Daily Devotional

2 Peter 2:7 “Lot was a righteous man who was sick of the shameful immorality of wicked people around him – where he lived.”


“My burden for the United States of America” I want to apologize to all the family, friends and associates that are offended by what I’ve written concerning my understanding of what has happened to America.  But, I think it is necessary to understand why I believe the way I do, because we are NOT fighting against flesh and blood, but against rulers of the unseen world. These unseen rulers are the ones behind all of the changes in our land, behind the new policies, and behind our civil warring, and behind America’s destructive path – that I write about below.


The United States of America as it used to be – is gone; for we are not united by any means. For unity to return it would mean that the older generation has to die out. The older generation sees where America is headed and is not at all interested in supporting that in any way.  This ‘new’ America will be in the form of socialism with the government in complete control of every part of our lives; a government designed to ‘supposedly’ meet your needs; which God calls a “false god” because this is not what ‘government’ is supposed to do. These progressives of new America will teach all children their new thinking that sounds good but is pure evil. This mindset of new America is opposite of the thinking of the older generations who trusted in God.


It is my belief that for the progressive agenda to succeed it has to destroy the family unit, remove Jesus Christ from everything except cursing, and to remove God’s Word (the Bible).


The progressives with their agenda first needed to change what a true family is as God designed the family, which is the strength of any nation. They needed to replace a family by new ideas that come from the real enemy behind the progressive agenda. The best place to start this new thinking is in our schools, and teach our children at a very young age that they need to open up their minds to this new thinking of what a family is. Therefore, the Bible is no longer the source of truth on this subject.


Birth control and abortion has attacked the family, with Margaret Sanger in the 50’s and 60’s forming Planned Parenthood primarily to extinguish the black race. But, birth control and abortion has spread like a disease everywhere. Then came the sexual revolution in the 60’s with the younger generation coming against the older generation’s ‘morality’ so that they could continue living a lifestyle of no rules or consequences for sexual activities. They coined the idea that love is about sex.


The progressive leaders of our day came out of this moral breakdown of the true family which had always been the strength of America under God’s blessings. So they got to work removing God/Bible/prayer schools and from public places saying that it offends some people, which grew to offend more and more people under the influence of America’s real enemy and his cohorts. The real enemy didn’t want America’s children influenced by the teaching of the Bible and by openly praying to God, so schools were no longer allowed to teach the Bible, or to pray and now children are not even allowed to say the Pledge of Alliance to our flag in school because of the words: “one nation under God.”


Then the “progressives” went about taking away the rights of parents to discipline and teach their children the way God tells us to, and if we do not surrender to their thinking – we are threatened with arrest if we do what God tells us.


Then began the propaganda of making any wife/mother who stayed at home with her children to be regarded as “less” than what a woman is; that a real woman is one who can have a family and a career outside the home. Women began competing with men going after their leadership positions. The purity of marriage started breaking down with adultery and divorce. Adultery no longer a crime. Divorce no longer shameful. Women wanted to fight like men and were allowed into the military branches. Children being left for others to care of and teach. This caused a redefining of what a man or woman is, and led to unnatural mixtures with men acting like women and women acting like men, even men wanting to have sex with men and women with women; all unnatural and destructive. The victories of the real enemy in our lives.  Now children are growing up to think this is all right and good; going against their conscience, which comes from God, to harden them against godly conviction. Therefore, it’s all working to destroy the America God started with our founding fathers; a nation God wanted to use to bless people.


Then came the arrogant idea and humanistic teaching that man has the answers and solutions to everything in the world. A modern generation has grown up to think men working together in unity can come up with the solutions to anything happening in the world. (Tower of Babel all over again!) All this “progression” away from God has caused a spiraling effect of corruption, injustice, a holocaust of babies in the womb, bold sexual perversions brought before the eyes and ears of children, and the redefining of marriage, family and culture.


