The Young and the Old



Proverbs 10:19 “When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.”

Proverbs 12:18 “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Proverbs 16:21 “The wise in heart are called discerning, and pleasant words promote instruction.”

Proverbs 17:27 “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.”

Ecclesiastes 5:2 “Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.”

Ecclesiastes 6:11 “The more the words, the less the meaning, and how does that profit anyone?”


One of the things that will begin to take place in these last days is a bond between the young and the old, what I see as – zeal and wisdom.


When I first got saved and joined a young people’s movement called Operation Mobilization I realized that we had tremendous zeal, but sometimes (many times) we did lack wisdom. It would have been great if we had ‘fathers’ of the faith to mentor us. The desire that many of us had was to latch on to anybody who had more experience and wisdom than us and try to learn all that we could. However, I found out early in life that not all older people had wisdom.


Today I see a desire with the coming together of the young and fathers for the glory of God and for the extension of the Kingdom of God. However, to bring about this unity of relationship there are several things that we need to keep in mind because misunderstanding can so easily come in and instead of the linking together we may be driven further apart.


We must seek to understand more than to be understood.  This is important for us ‘fathers’ especially with the youth of today, because we live in a technological age and a lot of communication is being done through texting, e-mails, Facebook, messenger, etc. This type of communication is through ‘words’ only. It is stated that most of our communication is through body language: our gestures, facial expressions and our tone of voice, and last on the list are the words that we speak.


To really understand each other one of the first things that we must do is suspend judgment. So often we are quick to judge someone by what they said because of our misunderstanding of it at the time, or because what we see or hear does not match up with our thinking. Suspending judgment gives us the ability to really focus on what the other person is saying, and what he actually means. Understanding one another does not mean that we automatically agree, but by understanding what the person is saying that he believes gives the opportunity to bring in biblical values.


We all have strong opinions and will have a natural human response to shout over one another to get across our point. We must allow love to be the motivation and then through our dialogue we will come to know one another better and form the relationship necessary to accomplish all that the Lord wants. I would think that one of the greatest examples of love is to be able to understand the other person.




By understanding the other person and finding ourselves not in total agreement gives us the opportunity to fine tune our own thinking. Do we have all truth? NO! Do we have all wisdom? NO! Are there things that we can learn? YES! When we realize this it gives us the opportunity to examine more carefully what the other person is saying and finding that certain things make sense. And when added to what we have already said it can make for a better understanding of our own thinking.


What do I mean by this? I bring forth my reasoning on a particular subject (whatever that might be) and the other person brings out things that oppose my reasoning.  However, when I understand what the other person is saying often I can find elements of truth in what he/she is saying. When taken and added to my own thought it tends to bring it into better focus.


One other aspect that I would like to add to this is ‘how we communicate.’ We need to keep in mind that we are mainly using words and the other essential parts of communication are left out such as facial expression, body language, etc.


When we are expressing our opinions, others reading it then express theirs and soon we find that the misunderstandings that cause disagreements come full steam ahead. I have found very few writers who have the ability through words to express the body language necessary to be fully understood. This is the reason why it is better, if possible, to speak face to face about important matters.


However, if it is impossible to speak face to face then it is of the utmost importance to take the time to understand the other person by asking the person to clarify words, statements, expressions and phrases that may communicate the wrong thing to you. This takes time, but we can endeavor to become better communicators and have the ability to understand for the glory of God.






Daily Devotional

Not everyone has the same “world view.” Some think with a ‘globalist’ view and others with a ‘biblical’ world view.


I did not graduate with a college degree, and I do not feel I am a very good writer, and that I speak that well compared to others. But I do understand that what we have here are two very opposite views that will never agree or unite.


I never built a commercial building until I was almost 50 years old. Today I can build 20-60 million dollar hotels in little more than a year. Some have been extremely challenging to do because they were only on ¾ of an acre, and others with supervisors failing because they were overwhelmed. On each of my projects I had men of different cultures and languages, and I had to work with some of the most difficult building departments of this world. I look at how I was able to get these hotels done on schedule and to the owner’s satisfaction? What comes to me is that when the “goal” is understood and agreed on you can overcome the differences of culture and language, building departments, and challenges with city and government officials.


