Relationships – Chapter 14

Fellowship in Depth – Part 2 – Wearing a Mask


John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”


I have often thought of this verse and wondered why so many of God’s people are not free. They are still tied up with fears, inhibitions, unrealized dreams, etc. They are often afraid to step out and try new things; they have a lot of creative ability, but never seem to reach their full potential.


There might be a number of reasons for this, but one that looms out to me is that maybe we have never discovered ourselves and one of the reasons for this is that we have learned to “wear a mask.”


It was Paul Tournier who said: “The external mask, the outward reaction deceives everybody, the strong as well as the weak. All men, in fact are weak. All are weak because all are afraid, they are all afraid of being trampled underfoot. They are all afraid of their inner weaknesses being found out. They all have secret faults. They all have a bad conscience on account of certain acts which they would like to keep covered up. They are afraid of other men, of God, of life and death. What distinguishes men from each other is not their inner nature, but the way in which they react to this common distress.”


It is this mask that often keeps us from having a fellowship in depth and so our fellowship stays at a shallow level. And in a relationship like this we never get down to a meaningful dialogue. Instead, it will always be superficial.


Romans 14:7-8 “For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.”


One of the important aspects of fellowship in depth where we learn to take off the mask is that we begin to discover ourselves. It is by unburdening ourselves – that we discover ourselves. We never discover ourselves in solitude. It is only by ‘giving’ one’s self that one ‘finds’ himself.


To be open to another person is giving of one’s self. When a person has done this he gains a victory. He begins to sense a tremendous sense of liberation and freedom, because by being transparent with you he/she has become transparent for him/herself.


Some years ago I met a brother who had some type of skin condition. His skin would peel like if he had been out in the sun too long. It was not repulsive to others, but to this brother it was.


He felt that people were repelled by this condition that he had. In order to protect himself he began to build a wall around himself. Whenever someone tried to get close to him they would hit the wall (of self-protection) and recoil back. When this happened this brother thought it was because of the way he looked and so he built a bigger wall that repelled all the more people.


One day this brother took the step of taking off the mask and shared what he felt. This was a moment of truth that began the victory. The people that he was sharing with were able to share with him what they really thought about the skin condition that he had. He began to see what was really happening; that it was not the skin condition but rather it was the mask he wore that repelled people.


This brother thought that he would never get married and have a family. I am glad to say that he is not only married, but he is also a pastor of a fellowship in the country that he lives in. What happened with thisbrother was that he unburdened himself to discover himself. No one else can do this for you either. You must recognize it and take that step of faith.


It says in Acts 2:42 that the early believers devoted themselves to fellowship. This is the type of fellowship that is needed; the type of fellowship that helps to change our lives. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”


Are you wearing a mask? Do you put people off that try to get close to you? Or, have you shed that heavy burden that had kept you in a lonely unfulfilled life?

Daily Devotional

Son, write this letter for Me to your President, tell him everything I say to you this morning.


Mr. President:


Be careful how you deal with Israel, when you think, “What I do in the Middle East will make me famous.”  Remember what I said a long time ago, “I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who treat Israel with contempt.”


What you are doing is evil, for it is rebellion against Me. You boast that you are greater than everyone else. All day long you plot destruction. Your tongue cuts like a sharp razor; you’re an expert at telling lies and love to destroy others with your words. You trust in wealth, and you have grown more and more bold in your wickedness. You are a despicable man who is not trained for leading. You slipped in when no one expected it by flattery and deceitful promises. You became strong despite having only a handful of followers. You have no respect for the covenant I made with the forefathers.


Therefore, repent of your sins and turn to Me, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins; for My axe of judgment is poised. Know that you are alive by every word that comes from My Mouth, not yours! Acknowledge Me to everyone, and tell them that you have repented of your rebellious ways. Understand that I will never reject a broken and repentant heart. But, now you know what will happen when you refuse to put your trust in Me.


Says the Lord God.