This new progressive thinking is not about the truth at all, and not about consequences for any wrong doing, and it’s not about helping people live the way they want either, but rather it is a growing society of people thinking self-centered thoughts all the time – influenced and led by the REAL enemy who has been working day and night to bring good old America down to her knees. These “progressive” teachers and leaders keep coming up with ideas, plans and policies that will allow their agenda of a “new” America to work for them.  But sadly, nothing will work for the good except God’s design for family and government.


This “progressive” thinking is simply setting up America, like all nations, to welcome in a despicable man that the real enemy will embody. He will slip in when least expected and take over by flattery and intrigue. With deceitful promises, he will make various alliances. He will become strong despite having only a handful of followers. He will distribute among his followers the plunder and wealth of others – something his predecessors had never done; but this will last for only a short while.


Do I believe we can turn America back? No! If we could then we would have to take over the schools and teach the children the truth according to God and get going sharing the Gospel of Jesus of Christ who is the Hope of all nations, and do it at any cost. We would have to stand as strong pillars in our society as to what a real marriage and family is all about. We would have to see godly mem taking over governmental positions. We would have to uphold righteousness in our personal lives as well as holding our own children to being responsible for truth and righteousness, and accountable for their bad choices. We would have to rally together in prayer to our God – asking Him to help us bring this nation back to Him. For this to be done it would take at least 50 – 60 years to bring about.


So what do we do then? I say get ready for judgment because this nation’s cup of inequity is full – according to God. The rotting of a nation starts from the head down. Study the Word of God so that you will understand what is to come and how to be prepared both spiritually and physically; how to teach your children and grandchildren so that they are trusting God and following through with what He wants them to do in their time – before our King comes to reign on the earth, just as He promised. The last kingdom of the earth – will be the everlasting Kingdom of God!


“As it is in heaven – it will be on the earth!” This is the truth, according to the Savior of the world: Jesus Christ – Son of the Living God and Creator of us all.



Abraham’s Journey of Faith – Part 1

Genesis 12 starts Abraham’s journey of faith with God’s call to him:


“Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”


Abram left his father’s home in obedience to God and with his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot and his household they set out on pilgrimage to the Promised Land of Canaan.


“The Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar there to the Lord, had had appeared to him.”


A famine came into the land and so Abram went down to Egypt to live there awhile. Abram became fearful – telling his wife to act as his sister not his wife. He told the Pharaoh that Sarai was his sister out of fear of the Pharaoh wanting to take such a beautiful woman into his house. So he instructed Sarai to go along with his lie, and she ended up in Pharaoh’s house as his wife. “God inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram’s wife.”


So Pharaoh found out that Sarai was Abram’s wife, but how he found out the Scripture does not say. He called Abram in to rebuke him and command him to go with his wife and all his belongings. Abram was humiliated by Pharaoh as he sent them all on their way with everything Pharaoh had given Abram for his offense with Sarai.


The result of Abram’s fear was cowardice in doing that which is right; that which of faith and not of fear.


What comes to me is the question: Have Christians in America (the Lord’s people) made decisions for their families based on fear of what they think the government will do to them if they stand up and speak the truth? Maybe all that has been happening in our land is because God’s people, for the most part, have been living in fear (lying to themselves) instead of living by faith in God, holding firm to the truth and speaking the truth on all occasions; afraid of what will happen to their physical life and possessions. Why not leave the results in God’s hands for our obedience and courage? Has the Lord’s church in America become like Abram and Sarai when they first started on their journey of faith?


I wonder what Abram was willing to see happen to his wife in the house of Pharaoh, as one more wife of the Pharaoh? Why does a man use his wife, or children, to protect himself from what he thinks ‘might’ happen, if not because of the lies of the devil to put fear in all of us?


Abram’s lie only humiliated him, but it caused a plague of infertility in the whole land and a disgust for the people of God, so that they were all glad to see Abram leave with everything that belonged to him. Is this what we have brought on America as well because we as God’s people have cowered down with fear and unbelief in our God?


