
Quote from Governor William Bradford (American History):
“Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand that made all things of nothing and gives being to all things that are; and as one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation; let the glorious name of Jehovah have all praise.”


Proverbs 2:20 “Follow the steps of good men.”

Letter to our President and Vice-President

Dear President Trump and Vice President Pence,


This letter is full of praise unto our God and is why we want to:


Thank you for your personal sacrifices on behalf of true Americans; legal law-abiding patriots; those who love and uphold our good Constitution and who live here as Americans. Thank you!


Thank you for upholding America’s sovereignty from God.


Thank you for seeing the truth and exposing the media.


Thank you for being a good listener and team player.


Thank you for honoring people of integrity, faith and competence.


Thank you for exposing evil opposition that you become aware of.


Thank you for taking a strong stand against the anti-America agenda of progressives and elites.


Thank you for disallowing our taxes to fund the shedding of innocent blood (abortion).


Thank you for supporting the traditional family as God designed.


Thank you for caring how our taxes are misused.


Thank you for honoring our veterans in practical ways.


Thank you for boldly and courageously going after ISIS.


Thank you for bringing to justice those who have broken our standing immigration laws.


Thank you for standing up to lawlessness to defund sanctuary cities and states.


Thank you for disallowing illegals to get financial assistance or benefits for breaking the laws of our land.


Thank you for supporting and defending Israel.


Thank you for working for America’s good future; coming against our enemies and globalism.


Thank you for bringing back our free markets and removing unnecessary restrictions and taxes that have been forced on small businesses.


Thank you for freeing industries of our own natural resources within our own land; seeing that what God has put in this land ‘naturally’ is for our good and for providing others with outside our nation, with exports.


Thank you for supporting corporations and for respecting and honoring those who become wealthy and wise by the hard work of their own hands and by choosing people of skill and integrity into their businesses; thank you for seeing how jobs are created.


Thank you for going after dishonest people taking advantage of our welfare system illegally.


Thank you for your wisdom with fair trading.


Thank you for strengthening our military and law enforcement.


Thank you for knowing why “the wall” needs to be built, and not letting anyone change your mind.


Thank you for cutting out unnecessary paid positions in our government.


Thank you for working to defund special interest groups.


Thank you for seeing how our infrastructure has been ignored far too long. Thank you for putting America first so that Americans can help others in their time of need. This is wisdom from above.


Thank you for protecting the rights of parents to choose where their children are educated and with what their children are educated. Thank you for honoring home-school and private schools.


Thank you for protecting our rights to worship God peacefully and to talk about God and Bible openly without fear.


Thank you for standing up for TRUE justice in America with the law and order of our good Constitution; for bringing in righteous justices with God’s heart and mind.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Our family is praying for you and all your family, and for Vice president Pence and his family also. What a team you both make! We know that as long as you are America’s president and vice-president you will all have hateful hostile groups working against your administration. We see the battle here that you are all in and we want you to know that we are standing with you all the way until you have completed what God put you in office to do. God heard our prayers before the election, and He will continue to hear and answer our prayers of agreement all through your terms of office.


We constantly watch Fox News and Sean Spicer’s briefings to hear what you are doing and to know how we need to pray for you and this new administration. It’s an honor and privilege to do so. Much is on the line for America’s near future. Our nation’s sovereignty is from God, not man, and so we will continue to call on God for His protection and provision over this land as it heals and increases its good potential. We are grateful to God for calling you into this position and giving you the insight and courage for what needs to be done.



America vs. Globalism – Chapter 10 – Word of God

Mark 6:2-3 “When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. ‘Where did this man get these things?’ they asked. ‘What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?’ And they took offense at him.”


They, the people, were amazed at Jesus’s teaching but they took offense at Him. They completely missed the truth and work of Christ before them. In verse six we see that Jesus was amazed at their lack of faith and he could not do many mighty miracles because of it.


It is amazing to see the unbelief that is in the church today. I was thinking the other day that when I have my morning devotions, my quiet time in the Word, that I am actually holding in my hands the ‘very Word of God.’ 


