Daily Devotional

Since we have set aside this day as a time when we honor our fathers, I thought it would be good to know what a father is:

When fathers are faithful to their children, this will cause rebellious children to accept the wisdom of God. Fathers who know how to discipline their children will cause their children to have confidence that this discipline reveals that they are loved by their father, and will show children how much God loves them. True fathers have confidence that when a child is disciplined in love – it gives them peace of mind. Words alone will not discipline a child; wise fathers understand this for they have been disciplined by their heavenly Father for their good future.


Being a father means standing up for those who cannot speak for themselves, to see that they get justice. Fathers do not run in the opposite direction to get away from what God is asking of them because it is hard or controversial. A father let’s people of the world know that he stands for God’s truth. He is not afraid to show love and affection, and is moved by godly compassion for people.


True fathers are great husbands, because they keep to their vows in everything. Their vows are not given lightly and they understand that their word must stand good – until it is fulfilled. They are men who love their wives even if they are not shown respect from their wives. They know that is it their heavenly Father who validates them as husbands and fathers, and will vindicate them in due time. They are men who know the Word of God and firmly stand on it, even if it cost them the things of this world. They are men who show their family by example that a relationship with God is first, as they spend time with their Father each and every morning.


A father is not a name given to men with children, but by the faith and actions of what a man does for the good of his family, both physically and spiritually. A true father cares about the legacy he leaves behind for others to benefit from, especially his own children and grandchildren.


Daily Devotional

Since America has been hit with Political Correctness, we need to hear more from the side of Common Sense. What is the difference between Political Correctness and Common Sense?


P.C. says, “Everyone must have a college education.” C.S. says, “It is senseless to pay to educate a fool, since he has no heart for learning.” Proverbs 17:18


P.C. says, “What is truth, but what we say truth is? And, what is justice, but how we see justice?” C.S. says, “Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent; that both are detestable. It is not right to acquit the guilty or deny justice to the innocent.” Proverbs 17:17


P.C. says, “Who are you to judge us?” C.S. says, “When you deny God’s truth there are sure consequences.”


P.C. says, “We must open our borders to all, since that is our heritage.” C.S. says, “Protect your borders and law-abiding citizens by establishing laws and the right system for those that want to come in; understand and judge why they want to come over your border.”


P.C. says, “When there is mass killing it is because of guns, and we must take away the right for law abiding citizens to own guns.” C.S. says, “This mass killing was because of evil in the heart. We must punish the criminal with quick justice and make people responsible for their actions.”


P.C. says, “We must allow men who think they are women into the women’s bathroom with women and little girls.” C.S. says, “Normal women and children have rights too; therefore give those who are confused and deceived – their own bathroom. Why take a right away from one in favor of another?”


People who only think and care about themselves, will lash out at those with Common Sense. (Proverbs 18:1)


So where is our country headed, and what will my grandchildren be faced with if Political Correctness is allowed to continue?


The Bible says that in the last days, “That which is evil will be called good, and that which is good will be called evil.” So the question is: Are we in the last days, and if so – are you ready?


Just some thoughts



28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 22 – Principle #22

A Free People Should be Governed by Law and not by the Whims of Men


Proverbs 8:12-16 “I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. To fear the Lord is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power. By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth.”


Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.”


If we are not governed by law, then we will find that nothing is fixed and in such a society nothing is dependable. Everything will be in a state of flux.


Our Founding Fathers saw Law as “rule of action” that was binding on the ruler as it was upon the people themselves. They saw that this would give society stability and provide for people the ability to make plans for the future. It was John Locke who said: “Freedom of men under government is to have a standing rule to live by, common to everyone of that society, and made by the legislative power elected in it.”


Under this type of system, both for the present as well as future, a framework provided people a high degree of freedom from fear and therefore the freedom to act. The Founding Fathers realized that without the protection of the Law there can be no liberty. It is like John Locke said that if a society cannot provide a code of fixed and enforceable laws that he might as well have stayed in the jungle. John Adams agreed with this when he said: “No man will contend that a nation can be free that is not governed by fixed laws.”


