Daily Devotional

Lord, look at all the injustice in America! You said, “Godliness is what makes a nation great.” but we are no longer a godly nation! Even Your pastors have become ignorant and blind to what is going on. They have become muzzled watchdogs that give no warning of the danger that is coming; following their own path – intent on personal gain. They tell Your children there’s nothing to fear, that things will get better so they can keep living like they have. 


Your children complain about their hardships now, and whine, “If this is how the Lord intends to treat us; take us home and spare us all of this trouble!” They have been accustomed to an easy life; they are not being prepared for the life You said we would have if we follow You wholeheartedly. 


Son, anyone who wants Me to control their life must come to Me with their ears, eyes and hearts wide open. Listen, to what I say and you will find the life that is truly life. Seek Me above all others, and call on Me before any other – when your days become hard and wearisome. My children need to remember that just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways; My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. When I send out My word in answer to your prayers, it will always accomplish all that I want to accomplish for you. You will need to trust Me in this. Those who follow My instructions, depending on My promises, will be successful and prepared.


There is a path before My children that seems right by worldly standards, but it ends in slavery, which is the case for most of My children because they have left My ways and chosen to listen to the thoughts and ideas of fools. Only fools believe everything they’re told. My children must learn to think for themselves after they sit and listen to Me; for I will show them the way to go and how to judge and make wise choices. My children must carefully consider everything I tell them about the coming days. My children must become wise with My wisdom, and judge rightly before they accept what the worldly leaders proclaim as truth. Understand where they are headed in their prideful ignorance, and you will not end up like them. 


Son, when you let your sinful nature control your mind it will lead you to accept every word these leaders say. But when you let My Spirit control your mind it will lead you to understanding and right living with joy and peace. When You are controlled by My Spirit you will suffer rejection by this world. Yet, what is this suffering when you compare it to the glory I will give you later by enduring it; the day when I give you full rights as My adopted children, including the new body I promised you. Therefore, My children by patient and confident, for it is sure to happen!


Can anything ever separate you from My love? Does it mean I no longer love you if you have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or go hungry or destitute, or face danger, or are threatened with death? Be convinced in your mind that nothing can ever separate you from My love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither your fears for today nor your worries about tomorrow, not even the powers of hell can separate you from My love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below, indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate you from Me!


Lord, there is a war going on in my mind. There is this power that wants to make me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Who will free me from this life of slavery that is dominated by evil and death? Thank You Lord my Savior, You have the solution and power to free me.  Because I belong to you the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed me from the power of sin. What do I have to fear? Nothing! 


Daily Devotional

Son, in the coming days it will be very obvious who My true followers are. They will be the ones who see the opportunities from Me and have the confidence and courage to move towards them. Evil will not stop them, but they will conquer evil by doing good. My Spirit will not leave them, and neither will My words. They will be people with understanding, even-tempered, and have the common sense I gave them.


Those who reject My Word are fearful people whose hearts become hard and cold. Since they have eject the truth, they will be afraid to stand up for what is right and honest. They will be people who only think about what is best for them. Nothing they do will be truly productive. They will not know where to find peace or what it means to be just and good; they know nothing about right living. They will only see problems, not solutions or opportunities. They will easily follow evil leaders; leaders who don’t feel guilty about evil. The courts have started to oppose the righteous, so that justice is not found in your courts. Truth with honesty is outlawed as a hate crime. Think of it? A nation where truth is overthrown by lies, and anyone who renounces evil is attacked.


Son, I am not too weak to help you, nor am I deaf that I cannot hear you when you call out to Me. Keep your eyes open for every opportunity. When you see them, seek good counsel, and remember I will direct your steps; so don’t try to understand everything before you move. I have anointed you to tell anyone who will listen, “That the time of the LORD’s favor has come, and with it, the day of God’s anger. For He will show His justice to the nations of the world.”


I have posted watchmen on your walls of your nation, that pray day and night, and they take no rest. They are called “My Holy People! The People I have Redeemed!” They know that the life I have called them to live will result in peace and joy. They know that every knee will bend to Me, and every tongue will declare that I AM GOD!


Lord, who am I that You would favor me so, and my family; that You would give me opportunities to rise above the worries of this life and to prosper me in every way? Help me not take on the customs of this world, but let Your Word transform me into a new person. It is Your Word and Spirit that guides me, and teaches me what is good, pleasing and perfect. Help me to be honest in evaluating myself, and let me only speak what You have given me to say. Help me to rejoice in my confident hope of Your promises. Help me to be patient in trouble. Help me to bless those who persecute me. Help me to live my life in such a way that everyone can see You in my life.