We know that His Word is flawless and we can trust it because God is not a man that He should lie, but He is the truth; His Word is Truth. So, when we read His Word and we see His great promises and how past generations took these promises to heart and acted on them, we see how the Lord did great things. The result was that the people marveled and gave glory to the Lord.


It was in 1963 Seville, Spain that I came to realize more powerfully the importance of the Word of God for direction in my own life. I had joined a new youth movement called Operation Mobilization for the summer and worked in the land of Spain. I was only going for the summer and then would come back to America to finish my education and become a pastor.


However, during the time in Spain the Lord was speaking to me powerfully through His Word, as well as through the experience of working in a foreign land. The question often in my mind was: should I stay on in Operation Mobilization or go back to the USA and pursue my studies. Word had just come that a team would be sent to India the following fall and it ‘grabbed’ my attention. So I prayed about it – waiting on the Word from God.


It was during this time of decision on whether to stay in OM or to go back to school in the USA that I was reading Nehemiah 6:2-3: “That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, ‘Come, let us meet together in one of the villages in the plain of Ono.’ But they thought to do me mischief. And I sent messengers unto them, saying, ‘I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?’”


It was the latter part of that verse that really spoke to me. God was using me in Spain, but more than that He was doing a great work in my own heart and this verse jumped out at me and gave me the answer on whether to stay or leave. My decision was to stay! Looking back after all of these years – did I make the right decision? I would have to say “YES!” Yes, I did! It was the Word of God that spoke clearly and directed my way.


Many years later I was the director of OM’s ship the M/V Doulos in Latin America. We had sailed to Mexico and down the East coast of Latin America – mainly Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, where we saw a tremendous response to the message of missions, books going out and young people wanting to join the ministry.


The OM leadership as well as the ship leadership, decided that after visiting Europe the ship should return to Latin America, proceed through the Panama Canal and go down the East coast of Latin America, sail through the Magellan Straits and then on to Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil before heading back to Europe and continuing out to Asia.


Two things happened that we did not count on. First, war broke out between Argentina and Great Britain over the Falkland (Malvina) Islands and we did not know what to expect and what would happen to the 50 or so British citizens that we had on the ship. Secondly, the economic situation in Latin America had deteriorated drastically and left the ship in a desperate financial state. So again, what should we do?


I called the department heads of the ship together, explained the problem that we faced and asked for their advice. They all felt that we should turn the ship around and go back to where we had come from, but they left the final decision up to me. What should we do – go on or turn back, I asked the Lord. I knew that if we turned back we would miss two key countries – Argentina and Brazil, but the way ahead looked impossible.


Again, having my morning devotions with God’s Word along with praying over the situation, I read the same passage in Nehemiah and again the words jumped out to me, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?” God spoke to me, and told me to go on and just trust Him, and this is what we did. God worked in miraculous ways and we saw a great response.


The reason why I give these two examples is to show that God’s Word is “quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12


Over these many years of being in the ministry, the Word of God with His true and trustworthy promises therein, kept me going!


Remember, God is NOT a man that He should lie. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. We will find that when we take the Rhema Word He gives us, and then we faithfully act upon it, our most holy faith in God grows.







We, God’s children, need to know how our enemies will attack anyone who stands up against them. How our enemies attack have been the same throughout history. We can look in the Bible and see what their plans are and how they tried to carry them out, sometimes successfully and sometimes not, depending on God’s will at the time, and depending on the faith and confidence of God’s people.


Today Donald Trump is carrying out biblical principles (in our Constitution) and look at all the attacks he’s received. Any leader (king, president) who humbles himself with the Lord, and receives from the Lord a personal assignment in a leadership role will have enemies against him. Evil leaders will not want to give up their control over the people. In the book of Nehemiah we see how evil comes against a servant of the Lord who has committed himself to doing the will of the Lord.