In building anything, everyone must understand the goal before they come to work on the project, right down to the ones doing the cleanup. I don’t get involved with anyone that opposes the goal. They aren’t allowed to have any input on the project, or to work on it in any way because this would not be wise and constructive. If someone starts on the project and then tries to change the goal, they are removed. When problems arise on the job they are weighed and resolved by the goal. Sometimes the answers to the problems are not understood by everyone working on the project; it may not make sense to them at the moment because the answer/solution has a long range view.


The point is today we have two views: global world view and the biblical world view and they are totally opposite of each other. As long as the goal is different there will not be any real communication no matter how hard we try to understand or listen. It will always end up incompatible.


The globalist view for America is to remove the culture of old America, change the language, and remove our boarders. The biblical world view is to acknowledge that God helped our forefathers start this country and why it was started, and that it is God who blessed it because of the biblical world view she had, and that America will only temporarily overcome this enemy of globalism as long as we keep God in everything we do, and acknowledge Him in all our ways. The globalist view for America is to remove America’s unique goal of liberty and justice for all, and to remove the biblical foundation that made it work right.


Until there is the agreement on the world view that we should have as Americans – there will be no real communication. I do believe that the globalist view will win out because it will work to usher in the last anti-Christ that has the globalist view; he will work until all the nations of the world have the globalist view. But, this does not stop me from speaking against it and upholding the biblical world view.


Just some thoughts.

28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 28 – Principle #28

The United States Has a Manifest Destiny to Be an Example and a Blessing to the Entire Human Race.


John Adams said: “I always considered the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of the grand scene in design in Providence for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.”


This is quite a statement from one of our Founding Fathers, but like John Fisk said that the early arrivals to America “felt themselves to be instruments in accomplishing a kind of manifest destiny.” Their Exodus from Europe to this new land gave them a sense of mission, but it needs to be differentiated from the idea of racial superiority which brings out the idea of the role to conquer and rule.


John Adams mentioned that the mission was for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.” The words written by Emma Lazarus on the Statue of Liberty says it all: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”


Thomas Jefferson (referring to the freedom under the Constitution) said about America that it is “the world’s best hope.” In other words, Thomas Jefferson saw that America could be an example or the aim and imitation of other countries. Reading this it is important to understand that we live in a fallen world where sin and decay is always present, but God has given us principles to live by and when they are put into practice in a country we find that there is a measure of peace and safety as well as prosperity for the citizens. This is why I think these 28 principles are important for us to see and come back to before it is too late.


Men like John Adams and Alexander Hamilton often stressed the point that the “people of America have now the best opportunity and the greatest trust in their hands that Providence ever committed to so small a number.”


The Founding Father were scholars and they had studied every form of government up to their time and what they were putting together was something entirely different. They knew that they were moving in uncharted waters, but they also believed they were guided by Providence. In forming the Constitution and coming to a stalemate, it was Benjamin Franklin who said: “I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”


However, in closing this series on the 28 PRINCIPLES THAT HELPED BUILD AMERICA what do we have today in the 21st century? We have kicked God out of our public life and affairs; we have relegated the Bible to a book of fairy tales that have no use in public affairs; the oath used to include ‘so help me God,’ but that ‘help me God’ part is gone. We need to bring God back into our society and it starts with us as individuals and families, progressing into our communities, cities, states and our country.




I would like to close by saying that these same principles can help build America again. People ask me who I will vote for in the coming election, not only for the President of the U.S.A., but also the senators, congress people up for reelection, etc. My answer: those that exemplify these 28 principles the most.

Daily Devotional

I just saw a movie on the last days of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. There was one point in the movie that stood out to me, and that was when Sitting Bull was on the reservation and a young warrior called to him, “Father watch me hunt!” The young warrior took his rifle, got on his horse and went into the corral where a cow was released for him to shoot. The young warrior’s wife was so proud of him, but Sitting Bull just looked at it and thought about what was greater. The greater was when they hunted buffalo out in the open range, when they were free to go as they pleased. To Sitting Bull this was not a thing for a man to be proud of.


When the children of Israel had a leader named Solomon he built the great Temple of God and that was one of the wonders of the world in that time. When the children of Israel were removed off the land the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. Later when they were allowed to move back on their land, they rebuilt the Temple. It is said that the older men looked at the new Temple and were sad because they remembered the old Temple which was far greater.