Pregnancy being prevented – was the plague that came because of Abram’s fear. Marriage with infertility is not God’s design. Marriage and fertility IS God’s design, and if anyone or anyone’s plan of disobedience to God’s natural design – tries to come against God’s natural designs – bad things happen.


Of course, God was in control of this plague of infertility to put fear into the king because of taking another man’s wife into his house, but the devil can put fear in people also, but for an evil agenda. When God puts fear in us – it is for a very good purpose in our life; it will always have a good outcome to bless us. But when the devil puts fear in us – it is for evil; it will always have a bad outcome to hurt us and to harm others by what we do out of fear.


Here in America birth control and abortion is a plague in our land because the devil has been able to put fear in women and men: fear of not being financially capable of or emotionally qualified to raise a child or another child, fear of raising the child alone, fear of having a ‘not so perfect’ child, fear of what our kids do behind our backs, fear of ‘what will people think?’, etc. and I’m sure the devil has many more lies and schemes than I’ve mentioned.


When we live by fear instead of by faith in God and His Word, the result is not good: self-deception, sickness, distress, depression, paranoia, indifference, selfishness, unnecessary hardships, relationship problems and divisions, broken marriages, children confused and fearful, drug and alcohol addiction, suicide, crime, etc. (as if this wasn’t enough).


Abram feared man, instead of God in the early part of his journey, but God was still with him to raise him up to be exactly what God told Abram he’d be.


Job 28:28 “And to man God said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.’”


Daily Devotional

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke


For the last couple of months I have heard a lot and read a lot about how upsetting it is that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the only choices for president.


I am 66 years old now and I am telling you that this did not JUST happen but started some time back. For example: When I was in my early 30’s, Carol and I were the youth directors of the little church we belonged to. I was a deacon, taught Sunday school, and taught the youth. I had also just started a business and was working from 10 to 12 hours a day, and to top this off we had two little children nine months apart.



One day a couple came to our church and they received Jesus into their hearts. They were about the same age as us, and we would meet with them regularly. The man had a daughter who was a dance instructor and he wanted to build a dance studio for her. So one day he asked if I could come and help him install some trim. While I was working with him he said, “My friend who lives in Lincoln just got saved, and he is very depressed because of the witches that live all around him. My friend continued on and said that he and I needed to go over to this man’s property and cast out demons.” While he was talking – a voice said to me, “If you come here I will expose your deep sins that you do not want anyone to know about.”


I talked the man out of going to do what he felt the two of us should do, because of fear in what the voice said to me. There are men who are more than capable to lead this great country, but are afraid to stand up, because of a voice telling them that every secret sin in their lives will be exposed. Or, when they do start to lead and their sins are exposed they are quickly judged and condemned by self-righteous people with a code of behavior, saying, “Look at the way he lives his life, and the things he says, and he calls himself a Christian!”


A man who is not afraid of the voice telling him he will be exposed, and moves forward with what he believes he is to do – is a leader that I will support. Because Jesus said “He who is without sin let him cast the first stone.”  No one is perfect in all that we do, and we all say things that we later regret saying.


So what do we do about the choices we have in this election, nothing? Or, do we stand up and let the little condemning voice say whatever it wants to say, and move forward with the will of God. The truth is that we are all sinners, and no one wants his or her secret sins exposed. But when we are not afraid to be exposed for our past sins – we are free to move forward – leaving our enemies to God; those enemies who are determined to expose our sins and discredit us from doing anything for God’s good purpose.  God uses anyone He chooses to accomplish His will.


I want to say to all my friends and associates who are so fearful about this upcoming election: My God is the living God, and He will accomplish all that He said He would. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His rule will never end. He will perform miraculous sign and wonders in the coming days in the heavens on earth. He will rescue His children at just the right time.


