The Spin Stops Here

The Spin Stops Here


Luke 7:22 “So he replied to the messengers, “Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor.”


When John’s disciples came, and asked Jesus if He is the one prophesied of, or should they look for another – it is interesting to see the answer that Jesus gave them.  He tells them to go tell John what they have seen (action/miracles) and heard (apologetics); that the sick are healed, the blind receive sight, the lame walk, etc. In other words, we need to have both. People need to see miracles taking place as well as hearing systematic argumentation and discourse in understanding the foundation of our faith in Jesus Christ (apologetics).


We are to go out and meet the world. We are to be influencers and Jesus showed us some of the principles that will make a difference in the world. Often what it means, is to be just the opposite of what we see in the world.


For example, where there is the spirit of pride, exhibit humility; where there is stubbornness, exhibit flexibility; where there is an unforgiving spirit, exhibit forgiveness.  In other words, we are to exhibit the opposite of the ungodly spirit that is being manifested. We are in a spiritual warfare and we are to use our weapons wisely.


For the last couple of weeks, I have seen in several families a spiritual battle taking place in how what is said is being spun leading to strife within the marriage.


Praying over this I have come to realize that there is a Leviathan-spirit and one of its main tactics is to twist our words and spin the truth. This spirit causes misunderstanding and strife within relationships. It is like a crocodile that gets its kill in its mouth and will spin as fast as it can to bring its kill under its control. We see this spirit being played out in the political and media realm in how truth is being spun.


One of the most successful programs on the Fox News has been Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin Zone. He has now been fired by Fox, because of sexual innuendos. How true those accusations are I do not know, but what is interesting to me is that his “No Spin Zone” is no more. Could this be a spiritual battle taking place?


We live in a world where there is so much deception and the possibility of being deceived is great, because the truth is being spun. Did not Isaiah speak of a day like this?


Isaiah 59:14-15 “Truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.”


When John the Baptist’s disciples came to Jesus asking if He was the real one, the true one, what did Jesus do? He showed them that He was – by what He was doing.


In all of the spinning taking place in the world today as well as in our families – what are we to do? We show the opposite spirit. We put up ‘no spin zones’ in our area of influence within our families, jobs, professions, etc., and we say to the Leviathan spirit: ‘the spin stops here!’

Wait on the Lord

Luke 10:38-41 “As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’”


‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.’”


We need balance in all that we do. We need ‘to be’ like Mary more often sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to what He is saying, along with the work of each day like Martha. This is why I like the early morning when I get up and sit at the feet of the Lord to hear what He has to say, giving me instructions for the day. When I miss this time it is to my own detriment. We are always wanting ‘to do,’ but God is often wanting us ‘to be.’


In Psalms 37:7 King David gave us some good advice: “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.”


The Hebrew word for “rest” is daman: to be silent, still, dumb. Calmly resign and leave all things in the hands of God. This is a sure cure for dissatisfaction.  The idea in back of the word ‘wait’ is to set yourself to expect God to answer.


A danger of not waiting on the Lord is that we will run ahead of Him and do the work of the Lord in human energy and not in the Holy Spirit. Not only do we build on wood, hay and stubble, but we can put into effect circumstances that have far reaching consequences. We see with this Abraham’s wife, Sarah, when the promise of God was late in coming, so she thought. What she put into motion is now affecting Israel and all of us today.


In our Western culture, we find it difficult to wait. We live in a world where success takes on the form of doing, what we achieve, being super busy, etc. and when this is not happening there is that feeling of not accomplishing anything. When it comes to sitting at the feet of Jesus, waiting on Him we find hard to do because we cannot measure what is being done. It is not something that we can see. This is where faith comes in because “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  (Hebrews 11:1)


Yet the idea in back of the word ‘wait’ is to set yourself to expect God to answer.


