Daily Devotional

Son, I AM the One who made heaven and earth, and I say, “I will not let My children stumble. I watch over them day and night; for I neither sleep nor slumber. I stand right beside My children as their protective shade. I watch over them as they come and go, both now and forever. On that wonderful day of My return I will give My children perfect rest.”


Son, My children must walk in the light of My Word, so the darkness will not overtake them. Those who walk in the darkness of this world cannot see where they are going. People must put their trust in Me while there is still time; then they will become children of My perfect Light. Remember, if you love the darkness of this world – you will not see My Light.


The time for judging this world has come, and I will punish the world for its evil rebellion and for their wicked sins. I will crush the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the mighty. It will all happen as I have planned. My hand of judgment is raised upon all the nations, and who can change My plans? When My hand is raised, who can stop Me? Remember, anyone who rejects Me will be judged by My truth and justice on the Day of Judgment!


Lord, help me to stand up for Your truth, and not be one that refuses to because of fear. Help me not to live for human praise, but to live for Your praise. You are my God, my only hope.

Daily Devotional

Son, listen for I have a question for you. Do you believe that I AM God, and that I watch over you; if you do then why do you question My voice today? When you listen and do all that I ask of you, I will bless you and give you everything you need. People will know that I am the LORD, and that I AM with you! So pray for your friends, and I will restore everything. In fact, I will restore everything twice as much as before! I will bless the second half of your life even more than in the beginning.


I made you a watchman, therefore, listen to what I say and warn the people I have sent you to. I take no pleasure in the death of wicked people. I only want them to turn from their wicked ways so they can live.


Some people will listen to your words, but they have no intention of acting on them! But when all these terrible things happen to them – as they certainly will – then they will know that I warned them. They will remember the words I told you to give them. Therefore, understand that I AM coming with countless thousands of My holy ones.


I have written about the last days, that people will scoff at anyone who warns them. These people are the ones who are creating divisions in My church. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have My Spirit in them. But you My son, build up those who do listen and pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. Wait for Me to speak and show you what to do. Do not run ahead and do not lag behind. Tell everyone about the amazing things I do. Tell them the “I AM” is coming; coming to judge the world with justice; the nations with My truth. It will be just as I say it will be.


Lord, I know that You can do anything, and no one can stop you. I have talked about things far too wonderful for me. But very soon I will see You! I know that You are able to keep me from falling. All glory belongs to You, My Savior and God, Jesus Christ my Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are Yours. You were before all time. You hold the times in Your Hand; time serves You! You are very present today; present in my life and in lives of Your children. The future belongs to You. Thank You for giving me the love, peace and joy I have as Your son. Amen!


Just Some Thoughts

“Let the tree of no other nation proudly exult in its own prosperity, though it be higher than the clouds and it be watered from the depths. For all are doomed to die, to go down to the depths of the earth. They will land in the pit along with everyone else on earth.” Ezekiel 31:14 NLT


What does a nation look like that is about to die? I think we need to search history to see what other great nations died from, and do we see any of this in America?


“Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?” Job 40:2 NLT


Does anyone who wants to be President have the answers, or are they just saying, “I think this might work?” The truth is we need to let our Savior lead our country again.


“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past; for human events ever resemble those of preceding times. This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results.”  Machiavelli



Daily Devotional

Son, I am about to bring destruction upon the earth. Destruction will fall like rain, and the foundations of the earth shake because the earth suffers the sins of the people. People have twisted My instructions and violated My laws. Therefore, a curse consumes the earth and the people must pay the price for their sin since they refuse to accept the price I already paid for their sins.


Lord, listen to their anger and the threats they make when someone stands up for Your Word and tells them they need You; that they need to repent of their sins.


Son, I have called all of My children to stand up for the truth. It is sinful not to stand up and speak the truth; to think it is someone else’s responsibility, and not yours.


Lord, help me and all Your children to stand up with love and boldness as we proclaim Your Word. Give us Your love and power so that our prayer meetings shake the foundations of our land, and turn the disobedient to the wisdom of Your righteousness. We are filled with Your Holy Spirit, so help us to be united in heart and mind. Help us to be content in that we know that we do not own anything of this world, but what we have is to be shared with the needy among us.


Son, your leaders in the land will warn you not to speak about Me and My Word. They will threaten you saying, “If you speak again about our sins we will have you fired from your job. We will take you to court and take what you have. If we can, we will even take your children from you because you are not raising them right.”  But, My children must believe and reply, “Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than Him? People just like you killed the Author of life, but God raised Him from the dead, and there is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which you must be saved.”


They will become very disturbed that you continue to speak out in the Name of Jesus.  They will holler out, “By what power do you speak to us?” Yet, they will be amazed when they see the perseverance and boldness of My children for they will see that they are ordinary people with no special training, only that they have been with Me, and listened to Me, and this is where the confidence and boldness of My people comes from.




Just a Thought

Is this true today, that men are standing up for the truth, and for righteousness? Are there men who lead because of their character (moral strength), not their words?


“Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends.


And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.


I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’


I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.


I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr



Daily Devotional

Don’t reject the only way to My kingdom!


Son, search My Word and you will see what I am about to do! My hand of punishment is about to strike. I have measured the earth carefully, and I have measured it for chaos and destruction.


Ask those for Me; those that mock My Word, “Why are you trying to keep My children from believing what is written in My Word. Will you never stop perverting My Word?” Tell these mockers for Me, “Since you have rejected My Word and brought judgment on yourselves, be amazed! For I am about to do something you wouldn’t believe, even if someone told you about it before it happens.”


Son, in the coming days My children will suffer many hardships. But, My Word will be their strong and sure foundation, providing them with a rich storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. For I AM the only righteous Judge, their High King, and I have promised to take care of all My children.


There is still a promise to all who will listen to Me! “Through Jesus Christ alone – there is forgiveness for your sins.” This good news should turn people from worthless things – to the living God, who made heaven and earth and everything in them. Therefore, don’t reject the only way to My Kingdom!


Lord, You alone know the way I should turn. I pray to You, for You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life. Thank You for hearing my cry when I am very low. Rescue me from people that are too strong for me. Take control of what I say, and guard my lips. Don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in the acts of wicked. I look to You for help.


28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 1

Principle #1 – The Only Reliable Basis for Sound Government and Just Human Relations is Natural Law.


Matthew 22:37-40 “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”


This year we will be having our presidential elections in the USA and with this in mind I thought it would be good to bring out some of the principles that made America strong, that we seem to be losing. A lot of this is based on the book A MIRACLE THAT CHANGED THE WORLD – THE 5000 YEAR LEAP by Dr. W. Cleon Skousen.


Keep in mind that the same principles that at one time made America strong can also work in other countries as well.


With this series I have a question in mind: What do I want to achieve? First, I need to have a greater understanding of my own country and what were the chief principles involved in her birth, and secondly, when I vote in the coming election I will be asking the question of who personifies these 28 principles the most.


I would say that most Americans (I am included in this) never really understood what our founding Fathers were talking about when they mentioned Natural Law. William Blackstone said that Natural Law is the only reliable basis for a stable society and a system of justice. (Sir William Blackstone 1723-1780)


Our founding Fathers were not only great scholars, but avid readers and one of their favorite authors was Marcos Tullius Cicero. Cicero was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but his thoughts on Natural Law were very biblical.


Dr. William Ebenstein of Princeton says: “The only Roman political writer who has exercised enduring influence throughout the ages is Cicero (106-43 B.C.)—Cicero studied law in Rome, and philosophy in Athens…. He became the leading lawyer of his time and also rose to the highest office of state (Roman Consul). Cicero nevertheless showed considerable personal courage in opposing the drift toward dictatorship based on popular support…Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C., and a year later, in 43 B.C., Cicero was murdered by the henchmen of Antony, a member of the triumvirate set up after Caesar’s death.”


It was through Cicero’s turbulent experience of the politics of his time and the exhaustive study that he did of different political systems that he came up with Natural Law. Natural Law for him was “identifying the rules of ‘right conduct’ with the laws of the Supreme Creator of the universe.”


Wisdom tells us that Natural Law is the only system for right government, justice and human relations because of what the Supreme Creator has set in motion. In other words, Natural Law then is the order of things that God has set up. To Cicero “Natural Law is True Law. True Law is right agreement with nature.” This is why Jefferson put into the U.S. Declaration of Independence the words: “The laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.”


In closing some examples of Natural Law:






The right of SELF-PRESERVATION is based on Natural Law.

The right to CONTRACT is based on Natural Law.

Laws protecting the FAMILY and the institution of MARRIAGE are all based on Natural Law.

The right to BEAR ARMS is based on Natural Law.

The principle of NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION is based on Natural Law.


Natural Law has become the People’s Law.  This is what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”


In my opinion, the candidates that we vote for and put into office need to tell us what they believe about Natural Law.

Daily Devotional

You should know this because it’s true, it comes right out of God’s Word; that in the last days there will be rapidly increasing difficult times because the Day of the Lord is soon. Signs of His very soon return will be that more and more people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud about their wickedness, mocking God and His people. They will be unloving and unforgiving. They will be extremely disobedient to their parents, having no regard for the wisdom of the aged, ungrateful and even terrorizing people just for fun and fame. They will consider nothing sacred. They enjoy slandering others for personal gain. They have no self-control with their feelings and emotions. They will be cruel in ways that are unheard of, hating all that is good and holy. They will even betray their friends and not feel guilty or ashamed. They are reckless lawbreakers, arrogant in their love of pleasure.


People oppose the truth because they don’t understand the truth, having rejected the Spirit of God over and over until they have no good conscious or sense left. So they are very eager to follow new teachings that oppose the teachings of our Lord God. They act religious but they reject the power of God that could make them godly.