Daily Devotional

Son, no man has the power to live out his life according to what has been foretold years before he was born. This proves My Word is true and dependable. My servant Isaiah lived 750 years before I was born. He wrote about My death, and he also wrote about Me when he said: “He was despised and rejected – a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. We thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! He was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. Yet, the LORD laid on him the sins of us all. He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep is silent before the shearers, he did not open his mouth. Unjustly condemned, He was led away. No one cared that he died without descendants; that his life was cut short in midstream. He was put in a rich man’s grave. When He sees all that is accomplished by his anguish, He will be satisfied. Because of His experience, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for he will bear all their sins.”


Son, because of My life and death people are made right in God’s sight by faith. They become My children, and they have peace with God because of what I have done for them. Know this My dear children, how dearly God loves you. He has given you the Holy Spirit to fill your hearts with His love. In the days ahead remember that when the mountains move and islands disappear, His faithful love for you will remain.


Son, be joyful when you run into problems and trials, for it will develop in you endurance. Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin; instead, give yourselves completely to Me. Use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Remember that sin is no longer your master, and that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey. Do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life.


Lord, thank You that I am on my way to the place You promised! Riches of this world will not help anyone on the day of judgment. Salvation only comes by Your wonderful grace, a gift of righteousness. All who receive Your salvation will have victory over death. And with Your Spirit I will overcome my sin nature, with Your new nature in me.

Daily Devotional

Son, those who refuse to read My Word, will not comprehend what is about to take place.


In My Word I tell everything that is about to happen, and what I have said will come true. It is very clearly what is about to happen. Oh how I wish people would listen to the MY warnings. Then when these things begin to take place they would have peace and hope, and prepared for what is coming.


Listen to what the leaders of the world say and you will understand that they have no answers to the problems they face. For they are constant liars, with perverted hearts who plot evil, and constantly stir up trouble. They think the world as it is – will go on forever. They do not reflect on their actions or think about their consequences. People have become pleasure-loving people, living at ease as if they do not have to fear Me. They feel secure in their wickedness, because of their so-called wisdom and knowledge. But it is their wisdom and knowledge that has led them astray. Therefore, disaster will overtake them, and they won’t be able to stop it or ease it. Calamity will fall upon them, and they won’t be able to buy their way out, or lie their way out. A catastrophe will strike them suddenly, one for which they are not prepared.


Someday soon those who refuse to listen will say to Me, “If only I had not ignored all the warnings!”


Lord, it is very clear that You see what man does, and examine every path he takes. Those who you’re your Word will be ready with hope and peace, and all they need to serve You.  I take courage in Your Word, for it will be just as You said it would be. Therefore, help me to not miss any opportunity, but to be prepared.

Relationships – Chapter 22

Proverbs 14:17 “A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated.”
Proverbs 14:29 “A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly.”
Proverbs 15:1
 “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up

In dealing with personal relationships it is important to take anger into consideration. Anger is something that needs to be recognized and strongly consider.


Anger is an emotion that is felt and is a motivating force that drives us to some kind of action. For example, I think of the organization known as MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). This organization started when some mothers lost their children because of drunk drivers. They were mad at what had happened and it motivated them to action.


Anger in and of itself – is not sin. Ephesians 4:26 “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.”


When I read Scripture I see that even God is angry. Psalms 7:11 “God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day.” I believe that God is angry with the injustices that He sees every day and the time is coming when His righteous judgment will be poured out.


We read that Jesus went into His Father’s house and saw that it had become a den of robbers. What did He do? He deliberately went out and made a whip and with it He drove the money changers out. We read: John 2:17 “His disciples remembered that it is written: ‘Zeal for your house will consume me.'”


Mansell Pattison said: “Anger (in contrast to rage) however, is a very necessary and useful reaction. Anger is appropriate as a communication of feeling in reaction to another’s behavior.” Some movements that have been used of God have started because some people were angry at what was being done. For example, MADD “Mothers Against Drunk Driving.”


We need to also understand that our emotional makeup is from God. Emotions that God has made us capable of, when used properly, are constructive. However, if we fail to express our emotions in harmony with biblical limitations and structures, they become destructive.


What are the biblical boundaries that the Lord has given us? There are three restrictions for anger.


1. When the anger is hasty. Proverbs 14:17 “A quick-tempered man does foolish things, and a crafty man is hated.”   Proverbs 16:32 “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city.” We see that God is angry, but it is not a hasty kind of anger. We also see that the Lord Jesus was angry, but it was not hasty anger either. He went out and deliberately made a whip to drive out the money changers.


2. When the anger is without real cause.  Matthew 5:22 “But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.” (KJV)  Again, we see this with the Lord Jesus Christ as well as with God that His anger is not without cause.