Evidently Aristotle who said that “even the best of men in authority are liable to be corrupted by passion” disagreed with his mentor, Plato, who believed that people should be governed “by the few” who would rule according to scientific principles and make decisions on the spot to force the people to do what is good for them.


Isn’t this what we are seeing today with the dictatorships we have in the world? I mentioned before about the man I met in Denmark who after being gone for almost 20 years had come back to Denmark from Canada telling me that he was scared because he saw a government (socialism) that was telling him what was best for him. Isn’t this what we find today with the “progressives” in our own country, the elite who think that they know what is best for us? This is why we need to tie these people down with the restraints of our Constitution!


Like our Founding Fathers we need to realize that Law is not merely a code of negative restraints and prohibitions. They “considered Law to be a system of positive rules by which they could be assured of enjoying their rights and the protection of themselves, their families, and their property.” It is like the Ten Commandments that God gave us to protect us so that we can live a peaceful and prosperous life. But today in our society we have the removing of the Ten Commandments and also we have those who want to do away with the Constitution too. The result will be utter chaos.


One last thing that the Founding Fathers understood that people will have confidence in the law only to the extent that they can understand it and realize that it will have a permanence which will not continually be changed.


Thomas Jefferson resigned from Congress in 1776 to go back to Virginia and volunteer for the task of rewriting the state laws so that when independence came there would be a legal system that the people could understand and support. Perhaps this type of housecleaning is needed today to improve our own code of laws and regulations.


Preferring Your Husband

I’m guilty!  I’ve not preferred my own husband over the years as I’ve favored my friends. Can you relate?


Have you gone “to church” or to a party or family get together – walking in with your husband with a sneering attitude towards him but quickly extending your arms to your friends and family; feeling more affection for your friends than for your husband?  I have, not within these scenarios, but at home I’ve caught myself sneering at my husband both openly and secretly (with only God as a witness), and then I go to my neighbors welcoming them with home-made cookies, or I invite friends over for dinner and show them more hospitality than I show to my husband (and children). I’ve been guilty more times than I want to remember.


When I catch myself doing this, I judge myself and replace that criticism/sneer/resentment – whatever – with a positive kind thought towards my husband and pray for him in truth and love. If I’ve made him to ‘feel’ my criticism/sneer/resentment – I go to him with an apology asking him to forgive me. For, who am I that I have any right to lift myself above my husband when God put my husband over me and expects me to be his helpmate.  

“The heart of her husband trusts in her, And he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:11-12



Devotional – Do you have husband problems

When Sarah faced ‘husband’ problems, she didn’t get on Facebook to say: “Having another BAD day!” She didn’t call her mother and unload all her emotions about it. She didn’t walk out the door calling him names. She didn’t go to lunch with her best friend and complain about the idiot she has for a husband. She didn’t entertain the conversation the devil secretly wanted to have with her – about him.  She didn’t fear what ‘could’ happen to her (and the kids) given what her husband had done, or didn’t do, and not even in knowing her husband well enough – what he ‘would’ do in a moment of threat, discouragement or loss. What was her hope? Sarah believed God, remaining faithful to Abraham, trusting the Lord while Abraham put her in threatening situations more than once. Once, we he lied to a king about who she was, Sarah found herself in another man’s house on the verge of becoming another one of his wives.  I don’t know about you, but if my husband did that to me, pimped me out to a man he was afraid of, I just might leave my husband – to say the ‘least’ that I might do.


I have always referred to Sarah for my own encouragement, not that I have a husband that has done the things Abraham did to Sarah, but what man is perfect? What husband won’t do something dumb that he will regret later? What wife either?  I have always used Sarah’s testimony (and my own testimony) to encourage and pray with other wives, especially my own daughters when they came to me; for what man, even if that man is a godly man, won’t make mistakes that could put their wife and children in a threatening situation? Personally, I have seen God painfully discipline my husband without it hurting me and the children, so that the children and myself could come together in love and truth – praying for him. Otherwise, God just might let it hurt me and the children. Think about that!