Faith is being in God’s waiting room and while there – God is teaching us some precious lessons. We find that we are being:


  1. Tested by uncertainty. We know that something we have been waiting for, praying for, is coming, but we do not know when. Faith is trusting God in the uncertainty. When we have been praying about something and it does not immediately manifest we will go through a time of uncertainty. This is where real faith comes in. Do we trust God during these times?
  2. Tested by fear. Fear is what paralyzes us from doing and being all that God wants.  It was fear that kept me from responding to God’s calling for almost three years. There was a fear that He might call me do something that I did not want to do or felt incapable of doing.  I was afraid that if I surrendered to God that He would call me to preach, the one thing that I hated was public speaking. God had given me a promise in Matthew 28: 20 “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.” It was also through 1 John 4:18 that God spoke to me: “There is no fear (fobos, fobou, fear, dread, terror) in love. But perfect love drives out fear.”
  3. Tested by disappointment. We live in a fallen world and there will be disappointments. What we thought would happen did not; people that we depend on can let us down.
  4. Tested by delay. God keeping His promises. This is probably the biggest test and that is delay. It ties in with uncertainty, because when something does not happen that we thought would, we begin to doubt if what we were believing and working towards was really of the Lord to begin with.   Satan is very clever coming in at this time to throw doubts and discouragement our way. We may also begin to manipulate and in our strength try to bring the desired result.
  5. Tested by blessings. In Genesis 22:1 we see that Abraham after waiting for a number of years is finally blessed with what God had promised that he would have the son of Sarah as promised in her old age: Isaac (whose name means laughter). It was a few years after this that Abraham was tested when God told him to take his son to a certain mountain and there sacrifice him. What thoughts must have gone through Abraham’s mind at the time; what a battle, but he obeyed and Isaac was replaced with a ram. What was happening here was to establish priority. God must be first.


If we will seek FIRST the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness, God will add all good things to us. Nothing good will He withhold from them who walk uprightly.


Psalms 27:14 “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”






Political Gaslighting

The word ‘gaslighting’ has been popularized in psychology to describe a form of mental and emotional abuse in which a domineering person denies and contradicts the memories and perceptions of an intended victim begins to doubt his or her perception of reality.


The word ‘gaslighting’ comes from the 1944 mystery film “Gaslight,” in which a woman’s husband tries to convince her that she is losing her mind and that the things she is experiencing – such as the gaslights in the house flickering and dimming – are not real. Only when an inspector from Scotland Yard also notices the gaslights flickering does she realize that she is not losing her mind and that her husband has a devious agenda.


In politics, the world “gaslighting” is increasingly used to describe the left’s efforts to push a false view of reality and to convince mainstream Americans that their common-sense views are somehow extreme. For example, on a recent edition of “Varney & Co.,” Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, said the Obama administration’s portrayal of Israel as our enemy and Iran as nothing to worry about could be described as “gaslighting.” Bill Whittle’s popular video “Gaslighting” exposed the left’s use of the gaslighting tactic to spread false information about issues such as Benghazi and Obamacare.


Note that gaslighting is a far more insidious tactic than political spin. Spin merely attempts to shift the interpretation of a real situation by presenting it in a different light. Gaslighting presents a completely false alternative to reality and is intended to erode the confidence of the target in his or her own perception.


For example: Imagine two people standing outside in a severe rainstorm.

Spin: “You say this is a downpour? It looks more like a heavy sprinkle to me.”

Gaslighting: “You say this is a downpour? What are you talking about? It’s sunny and pleasant. Are you feeling OK? You’re acting a little strange.”


The left’s dominance in the cultural institutions of education, news and entertainment has given them two elements: confidence and audacity in pushing their view of reality persevering boldly in the face of EVIDENCE that CONTRADICTS their claim. Secondly, the left’s ‘target’ must be psychologically isolated and denied validation by others who see the SAME REALITY.


(It’s mostly the millennials, upcoming leaders, who are being brainwashed by leftist college professors, Hollywood and media, which is their only means of what they believe is knowledge/wisdom – so that there is constant and increasing outbreaks of emotional and aggressive insanity over this new administration working to bring COMMON-SENCE back, and the left’s using them for organized hostility towards those who speak the truth in the face of lies and opposing the left’s agenda with their effect on the brainwashed younger generation.)