3. When the anger is long-lasting. Ecclesiastes 7:9 “Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.”  Ephesians 4:26-27 “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” I praise the Lord that His anger does not last forever. However, there are some who have been angry with others for years. Perhaps something was done, a word was spoken or there was a grievance of some kind that for years has been held against another person with no reconciliation.


When it comes to relationships we need to recognize anger and the terrible damage it does. Jay Adams in his book, COMPETENT TO COUNSEL says: “90% of counseling problems has its roots in anger. Along with the sad and the bad – we should look out for the mad.”

Daily Devotional

Son, My children must be set apart from worldly thinking, and they must not bring shame on My Name! I display My holiness through My children. I AM the One who makes them holy. It was I who rescued them from their sins so that I can be their God.


So why are My children saying that I do not see their troubles? That I ignore their rights? Have they never heard? Have they never understood who I AM.  I AM THE LORD! I am the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. I never grow weak or weary, and no one can measure the depths of My understanding.


My message of grace has the power to build up My children, and give them an inheritance. Those who trust Me will find new strength, and they will soar like eagles over the problems of this world. They will run and not grow weary because of the burdens of man. They will walk and not faint, because they have the truth that set them free.  


Son, understand that everything in this world will fade out and die, but My Word stands forever. In My Word I have foretold that I am coming. When I come I will set up My kingdom, and I will rule with a power. When I come I will bring My children with Me. I will carry those aborted babies in My arms, holding them close to My heart.


So what could man ever compare to Me? What image can they find to resemble Me? Has man become so ignorant, that he can not look up into the heavens and ask, “Who created all the stars? Why do they shine out every night? Who created the vastness of the heavens, or the minuteness of life?”


People of the world only think about themselves and want peace and security during their lifetime. People who think like this will allow men to rise up and distort the truth. These men will teach about fairness, and take from those who work hard.


Lord, Your power is absolute! Your understanding is beyond comprehension! Help me to put my hope in Your unfailing love. Help me to never cower from telling everyone what they need to hear that, “The Good News about Your Wonderful Grace.” Help me to understand that my life is worth nothing unless I use it for finishing the work assigned to me by You. Help me to have the confidence to say, “If anyone suffers eternal death, it’s not my fault.”

Daily Devotional

Son, do not act like the people who refuse Me. Do not imitate their way of life or compromise with them. Remember, if you obey My Word, you will find true life through every word.


Son, America has become defiled, and I about to punish the people who defile the land. They have given the land a reason to violently remove them. I will allow the land to do this because they reject My Word by their actions. I told them in My Word, “Do not have sex outside of marriage, for this is wickedness. Do not practice homosexuality, for this is a detestable. Do not have sex with an animal, for this is perversion.” But, they do not agree with Me; they think this is normal now to live this way. They even think they are the loving ones by accepting these wicked perverted detestable life-styles!  They shout out, “How could a loving God make people this way and then condemn them?”


When the people of the world ask you these questions, how will you answer them? “What makes you so confident that this life-style is sin? What makes you think that the land will punish us for acting like this?”


Lord, I am losing all hope that man has any right answers. It is when I read Your Word each morning that I understand anything at all.  It is when I listen to Your Holy Spirit that I can understand what is about to happen, and to have hope in Your promises. Therefore, I will trust You. You will show me what to do, where to walk and what to say. Teach me Your will, so I do not want to do my own will; for there is joy for those who live according to Your Word.


Son, tell those fearful children on Mine, “Be strong, and do not fear, for I AM coming. When I come, I will allow them to walk on My Highway of Holiness. These evil-minded people who question you and reject My Word – will never travel on it. Only those who walk in My ways will be given this honor. Those evil minded people who reject My Word have another highway to walk, and they will travel it! But you My children, must follow My way of holiness.”

Daily Devotional

Son, search My Word and you will see what I am about to do! My hand of punishment is about to strike. I have measured the earth carefully, and I have measured it for chaos and destruction.


Ask those for Me; those that mock My Word, “Why are you trying to keep My children from believing what is written in My Word. Will you never stop perverting My Word?” Tell these mockers for Me, “Since you have rejected My Word and brought judgment on yourselves, be amazed! For I am about to do something you wouldn’t believe, even if someone told you about it before it happens.”


Son, in the coming days My children will suffer many hardships. But, My Word will be their strong and sure foundation, providing them with a rich storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. For I AM the only righteous Judge, their High King, and I have promised to take care of all My children.


There is still a promise to all who will listen to Me! “Through Jesus Christ alone – there is forgiveness for your sins.” This good news should turn people from worthless things – to the living God, who made heaven and earth and everything in them. Therefore, don’t reject the only way to My Kingdom!