1 Peter 3:4-7 (I like the King James version) “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord (my valued husband): whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.


“Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”


Daily Devotional

Son, when any nation has little or no knowledge of Me, and My word; you will find people with little no faith, and will show no kindness. Their leaders will make promises and never fulfill them. People will be killed in the streets and sexual immorality will accepted as a normal lifestyle. Violence will be everywhere-one murder after another. Even the wild animals, the birds of the sky, and the fish of the sea will start disappearing, not because of climate change but of morale rot. People will worship money, power, love shame more than honor, and they will be destroyed because they don’t know Me.


The freeway to hell is wide with many lanes, and there are many who will choose to go that way. But the path to eternal life with Me is narrow, difficult to live, and very few ever find it. To those who find the way will know that I am your advocate, and will rescue you with My power!


Son, in the last days, there will be a great awakening of Me, and people will be in awe of Me and of My goodness. So beware of false pastors, teachers, prophets, and anyone who says they are a believer. They may look and talk like they are of the faith, but are really vicious wolves. You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they live. These people will attack you and think they are doing you a service when they turn you in for not following the lies they believe and teach – as truth. Don’t waste your time with these people, but expose them for who they are! For they trample on My word and say “My word is not relevant for today, it was written a long time ago. We will not go backwards, but will move forward because we are progressive thinkers.”


Lord, when doubts filled my mind, Your word gives me comfort, renews my hope and gives me the joy of Your presence. You are my fortress; the mighty Rock that I can come to. Your pathway Oh God, is truth and righteousness.


Daily Devotional

In my life of being a builder I have written down with how I solve problems on my projects, and that I believe can be applied to our country today with the problems we face. I see four parts, simple but hard to complete because it cannot be emotionally controlled.


  1. Identify the problem: Today we have many problems: we are a divided nation, illegal immigrants pouring in with diseases and terrorist plans, civil wars, diseases without cures, moral decay, killing of the innocent, no common sense, etc. So what do we tackle first?
  2. Bring in anyone who can solve the problem: Sometimes these people are not people that we will like, or are politically correct in what they say and go about getting it done. But a leader will recognize that they have the ability to solve the problem, confident to tackle it.
  3. Never work around the problem: The solving of the problem will have a cost and it will difficult to do, but still must be worked through. Can’t go over it or around it. Working around it will be like pushing the problem down a snow covered hill; it will increase and only be harder to solve.
  4. Share your experience with others: Write every step down so that others can use the same principles and procedure for their problem. Write it down so you won’t forget it either.
  5. Problem solving allows for prosperity and greatness.


What will stop us from solving our problems today?


  1. Letting our emotions be the driving force for solving problems: When we allow emotions to lead, it   never solves anything.
  2. Those people who are emotional will use emotional arguments to influence and control others. Example: with illegal immigrants are coming in needing help and we must help them because we are a Christian nation. That is not the answer to the problem! Being emotional about a problem will not solve it, but create confusion and chaos.
  3. Not willing to do what is needed because of self-concern: Stop thinking about ourselves, and start thinking about the next generation.
  4. Not allowing truth to rule: The first consideration with a problem must be ‘what is the truth?’ Truth is right before us if we really want to know the truth. The truth requires discipline and self-denial.


Just some thoughts.

28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 21 – Principle #21

Strong Local Self-Government is the Keystone to Preserving Human Freedom


Proverbs 11:14 “A nation will fall when there is no direction, but with many advisers there is victory.”


We know from history that power automatically becomes more centralized and the purpose of our Constitution was to prevent that from happening. When power becomes more centralized we find that the freedom of the individual is destroyed because the decision-making is done by the officers in central government. We see this happening in our country even today with some of the laws that are being passed and the federal government giving executive orders to the states.


In Anglo-Saxon times the people took pride in their participation in decision-making process. We see the same example in ancient Israel where families were divided up into multiples of tens, 50s, hundreds, and thousands and where problems were solved on the local level.