How the enemy will attack:

  • Scoffing/mocking
  • Intimidation/threat
  • Physical harm and destruction
  • Bringing confusion by questioning everything; power of suggestion
  • Slander/spreading of rumors
  • Gaining leadership positions around you to over-rule you
  • Infiltrate our places of worship:
    • With influence of compromise and self-justification for sin (these two go together: self-justification and compromise; for not obeying the Lord.)
  • Destroying godly families:
    • Abortion
    • Family unit (of a married man and woman)
    • Marrying unbelievers
    • Fear of disciplining their children the way God says to
    • Down play the role of the wife and mother
    • Making ‘absent’ fathers; irresponsible and self-serving
    • Making ‘present’ fathers in the home afraid to lead in the way God tells them to


So how do we fight the enemy?:

  • Repentance; accepting personal responsibility – accountable to God
  • Prayer; calling on the Lord for His strength and confidence in His Word
  • Armed with our sword of His Spirit (the word of God)
  • Remember that He is on the side of righteousness, not wickedness
  • Be prepared; not caught unaware of the schemes of our enemies
  • Love in the way God compels us to love
  • Do not partner or meet with wolves in sheep’s clothing
  • Keep to the path; for we are doing God’s work, not our own
  • Understand ‘without fear’ that when the enemy sees that they cannot intimidate or stop you – their anger and hostility will increase; that they will be fighting against God, unsuccessfully
  • Do not submit to wicked laws that oppose God’s laws – found in God’s Word
  • Build strong godly families who know the Lord personally
  • Do not allow an evil foothold into our places of worship; home and corporate worship
  • Remove anything in our lives that grieves God’s Holy Spirit and tests God’s patience


End result, our enemies will become frightened and humiliated; fighting each other instead.



Keep praying for our new administration with President Trump and Vice-president Pence

“If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.” 2 Chronicles 7:14-15


Did God have the right to lead our founders here to live in this land? Did God have the right to lead Israel out of Egypt from being slaves of the Egyptians four hundred years, and onto a land where other groups/races/tribes lived (Canaan) and to instruct the Israelites to take control of it by physical force? God gave promises with His instructions.


Where in the Bible do we find our American founders being led by God’s call of pilgrimage to this land we call America? It is not found in the Bible. Does the fact that America is not listed in the Bible make our founding illegitimate and criminal, and not binding with God?


American Pilgrim: one of the people who traveled by boat from England and created the first permanent settlement in New England at Plymouth in 1620. The core of the group that came to be known as the Pilgrims were brought together between 1586 and 1605 by a common belief in the ideas promoted by Richard Clyfton, a Brownist parson at All Saints’ Parish Church in Babworth, near East Retford, Nottinghamshire. The congregation held “Separatists” beliefs that differed with the Church in England (Rome’s Catholicism), organized independently of the trappings, traditions, and organization of a ‘central’ church governing over the land. But, the Puritan group maintained their ‘membership’ in and ‘allegiance’ to the Church in England; unlike the Separatists. The Separatists opposed the law of the land (1559 Act of Uniformity) that it was illegal NOT to attend the official Church of England services, unless the church was a signatory to the allegiance to the Church of England, as the Puritan church was. To break this law meant a fine for each missed Sunday and holy day of theirs. The penalties for conducting unofficial services (such as the Separatists did) included imprisonment and larger fines. Under this policy at this time, two men (Barrowe and Greenwood) were executed for sedition in 1593.


One of our founders, William Bradford, kept a journal of the congregation’s events that later was published as “Of Plymouth Plantation.” Of this time he wrote:


“But after these things they could not long continue in any peaceable condition, but were hunted & persecuted on every side, so as their former afflictions were but as flea-bitings in comparison of these which now came upon them. For some were taken & clapt up in prison, others had their houses besett & watcht night and day, & hardly escaped their hands; and ye most were faine to flie & leave their howses & habitations, and the means of their livelehood.”