People no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching from the Word of God, but instead they follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them everything will be just fine. They will not be prepared for what is coming. But these false teachers and prophets won’t get away with this for long, soon people will recognize what fools they have been to take the word of false teachers and prophets instead of God’s word, but it will be too late!


But, I have hope when I remember Your faithful love that never ends! Your mercies never cease. Great is Your faithfulness and Your mercies begin afresh each morning when I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!” You O Lord are good to those who depend on You and who eagerly search for You. It is very good for me to wait quietly for You and to submit to the yoke of Your discipline and good works.


(Taken from 2 Timothy 3 and 4, and Lamentations 3)



Is His Gospel My Gospel?

As I think about why we do all that we do for each other at Christmas and New Years – year after year after year – I’m reminded how my love for Jesus has been tested since I gave my heart and life to Him over 40 years ago. Do I still love Him as I did at the start?


I’m reminded of how giving my husband Mike is. I can never out give him any time of the year! He simply loves to give me extravagant gifts and when I ask him if I can do something that will cost ‘him’ – he figures a way to make it happen. I have found that my husband is a lot like the Lord. Now that we’re older and wiser, we both agree that the best gift we can give one another is our genuine friendship – with all that it means.


Anyway, as I consider my relationship with my Savior I’m looking back to see how I’ve treated Him. I had to ask myself after readying this passage in 2 Timothy, if I consider the gospel of Jesus Christ my gospel.


This is my gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s Word is not chained. Therefore, I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.” 2 Timothy 2:8-10


Have I been a true friend to Him? Will I be a true friend in the coming days when our friendship is tested like never before? I remember what the Lord called His first disciples who walked with Him; He called them His friends, and no longer His servants. Why did the Lord say this to them? Did the Lord’s gospel become their own as they walked with Him day by day, listening to His teaching about the coming Kingdom and learning how to trust the Father as the Son did?


What gives me the confidence to say that it is “my” gospel as Paul did?


I hear Christians, and me too, refer to the gospel as “the” gospel, but I’ve never heard anyone refer to the gospel so ‘possessively’ as Paul does here in calling it his gospel. I have to ask myself, what am I willing to give up, go through and go without to make the gospel as much my gospel as it was the Lord’s?


I have to ask myself another question: Have I chained God’s Word in any way? As Paul sat in prison because of ‘his’ gospel, he had freedom to share God’s Word there. I have to ask myself if God’s Word means that much to me that I would overflow with God’s Word, no matter what it cost me.


The believer’s persecution and death is under the perfect supervision of our God, no matter where our precious gospel takes us.


“If we died with Him, we will also live with Him; if we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we disown Him, He will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.” 2 Timothy 2:11-13


What would it take for me to disown the gospel of Jesus Christ; if anything at all? What will I not do for the gospel? Is the gospel of Jesus Christ mine in every way? Traditions and habits are very hard to break, but why wait for a crisis?


Lord, this is the season we love to celebrate buying and giving gifts to each other. Forgive us Lord for making it more about each other than about You; more about getting through this season than about getting close to You; more about Santa coming again than about Your coming again. May we not be like the ones who missed the time of Your coming to them because of their traditions. May we not be among those who celebrate inside as the You stand at the door knocking to come in.


May 2016 truly be a ‘renewing’ year for us all!

Just Some Thoughts

I grew up in the 60’s, and I had a lot of friends who went to the Vietnam war. Some of them came back missing limbs, some came back with drug addictions, some did not even come back. Those who did come back were not welcomed and honored but instead they were spit upon and made to feel ashamed.


Today those same people who treated my friends in the war that way are now leading this country. Hillary Clinton was part of this group. She also went after President Nixon for lying to the American people and trying to cover up his tapes, which led to his resignation. Now look at her and what she has become. Why doesn’t her standard in the 60’s apply to her today? Leaders like her who were rebels in the 60’s still are today, but they show it by being against anyone who stands for the truth and common sense. Because of the rebellion of the 60s the outcome is seen in the millennial-society today; those who have no reality of truth and solutions; everything is virtual reality, computer generated.


These rebels from the 60’s distort and pervert the truth by saying, “What is truth?” They create confusion and chaos in society. When right has become wrong and wrong has become right then where does one go to find the truth? What can we do when our leaders refuse to acknowledge the truth and do that which is right and good for society? A rebel society refuses to acknowledge the truth and do what they want; for what makes them happy today because they live in confusion and fear. They give no thought of what will happen in the near future, and live only for today. They become numb to what they see and hear from the media with all the crime and killing, as if it’s part of a normal life.


What is our hope when the government is broken and society is without any true leadership? What will happen to our children and grandchildren?


The only One trustworthy is God, and His Word has the solution to man’s confusion and fear. God has given us all the common sense that He exists and that we desperately need Him. We don’t have to all agree on what we are faced with, but we need to be united with the goal of preserving this great country for the future of our children and grandchildren, and to do so we need God. We need to humble ourselves before Him and acknowledge who He says He is, and cling to His promise that He will reward those who earnestly seek Him. This is what our forefathers did at the start, and they did it for us.