Therefore, His children will not fear the bad news that just keeps coming, for they are confident in their Father’s promises to them, and they are fearless to push forward in the will of their God – no matter what. They will share and give generously to those who are in need. They will have influence and honor, and the wicked will see all of this and be infuriated; threatened that their wicked plans will be held up, and their evil desires frustrated. So we must not be afraid of “exposure” but leave it in God’s hands who has accepted His Son’s blood covering all our sin; past, present and future. We must not let our human imperfections stop us from doing the will of God. God is looking at what HE can accomplish through each of us as we allow Him to.

Machine Gun Preacher

Mike and I watched the movie Machine Gun Preacher, a true story about a messed up angry abusive man who surrendered his life to Jesus Christ and how that led him in a mission that not many Christian men would even consider.


Sam Childers, a former alcohol and drug using gang biker turned into a preacher defending South Sudanese orphans. The film tells the story of Childers and his efforts to save the children of South Sudan in collaboration with the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) against the atrocities of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).


What came out to me is how he went from being an evil man himself to a new man in Christ, and how the Lord used his flaws against the atrocities of the LRA devils who force children into their army by ways that would make you and I want to do exactly what Sam Childers did in righteous anger. This man gave all he had: his money, his business, and even gave up being with his wife and daughter to do what God put on his heart to do there. Sam Childers still leads armed raids to rescue children from the LRA.


I would consider Sam Childers and men like him – true heroes of the faith; men that actually practice what they preach. What made Childers so very angry was when he went into American churches for financial help only to find apathy with the people. But, now there is a growing support for what he is doing. The man in the movie who played Sam’s best friend before and after Sam’s conversion, works with the real Sam Childers and spreads the vision of Sam Childers.


Men like this are not the only ones who are true heroes of the faith. There are heroes we rarely hear of that fight against the “principalities of the air.” These spirit demons are the ones that are controlling human beings, cities and governments at all levels. These heroes spend hours each day fighting the real enemies in the land.


“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:11-13


They fight against the devil and his demonic cohorts who are in control of evil men that have formed armies like Hitler’s, Al Qaeda’s, LRA, or even the BLM in our nation pillaging and killing as they please. These prayer warriors are heroes too as they live their day to day lives in continually warfare prayer. A good movie to see about these kind of heroes is “The War Room.” This movie was about a broken marriage that was healed and the family united in Christ to become God’s vessel in helping others going through the same trouble and suffering in the same way. Whatever ‘we were’ before the Lord set us free and healed us – becomes our mission in helping and freeing others. Some have more responsibility than others, but God makes all His sons and daughters responsible in some way for setting captives free.


Jesus said of Himself: “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19


And as His servants, those that He has set free, we have been given the same ministry to set captives free both spiritually and physically. Free men – free other men. A captive is anyone who is kept from the truth of Jesus Christ, kept from becoming whom God created them to be, kept from living the life that Jesus Christ died to give us: the abundant life of God’s eternal life; the life that overcomes sin, evil and even death. Thank You Jesus for all that You have done for us that we could never do for ourselves!


Childers was a hostile man who hurt people before he surrendered his life to Christ. God used that ‘hostility’ about him, but in a ‘good’ way – against the LRA. God doesn’t waste anything about us; He knows how to use everything for His GOOD purpose. God taught Childers how to guard his new heart from God and how to use his anger in the ‘right’ way, God’s way.


The devil and his cohorts are lying to Christian men about their masculinity and to women about their femininity. God designed both for a very good purpose on earth, but we see how men have become like women and women have become like men – but not in ‘good’ ways at all.


God listens to His prayer warriors who live before Him day and night. He answers the prayers of the humble who uphold those that the Lord is seeking to set free and bless. God rewards them because they eagerly seek after Him, believing that He exists in all the ways that HE SAYS HE DOES and that we can see in all the various accounts in the Bible.