Another example: Seattle University students were asked if there’s a difference between men and women. Instead of answering, “You’re kidding me, right?” these students actually took the interviewer’s question seriously and, even worse, they struggled to answer it. Some went as far as to PARROT the far left’s narrative that the distinction between male and female is merely a social construct imposed on people by society and that it has no real significance otherwise.


Has news about who has the babies not reached Seattle?


In the left’s ALTERNATE REALITY, the police are threats to law and order and rioters are victims of the system. If you support Trump you are “anti-immigrant,” “homophobic,” and “Islamophobic.” Rejecting the belief that refugees should be carefully vetted these days in order to keep more terrorists from exploiting our generosity now makes those with COMMON-SENSE “xenophobics.”


In gaslighting, it is the EFFECT of WORDS on the intended ‘target’ that counts, and not the truthfulness or logical consistency of those words. If the target is isolated, demoralized and fearful of opposing the left’s agenda, the tactic has worked.


One of the reasons for Trump’s Electoral College landslide was that he VALIDATED what tens of millions of Americans had been long thinking in spite of the gaslighting efforts of the left. The LIGHT OF LIBERTY has indeed been “flickering.” We weren’t just imagining things! The political elite really did have an agenda other than promoting the interests of the American people. We weren’t crazy!


With their power threatened, the left’s gaslighting has passed audacious and become desperate. A man who has never held elective office trounced the Clinton machines and their echo chamber in the media. And what does the left tell us? The Russians did it. (The FBI did it. WikiLeaks did it. Facebook, Twitter, racism, misogyny, Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, voter suppression, The New York Times, Steve Bannon, Google, the media, fake news, sexism, etc., the list keeps growing!)


Article by Dr. Timothy Daughtry in the Whistleblower March magazine (text in parenthesis is mine)

Serious Thought

This morning I began my reading in the Word: Exodus chapter one. The first question that came to me was: How do you take a people who are free and make them slaves? The answer that came to me is: You give them everything so that they depend upon you, then you take the males and remove their manhood and masculinity as God designed, just like the rulers in Egypt did to the Israelites.


America’s so-called “educators” have been shaming and removing any thinking and behavior of early masculinity in little boys – so that they will no longer rebel against the ‘new’ definition of male and female.


In America people are slowing being turned into slaves of those forcefully setting ‘new’ definitions of gender, law and liberty.


Our government has provided so many ‘entitlements’ that people now think these entitlements are their rights. Wake up America and learn from history that the path we have been on will only lead to bondage. It’s time to take a stand for the truth and fight in the ways our God tells us to.


Serious Thought


Daily Devotional

Yesterday I had a conversation with a young man. He asked me what church I belong to and I told him, “I do not belong to any organized church but I do attend one.” He told me he was moving close to where I lived, and he went on to say that what he really wanted was to get in a Bible study with men his age. I told him of some churches in the area he could check out to see if they have what he was looking for.


After this conversation I began to think why would he want to meet only with men of his own age? Why not have older men involved as well? When talking with him he said he wanted to meet with young men going through the life issues he is going through. Why not ask someone who has gone through what he is facing instead of just talking with others his age? I was impressed by his request for the knowledge of God, but was a little disturbed by his request of only young men. Why re-invent the wheel when the wheel works perfect?


The more I thought about this on my prayer walk a thought came to me that it was a sign of the times we are living in. A new generation has come that does not want to hear from those who have already gone through life’s experiences with sound wisdom to impart, but rather to hear from those who think there are new ways of successfully going through life experiences. I was reminded of a young man in the Bible who had the choice of listing to older men or to his friends. He listed to his friends and it split the nation of Israel in two.