Son, My children must carry out all that I require of them. They must be strong in the coming days. My prophets will give them instruction, and some of these prophets will die or be jailed for speaking the truth. During this time little help will arrive, and many who join My children will not be sincere. But, My children will be refined and cleansed by these trials.


Know this, that the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand, only those who are wise will know that My kingdom is near.

Daily Devotional

Son, since you have asked for understanding about the times you live in, your request has been heard. Don’t be afraid of what I am about to tell you. Be encouraged! Be strong!


Listen and pay attention! For My words are true and insightful. Here are My charges against any nation that accepts My blessing, and then refuses My Word: “You have done wrong to reject My Word, saying, ‘It is outdated and old fashioned.’ You have sinned against Me when you mock My children that live by My Word. You think that you are so enlightened and know what to do, but your faces are covered with so much evil. Because you have not kept the vows made by your holy forefathers, and have treated My favored children with contempt; every curse and every disaster of drought, disease, and war – written against you – will come true, just as I’ve said! Even after the warnings by My prophets you still refuse to seek mercy from Me. How foolish you are!  Therefore, I, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, have every right to decree all these disasters that are upon you now, and progressively coming with intensity.”


Son, be thankful, and do what I have asked of you. Continue to read and obey My word. Then call on Me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you. Don’t be troubled when these wicked people grow rich and their homes become ever more splendid. For when they die, they take nothing with them. Their wealth will not follow them into the grave. People who boast of their wealth don’t understand that when they die – they WILL face Me!


Lord, why should I fear when trouble comes. I will honor You by giving You praise.

Relationships – Chapter 13

Fellowship in Depth – Part 1


1 John 1:5-7 “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”


In regards to relationships so far, we have talked about what relationships are and what they are not; we have talked about conflicts and why we have conflicts as well as how to resolve them, and reconciliation.


In developing as well as maintaining relationships a very important part is fellowship in depth.  So much of our fellowship is in what I call a superficial level.  We might talk about the weather, the situation in the world, etc., but never go deeper than that.


What I mean by fellowship in depth is when we can get beyond the superficialities into some of the things that we are faced with, some of the problems and hurts that we really have.


Let me explain by way of an illustration.  Many years ago my wife and I were leading a team for the summer months with Operation Mobilization in Spain.  On that small team we had about nine different nationalities.


One of the things that we wanted to do was to have a fellowship among ourselves that would bring us into a deeper relationship with one another as well as help meet needs.


In the mornings we would gather for our group devotions before the day’s activities.  After meeting together for several days our love for one another began to grow and we started putting a little more pressure on the group to share a little deeper than usual, to have more depth in our fellowship.


On the team was one particular young lady who was very out-going, bubbly and enthusiastic. All of her sharing was superficial and not getting down into some of the real needs in her life. 


One day I had to pick up the mail (this is before the internet). For people who are away from home letters are very important and something they look forward to receiving.  When I picked up the post I saw that this particular young lady did not have any letters and I knew that it would hit her hard. 


When I got back to the place where we were staying I gave the letters to another brother to hand out.  All the team gathered with expectancy waiting for their name to be called.  This young lady was there with the rest.  When the brother handed out all of the letters and her name was not called she immediately put on her ‘mask’ and we could hear her say: “Well, praise the Lord! I did not receive any letters so I do not need to answer any.”  It was a brave front but deep inside she was hurt. 


While the others were reading their letters, she, unnoticed by the team, slipped outside where she sat down and cried and cried.  My wife went out to find and comfort her.  She opened up to my wife and began to share at a deeper level about how she felt and some of the things that she had faced in her life as a child, etc.  What it all boiled down to was that she did not sense that anyone loved her. 


The next morning when we all gathered together for our morning devotions she was very quiet. Some pressure was put on her to encourage her to share some of her hurt feelings with the people around her.  At first she was a little reluctant, but then she began to share.  It seemed that once started it became easier.  She shared how she felt that no one really loved her or accepted her, and that she had felt ‘used’ all of her life. 