I’ll bet Sam Childer’s wife leads a strong prayer ministry in her church for her husband in the work God called him to, supporting him in every way they can. They are both true heroes of the faith, in God’s eyes, and in mine.

Daily Devotional

Are you a free person or a slave, and do you know the difference? When God delivered the Israelites from slavery He told Moses, “I am not going to lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that is the shortest route to the Promised Land because these people when faced with a battle, will change their minds and want return to the land where they were slaves.”


What you do when faced with fear will determine your freedom or slavery. If your first response is to say, “I wish for the good old days when I did not have this problem” then you will not see how to be free during the problem; to allow fear to enslave you again. What a free person says when faced with fear is, “Your road Lord will lead me through adversity, and You will provide a pathway through the mighty waters of troubles, a pathway I did not know was there!”


God’s children need to think like free people, then our choices and actions will set other people free. Free men free other men. So stay calm – trusting in the Word of the Lord, and He will reveal the pathway to you, and light the way.



The Wise Man – Part 4 – Character

Proverbs 19:2 “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.”


Proverbs 13:16 “Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly.”


Proverbs 14:8 “The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.”


Proverbs 12:23 “A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out folly.”


Proverbs 15:2 “The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.”


Hebrews chapter 12:2 tells us that we should fix our eyes on Jesus because He is the author and the finisher of our faith. When it comes to the character of a wise man there is no better example than Jesus Christ Himself when He walked on this earth as a man.


Jesus was a cautious man in the sense that He was not rash in what He was doing. He knew His Father’s will and that His steps were measured to fulfill the destiny that His Father had for Him. Because of this He did not miss the way and on the cross His final words were: “It is finished.”


We are told in Proverbs 13:16 “Every prudent man acts out of knowledge, but a fool exposes his folly.” This is a wise man who thinks before he acts and before he speaks. How often our tongues get us into trouble, not only in what we say, but also what we write. Today with the Internet what we say and write can very quickly become public.


When I look at the life of Christ here on earth I see a person who waited before speaking and when He did speak it astounded the audience that was listening. When He was asked if we should pay taxes to Caesar, what was His answer? He took time and said: “Show me a coin” and then He asked: “Whose inscription is on it?” and the answer was: “Caesar’s.” So He said: “Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” What an answer!


Or take the example when they dragged a sinful womab to Jesus and said that according to the law of Moses such a person should be stoned. What did Jesus do? He did not answer immediately, but took His time, stooped down and wrote something in the sand, and then He said: “He who is without sin let him cast the first stone.” I believe that the reason Jesus took time before answering was to allow His Heavenly Father to give Him the answer. We too need to be slow to speak and quick to listen.


Another example is that the wise man is patient and this is seen in his forgiveness. Like Proverbs says: “A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.”  Proverbs 19:11


Today we see how easily our so-called wise men become offended and vindictive. Just take a look at our politics today and you see what I mean.


Lastly, according to Proverbs the wise man is concerned about goodwill and peace among men and he works towards that goal.  Proverbs 14:9 “Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright.” We read that when Jesus was born there was a host of angels who said to the shepherds: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:13-14


To me the distinguishing mark of Christ, and I believe the distinguishing mark of a wise man in the book of Proverbs is that he is a man who pursues peace and goodwill towards his fellow man. And we desperately need wise men today.

The Wise Man – Part 3 – His Character

Proverbs 15:33 “The fear of the Lord teaches a man wisdom, and humility comes before honor. “

Proverbs 17:27 “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.”

Proverbs 29:8 “Mockers stir up a city, but wise men turn away anger.”

Proverbs 29:11 “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control.”


According to the book of Proverbs the wise man is one of impeccable character exemplified by the life of Christ that we read about in the Gospels. God is wanting to form us into the image of His Son. One of the most prominent characteristics of Christ is His humility. We read in Philippians 2 that “though being the very nature of God he did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing; being made in the very nature of the servant; being made in the likeness of man He humbled Himself.”