Thomas Jefferson saw the advantage of the strong local Anglo-Saxon self-government. Historian Richard Frothingham pointed out the local self-government in ancient England with the division into burghs, counties, shires, etc. and where the inhabitants had a voice in managing their own affairs.


Although the crown stepped in and deprived the people of the power of local rule, when these people pulled away from the mother country and migrated to America the idea of local self-rule reappeared and began to frame the laws which were to protect the freedom of the individual and to provide a healthy local self-government. It was Thomas Jefferson who said: “The way to have a good and safe government is not the trusted all to one, but to be divided among the many, distributing to everyone exactly the functions he is competent to perform best.”


He went on to say: “The national government be entrusted with the defense of the nation, and its foreign and federal relations; the state governments with the civil rights, laws, police, administration of what concerns the state generally.”


Tocqueville, in his book called Democracy said that in America it was local self-rule that started and then expanded into a wider rule. It was not the other way around where they had central power and then brought down to self-rule on the local level.


James Madison emphasized the necessity of all possible authority to be in the states with the people and that the Constitution would delegate to the federal government only that which involves the whole people as a nation.


Our Founding Fathers meant for the federal government to be small and inexpensive because of the limited problems which would be assigned to it. Thomas Jefferson saw the federal government reduced to only foreign concerns. How different it is today when we see how bloated our federal government is in trying to give us “cradle-to-grave” instructions and with less safety and security.


Perhaps we should heed the prophetic warning of historian John Fiske who said: “If the day should ever arrive (which God forbid) when the people of the different parts of our country shall allow the local affairs to be administered by prefects sent from Washington, and when the self-government of the states should have been so far lost as that of the departments of France, or even so closely limited as that of the counties of England – on that day the political career of the American people will have been robbed of its most interesting and valuable features, and the usefulness of this nation will be lamentably impaired.”


I think it is interesting to see how many states are suing the federal government. Why? Because of the encroachment of the federal government upon the States and going against the Constitution or law of the land.



Daily Devotional

Why did God say to the nation of Israel that they must remove all of the people who live in the land they are going into? Why did God say that they must not intermarry with the people of the land?


Why does God tell His church to go?


Could it be that when we allow people into our country that do not agree with our Constitution which is based upon the Word of God that we will become confused over what the truth is and then become divided?


Could it be that when we allow other religions to come in and make changes in how we are governed that we begin to fall apart?


Could it be that when God’s people intermarry with other faiths that reject the one true God and His Son as Lord that God’s people come under God’s discipline?


Could it be that when the church does not go out to where ‘other faiths’ live, but instead stay home and invite them into our houses of worship that our worship becomes compromised?


So what does a country look like that accepts other faiths and intermarries with the religions of the world? The Word of God is no longer seen as the absolute truth. The Word of God comes under man’s judgment, by saying it is hateful, unloving, and without wisdom for life today.


Churches that do not go out to where the lost live, will become places when the only words the people hear from the Bible is what they hear on Sunday mornings from church pulpits?


What happens to the generation that fails to live up to the holy contract made by their forefathers with God by enjoying the fruits of God’s blessings and yet rejecting their part of that contract with God?


What happens? Be prepared for Ezekiel 20:36: “As I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will judge you, declares the Sovereign Lord.”


Just some thoughts


Daily Devotional

Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you? Do not let these evil people have their way. Do not let their evil schemes succeed. Let them see that it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.


Son, I know everything people do. I know what they are going to say even before they say it. I know that those who hate Me have a sin-sick heart. Soon I will give them what they deserve.


Son, understand this that I will go before you, and I have placed My hand of blessing on your head. Every day of your life is recorded in My book. I died to set you free from the penalty of your sins and you can now come boldly entering heaven’s Most Holy Place; right into My presence. In the coming days you must hold tightly to My promises without wavering, for I can be trusted to keep all My promises. Think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Remember that there are better things waiting for you that will last forever. But for now, patient endurance is what you need and soon you will receive all that I have promised.


Lord, how precious are Your thoughts about me. Search me, O LORD, and show me my heart. Forgive my anxious thoughts and help me to endure this time patiently knowing all Your promises to me. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path You have laid out for me.