The team came to her, not with advice, but with love and shared how they appreciated her openness to share, and then the team was able to express their love to her.  Her openness in sharing opened the door for others to share as well. At the end she shared how when she first came to the devotions – she was carrying a heavy burden by herself, but after sharing she only had one twelfth of the burden.  I did not understand at first what she was referring to, but then realized that there were twelve of us on the team and each one of us had taken one twelfth of her burden.  Cast your cares upon Christ, says the Word of God. So, how do we do this?  It’s done through His body: the Church. 


God did something unique in that team.  He not only gave us a tremendous unity, but used us in reaching the lost like never before.


When I talk about fellowship in depth I am talking about being able to share with at least a few people some of the deeper things in our life: our hurts, disappointments, temptations, etc. and to go beyond the shallow things that we so often talk about. 


It is a shame that our churches are so structured that this type of fellowship is hardly attained.  There are many hurting people in the church but those hurts are never addressed because we have missed what real fellowship is.


To get into real fellowship is a scary thing at first and people will want to escape deep fellowship.  After we talk about fellowship in depth in the next few chapters we will be discussing escapism


Might God bless you with His true fellowship.

Daily Devotional

Son, the people of America whose names are not written in the Book of Life have become drunk with the wine of immorality.  I know that It is impossible for My children to move away from them, but My children must not take part in their actions or they will be punished along with them; for their fate will come at last. 


These sinful people say, “Did God really say that our life style is a sin? We have every right to live like this; for we were born this way.” They threaten My children, “We will give you people one more chance to accept our lifestyle, and if you refuse – no one will be able to rescue you from our power?” When My children reject them and stand up for truth, these people will fly into a rage so furious that their faces become distorted.


My children do not need to defend themselves, for I am able to protect them. I have the power to rescue them. When My children stand on the truth they can say, “But even if our God doesn’t rescue us we will never accept your life style. We are willing to die rather than worship your god of immorality. Our God’s actions are right and just. He is able to humble the proud who think they can hide from Him.”


Lord, when my hope is NOT in You I will become discouraged and afraid! It is only by Your power that I can stand against the enemies of truth! Therefore, help me to stand up for Your truth, for it will guide me through my life until I see You.

Daily Devotional

Son, who is this that questions My wisdom with such ignorant words when they say, “I was born this way; for who would chose this lifestyle?” I just laugh at the words of man. I never made them that way. They chose that way! Just like I did not make the liar, the adulterer, the fornicator, the cheat, or the murderer! Everyone make choices in their lives and will face the consequences for their choices. Those who say such things will do anything to force My children to accept their evil life choices. They think if we can get My children to agree with them, then there will not be any consequences.  Do My children determine their consequences, or do I? What can My children do, but show them how to escape the consequences of their evil choices. Their lies of, “I was born this way,” will make My children either stand on My Word, the truth, or they will reject it just like the lying homosexual; for there is NO middle ground.


I ask those children of Mine who agree with them, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Do you know where the gates of death are located? Have you seen the gates of utter gloom? Do you realize the extent of the earth? Tell me, if you know!” These false pastors who are afraid to agree with Me and speak the truth, this is all I have to say to them, “I am angry with you for you have not spoken accurately about Me. Do you want to argue with the Almighty? Are you My critic?” These pastors do not have any right answers, just like the wicked. They want to be accepted by this world more than being accepted by Me. These pastors will see worse consequences for their compromising of the truth which was entrusted to them!


My children must trust Me and My Word; commit everything they do to Me, and I will help them. Be still, and wait patiently for Me to act. Don’t worry about these people who say, “You must accept our life choices.” Do not get angry, or lose your temper, for it only leads to harm, and that is exactly what they want. It is better to live out a godly life in front of them. For, it delights Me when My children stand up for the truth by living out the truth without fear.  I love righteousness and justice, and I will never abandon My children when they have made My Law their own. I will not let them slip from My path, and they will see the wicked destroyed. Keep this truth always in front of you, “There is a wonderful future for those who love Me.”