The Separatists valuing peace & their spiritual comfort above any other riches whatsoever – first found (after fleeing the land controlled by the Church of false worship) that living in the Netherlands was a land whose culture and language were strange and difficult for this English congregation to understand or learn. They found the Dutch morals much too liberal, and their children were becoming more and more Dutch as the years passed. The congregation came to believe that they faced eventual extinction if they remained there.


William Bradford also notes the discouragements of the hard life which they had in the Netherlands, and the hope of attracting others in finding a better and easier place of living; for the children of the group were being drawn away by evil examples into extravagance and dangerous courses. Their great hope in departure was for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in remote parts of the world. It was important to them to retain their identity, culture and language. At the same time, there were many uncertainties (bad reports and fears) about moving to such “a place” as America.


(This was all taken from American history links.)


So, did God lead His people (the Separatists) to the land we call America?


Now, about 250 years later, what do we have? We ‘had’ a president that said “America is no longer a Christian nation.” What happened? Where was God and His people all this time? How did it happen that the Bible and corporate prayer was ‘outlawed’ in America’s schools, universities, and public places?


Why and how did “abortion” (murder in the womb) get protected by law?


Why and how did “marriage” become re-defined to what God calls evil and is now protected by the law of this land, giving homosexuals the right to marry and adopt children?


Why have terrorists found it easy to enter America and root their Islam religion of Shariah Law with jihad here?


Why has there been a growing hatred for our Constitution and the Christian faith, and great violence towards anyone supporting our new president and vice-president – who are committed to uphold our Constitution and do those things that USED TO BE DONE by our government?


Our founders did not form a government like England’s Church had over the land. Our founders set up a government of liberty and justice for all legal law-abiding citizens of all races and religions.


So what happened? What did God’s people allow to happen to their government and to their children?


Have God’s people seen and felt their shame before God, as they’ve become aware of evil pushing in on them and their children? Or, have God’s people been ‘compromising’ for so long now that they do not know how to overcome evil in their own lives, therefore, not having the least clue in how to overcome evil in our government. Many Christians ran for the presidency! Why didn’t God put one of them in?


Have God’s people in America tolerated evil instead of fighting evil? When you have no other land on the earth to “flee to,” what is left?


The Pilgrims left the England Church with its government telling them how to think, what to do and how to worship God. Sound familiar?


America was founded by those fleeing to live where they could freely worship God with their families, and to teach their own children about the God of the Bible of whom they love and serve, and to freely prosper by the work of their own hands, and to enjoy the fruits of their own labors – living in peace with each other and extending (not forcing) the gospel of Jesus Christ – wherever God had in mind.  They formed a guard over this called “government.”


Did God recently hear the prayers rising up from America of a “pilgrimage” back to Him and His ways? If so, how is God “healing our land” just as He promised? Will we recognize it? Will it feel right to everyone? Will it cause an uprise from those who are dependent on the government and enjoy the way America is evolving?


Did God start “healing” by turning this election and bringing in a Trump/Pence combination, and with all their choices of “heads of gates” in America?


Whenever God tells His people to get right with Him and then take authority over the land they in, there is going to be bloodshed because this is the devil’s way of fighting to keep what he’s been in control of.  And haven’t we been seeing this with his protestors (rioters), with them threatening innocent people and attacking and killing law officers?


God’s people are told to fight evil in a far more productive and lasting way:


Repentance/obedience to God


Prayer intercession/knowing how God fights for His people and requires His people to stand firm


Speaking Truth/that GOD IS IN CONTROL, and HE rewards those who earnestly seek Him/extending the Gospel of Jesus Christ


Taking up positions of authority and establishing righteousness, so that the disobedient SEE the results and turn to the wisdom of the righteous


Teaching our own children what true knowledge and wisdom is according to God/to rise up in their God-given purpose and potential of the talents and gifts He has put in them/training them up to be “heads/leaders” and no longer “tails/slaves”


When God’s people are walking with Him as they should – God goes to battle with our powerful enemies by shaming them, demeaning their leadership positions, exposing their secret agendas, and even putting them to an early death by all kinds of means.


