Daily Devotional

Son, why are you frightened, and your heart filled with doubt? Think about all that I have done for you, and the promises I have made. Let My Spirit open your mind to understand My word.


Lord, hear my cry, for I am very low. Rescue me from the wickedness that is all over this world. I have had enough, there is no place Your children can go and get away from the wickedness. It is thrown in our faces and we are forced to look at the wicked choices people make daily. Listen to what our leaders are saying, and their attutude towards You. America has broken their covenant with You, and we are no better than people in history who refused You. Lord give us leaders that still see You and acknowledge You for who You are, before it is too late.


Son, I have a great following in America that have not and will not bow down to the progressive thinkers of today. They are zealously serving Me! They watch for the day of My coming; when I will erase idol worship, wicked leaders and the spirit of impurity that comes with them.


Some of the religious leaders and people today look for Me among the dead, instead of someone who is alive and aware of all they say and do? They think that I was a prophet who did powerful miracles and they that I am not the coming Messiah. You foolish people, why do you find it so hard to believe All that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures about Me? There is forgiveness of sins for all who acccept My free gift of salvation. I AM coming back to reign!


Son, I will soon send a plague on all the nations that fight against Israel. Their people will become like walking corpses with their flesh rotting away. Their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths. On that day they will be terrified, stricken with great panic. This same plague will strike their animals. So understand this; any nation, state, county, town or person that refuses to worship Me as King, will have no relief from what is coming.


Lord, take control of my mind, and don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in their acts of wickedness. Help me not to want any of the rewards of those who do wrong. Help me to look to You for my help, for You are my refuge. Keep me from the traps they have set for me, from those who do wrong. Thank You that I can come to You and pour out my complaints, telling You all my troubles. When I am overwhelmed, You know the way I should go and You keep me to Your path. You are all I really want in this life!



Daily Devotional

Son, how I wish that My children would understand the way to peace. When My children fully understand that I am the God of the living, and not the dead, they will learn to live in Me! Those who have My Spirit in them, I will dwell with them in every way.


So My children, how much longer will you waver, hobbling between two opinions? If I AM Lord, then follow Me! But if you want to follow the leaders of California, then follow them! But be warned; beware of these leaders that think they have the way; they are just wandering around like lost sheep. My children are under attack with these worthless leaders. It is almost too late for California, and then My peace will be hidden from their eyes because the leaders have refused Me.


I said that California would have no rain during the last few years and until I give the word! So My children, ask Me for rain. And I will send showers of rain, but My children must be united in purpose when they ask Me for rain.


When My children unite they will pass safely through the sea of distress; the waves of the sea will be held back by my power. I will make My children strong, and by My authority they will go wherever they wish. I, the LORD, have spoken! Therefore, My children prove today that you are My children and unite in My purpose. Then when all the people see the rains come they will fall face down on the ground and cry out, “The LORD is God!”


Lord, I praise Your Name for your unfailing love and faithfulness; for Your promises are backed by all the honor of Your Name. As soon as I pray, You answer me; You encourage me by giving me hope and strength. I know You will work out Your plan for my life; for You made me and You delight in me.


Daily Devotional

Son, I am about to bring destruction upon the earth. Destruction will fall like rain, and the foundations of the earth shake because the earth suffers the sins of the people. People have twisted My instructions and violated My laws. Therefore, a curse consumes the earth and the people must pay the price for their sin since they refuse to accept the price I already paid for their sins.


Lord, listen to their anger and their threats when someone stands up for Your Word and tells them they need You; that they need to repent of their sins.


Son, I have called all of My children to stand up for the truth. It is sinful not to stand up and speak the truth; to think it is someone else’s responsibility, and not yours.


Lord, help me and all Your children to stand up with love and boldness as we proclaim Your Word. Give us Your love and power so that our prayer meetings shake the foundations of our land, and turn the disobedient to the wisdom of Your righteousness. We are filled with Your Holy Spirit, so help us to be united in heart and mind. Help us to be content in that we know that we do not own anything of this world, but what we have is to be shared with the needy among us.