How different from what we see today with the so-called wise men as they seek recognition in what they have achieved or done for the Lord. Jesus humbled himself and because of that he has been highly glorified and honored.


Another aspect of Christ and a wise man according to the book of Proverbs is that he is a self-controlled person. “A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control. “ “A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.” How often in the heat of the battle or crisis the tendency is to lose our calm and we use words that we wish we could take back, but they have already gone out and have done the damage.


A wise man in the midst of the storms of life will not be a man of anxiety and confusion, but a man who has a calmness and peace around him. Why? Because his life is rooted in the fact of who God is. We see this with Jesus, as a man, walking here on earth in the midst of the accusations and going to the cross. We see Him as a man who has a tremendous calmness around Him and being able to say: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”


Also remember what He said to the disciple that He loved as well as his mother:  “Dear woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” (John 19:26-27) The influence that we can have is to have the same calmness in the midst of the confusion, shaking or terror that is gripping our nation as well as our world.


We are told to “be angry but sin not.” We do see the need for anger when it comes to some of the things that we see being done today. It is not an anger against a person, but an anger against ideas, philosophies and satanic bondage that is holding many in captivity. Jesus was calm, but when He walked into the temple and saw the money changers and what was being done we see a righteous anger bubbling up within Him when He saw the house of God being turned into something that was completely contrary to God’s ways.


Yes, a wise man, according to Proverbs, will not only be humble, but self-controlled. May God work these attributes into all of us!

Daily Devotional

This morning while reading Exodus chapter 1 this verse stood out to me:  “We must make a plan to remove the threat of Israel turning against us.” So the question came to me: How to eliminate the threat of a certain people today and do it in such a way that is seems right to everyone?  You slowly take what belongs to them and the freedom to become whatever they want to be, and then begin to kill off their children, today it is by abortion.


Today we see people carrying signs that say, “Black Lives Matter,” so let’s go back in history and see why. Who kept the black’s slaves before Lincoln liberated them? And, who made it legal to kill black’s babies in the womb? Both answers are the same, the Democrat party, one especially named Margaret Sanger founder of birth control/abortion and Planned Parenthood, who is honored by Hillary Clinton.  So why would black lives want to keep going down this wicked path? Remember that when a slave is given everything he needs, he will remain a slave, for it removes ambition from him.


So how can we help black lives? First help them become free from the ongoing sophisticated slavery under the Democrat party. This sounds simple, but it is not, because when people become free and then hard times come they will naturally want to go back to slavery where they at least had their needs met, just like the children of Israel in the desert as Moses led them out of slavery. Second we must stop killing babies in the womb, and allow these little ones to come into the world free and ambitious.


So where are the signs that say, “Babies Lives Matter”?  


Daily Devotional

I have been thinking a lot about this great country of ours, and have come to the following conclusions. We are no longer united, and why? It appears that the older generation is more conservative than the younger generation. The older generation worked with their hands to make things and grow things, etc., while the new generation works with their hands on computers and phones. The older generation never thought about what the government owed them, but rather what good could come from their hard work. The new generation lists all of the demands they think they are entitled to, but never understanding that all of their entitlements have a lot of cost to others.


As most of you know I am a builder, therefore I will put this into an analogy of a building and what I see happening in America. Today we have two things affecting the structure (America) that is eating away from the stability of the building: termites and dry rot. Interesting that neither of them do any damage to concrete, but just the structure above the foundation. How does one know that he has a problem with dry rot or termites? They will begin to notice some signs, cracks in the sheetrock, doors and windows do not open and close properly, floors become uneven. If the termites and dry rot is not removed the building will collapse on the foundation. It is foolishness to think that we can change the foundation to correct the problem.