Today old people are looked down upon for what they say, but it’s because they see what was greater in comparison to the lesser of today that the young people are so proud of.  When I was a young boy of eight years old I would get up Saturday mornings and mow the lawn. I did not have a power mower but a push mower. Once I was done I would take off and explore the open country between our house in Roseville and Folsom lake. At that time there was nothing built from Sunrise Blvd. to Folsom lake. I would be gone all day and knew that when I got home I was not going to get a time out but a knock out.


The lure of discovery in the open fields was worth the punishment when I got home. I used to ride with my family to Folsom Lake – not in a pick-up truck, not with seat belts and helmets, but in an open flatbed truck. I would swim the rapids of south fork of the American river without a life jacket. Because “fear” is being thrown at us everywhere we turn, we have little children crying with fear because they cannot get their seat belt buckled. Parents are afraid to allow their children out of their sight. Why? Because they’ve settled for the lessor and think that’s the best.


Today we have people who push a globalist view, and for them to do that – culture, language, and borders of nations must be removed. Globalism is not what our founding fathers fought for, and neither did our armies in World War I and II. The men that sacrificed their lives did not do so for globalism, but for American culture, language and strong borders.


So why do our leaders today push globalism and dishonor our military who risk their lives for the America we once were so proud of. The way to bring globalism into a nation you must bring one culture against another culture, remove the faith that a country started out with and replace it with many religions, re-write history books to confuse borders of the country, and dilute the common language to many languages to learn. To say the greater should move over for globalism is just plain evil.


I say the greater is not what is being displayed today and that is why I write and speak out. We are told in the Bible to keep to the ancient path: the greater.


I am not against any people’s group and will stand with anyone who is being put down because of their color or race, or being threatened because of their age or lifestyle. But I will not stand for our borders to be removed, or the old American way of our culture to be forgotten by our children, or for our language to be replaced with lesser forms of communication that have diluted America’s common language. When they use this ideology of globalism to break down our borders, culture and language – I will stand against this.


This is what was done to the American Indian, to the black Africans and now what is being pushed in America today with the globalist view that wants to remove our borders, remove our culture and dilute our language by getting us to believe that the lessor is greater.

28 Principles That Helped Build America – Chapter 27 – Principle #27

The Burden of Debt as Destructive to Freedom as Subjugation by Conquest


Benjamin Franklin said: “Think what you do when you run into debt; you give to another power over your liberty.”


The book of Proverbs tells us: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.”    Proverbs 22:7


In other words, one could say that slavery is either the result of conquest or the bondage of debt. Debt is borrowing against the future, which means payback will come with interest to the one who loaned the money to begin with.


The Founding Fathers knew that at times of crisis borrowing can be an honorable procedure, but they looked upon it as a temporary handicap that should be resolved at the earliest possible moment. The Founding Fathers from their own experience knew of the destructive force debt can have both on an individual as well as a nation.


For example, they knew that an individual in debt would often curtail his freedom as well as benumb his spirit to feel hesitant to seek a new location or a new profession and often passed up financial opportunities which a free man might risk.


There is also the sense of waste. The Founding Fathers saw it as money spent for pleasures or even needs that are long past, but still paying on. It is like a man who has to make payments on a dead horse. They considered frugality a virtue and even when borrowing in an emergency they wanted to pay back as promptly as possible. In other words, they recognized debt as a trap, even an evil.


Splurge borrowing to enjoy the luxury of extravagant living beyond one’s means was the worst kind of debt. They knew the snare that this brought in bringing the borrower into slavery. They also knew that keeping up with one’s neighbor – who was also going into debt in gaining extravagant things – was a great temptation. ‘Keeping up with the Jones’ as we would say today – is a great temptation.


Benjamin Franklin made his fortune through frugality and financial discipline. He said this: “But what madness must it be to one in debt for these superfluities! We are offered, by the terms of this vendue, six month’s credit; the net perhaps is induced some of us to attend it, because we cannot spare the ready money, and hope now to be fine without it. But, ah, think what you do when you run in debt; you give to another power over your liberty. You cannot pay at the time, you will be ashamed to see a creditor; he will be in fear when you speak to him; you will make poor pitiful sneaking excuses, and by degrees come to lose your veracity, rides upon debts back. And sink into face down right lying for, as poor Richard says, the second vice is lying, the first is running in debt. And again, to the same purpose, lying rides upon debts back. Where is a free born Englishman ought not to be ashamed or afraid to see or speak to any man living. But poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue: ‘Tis hard for empty bag to stand upright, as poor Richard says.’”