Son, your leaders in the land will warn you not to speak about Me and My Word. They will threaten you saying, “If you speak again about our sins we will have you fired from your job. We will take you to court and take what you have. If we can, we will even take your children from you because you are not raising them right.” But, My children must believe and reply, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than Him? People just like you killed the Author of life, but God raised Him from the dead, and there is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which you must be saved.”


They will become very disturbed that you continue to speak out in the Name of Jesus. They will holler out, “By what power do you speak to us?” Yet, they will be amazed when they see the perseverance and boldness of My children for they will see that they are ordinary people with no special training, just that they have been with Me, and have listened closely to Me, and this is where their confidence and boldness comes from.

Daily Devotional

I believe in a woman’s right to choose, but her right isn’t on the abortionist’s table; her right is to NOT spread her legs. What about rape?  Two wrongs don’t make it right! Condemn the rapist, not the child. Forgive the rapist with the forgiveness you have received from Jesus Christ; for who is without sin and in desperate need of the Lord’s forgiveness?  Forgive the offender and love the child into your life, or give it up to adoption. This is how you overcome such a thing!

Needed: An Awakening – Is America at War with God’s Laws?

Psalms 74:2 “Remember the people (NATION) you purchased of old, the tribe of your inheritance, whom you redeemed — Mount Zion, where you dwelt.”


In every society or culture we have what we call “opinion makers.” These are people who use words to make a living. We see how God used George Whitfield who came in with a message from the Lord; he brought in the right opinion and led us into the great awakening and the American experiment.


Same thing took place in Europe over 500 years ago when Martin Luther stood up with a message from God and we have the Western civilization we have today.


However, in the Western world we are in the process of losing this connection with the Lord. Consequently, we are in need of more George Whitfield’s and Martin Luther’s.


Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”


There are three words that we are hearing quite often: reformation, revival and transformation. Reformation is the ministry of John the Baptist preparing the way for the Lord; revival as Martin Lloyd Jones put it is God passing by, and transformation is the result.


This past July 4th we celebrated our 239th year of when we (USA) declared our independence. God has been reminding me that before we had our independence that the Lord sent a powerful preacher to our shores called George Whitfield. He had a powerful influence upon our country and there was a spiritual awakening. One could say that before our independence we had a reformation – a calling back to God and to the things of God.


A war of independence was fought and through the revolution we gained our independence. We were set free and through that freedom a new experiment was undertaken that never had been done before in the history of mankind; that man could govern himself.


THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The references to God in the Declaration of Independence provide a foundation for a moral argument within civil society that brought the transformation.


One can ‘Google’ and read the rest of the declaration, but what the Lord was showing me was the pattern that was laid down for reformation, revival and transformation. In the case with the birth of the United States we had George Whitfield (reformation) calling us back to the truths of the Word of God and to our responsibilities. Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, in 1789 said: “Reformation in government follows reformation in opinion.” George Whitfield in his powerful preaching was bringing in the opinion of God. This was the forerunner of what was to come. It was said about Whitfield in his biography: “More than any other preacher of his day, he made the Great Awakening a vital, far-reaching force, religiously, socially, and politically, in America.” In America he preached a series of revivals that came to be known as the Great Awakening of 1740.


Revival, but in this case revolution, where we were set free with the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE – the law of the land – is what brought in transformation or reconstruction. Yes, there are many things wrong that need fixing in our country, but there is no doubt about the transformation or reconstruction that has taken place in our country over these past 239 years to be a free society with the freedom of religion, freedom of the press, habeas corpus (this is a legal action through which a prisoner can be released from unlawful detention. It is an important legal instrument safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary state action), trial by jury, and a representative legislature.


Thomas Jefferson said: “Every generation needs a new revolution.”  In reading the first paragraph of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE the thought that came is that God wants to raise up tens of thousands of pastors who from the pulpit will be calling the people to exercise their responsibility and come back to the fundamentals that our country was founded on. Gary Bauer said: “Pastors were instrumental in America’s founding. The Church has long been a pillar of strength in our society. We need their leadership in turning the tide and once again making America a shining city upon a hill.”