As I talk with older people today, most young people do not ask the elderly about their life. As a matter of fact most reject any wisdom we might have. (I’m thankful for my children who still want to tell me their struggles, pick my brain and let me pray over them.)


Throughout history the young went to the older folks for their opinions and wisdom, or answers to personal questions, but this is not the case today. Maybe I see it more now than when I was younger because I am one of the old folks.


Could this be a sign that we are living in the last days when the godly wisdom of the old is not honored or even tested by most of the younger generation?


Just Some Thoughts


The New Generation

A new generation has come and they do not acknowledge Jesus, nor do they remember the mighty things that He has done for past generations. How quickly they turn away from the path of their ancestors who walked in obedience to God’s Word. This new generation contradicts the teachings of the bible, and the result is that most of them have turned away from truth and follow deceptive teachings, and argue with anyone who tells them the truth.


Why did this happen? Because some of God’s leaders in His church refused to stand up and speak out against those who teach and tell lies. Therefore, this generation shows no respect for anyone who still speaks the truth. Instead they listen to those who say pleasing things.


To those who know God’s Word, they know to keep a close watch on how they live and what they say today. We need to be wise about what is being taught by comparing it to God’s Word. When you know God’s Word, it will be easy to know when anyone teaches lies.


Godly teaching promotes a godly life, and a godly life produces contentment, and with contentment there is great gain.


Just Some Thoughts

The Jesus Method

Luke 6:12 “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.”


Jesus was faced with the same problem that we are faced with. How would Jesus get His message out that He came to dies for the sins of the world? It is the responsibility of the Church in world evangelism.


What did Jesus do?


The first thing we see Jesus doing: He prayed. (Luke 4:12 “Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray.” So we see that prayer was Jesus’ main agenda. “At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, ‘I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.’ ”  (Luke 4: 41,43)  What comes out here is that prayer helps us to keep our focus, because if we do not have focus we will have fragmentation. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick.” (Luke 5:16,18)


We see the connection between prayer and the power to heal.


Jesus not only prayed alone, but there were times when He prayed with others. “About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray.” (Luke 9:28) In Ephesians 6:18 Paul tells us: “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”


It might seem unimportant, but the necessity of waiting on God is essential.  A.W. Tozer said: “When I am praying the most eloquently, I am getting the least accomplished in my prayer life. But when I stop getting eloquent and give God less theology and shut up and just gaze upward and wait for God to speak to my heart He speaks with such power that I have to grab a pencil and a notebook and take notes on what God is saying to my heart.”


Secondly, Jesus chose 12 men. “He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach.” (Mark 3:14) I shared about power versus influence and mentioned the following: “Power works by division, influence by multiplication. In other words, the more power you share the less you have, but the more influence you share the more you have.”


What did Jesus do? We read that Jesus spent the night in prayer and the next morning He called His followers and out of them He chose 12 whom He called His Apostles.


We read in John 20:22: “And with that he breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”


One could say that He gave them His influence and they went forth and spread that influence.


Thirdly, He taught them. What did He teach? He taught them the true meaning of discipleship. “Looking at his disciples, he said: ‘Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.  Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.’”


This sounds like the beatitudes in Matthew 5, but I do not think it is so because of the following verses. If He is talking about the poor in spirit then why would he mention about being rich and if he is talking about hunger in righteousness then why would he mention about being well fed, etc. “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets.” (Luke 6:20-26) Jesus is teaching His disciples that God is first in all things. He is the Lord; He is the King and not self. This is a hard lesson to learn, but one that we must learn if we are going to be successful in God’s work.


Fourthly, Jesus showed His disciples how to influence the world – to live by His kingdom principles. But if Jesus is not the King in our life it will be impossible to do; to love your enemies; to bless those who curse you; to lend expecting nothing in return; not to judge. So often we have a tendency to judge the motives of others and find ourselves acting in the way that we have judged others.


We will face many storms in life and whether we will stand or crumble before the storms of life will depend on our foundation. Are we built on the sand or on the solid rock of the teaching of Christ?