If God did not put Trump/Pence in to “heal our land,” then why is there so much hostile opposition? Why are “progressives” viciously against the President? Why are the “progressives/elites” against governing by America’s Constitution? Why are they so against this nation being “under God,” calling on the God of the Bible (Jesus Christ)?


Does God want America to be like all the other nations, or to remain sovereign under Him and for Him still?


God chose Israel, not because they were perfect people, but because God wanted to show the world what He will do for the people that worship Him in truth and spirit, and commit themselves to His love and to His way of living under Him and before Him day and night.


Israel blew it many times and they suffered for it too, still are. The land of Israel will always belong to the Jews because God has never changed His mind; when God makes a promise – God keeps it. He is faithful and true – forever. The Jews are still God’s chosen people, and their time to shine like never before – is coming.


The Bible teaches in the New Testament that Christ’s disciples should not make the same mistake that Israel did; for they had God’s Word too but failed to apply the obedience of faith – to their own shame before Him, resulting in their loss of liberty, loss of lives, and loss of honor among the nations.


So then, how should we live and pray?


America vs. Globalism – Chapter 9 – What Do People See

We want people to listen, but they want to see.


Matthew 15:30-31 “Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others, and laid them at his feet; and he healed them. The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel.”


The blind, lame, crippled, mute, etc. were brought to Jesus and He healed them. We then read that the people were amazed when they ‘saw’ what was happening and the bottom line was: “and they praised the God of Israel.”


Isn’t this a problem that we have today? We want people to listen, but they want to see. “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14


Jesus did not come with just words, but with power and the people saw that what He said was real. They saw His glory.  We see this truth coming out with the Apostle Paul:  “…because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake.” 1 Thessalonians 1:5


It is not just about the miracles, but about how we live. If we are in Christ we are new creatures. Does our daily life manifest this? My wife and I lived for ten years on Operation Mobilization ships Logos and Doulos. In that time, we had thousands of pastors in our pastors’ conferences.  One thing that I noticed was the difference between the pastors living in the cities and pastors in the villages. I had people to tell me that the spiritual life of pastors living in the villages was more real than those living in the city. Why? Because those living in the city lived away from their congregations, but those in the villages lived with the people and the people could see if the pastor ‘walked the walk’ or not. In the villages, the congregation was able to see how the pastor lived, how he treated his wife, his children, people around him and when he got up to preach on Sunday morning that his message had to be congruent with what they saw, and if was not, he lost credibility.


So, what people need to see first is the reality of what we are talking about in our own life. Do they see spiritual reality in us? Do our words and walk go together?


When the disciples of John the Baptist came to Jesus asking if He was the One, what did Jesus say? He said: go back and tell John what you see, not what you hear. Not that hearing is not important, but like I said we want people to listen, but they want to see – so what do they see?


We need to SEE. What do people see in us? Do they see Christ? Or do they see something that is phony?


One thing that we need to understand is that we have freedom, but we are to be careful and make sure that we do not use our freedom for the flesh or to be a stumbling block to a weaker brother.


I appreciate the technology that we have today, being able to communicate. I wish I would have had this 56 years ago, when I started out in the ministry, but being as helpful as it is, we see that Satan can use it to do harm. The same fire that can cook your meals, heat your home if not used wisely can also burn your house down. So, it is with this new technology and the avenues that we have to communicate.


Peter admonishes us to “live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, ‘Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech.’” 1 Peter 3:8-10


Let our lives speak! Let our lights shine, first in our own homes and then to the outside world.




Lately I have heard from some Christians talking about America’s new policy of temporarily closing up its borders; they say this is not what Jesus would do. They say, “How else will people hear the Gospel?” Sounds spiritual doesn’t it? But, let’s look at what is really happening with this thinking.