Lord, You alone know the way I should turn. I pray to You, for You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life. Thank You for hearing my cry when I am very low. Rescue me from people that are too strong for me. Take control of what I say, and guard my lips. Don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in the acts of the wicked. I look to You for help. 


Relationships – Chapter 21

Escapism  Conclusion – Part 4


Romans 5:2-5 “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”


It is important for us to know what the Lord is doing when some unpleasant things come our way. Sometimes it is hard for us to see that the Lord has a plan for our lives and that He desires for us to be conformed into the image of His Son, in whom He is well pleased.


The Greek word for suffering is ‘thlipsis.’ It means pressure. It is a word that was used for sentencing people to death who committed certain crimes. For their crimes these criminals were laid on the floor or ground with a board across their chest. Then weights were added until they were completely crushed to death.


Some years back my family and I were in Toledo, Spain (the third oldest city in Spain) and we visited what is known as the ‘Museum of Torture’ that had on display some of the torture machines that were used during the Spanish Inquisition.  Seeing some of these devices that were used for torture made me wonder how man could be so cruel towards his fellowman.


On the wall I saw a drawing of what I described above of a man lying on the floor with weights being added onto his chest until he was crushed to death. In 2 Corinthians Paul uses this word when he says: “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.” 2 Corinthians 1:8 “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-10


This is an interesting concept that Paul is getting across here. Paul said that he rejoices in this type of pressure because he knows what it is producing in him.


It is often through these hardships or pressures that God wants to produce in us His ‘agape’ love. This is the only love that the Lord Himself manufactures and this is what we need to see in our lives.


In all the unpleasantness that He allows to come our way God’s purpose is to produce in us a genuine love. In the world there is much false love masquerading as being the real thing. Real love that the Lord wants to see in us often comes through the hardships of life.


It is this type of love that is the real power in the universe. When this love is manifested, this is maturity. It is not a wishy-washy kind of love, but one that always will come with truth, and receive the truth humbly. This love will walk in the light and confront the person in order to make things right with the relationship. 


Everything that you and I are going through or what comes our way has been allowed by God for one thing: to produce ‘agape’ love in us. This love does not come through study or good intentions, but through the hard knocks of life.


The result of this love is unity in right relationships. Someone has said: “The kingdom of God is a kingdom of right relationships.”



Daily Devotional

Son, listen very carefully to what I am about to tell you. Write My words down and send them to all I direct you to. Your prayers have been heard by Me, and My children are waiting to hear the message I have given you. “There is peace with God through Jesus Christ, Lord of all. Everyone who believes in His Name will have their sins forgiven by Him.” When worldly people see the blessing I give My children, they will recognize My holiness, and they will stand in awe of Me.


What sorrow awaits My rebellious children who do not listen to Me. They make plans that are contrary to Mine. They have partnerships not directed by My Spirit. These people are stubborn, and refuse to listen to My prophets. They respond to My prophets, “Stop telling us what is coming, and what is truth. Tell us nice things about ourselves (even if they are lies). Forget all this gloom and doom. Allow us the freedom to get off such a narrow path. Stop telling us what our only hope is! We know the Holy One too!”


But they don’t know Me! They trust in the lies of the politicians, and think that the calamity predicted by My prophets will not happen. It is only by wholeheartedly returning to Me and resting in My love and purpose that they will be saved from what is coming. In this calm and quietness, with their confidence in My word – they will find strength in the days ahead. But, they will not; for in their hearts they have said, “We will get our help from our government.” 


In the coming days I will act with thunder and lightning, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes and consuming fires, and even more. Tell My children, “Since you don’t believe this is coming your way, then go ahead and refuse to see it! And suffer the consequences of not believing and being ready for it – in the way I show you.” These people say they are Mine, and they honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is shallow; nothing but their own made-up ways that make them feel good about themselves.


So I will wait for My rebellious children to come to Me, so that I can show them My love and compassion. I will bless those who look to My Word and wait for My help. In the coming days they will not weep, but rejoice. I will be gracious to them when they ask for My help. I will surely respond to the sound of their cries. They will hear Me say to them, “This is the way you should go.” My children, do not count on your jobs, your money, your possessions, and your own plans for the future. For in the coming days, I will bless you with the opportunities that will far out weigh the treasures of this world. But, you must see the opportunity, and take hold of it.


Lord, I praise Your Name! All Your promises are backed by Your eternal Name. Your unfailing love and faithfulness has been my guide. As soon as I pray, You answer me; You encourage me by Your words each day. You will work out Your plans for me and my family. Your faithful love endures forever!