Working Like Jesus

Luke 5:13 “Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be clean!’ And immediately the leprosy left him.”


It is interesting to see when Jesus healed the man He did not pray, but just spoke the Word and this leper was made clean. Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us we would do the works that He did.


Doing the work of the Lord like Jesus we need to keep in mind what Jesus told His disciples when He spoke with the woman at the well.  He said: “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”  John 4:34 (NKJV)


Jesus had a particular work outlined for Him by the Father. He was to go to the cross and give His life for our ransom. This was His work outlined for Him by the Father and His last words on the cross were: “It is finished.” In the process of fulfilling the work that He had been called to do there were many other things that He did: He healed, He preached, He comforted many, He debated and He lived a life that was beyond reproach.


What is our work? This was a question that the crowd asked Jesus and He responded by saying: ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’  Secondly, we read what Paul had to say about the work in Philippians 2:12: “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” We even see with Jesus that as a man “he learned obedience from what he suffered.” (Hebrews 5:8) And so we are to do the same.


However, we know that “we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)  What is the work that God has in advance prepared for us to do? This is something that is of utmost importance and that is making sure that we are doing the work the Lord prepared for us. Jesus said “I have come to do your will” and this should be what we pray as well. When we pray that prayer with all honesty He will show us step by step the direction we are to go so that at the end of our life we too might say: “It is finished!” and we would hear the Lord say “Well done, good and faithful servant!” Matthew 25:21


The key to know and do His work will be outlined for us in prayer. We read in our text “He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed.” (vs.16) It is no coincidence that we read in verse 17 that “the power of the Lord was present to heal them.”


The enemy tries to get us distracted and again this is where prayer comes in to keep our focus on the work that the Lord has for us. Jesus was preaching in Galilee and a great work was being done. Early in the morning Jesus goes to a place of prayer and later everyone is looking for Him. What is His response? ‘He said to them, “Let us go on to the next towns that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.”  This is focus and this is what we need in order to do what He has ordained for us.


In doing what the Lord has outlined for us to do there will be many questions, doubts, uncertainties that will arise and wisdom will be needed. James tells us that “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5-6


Without a habit of prayer – we are lost. Just like Jesus went to a place of prayer or in the wilderness where He could be alone with His Heavenly Father, so it is with us. Find that place of prayer and visit it daily – otherwise you will find that your work is in the flesh. And in the last days when it is being tested it may be found to be hay, wood and stubble that will be burned up. Let us build on a solid foundation – a foundation of prayer.

No Excuse!

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you, showing you His great and awesome wonders.


The Lord our God shows NO partiality, and He accepts NO bribes. God is not political in the ways we are. His government is righteous and without prejudice. God’s interference and manipulation in our political system works to purify His own people and get them moving for His glorious Kingdom purposes. God holds His children to their first commitment to His Son; for He Himself makes every word of His good, and He expects the same from His children.


Father God will not submit to our complaints and fears, but trains us up for victory in our battles against the enemies of the Cross: the world, the flesh and the devil. God will not allow His own people to keep going their own proud or fearful ways. He is the perfect Father. God will not negotiate and compromise, like we do. For who should God be afraid of, and what is there that can terminate His eternal purpose for all of His creation.


It’s either God’s way or the hell-way! And His final judgment is void of any grace and mercy. The wicked receive their full due; the righteous theirs. His faithful children receive His eternal kingdom, but for the wicked: He’s got nothing for them; NO MORE LOVE and NO HOPE of God’s mind ever changing about them. For when the wicked stand before Him all God sees is their hatred and rejection of His Beloved Son; He recounts all the times His Holy Spirit came to them to turn their stubborn hearts to the love of Jesus Christ: God’s only way of salvation – how they refused Him for whatever reason.


No one will stand before their Creator God with an excuse for rejecting God’s truth and eternal life: Jesus Christ.

