no common sense; what they have is nonsense. They have become altogether worthless, chasing fantasies.  These wicked leaders are trapped by their own words, and soon their lies will be exposed. Even some of My children believe their lies, and have turned their backs on the truth, and even on Me. They refuse to listen to My prophets whom I have sent with My message of warning, and with My words of hope and encouragement. Therefore, people are hopelessly confused, even while they argue and debate; for their minds are full of darkness. They have shunned the truth and deceived themselves. They have searched for evil and it has found them.


Son, this is what I say to those who search for Me with all of their heart. “There is hope for you!” I have unlimited resources, and by My Spirit I will empower them with inner strength.


When I am Lord of your life I am able to accomplish infinitely more than you might think you can do. So lead a worthy life because you are My child. Don’t be childish any longer, or you will continue tossing and turning, blown about by every wind of new teaching. Mature children will not be influenced when people try to trick them with lies that are so clever – they sound like the truth.


Guard your words; speak the truth in love. Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Let My Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature created to be like Me. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words encourage faith, hope and love in those who hear them.


Lord, I am sorry for listening to the wrong people; allowing them to control my feelings. I want to kick myself for being so foolish when You have been so direct and truthful with me. I am thoroughly ashamed. Thank You for Your forgiveness, Your unfailing love, and the future You have for me.

Daily Devotional

“God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.” – Hudson Taylor


“Son, do you trust Me with all your heart; then do not depend on your own understanding. Seek My will in all you do, and don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Honor Me with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Don’t plot harm against your neighbor, Don’t envy the power of violent people or copy their ways intimidation. Don’t forget My words, but take hold of My instructions; never let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life. Let them penetrate deep into your heart. Allow them to burn in your soul, and then look straight ahead at what lies before you, and you will know what to do!


I am shocked that so many have turned away from Me and My word. They have been fooled by those who deliberately twist the truth concerning Me, and misinterpret My word to serve themselves. They take away the freedom in My Son Christ Jesus. They think the way to reach Me is to follow rules and rituals. The way to reach Me is by a truthful relationship through My Son; for He is the only way.


“If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” — C.T. Studd

Daily Devotional

Son, always think carefully before speaking, and do not speak words that please people, but say what please Me. Then when you are faced with the judgments that are coming (war, disease, drought, and injustices) you can come into My favorable presence, and I will protect and rescue you. When you do not know what to do, just call out to Me; then stand still and watch what I do. Because I am with you – you should not be afraid of what you see or hear. You should not become discouraged either; for I have told you the future and what you can expect from Me. Just speak what I tell you to say and don’t hold back one word.


Don’t waste time trying to correct people who do not trust Me. They will reject your words because they trust the wisdom of the world instead of Me. Instead, spend time with those who know My word, and watch for the opportunity to apply My word in their life. They will eagerly take in what I have given you to say, and not reject it. They will be well prepared for My judgments that are coming; for they are the wise ones that have a strong foundation of My love and truth. They will be the ones that truly understand the time they live in – knowing what to do and not do; knowing right from wrong.  They know that I will make everything work out according to My plan. They understand the incredible greatness of My power; for they have trusted in My promises and not in the ways of the world. Remember that My salvation is not a reward for the good things My people have done. I give My salvation to those who trust Me with all their heart so that they can live in this world with hope! They know the plans I have for them, plans that are for their good and not for disaster, to give them a future and hope.


When My children began to live out My Word they will sing and give praise to Me. This will cause those who oppose Me to turn against each other. Their own rejection of Me will torment them, for they know what is coming that they cannot prevent or soften. When My children pray, and look for Me wholeheartedly they will surely find Me. Not everyone can come into My presence; only those who have My acceptance; for who would dare try – unless I’ve invited them? In the days to come, My children will understand all of this.


Daily Devotional

How will Satan make the church ineffective? Fear! Listen to what is being said today by the people who we listen to. Fear of the weather, fear of disease, fear of war and terror, fear of not being inportant or that you matter, fear of injustice, etc. Remember that the four things that reveal a country is under God’s judgment is: injustice, war, droughts, and disease. Satan knows this and he will use this to bring fear into the children of God so that he can control them with fear. 