Through this ‘reformation’ we will see a revolution of love (God is love) in the hearts of millions that will spark them into a labor of love in every aspect of society, and this will bring in the transformation. (1 Thessalonians 1:3)


Chuck Colson said: “We need to confess our moral failures and our national sins. We need to repent of the lies that justify killing innocent babies and the elderly. The road to renewal begins on our knees. And it’s there that we hear soul-searching questions from God himself, asking: ‘How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.’” Psalms 82:2-4


Relationships – Chapter 40

Love – Part 5


Ephesians 4:1-2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”


Another aspect or characteristic of love is the idea of forbearance, or bearing with one another; making allowances for faults and weaknesses of others without passing judgment.


Of course throughout this series we have seen that the Lord is our example. We read in Romans 2:4, “Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance?”


In the English NIV Bible version this word forbearance is translated “tolerance.” However, the idea is to endure and bear with, and this is why in the KJV Bible version it is translated as forbearance.


Today in our Western society we have a different understanding of what the Scriptures mean by tolerance, different than what we are looking at here. The tolerance that our society is trying to get across is having tolerance towards things and lifestyles that are in direct conflict with the Word of God. That is another kind of tolerance that has nothing to do with ‘right’ relationships.


God is tolerant towards us, but that which is not in accord with His Word He will judge and so must we. We cannot be taken in by our society that tells us that we should be tolerant (in their definition) and not make any judgments of our own as to right or wrong.


The way this word tolerance or forbearance is used in regards to relationships is that we decide in advance to bear that person up in their time of weakness. We all have faults and so we should be ready to hold each other up and encourage one another on in what is right and good.


Just like patience and forgiveness go hand in hand so does tolerance (forbearance) and acceptance. As an act of our will we decide that we are going to accept that person as he/she is with their weakness and faults. This is what love is all about: acceptance of one another. We can accept the person without agreeing with their lifestyle.


So often we have communicated to our spouse, children and others that if they change we will accept them. Christ accepted us just like we are and because of His acceptance of us, and who He is, we want to change and not because we want to be accepted but because we have been accepted.


This does not mean that God is tolerant of our sinful behavior. NO! But He is tolerant towards us as individuals. He hates the sin, but loves the sinner. When this grace is operating in us the result is unity in our homes, schools, jobs, churches or wherever. Isn’t this what we need today in our churches and society?


The Lord said: “Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the sons of God.” Sons, not children. There is a difference between sons and children and it is a difference of maturity. Sons speak of maturity whereas children speak of immaturity. Sons are the ones who can build and maintain right relationships.


The problem that we have in many of our churches is that we have too many children and not enough sons. When it comes to our relationships might we become mature, and more like God’s own Son. Amen?

Daily Devotional

The Lord is my strength, even if we have no more rain and the flowers do not bloom, and all of our lakes dry up. The Lord is my provider, even if the farmer’s land sits barren and his live stock dies in the fields, and there is no grain in the bins. The Lord is my shelter, even though we have a corrupt government concerned only to be in power. The Lord is my guide who has secured my future, even with the progressive thinkers of today. I will rejoice in my Lord, even when evil is called good and good is called evil.


Thank You LORD.

Relationships – Chapter 39

Love – Part 4


Ephesians 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”


How often we have heard our parents or our colleagues say: “Patience is a great virtue.” Yet, if we look at our lives we see that no matter how great a virtue patience might be it isn’t something that we have in great abundance. We know that in the love that God manufactures, patience is a powerful ingredient. We read in 1 Corinthians 13:4 that “love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” When we think of love in terms of personal relationships then we must give time to patience.


Patience in the sense of dealing with inter-personal relationships brings out the idea of ‘longsuffering’ or to be ‘long tempered.’ How true it is that when it comes to relationships we really need to be longsuffering and long tempered. How often people have made us mad and we have wanted to strike back either by word or deed or both. When long-suffering and long tempered come in this maintains the relationship. It doesn’t mean that we do not deal with the issues at stake, but because of the practice of long-suffering and long-tempered (or simply being patient) we can deal with the issues without breaking the relationship.