Transgender = Confusion Based on LIES

When scientists find real physical evidence of “the truth” (like this below) the world will still ignore the evidence because “they prefer to believe the lie and live in their sinful lifestyles.” The god of this world (Satan) has fooled them, blinded them from seeing where it will end them up. Whenever the truth is presented to an unbeliever, and he/she rejects it – their heart is hardened more and more with each rejection of truth and conviction of the Holy Spirit. Pharaoh was a good example of this. Each time Moses presented God’s truth to him, Pharaoh rejected it. The end result was total destruction. (God made an example of Pharaoh, by hardening his heart.)


My prayer is for more and more evidence like this to come before our lawmakers and judges (as well as parents and school teachers), truthful evidence about when life begins in the womb and about male and female physical and even mental differences set by our Creator. And, for God to keep exposing wickedness (secret agendas that reject the truth and wisdom of God) in our government. We are seeing God “exposing” wickedness in government, as a result of our repentance and united prayers. Thank You Father God!


But, exposure when criminal, needs to be followed by quick effective justice in our courts. When false ideology is exposed with physical evidence (like this below) God’s people need to unite with intercessory warfare prayer against the devil’s lies continually being propagated in our schools/universities/movies/etc.; that people would come to the knowledge of the truth (Word of God), trust in Jesus Christ to forgive their sin and free them from guilt before our Father God, and to be filled with His Holy Spirit to live the life that is TRULY LIFE! Oh what a SAVIOR!




Transgender Myth Exposed?

New Study Proves

“You Can’t Fool Mother Nature”


News Staff (May 10, 2017)


“The saying, ‘I think, therefore, I am’ is best left to philosophy and not science. Gender confusion is mental, not physical or biological. God made male and female, and no amount of protestation will change the natural created order. The fiction that a person can chose their gender does not help those who are confused. These Israeli scientists identified over 6,500 genes with activity that was biased toward one sex or the other in at least one tissue. That clearly validates the genetic differences between men and women.” -Mat Staver


[Liberty Counsel] A recent study released from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science refutes propaganda from LGBT activists who detach gender completely from sex and promote that men can become so-called “women” by merely “identifying” as female, and vice-versa.


Professor Shmuel Pietrokovski and Dr. Moran Gershoni, both researchers from the Weizmann Institute’s Molecular Genetics Department, “looked closely at around 20,000 protein-coding genes, sorting them by sex and searching for differences in expression in each tissue. They eventually identified around 6,500 genes with activity that was biased toward one sex or the other in at least one tissue, adding to the already major biological differences between men and women.”


Pietrokovski and Gershoni found genes that were highly expressed in the skin of men relative to that in women’s skin, and they realized that these were related to the growth of body hair. Gene expression for muscle building was higher in men; that for fat storage was higher in women. Aside from the sexual organs, the researchers discovered quite a few sex-linked genes in the mammary glands, about half which were expressed in men. Because men have fully fitted but basically nonfunctional mammary equipment, the scientists believe that some of these genes might suppress lactation.


The researchers also found genes “to be expressed only in the left ventricle of the heart in women. One of these genes, which is also related to calcium uptake, showed very high expression levels in younger women that sharply decreased with age; the scientists think that they are active in women up to menopause, protecting their hearts, but leading to heart disease and osteoporosis in later years when the gene expression is shut down.”


Additionally, they found another gene that was mainly expressed in women, was active in the brain, and may protect the neurons from Parkinson’s, a disease that is more prevalent in men. The researchers also identified gene expression in the liver that provides molecular evidence for the known difference in drug processing between women and men.


“This recent study from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science further proves that you cannot fool Mother Nature,” said Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel.


“The saying, ‘I think, therefore, I am’ is best left to philosophy and not science. Gender confusion is mental, not physical or biological. God made male and female, and no amount of protestation will change the natural created order. The fiction that a person can chose their gender does not help those who are confused. These Israeli scientists identified over 6,500 genes with activity that was biased toward one sex or the other in at least one tissue. That clearly validates the genetic differences between men and women,” said Staver.