What is the solution to fear? God says, “My love expels all fear.” So if you are fearful about the judgments that God has brought, and is bringing, on America then you have not fully experienced His perfect love.


The LORD will stay with you as long as you stay with Him! Whenever you seek Him, you will find Him. But, if you abandon Him – He will abandon you. So seek Him in His Word and prayer each day, and you will surely find Him. He then, will give you rest from every fear you have. For, He searches the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.


2 Chronicles 16:12

Relationships – Chapter 8

Reconciliation – Part 1


Matthew 5:23-25 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.”


“Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.”


Matthew 18:15-17 “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.  If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”


We live in a world where man is not only separated from God, but also separated from his fellowman.  We see the reality of this when we look back over the 20th century.  There never has been such a century of bloodshed.


Even now when we look forward to the 21st century it does not look any better.  We see disputes among the nations, marriages that are falling apart, children estranged from their parents and churches breaking apart because of disunity.


We who are in Christ have been given the ministry of reconciliation.


2 Corinthians 5:18-19 “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”


The Gospel is the power of God to bring reconciliation between a Holy God and a sinful man.  What a powerful message this is in the Muslim world where two billion people are trying to find peace with God.


Satan knows that this is a powerful message that we have to offer to the world and the world is waiting to hear.  This is why broken relationships and disharmony among God’s people is so evil.  It takes away the message that we have.


We cannot separate the message from the messenger.  Broken relationships among us distort the message.  How can we talk about reconciliation when there are broken relationships among us?


The definition of reconciliation: to harmonize, to restore to union and friendship after estrangement.


Matthew 18:19-20 “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”


It is interesting that the word for ‘agree’ is the word ‘sumphoneo:’ to be harmonious. 


It brings out the idea of a symphony with different musical instruments all in tune with one another bringing out tremendous sound of harmony and beauty.


Take a family, church or community of people who come from different backgrounds and cultures living and working together in harmony.  What a testimony! What a powerful message this sends to a world that is divided.


Back in the early 70’s the OM Logos ship was in the Sudan.  The Minister of Education came to open the book exhibition.  He was a Muslim.  When he looked around and saw all of the different nationalities on board the ship speaking different languages and working without salary, he said that we were like a small United Nations, except, he said, we had unity.  The second comment was a question.  How could we live together like we did?  He knew it was not the money, but he could not understand how it was possible.  This was how we brought Jesus Christ in; how Christ has broken down the barriers and brought us together.


It is hard for a Muslim or any person no matter what religion he might have (or no religion at all) to argue with this type of testimony.  Jesus knew this and He prayed in John 17 that His people might be one as He and the Father are one, so that the world might believe.  The opposite of this is true as well. If we are not one – then the world will not believe.

Relationships – Chapter 7

What To Do About Conflicts


Now that we know that conflicts are inevitable the question comes up: What do we do about them?  How do we handle them in such a way that they might be growth oriented and not disintegrate into a problem?


If I look back over my ministry, there seem to be four ways that conflicts have been handled:


1.         Unwillingness to face it.  Often we have been like an ostrich with our head in the sand unwilling to face the reality of a developing conflict. “Conflict?  What conflict?” seems to be the response of some.  However, this is one way of confronting a conflict and sadly this is the way some handle it.


2.         Dealing with side issues instead of the real issue. In English we have a saying: “Beating around the bush.”  Basically, what it means is that we skirt around the real issue and never get to the heart of the matter.  Sadly this is the way conflicts often have been dealt with.  Instead of getting to the heart of the matter we deal with things that might seem important, but in reality all it is doing is putting a band-aid on something that might need an operation.


3.         Trying to ignore it.  This is a little different than the first one where we are unwilling to face a conflict.  This is where we know there is a conflict, but we believe that if we ignore it somehow it will go away; somehow it will take care of itself. All we have to do is wait and eventually it will work itself out. This is wishful thinking.  It never happens because we have an implacable enemy who is making sure that it never will go away.


4.         Working it out Scripturally.  This is the only way that we can deal with a conflict.  Working it out scripturally means that we will move towards true reconciliation.  We will be looking at this later on. Reconciliation does not necessarily mean that the conflict is resolved as far as the issues are concerned.