What did the Founding Fathers have to say about national debt? From their wisdom born out of experience they knew that the debts of the nation are no different than the debts of an individual. They also knew the time of crisis, like war or some other emergency could force a nation to borrow, but they also consider it of supreme importance to get out of debt as soon as possible in order to prosper. Thomas Jefferson said: “I, however, place economy among the first and most important of republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.”


Should we be passing on our debt to the next generation? Some believed that some debts incurred, like war debts could be passed on to the next generation since war was fought to maintain the independence and integrity of the nation. However, that was not the thought of the Founding Fathers because they believe that any debt incurred in their generation should be paid by their generation.


In our day we see how the national debt has exploded or skyrocketed at an astonishing level. The indebtedness has been accompanied by an explosion in the cost of government operations. The bigger the government the more the cost and government getting involved in our everyday life.


We have today what I call the “Hezekiah Principle.”


In 2 Kings 17-20 we see that Hezekiah is sick to death and the prophet Isaiah tells him to put his house in order. He prays and the Lord answers and gives him another 15 years of life. During that time, he shows the messengers from Babylon all his treasures, etc. and when Isaiah hears about it tells Hezekiah, “The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your fathers have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the Lord. And some of your descendants, your own flesh and blood, that will be born to you, will be taken away, and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.”


What was the response of Hezekiah? 2 Kings 20:19 “The word of the Lord you have spoken is good.” For he thought, ‘Will there not be peace and security in my lifetime?’”


He did not seem to be concerned about some of his own descendants that as long as there was peace in his own lifetime, he was satisfied.   This is the Hezekiah principle and this seems to be the attitude of the politicians we have today who borrow money and lay the burden of payment on our children and grandchildren.

Daily Devotional

When there is moral rot within a nation, that nation topples easily. When a nation rejects the Word of God, it will allow wickedness to run freely. It will have leaders that lead people down evil paths.


Remember, the heart reflects the real person, and out of the heart the mouth speaks. So listen carefully to what is being said today. This day calls for true wisdom from God.


This type of a nation will not stand with Israel for very long. They need to remember what God says, “As you have done to Israel, so it will be done to you. If you desert her I will desert you!” So be wise by opening your eyes to what is happening, and know that danger is coming; know what God would have you to do.


To change a nation with this type of rotting leadership will require people to take risks and stand up for the truth. Any nation that has wise leadership will be stable, people will once again rejoice and God’s children will flourish.


God asks those who questions Him about this? “Who are you that you would question My wisdom with such ignorance? Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? What answers do you have for the problems you face today?” Those who trust their own understanding are fools, and have become deceived by their pride.


Lord, I am nothing. On my own I can never find the answers to Your questions? Man talks like he knows so much and yet he knows nothing apart from You!

Daily Devotional

Proverbs 18:24   “A real friend sticks closer than a brother.”


In my Bible I have this marked by this Scripture, “Mine is my brother.”


Frank, I want to thank you for not only being my brother but my friend. Your spiritual DNA is throughout my life and runs into my children and even in my grandchildren.


Whenever I have needed prayer you and your helpmate are the first one to call and come over to pray. I enjoy our conversations about God’s Word as you both have sharpened me and spurred me on with God’s Word.


Frank, thank you for allowing me all those times to travel with you, for I got to see how you have touched people around the world.


I believe that “a righteous man plans his life, but it is God who directs his footsteps,” because I’ve seen it in your life. You are a man who has never owned very much, yet God has blessed you and Anneli, and anointed you with true riches that can not rust or fade away. People regard you as being very rich because of how you have always trusted in the Lord. Therefore all of your dreams that God has placed in your heart will come about. He is the One directing your footsteps.


Thank you for being my friend and my brother.

Daily Devotional

Today I write about my partner in life. I think back through our 43 years together and still today the things that always makes me happy, is when she smiles at me. Her smile is what I noticed the first time I saw her, and it was her smile that I noticed when she came down the aisle.


My partner is a capable woman, she is energetic, strong, and a hard worker. Her prayer for people runs into the night and is completed early in the morning. She is busy taking care of me and her family, and has always reached out to her neighbors and others. She is not a fearful woman, for she knows who holds her hand. She walks with strength and dignity, and laughs at what Satan says will happen. She is one of the wisest people I know, and her words to women are filled with wisdom and love. Her children bless her and praise her. Her beauty is not in what people think beauty is; her beauty lies in her love for her Lord and Savior. Because of who she is, I completely trust her. She is more valuable to me than riches, for she has greatly enriched my life.