In America this new thinking about what everyone is entitled to is causing the structure of America to collapse. How do we know this? Just look at the signs. We have cracks in our walls; America is not protected as it should be. Inter-structure of roads, bridges, levees, etc. do not operate like they used to. All of a sudden the structure that used to be level is twisted and warped (immorality, anger, violence in our cities) and falling down. The thinking today is not to remove what has been damaged and what has caused the damage, but rather go after the very foundation itself and remove it. They think that if they can change the foundation this will correct all of the problems of the structure.


Just some thoughts



The Mark of the Beast

Went to see the movie Snowden with my honey, and was amazed to see how a government (or any excellent hacker) can find out anything about anybody anywhere and at any time. At the end of the movie – Snowden said that ‘cyber mass surveillance’ isn’t about what government leaders want you to believe it’s about: finding terrorists and preventing terrorist’s plans from succeeding; but rather about economic and social CONTROL. Snowden revealed that in America under Obama there was far more of this surveilling going on than in any other nation. This was why he did what he did in exposing it over ‘world media,’ and why he’s considered a hero by so many, instead of a traitor.


Mike and I have mixed feelings about cyber mass surveillance. On one hand, it makes good sense to use this system to expose and capture terrorists and their bases in America, or in any country. If you are innocent – why should you care if they hack into your emails, Facebook page, twitter, etc. and all web-paths you travel? They’re only after terrorists and criminals – right?


But, on the other hand we know (by what is revealed in God’s Word) that right before Jesus Christ returns – the whole world will be under the control of the last anti-Christ with his prophet and beast, and where all people will be required to take what is called the “mark of the beast” into either their hand or forehead. What is the real purpose for this? Is it only to protect our personal identity, wealth and social life – like we’ll be told? Or, is there more to it?


We see how close we are to this mark in the flesh because of how the existing system has too many ways for evildoers to take what they want from anyone, and to use what they find – against you. So to have this thing implanted in people sounds sensible and practical, right? But, it’s only half the truth; the real reason for this is a secret of God’s number one enemy (Satan) in order to bring all people in the world under his control. Another conspiracy theory? It’s not just theory – it’s a fact. Read what God has to say about it in His Word. God doesn’t hide truth from those who seek the truth for the right reasons.


There’s been many anti-Christs throughout the history of man, as seen in evil men and women doing the will of the evil one who rebels against the will of the Holy One. When God kicked His most powerful and beautiful angel out of Heaven for usurping authority that God didn’t give him – Lucifer became God’s number one enemy. The devil took one-third of God’s angels with him. Anything or anyone that God favors or loves – Satan hates with a vengeance. Does God love you? Does He favor you?


The last Anti-Christ will be Satan himself entering a prepared human vessel for world dominance (“globalism”) with his mandatory “mark” in the flesh of every human being. This man or child in whom the devil will fully possess is probably alive today. Just as Jesus came into the world as a child and then at the time of His 3 year ministry God’s Spirit of power and authority came upon Him (when baptized by John the prophet), a similar way takes place for Satan to come into his full strength of purpose as the last Anti-Christ with his prophet preparing his way and his mark on all his followers. When anyone comes to Jesus Christ to be forgiven and born again – they receive the seal of the Holy Spirit; a deposit guaranteeing that they will receive all that Christ promised them. But as we read in the Word of God Satan’s reign is cut short to 3 years or 3 ½ years for the sake of God’s elect on the earth at that time; for them it will be horrible to live in this time not taking the mark of the beast; not being able to buy what they’ve been able to buy before or sell anything – without the devil’s mark. Satan is the counterfeit savior of the world, but the world will see him as their hope for peace and prosperity.


This “mark” is Satan’s branding of humans to control the world for his evil agenda. Satan, with his army, is planning to stand against the Return of the LORD when our King of Glory rides in with His undefeatable army. In the Lord’s army at this time – there will be no casualties! But in Satan’s army there will be total death. Here is what is going to happen whether you believe it or not:


“I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice He judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following Him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. ‘He will rule them with an iron scepter.’ He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh He has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, ‘Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.’ Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and His army. But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the Rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh. And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.” Revelation 19 and 20


Those who follow along with the devil’s deceptive ways will also follow him into everlasting torment on the Day God condemns Satan to everlasting torment.