When we work on reconciliation we are dealing with personal relationships.  We may not be able to resolve the issues completely because there will always be a difference of opinions that stem from our background, experience, culture, language, etc.


We need to keep in mind that in any relationship (marriage, etc.) the goal is not for us to think alike, but to think together. The goal in a relationship is unity not uniformity.


We need the difference of opinions. There are no two people alike. However, when there are differences that grow into conflicts, we need reconciliation.


Daily Devotional

Son, I love you, so listen to what I say and treasure My words. The purpose of My word is to give you the knowledge of who I am; how I think and act; to teach you wisdom and give you insight. My word shows you how to become disciplined. My word will help you make right choices so that your life will be successful; it will keep you honest and give you common sense so you will know what is right, just and fair; you will know the right way to think, and to go.


When you listen to Me and study My word, you will live in peace, untroubled by fear. When you treasure My word you will be filled with joy. My word will keep you safe from evil people whose words are twisted. When you memorize My word and hide it in your heart, it will keep you from immorality. 


Remember that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, and his servants also disguise themselves to deceive people, even My children, who do not know My Word as they ought to. When My children allow these false leaders to lead them, they will be enslaved by them; they will gradually take everything from My children; taking advantage of them; for these false leaders are greedy and dishonest. They oppress My children with man made rules. So let the record show, that anyone who follows them will be labeled a failure; for they will be robbed of the life I wanted for them.


Son, in the coming days My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness; for when you are weak, then I can show Myself strong for you. Examine yourselves continually, using My word so that you do not oppose the truth and give evil its opportunity in your life. My children must always stand for the truth. Remember that I am I will be with you to the end.

Daily Devotional

Son, the human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. No one knows their own heart like I do. No one knows just how wicked their own heart is. I search all hearts and examine their secret motives behind every action, and I will give all people what is due them, according to what their actions deserve.


At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls or I might send disease to your land. Then people will ask why I do such terrible things, and the answer will be because the people have abandoned Me, and they have let their sin run rampant.


But if My children unite, humble themselves, pray, seek Me, and turn from their wicked ways – I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers of My children. I will bless My children when they trust in Me, and I will not destroy the land as I had planned.


Son, America has turned away from Me, and has sought out evil. Therefore, I cannot not bless it as I said I would. They have put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and human wisdom. They tell My pastors, prophets and teachers, “Don’t waste your breath. We will continue to live as we want to. We have plenty of priests, wise men and prophets who will tell us what we want to hear. We don’t need you to teach us the Word of God, or give us advice, or warnings and prophecies.”


Lord, because of what is coming help Your children to unite, cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit, and let us work toward complete holiness because we fear You only. You are the only One who can encourage us when we our discouraged. We know that the kind of sorrow You want will lead us away from sin and rebellion towards You. It is clear, that in the days ahead Your children will be tested with many troubles, but through all of these troubles we will have the hope of Your promises; therefore, we will be filled with abundant joy.

Daily Devotional

Lord, this morning I am struggling with this earthly body. I long for the day when this earthly body is removed from me, and I will be given an eternal body like Yours; one that You make for me. Your word says that I will not be spirit without body, and that Your Holy Spirit guarantees that I will have a body that never wears out; fit for eternity!  Therefore, I must live in this earthly body with great anticipation of what You have promised and guaranteed. 


Son, I do have an eternal body for you, and I’m just as anxious as you are to clothe you in it, but right now you must speak out for Me, and say what I tell you to say. “I have removed My protection and peace from America. Therefore, there will be NO justice. There will be war, droughts and disease.” 


When you tell people these things, they will ask, “Why would the Lord ever decree such terrible things against us? What have we done to deserve such treatment?” Tell them, “It is because you have abandoned the Lord and His word. You have stubbornly followed your own evil desires, refusing to listen to Me.” Tell them that I will give them what their actions deserve; for I alone know each human heart thoroughly. 


If America repents and turns to Me with their whole heart – to obey Me, then My eyes will be open to keep watch over them, and My ears will be attentive to all their prayers. 


Lord, no one can measure Your greatness. You always keep Your Word and promises. You help the weak who fall, and lift those bent beneath heavy loads; for You are close to all who call on You in truth. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and I long to see You come.