First of all, no where did Jesus tell His disciples to “invite,” but rather He told them to “GO into all the nations….” Why are we “to go” and not “to invite?” If we go then we will influence the people in other cultures where faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ has not been able to make a glorious difference; that of “good overcoming evil” there. It’s not about one religion overtaking another religion to make people all believe what that religion stands for (Islam Jihad a good example); for this never ends up good for mankind. It’s about Jesus Christ introduced to all the nations so that by faith in Him – He can bless all nations by His teaching and life of His Holy Spirit: good overcoming evil.


It’s about nations becoming “disciples of Jesus Christ” because in Christ alone is the LIFE that is truly life, eternally, and this LIFE ABUNDANT is for ALL peoples of this world to freely receive and be blessed by. Jesus didn’t come to give us a “religion,” but a “relationship” with Him in truth and Spirit, becoming the true children of God, no matter where you’re born. God is the Father of us all.


What we see happening in our American culture is that other religions with their ‘false gods’ have come into the land of America to take advantage of our generous ways. (Generous, but not wise.) Most people come here now to be a part of the progressive agenda to “change” America instead of them coming to “become” true Americans with our culture, language and laws.  You change America by changing the way Americans think/believe; you change the way they think/believe by suppressing the truth and feeding them lies; lies about God and lies about America.


Another argument that has been brought up is that America is a country of immigrants. This is true, but they came here to assimilate to our culture/language/laws and not to change it in order to reflect the culture they have come from. This is not American at all, and is why we need to correct the way people are coming into America and to establish law and order with a justice system in line with our Constitution.  The American way of welcoming immigrants is that they are held accountable to becoming an American with all that it means to be an American. America is NOT a country of many flags; ONE FLAG and it’s all American. If they prefer the culture/language/laws somewhere else, then they should live there and not in America.


Confusion and chaos is not God’s way; it is Satan’s way, and Satan’s way of confusion and chaos in America has grown fast under the last 8 years of people wanting to “change” America’s purpose from God.


In times past, people came here out of respect for America’s laws and Constitution – which they learned.  They eagerly earned their legal citizenship to be Americans, and we are hearing from them all the time today (even though the biased media never reports it) to defend America’s true purpose.


We keep hearing how our founders killed to take land from the Indians and Mexicans. There was fighting and yes there were atrocities done by ALL.  Let’s not forget that before our founders came to this land the Indians were fighting each other for more land of their own, murdering one another, whole communities killed for land. Some Indians killed for the sake of killing and then eating the heart of their victims.  We need to get our history right! Even about the Jewish holocaust, black slavery, and even about when life begins in the womb. The “truth” will set people free.


Then there’s the argument of “black slavery” in America; which again truthful parts have been denied concerning this so that personal agendas can be reached. For example, the personal agenda of “Black Lives Matter.” And look what that has accomplished with all its destruction of their own communities, and killing of police and other innocent bystanders. Is this what matters?!  Blacks have the same privileges in America as anyone one else has to make something out of themselves and to have a decent life.  It’s a choice.  America gives that freedom to anyone who adheres to our laws and honestly works for what they want. America is not God, but God is available to any American who humbly acknowledges who HE IS and that we are all accountable to our Creator and Father of us all – for how we think and live.


The “founders” brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Indians and friendships were made between them and they worked together, which our ‘revised’ history books have left out all the detail about. It is true that in any ‘race’ of people, there are evil doers bent on doing evil and dishonoring human life.  But ‘evil’ is not what America was founded on.  Our Constitution is clear about good and evil, as God defines good and evil.


In many ways (in schools and universities, with media and politicians) the “truth is being suppressed” about America’s true beginnings and founding fathers. And so these who have been denied the truth in school and continually fed distortions of the truth – are the very ones who are in favor and at work to change America and reject our Constitution as out of date and not relevant anymore.


So do we sit back and shut up about all this?  Who does our nation belong to; to those politicians, teachers and media organizations out to change America, or to those ‘true’ Americans in support of God’s purpose for America upholding the biblical principles that formed our great Constitution?



Just Some Thoughts


America vs. Globalism – Chapter 8 – Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.”


We live in a divided world as well as a divided nation. The message that Christ gave us rings out louder today than perhaps any other time in history.  