Without this “mark” you will not be able to buy or sell. But, God tells people to trust in Him instead of this system of the beast; to turn their life over to Him and He will not fail you. Satan is a liar and God has given him the name “father of lies.” Do not be deceived. Come to Jesus and be filled with His Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth and shows us how to be prepared with our families for what is coming that Jesus said was coming.


Satan knows the Son of God is coming again, but not as the sacrificial Lamb of God, but as the conquering King, and the devil is gearing up for this last battle on the earth between good and evil. But if you know your Scriptures (the Word of God) then you know how this battle ends, and how our heavenly Father brings all evil to its end with the second coming of His Beloved Son: Faithful and True. Choose who want to follow into life after death because there are only two places prepared by God: Heaven and Hell.


As I was out praying and talking to my heavenly Father about the movie – I had to PRAISE HIM because of who HE IS. God doesn’t need a top notch sophisticated hacker like Snowden to know anything about anyone anywhere at any time. God Himself is omniscient, and HE IS FOR US – NOT AGAINST US.


God’s omniscience: This term refers to the all-knowing nature of God. Webster defines it as “the quality of knowing all things at once; universal knowledge; knowledge unbounded or infinite.” He knows our very thoughts, our feelings, our desires and our needs; for He created us. He knows our words before we say them and he knows our thoughts before we think them. He knows all of our ways. In fact, God even knew us before we were born; even before the whole creation – He knew us and planned our time of birth and death; even working between our birth and death that we come to the truth and put our faith in the gospel of His Son. We have no secrets before Almighty God. God possesses all knowledge and wisdom about everything and that knowledge and wisdom of His is all in all. He knows the thoughts of every human being all at once. He knows everything about everybody all the time, down to the most intimate (and shameful) detail. He knows the future we have chosen; where our choices in the life will end us up.


Satan imitates God so that people will follow his destructive ways instead of God’s wonderful ways. Satan’s imitation of God’s omniscience is in using man’s increasing knowledge of technology and digital communication (cyber-space) so that he can know what we are doing, saying and planning. The only thing he can NOT know, that God alone knows, is our secret thoughts and spiritual relationship with our Savior and Lord. This God protects and keeps from Satan. Satan can take our physical life (if God allows it), but if our life is hidden in Christ Jesus, Satan has no power over our life or death. He only has the power we give over to him.


God has given us each a free-will to choose what to think and believe, what to plan and do, where to go and work, who to love and hate, etc., but along with that freedom comes consequences for our choices in life. When we make right choices – we reap the benefits of righteousness. When we make wrong choices – we reap the hardships of wickedness.


My husband taught our children this: A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. A fool learns from his own mistakes. But an idiot never learns.


But God in His love for each and every human being has made it so that no one is denied the knowledge of His grace in bringing us the truth and to the Gospel of His beloved Son. No one will stand before Him with an excuse of not having been called, more than once, by the Holy Spirit when in hearing what Jesus did for them on the Cross of Calvary. No one. But, as the Apostle Paul stated: “Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing (bent on following the liar). The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see ‘the light’ of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:3


Satan keeps his secret from all his followers of his everlasting torment and also for those who reject God’s Son. He covers this truth with lies about this life, and life after death. Listen to all the false religions tell you what they believe they must do to please God and what happens to them in death. They all have a different story. But there’s only one truth, and it’s God’s Word about it. Our Creator is also our Judge before Whom we will all stand and give an account of our choices in the life He gave us.


God tells us the truth about life, death, eternity and even the plans of Satan against the human race, and all because He loves us and doesn’t want anyone to depart from this life into everlasting torment – eternally separated from Him and all that is good and holy.