Lord, I am waiting on You to show me how to answer people, for I could never find the answers to this world’s question on my own. When I try and answer them with my own wisdom, they twist my words. The answers must come from You; for we talk about things we know nothing about. The only thing I’m quite sure of is that Jesus died and rose from the grave, and is at the right hand of the Father interceding for me and all Your children. I am His and He is mine; this I know.  Therefore, I will hide Your Word in me so that I can respond to them by using Your words, not mine.

Daily Devotional

Son, My Word holds true, and you can trust everything I say and do. In the coming days, wisdom will be more valuable than gold, and in Me you will find the wisdom you need for the days ahead. So do not be afraid of what is about to take place, but rejoice in that I am coming, and that My kingdom comes with Me. Understand that your prayers are mixed with incense, and are all around Me with a pleasing fragrance. I made your heart, so I understand everything you are fearful of. I watch over those who serve Me. I rescue them from all that comes against them because they are redeemed by Me. No one who takes refuge in Me will ever be condemned by Me.


Son, a man is about to arise who will win many battles and give the world a false peace, but this false peace will be short lived, for others will arise to take peace from the earth. There will be war and slaughter everywhere. Inflation will be so great that bread will cost a day’s pay. Because of wars, famine and disease – people will run wild, and their progressive hatred for My children will increase with greater intensity so that most of My children will be martyred. These people hate that My children are standing on My Word and holding faithful in their testimonies of Me. I will give them robes clean and bright, washed in the blood of the Lamb.


The earth will go through a great time of upheaval and there will be increasing great earthquakes. Because of this the sun will become dark, and the moon will become as red as blood. There will be objects falling from the sky to the earth, like green figs falling from a tree shaken by a strong wind. Mountains will move and islands be removed. One-third of the earth will be on fire. Water will become bitter and many people will die from drinking it. Terror, terror, terror to all who belong to this world because of what is still to happen.


Son, do fear what is coming, but trust Me; for you do not belong to this world. The world does not fear Me; therefore they have no true wisdom, or they would understand and forsake evil and follow in the wisdom I give.


Lord, I want to thank You for all the times I have asked you for wisdom, and you have given it to me without finding a fault in me. You have been generous to me, not only with Your wisdom, but with all Your blessings. Oh how thankful I am to You!  Keep me, and my family in Your perfect peace Lord.

Relationships – Chapter 12

Reconciliation – Part

What About Memories, Scars, Etc.?


In dealing with relationships one thing that comes up is: What about the memories, hurts, scars (emotional as well as physical)?  Because of broken relationships a lot of people do get abused and emotionally scarred.


Often these people have heard or have been counseled that when we forgive, we forget. So when they cannot forget (what has been done to them) they begin to question their forgiveness as well as their own spiritual life.


I would venture to say that there are some things that we will never forget because the memories, scars and hurts are too deep, but this does not mean that the person has not forgiven. But we need to think about what do we do with the memories, hurts and scars?


There are several things that I would like to address.


We need to keep in mind that we cannot immediately forget and that some wounds we will never forget because they are too deep.  Keeping this in mind we should not feel guilty if we find ourselves not forgetting.  Often this is where Satan whispers in our ears that we have not really forgiven because we still remember and we find ourselves reliving the incident again in our mind.


Because we relive these things over in our mind we find that this is where the real battle takes place.  We allow the offense to come into our mind and we find ourselves replaying the ordeal over and over. To help us in this area we should not brood over the offense. This is where the renewing of our mind comes in and we begin to saturate ourselves with the Word of God.  Remember that “we cannot keep the birds from flying over our heads, but we can keep them from building a nest on our heads.”  So it is with these thoughts as well.  We might find them constantly coming to us, but we do not need to allow them to stay; we do not need to brood over them.


To help keep from brooding over hurts we should not raise the issue again.  Yes, we have forgiven, but we have not so easily forgotten because the hurt is so very deep, therefore we must decide as an act of our will NOT to raise the issue again.