2 Corinthians 5:18-20 “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.”  


I can understand unbelievers tearing one another apart, but when it comes to God’s people I have to admit that it saddens me to see it, because I see that Satan is winning the battle. He (Satan) is the accuser, he is the murderer, the liar, the one who spills out of his filthy mouth the garbage that we so often read about.


I am not a pacifist nor am I brought into foolish naivety, nor am I making light of sin, but when I see how opinions are being expressed on Facebook and the arguments that proceed I cannot help but wonder how this is extending the Kingdom of God here on earth.


Our positions as believers here on earth should be one of intercession and through this powerful weapon that God has given we begin to bring about peace. Our battle or struggle is not with one another, but “against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12


In this world, the people that will change society and affect history are ones who just don’t rage against injustice, but they take responsibility for what is wrong and work for change.


Intercession is one way of taking responsibility. Instead of fighting among ourselves we will fight the real enemy – the accuser of the brethren – Satan.


James gave us very good advice when he said: “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” James 1:19-21


Somebody sent me an article about 7 questions that we can ask ourselves before we post on Social Media about politics or any other issues that we might feel passionate about. Do not get me wrong, there are times when we need to speak (or write) out, but when we do we ought to keep these 7 things in mind.


  1. Do I have the correct facts? Proverbs 18:2 “A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions. We need to hear and understand a matter before we begin to write or talk about it. This keeps us from just expressing our own opinions.
  2. Does this need to be said? Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Some things would be best left unsaid.
  3. Why do I need to be the person to say this? Do I really have the insight, knowledge, true understanding of all of the ins and outs about this situation that I am writing about?
  4. Am I saying this in a way that represents Christ? Colossians 4:6 “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
  5. How could I be misunderstood? It is said that we communicate by words only 7%, but body language, facial expression, tone of voice and the rest. This to me, is something to keep in mind when we write.
  6. What are my motives for saying this? 1 Corinthians 10:31 “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” If we are not motivated by love, then we will be motivated by false motivation.
  7. Can I wait until tomorrow to say this? We who are Christians need to understand that we are Christians first and that we should bring honor and glory to the Lord. I find that when I write something when I am hot under the collar by putting it aside for a day or two brings in a different perspective.


We need to keep in mind that we are representing Christ here on earth.







Self-respect has been lost in America (for most); personally and nationally. Personally: self-respect is understanding your worth and having the self-control and wisdom to develop that worth for ‘good’ not ‘evil’ – the personal worth that God put in us as He formed us in the womb. America needs to get back to doing the same as a nation that God gave worth to – as He formed our national purpose in the womb of “the Constitution,” of our founders. You won’t treat others (people or nations) with respect until you learn to “respect how God made you” and do right by Him, both personally and nationally.


Why is it so much easier to believe lies and allow false information to be spread?


Today, the news media is all upset because they have been portrayed as only dealing with false information. They say it is their right to report what they believe to me the truth, and begin to speak as though they have been elected to some great position. They have the right to speak, but they are not elected, nor do they carry any great position in society other than to give us ‘truthful’ information. They become unimportant the moment they try to create or alter news, or to bring in their political agenda into what they report and how they report it. The news is to report true facts, and not their personal opinions.  


These people (of the media) that are grumblers and complainers brag loudly about themselves, and they flatter anyone who makes them seem important. We are told in God’s Word (the truth) that in the last days there would be these types of people whose only purpose in life is to satisfy their ungodly desires, and create divisions. Their reasoning for all the increasing natural catastrophes is to say it is global-warming, and refuse to think that God has anything to do with it! Truth is: no matter what they say, their words cannot change a thing.


As children of the truth – what should we do? Rescue those who will listen to the truth in God’s Word, but with caution. Show mercy to those who are emotionally controlled by the lies of the media, praying for them to come to the knowledge of the truth, and to let God’s love and wisdom settle them down and show them how to live through these turbulent times.  


Just Some Thoughts