Thank You Carol for saying, “Yes!”

Daily Devotional

Yesterday, I was very angry over all that I see taking place in this world. The killing spree of people in France, the coup of Turkey, England’s division. And all the emails, Facebook posts and news media about who matters more in America. I feel angry that the morality of this great nation is rotting away rapidly and that the people running for the office of presidency in America and leadership in California are unqualified.


So I took a walk with the Lord yesterday morning to talk to Him about my anger. Now some of you know that last Sunday I could not walk because of my hip, but the next day I could walk without pain. I want to thank again those who rallied to pray for me. When I started my walk yesterday I could not calm down even listening to praise songs. Then just before I got home I heard my Lord speak. He said, “Trust Me, delight yourself in Me, commit everything you do to Me, be still and wait for Me, don’t worry and stop being angry and losing your temper.” (Psalms 37)


I have taught my children that life is a choice, so I choose starting today – going forward – that I will write in my posts on Facebook and in my emails – a truthful blessing upon all of my family and friends. Starting today and continuing on each day until I have covered all of my Facebook family and friends, and all of my email family and friends – I will speak the truth over each of them as a blessing. So here is the first One, My best Friend:


This Friend on who I am starting with is my very best Friend. Why? I meet with this Friend who is closer than a brother, every single morning for our time together. I wake up between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. to be with Him for hours where we talk, laugh and cry. What makes this person so great to me is that this person does not judge me or condemn me even though He sees everything I do and hears everything I think and say. He defends me. He loves me when no one else can or will. He encourages me when I am down. He prays for me. Who is this person? My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


I asked Him a long time ago why He awakes me up so early in the morning since I need my rest so I can work all day. He answered, “I have been talking to you all day but this is the first time you have been still enough to listen.” Since then I do not care about what I have to do in the day and how much sleep I miss; for this is the best time of the day for me – with my best Friend. Someday I will speak face to face with Him, and will not need to read about Him in the Bible; for I will see the living Word of God face to face.


Dearest and closest Friend, thank You for loving me and forgiving all of my sins. Thank You for the great future You have for me. Thank You for saving all my children and grandchildren. Thank You that You are coming back and the things that make me so angry – will be gone and even forgotten – because You will reign on the earth and make all things new.


This is the day the Lord has made – it is my choice to rejoice and be glad in it!

Daily Devotional

For the last two weeks I have asked people on Facebook if they have an answer to the problems we are faced with today. Some have said it is not our place, it is up to our leaders and others. I have also heard it said from “black lives matter” people that because their house is on fire that their fire needs to be put out first. The truth is America’s whole house is on fire, and not just a certain group of Americans, and it will take all of us to put out the fire.


The arguments of today sound very logical, but the problem is not what people are arguing about. 


I am 66 years old and I lived through the 60’s, and America is more divided than ever. Until we realize that we are Americans first, then we are like what is said in the Bible, a divided nation. Matthew 12:25 says, “Any kingdom divided will fall.” Civil wars like we have been having is only weakening and destroying our nation, which is the plan of the devil. We are so divided that we don’t even care to know our neighbors, let alone help our neighbors. America’s families are hardly what they used to be. We’re so used to “dividing” that we can’t see where we are headed as a nation.  


As bad as it seems now, if America falls – the problems we now have will seem comparably small. So instead of all our complaining we need to show one another RESPECT: to show consideration.  Respect is simply given and not earned; trust is earned!  


I do not believe we will all agree, and we don’t need to all agree on everything; problems between people and groups will always arise, but we need to show respect regardless. This will provide the right atmosphere for solving problems and do what is best for ‘all’ people, not just one group.   


Problems will be different in each state, county, and town, but the people must come together and work through the problems respectfully. 


If you think it must be your way then you are the problem, not part of the solution. 


What will any American gain if America falls?  America is NOT what certain anti-American leaders and media say we are. They do not speak for true Americans! True Americans put America first, not one group over another which is causing more and more divisions.   


So my challenge is who will stand up and say “America first” and be willing to meet and talk about our town, county or country and do what we need to do in order to be a strong and blessed nation? The alternate is to get prepared for the complete fall of America with total chaos. There will be no future for our children or grandchildren if we keep going the way we are.