To not raise the issue again also means that we do not indiscriminately share it with others.  But, it might be necessary to go to someone trustworthy and discriminately share, not only to get it off your chest, but for praying with someone about as well. Remember: Satan is the one who is trying to defeat us in this area with clever schemes, which I will be sharing about later on in this series on relationships.


One positive step that we can take is to learn to praise the Lord.  On this side of eternity we will not understand everything, but we know that He does all things well and we can lift up our hearts to Him in praise and adoration.  Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:8 that we will often be “perplexed, but not in despair.”


We can thank Him for what He has done in our own lives, that even through this experience we have learned a new level of love.  God is love and He manufactures nothing else. 


I said in a previous chapter that when a broken relationship is handled correctly it can result in spiritual growth.  The same thing applies here.  God can take something that is ugly and make something beautiful out of it.  God does all things well.  Amen?









Daily Devotional

Son, I want to give all My children a grand entrance into My eternal Kingdom. Just like David when he came back from battle, celebration songs were sung and there was joyful dancing in the streets. Why? Because of the mighty battles he had won. These children of Mine when they walk through the gates will enter My celebration over life’s battles they have won by remaining faithful to Me.


Lord, I am tormented by the wickedness that is thrown in my face day after day. Every place I look – it is there with greater and greater pressure. If I say anything I am called hateful and intolerant. These people are proud and arrogant of their lifestyles, mocking the truth and following their own evil desires.


Son, remember what I told you that in the last days people will mock anyone who stands up for the truth. When you stand up for truth it will remind them of the terrible day ahead they face; the day of the LORD! It is a day of gloom and utter despair for these people. I will especially be hard on those who follow their own twisted sexual desires – forcing it upon others; those that so arrogantly despised My authority and messengers. This Day of Judgment is coming; so do not give up, or give in.


My children must keep looking forward to the new heavens and new earth that I promised; a new world filled with My righteousness and peace Therefore, do not love this world or the things it offers you; for when you love the world, you will have no room for My love. The only thing this world offers is for physical pleasures, a lusting after what you see in this temporal physical life. This is not from Me! Remember, anyone who does what pleases Me will have a grand entrance into My kingdom!


Lord, how frail humanity is! How short our life is, and so full of trouble! Every day I call to You, every night I lift my voice to You. I was placed into Your arms at birth by my parents. You have been my God from the moment I was born. Help me to experience that grand entrance into Your kingdom!

Daily Devotional

Son, in the days ahead how will you counsel people who will be going through a very difficult time? Would you say? “My experience tells me,” or “I have studied life and found this about life; so listen to my counsel and apply it to yourself.”


Son, don’t speak impulsively, because man’s wisdom is as unreliable as a seasonal brook that overflows its banks in the spring, but when the heat of summer comes, the water dries up. The brook vanishes. Those who counted on it are disappointed and are worse off; their hopes are dashed. Do not think man’s words will help anyone unless his words come from Me.


No person can define or prove the worth of another person; only I can do that. My counsel to people who are hurting would be to tell them, “Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you; instead pay them back with a blessing. Be ready to suffer in this life, and arm yourself with the Word of God. Don’t be surprised at any trial you are going through as if something strange were happening to you. There is no shame in suffering. So if you are suffering, do it in a way that pleases Him. Keep on doing what is right in His eyes, and trust your life to the One who created you. He will never fail those that humble themselves under My mighty power. So be strong in your faith. Remember that all over the world My children are suffering. This will encourage you to endure it by faith in His promises. Be assured that you will experience God’s mighty grace for you. For, God’s way is perfect and those who understand this and rest in this will see His promises proven true. So stand firm in the grace of God. He will be your shield of protection; He will pay back those who speak against you and harm you.  Be faithful to Him, and keep your integrity in all situations. Be blameless in your ways with people, and be pure in your heart; for God sees your motive and true desires. You are the light of Christ to those around you because the Spirit of Christ lives in you. Then when those around you see your life they will ask what is this hope you have as a follower of Jesus Christ.”


Lord, help me to be ready to explain what it means to be a Christian. What a privilege it is to be called into fellowship with You; to receive the blessing and honor of being called by Your Name!