Patience in relationships is seeing people from God’s point of view and recognizing the fact that God is not done with us yet. We are all in constant change and God is working in us.  Romans 8:29 “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”


Patience then is giving God time to finish what He has started in each one of us.


Psalms 138:8 “The LORD will fulfill [his purpose] for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever – do not abandon the works of your hands.”


It would seem that closely tied in with patience is another virtue called forgiveness.


Matthew 18:26 “The servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.'” We all know the Lord’s parable here of where this man owed the king an astronomical amount of money and asked for patience in paying it back. It was granted, but then this man went out and found someone who owed him a pittance and patience was not what he granted him when asked for. Matthew 18:29 “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you back.'” Whenever we have a tendency to lose patience with people it would do us well to stop and think about the patience that the Lord has had, and still does have with us. Another thought that comes out with patience is connected with the Lord’s blessings. Hebrews 6:15 “And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.”


The problem that we have in our Western society is the clash between traditional values and evolving values. Traditional values like loyalty, morality, accountability and sacrifice are clashing with evolving values like independence, personal happiness, tolerance, comfort, instant gratification, the right to make one’s own choices, all of which center around the individual. It is because of these evolving values that center around the individual that we find relationships (marriage, business partnerships, colleagues, etc.) in jeopardy and failing. Probably one of the great tragedies today is the desire for instant gratification even in our relationships. This is where patience comes in.


How do we get patience? Patience grows only in trials. When the trials come our way let us see what the Lord is doing and allow the Lord to work in us the patience of Christ Himself. Amen!



Daily Devotional

I was talking with a man about a 9/11 video I just watched. In one scene it showed people looking out the windows above the flames knowing that death was coming. I asked him this question how would you meet death? Will you try and run from it or will you meet it head on? He asked me what I would have done? I told him, “I hoped I would get as many people together, calm them down and tell them that this is not the end but only the beginning, because of what Jesus did for them.” He did not like my answer so he finished the conversation with, “I believe in re-carnation.”


Lord, today Your children are mocked; an object of scorn and ridicule by those around them. Therefore, help us to stand up for the glory of Your name, and forgive us for not bringing honor to You. People treat what You have done for them as a joke, and when they are on the brink of death, they will reject what You have done for them.


Revive Your children once more, so that people will know that we are a people that You have blessed. Help us to pray day and night continually, taking no rest, so that the message of Your truth will go out throughout our land. Help us to shout out, “Look, the Savior of the world is coming, and He brings his reward with him.” Then we will be called “Holy people, people redeemed by the Lord.” For You have anointed Your children to bring the good news of salvation, to comfort the brokenhearted, and to proclaim that people can be released and freed from the bondage of sin. Today is the day to know the Lord’s favor, and it will help you to not be afraid to meet death face to face.


Remember, that there are three things that will last forever: faith, hope, and love; the greatest of these is love. So let love be your highest goal! For love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.




Daily Devotional

Lord, I rise early before the sun is up, and cry out to You for help. I put all of my hope in You and Your Word. When I see what is taking place in America it makes me sick at heart because they care nothing for your Word. For Your word is the very essence of truth. Those who love and live by Your word will have great peace.


Lord, listen to my cry; give me a discerning mind, and help me to let Your Word be my constant guide. For it is Your Word that gives me understanding; it is my source of hope. I know that when pressure and stress bear down on me, it is in Your Word that I find joy!


Son, bring all of your troubles to Me and I will answer you. Have faith in Me, that everything I promised you will happen. You must really believe that what I told you will happen and have no doubt in your heart; believe that you already received it, it will be yours. But, first make sure that you are not holding a grudge against anyone, then I will give you everything I promised.


LORD, is it time for You to act? People everywhere are violating Your good instructions, and no one rules with truth.


Son, Your leaders have made a big mistake when they keep trying to remove My Word from America; for they are supposed to know right from wrong. They are the very ones who hate that which is good and love that which is evil. They have no idea the power I have. Soon, when all of the judgments start coming because of their choices and leadership, they will beg for My help. Do they really expect Me to help after all the evil they have done. They hate justice and twist all that is right, and are rebuilding with a foundation of murder and corruption. Soon they will scream in terror like a woman in childbirth.